I take this personally. My dad volunteered while imprisoned at Heart Mountain. He believed in a united front against facism. He was the only one of his squad to survive the war. The 100th was feted in deep red Texas by survivors of the Lost Battalion rescue, a heroic story now buried as “woke DEI”
Reposted from
Harry Mok
Two of the most decorated U.S. military units get scrubbed from Army website.
Stupidity is a greater threat to good than evil. - Dietrich Bonhöffer
Your dad probably knew my grandfather. He was a WWI vet and helped the guys prepare to ship off. He died in camp. Hansel Meith did a piece on him for Life magazine when she visited camp. She took photos of his funeral.
This isnt surprising. I expect as much from this hateful regime.
I hope people realize this is just the beginning. It's going to get worse if we don't stop it now
I'm so sorry this is happening to your family (and to the broader community in the US who are being erased)
I have been reading about these soldiers.
I can't imagine what what your dad went through
& being the only one to survive.
We will make sure this erasure is temporary & we will make sure your dad & his fellow soldiers aren't forgotten
The article has now been put back up:
To quote a great obit: “His father was an office clerk, and his mother was a machine gun.”
There is no punishment in Hell sufficient for them.
Hearing they've been erased from the US Army website makes me sick.
It’s an attack on what’s best in our country.
1. They believe in something
2. It requires courage
3. Involves selflessness
Characteristics his broken soul without mother’s love pains to possess, thus he hates them