Result: we're now both covered in his special new toxic compound. So are all the towels, the mirror, the door, the floor, the toilet and the ceiling.
It reeks beyond description.
I close my eyes and count to ten, then clean the bath, put him back in, and hose him down...
It reeks beyond description.
I close my eyes and count to ten, then clean the bath, put him back in, and hose him down...
And I can't open the bathroom door to fetch clean towels, cos he'll run straight through the brown pool of horror collating on my bathroom floor, and out onto the nice clean carpet...
It was a work day. My boss probably wondered where I was.
I'll tell you where: naked, wet and cross, in a bathroom that should be declared a biohazard and torched to the ground for the good of humanity...
While I'm scrubbing my rancid bathroom and dry-heaving, be begins gleefully attacking me with a selection of toys.
It was enough to make me change mind about vivisection.
I love him.
Although if he wasn't so handsome, I'd sell him for parts.
Wouldn't be without her. She has never been near the bath, not falling for that excitement!
I salute your unwavering love for Baxter, you truly are dogs best friend! 🤣
The Decade in Tory
Four Chancellors and a Funeral
Tories: The End of an Error
Then 21y/o popped through to see if I'd lost my mind
Proper lols on this Saturday morning.
Written by a genuine dog lover.
I have a Springer.... The most adorable, placid creature on the planet. However, she's 13 and only just starting to slow down.....
Aren’t dogs wonderful though?!
He's supposed to be called Marlow, but 100% always answers to Nobber! 🙄🤦
He's an idiot, but I love him!
🙂 🐶 💛
I looked after my mates for 10 days and on the first ran off for about 2 hours in the dark and then nearly killed me by tripping me up at the the top of the stairs.
Meet vinnie bones
My tormentor
Thank you, , for the coughing fit. 😆
Kudos to him! Also, my human is now so much more appreciative of me this morning after I read this to her.
Your friend, Duncan 🐾
Do they make dog ritalin?
He's so much like my late lamented bastard, who had an equal penchant for rolling in fox poo (also marten shit), plus eating sea urchins, crabs and dead seagulls.
Why do we put up with them? ❤️
I miss my constant shadow.
I'm reliably told that if you rub tomato ketchup onto fox poo it removes it and the smell.
This is Amber hunting voles (?) in a turnip field. Took at least half an hour to get her back. Farmer went by at least 3 times, which was not in any way, shape or form, embarrassing...
I'm so sorry that you went through this. But I'm also not...🤣🤣🤣
The dog was so distressed she ran in to wipe the smell off of her -all over the settee! No amount of cleaning got the smell out. Had to chuck it away! (Not the dog)
Glad we're back in UK - no skunks here.
This is Ralphy, also a very spaniely cockerpoo
frequently That Bastard Dog. She has cost me a small fortune in things she’s ruined and in just keeping her in the garden. Our garden is like Fort Knox 🙄
experience, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for the best laugh I’ve had in a very long time 🤣.
Spaniels are still the best dogs 🐶
Did I mention my car was in the garage? So I had to get a taxi?