No. It is my happiness that would be at stake. Politics isn't worth that. Blame the dem leadership for the loss and replace them. Idiots used the same campaign from 2016 that failed against Trump. Biden screwed any chance that Harris had by not sticking to his campaign promise of one term.
Cool well your life may be at stake, your friend's lives, your family's lives. This isn't just about an election at this point, you're not paying attention. I'm just trying to prepare you that's all.
It is about an election. We lost. It just took 3 out of 10 eligible voters to beat the Democrats platform. That is a sad statement. Dem leadership has not been paying attention since Obama at least. Something needs to change. I would start with Dem leadership
I think the problem is that Dems have made the mistake, themselves. THEY are confusing kindness with weakness. They need to learn to KINDLY plunge the knife in their opponents back, when necessary/warrented. Et Tu democrates.
Love this. Jon Stewart nailed it: Democrats try to respect norms while Republicans ruthlessly exploit loopholes and then say, "What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Time for us to start playing to win instead of playing to NOT lose.
Civil Disobedience en masse is their biggest fear. And our biggest weapon! The gloves are off! There are literally unlimited ways to use this peacefully and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Get ready America!
You are on the right track! If you ask the right questions often enough, you find an answer! Use your imagination! There are thousands of ways to stick it back to them peacefully that they can't stop!
Shawn Fain of the UAW has been attempting to pressure other skilled trades unions into lining up their contracts to expire around the same time the UAW's contract expires. When that happens, it can be a general strike across all industries where unions have a presence.
I think the foundation of such activism must be based on
1 - workers engagement.
2- economics- disruption that causes market skepticism, pain points at the top that can’t be countered with mass layoffs..
3- couple with consumer boycotts as CTAs 📣
If you live in a state with red flag laws, pull the voting records for your neighbors and use those laws on anyone who did not vote for the democrat on the ticket.
They're already upset and confused that democrats are being rude to them. They live in a world of rigid stereotypes and they meltdown when things don't line up the way they expect them to.
Use your imagination! For example - mass sick outages where everybody calls in sick together. Mass boycotts. Literally thousands if you have an active imagination!
Honestly our biggest weapon is economy. Everyone should use their wallets to speak. Boycott the consumer economy en masse and they will listen. They don’t care about anything else than their $
I agree. It's time to take the gloves off. I love all the "there goes that liberal tolerance". MF we don't practice tolerance, we practice acceptance. You tell us who you are and we believe you and act accordingly. Knuckle up.
What chances? Y'all tried every dirty trick and lost a whole, whole lotta voters because you went so low. Enjoy the next four years. And the eight after that with Vance. I'M LOVING IT ❤️
Sorry bud, but Democrats don't serve the people. They haven't since before Bill Clinton. They take bribes from the same rich elites as the Republicans do.
The Democrat party is a fake milquetoast opposition party. Both parties serve the rich at the expense of everyone else.
I still think joy is the best approach. A party they are not invited to. They want to feel like the 1%, make them FEEL how alone they are. I’m pretty sure the 99% (minus maga freaks) can figure out how to run a functioning society without them OR their cryptocurrency agency’s input.🦋🧚🦋
Are you aware that they're declaring war against us? Once he gets into office there's a good chance he'll deploy the military on the street immediately. I mean party time's just about over here. And I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just telling you to be prepared.
There’s a good chance the military will see that ‘unlawful order’ part of their oath and maybe think that engaging in war with citizens is maybe ‘unlawful’.
If the military falls in line with hate then I don’t even know why we bother with an oath. That would take Domestic Violence to a whole new low of depraved. Nothing feels sacred anymore. I’m having a hard time being optimistic this morning.
I’m a war veteran. I’ve BEEN prepared for 25 years. I FULLY understand that JOY may seem frivolous to some, but there is power to it. PsyOps is a whole ass branch of warfare my friend.
I thought it was the most wonderful thing when flash mobs were popping up everywhere. For brief moments, complete strangers came together for joy, many others would stop and experience joy. The effects lasted longer than those brief moments. I want loud, joyous disruptions to the status quo.🧚
I'm not sufficiently mad enough either lol. Said I believe the constitution is stronger than one man. Apparently I'm not living in reality 🤷 BTW thanks for your service
Ok, how will you march to your death camp? I’ll go with rage and foul language so every Christian great and small know I want nothing to do with their god EVER. Joyfully, with a wicked gleam in my eye so they carry my curse for generations.
Yep the weakness of democrats stem from them being centrists who are only fighting to maintain the status quo rather than a left wing party willing to actually fight for change.
Kill them with kindness. But be sure to get your point across, nicely. Nothing will drive them crazier than nodding, agreeing, and then turning their phrase around to prove truth.
As a Democrat I’ve watched the Country and the Dems let tRump steal the election. I don’t have any faith in anything or anyone right now. I don’t see any “resist, get to the bottom of it” or anything happening, it’s all just words.
I also haven’t seen a member of congress or Biden or the admin act or speak directly to the country about how Trump is a threat to our democracy and freedom. Why did they silently sit by? Why do I not perceive a sense of panic? Is this just a made up narrative for MSM? Do lawmakers not give a fuck?
Don’t look to Fetterman for help. He actually thinks that Biden should pardon Trump. What an epic fall from grace he’s having with that one unbelievably ignorant remark. He needs to read the room, a huge swath of democrats do not want our elected officials to fall in line.
I hate to agree, but I do. They (and we) should have been resisting a long time ago. It’s one thing to yell into the internet and another to actually come together and take over school districts, and set up Mom’s for Sanity, and get cosmetic surgery and blond wigs so the media will post our pictures
We've got to mean it. Black people have continuously been in the fights to get rights and now to keep them. If you believe you can rely on the laws and Congress to fight against Trump you're wrong. The war is with the rich. That's why illegal immigration is a problem. They hire them. You will see.
Dems need to stop talking about how they will "work with" Trump and Republicans - people with an astonishing track record of bad faith and dishonesty - and start playing some real hardball.
LBJ v Goldwater in 64 us a good example to follow.
Short of a revolution—anything is too little too late
The SC doesn’t give a fck
The Courts don’t give a F
The AG/DoJ doesn’t give a F
Democrats don’t give a F or they wld’ve been treating the treasonous rats aka GOP as the Enemies of the State they are vs Biz as usual
It is weakness, if you cling to a 'high road' playbook ("peaceful transfer of power") when a Mad King is about to take it all away from you, with his low road playbook.
Playing by the rules got us where we are, is true only if we assume that if we had taken different actions, we would have had different results. And implies that if we had not played by the rules, we would have won. The mentality of winning at all costs is not us.
I'm a democrat alright. I forgave their mistakes because they are only human. BUT some democrats in Congress want to pardon Trump. If it happens, I will not vote for a one of them ever again, might all hell break loose!
Here's the thing....I don't trust them very much either. They haven't shown a lot of fight in the right places or when it counts. They take too many groups for granted and I think that showed in the last election results.
I myself have gained alot of respect for Liz Cheney. It took an enormous amount of courage for her to stand up to her entire party to defend the constitution.
That's fine. Work with her on impeachment. Im not saying block her out of government.
Im saying dont campaign with her as a core of your beliefs, because that just reads as "I hate Trump" as opposed to, "I want to help the working class".
Yes. They failed us at every turn, going back to Bill Clinton. Obama gave us healthcare - that's, now, so greedy, it's killing us. When do they fire Merrick Garland (too late)? When do they declare Trump a domestic terrorist with ties to the Kremlin (too late)? Stop Musk from buying six states?
Now Marge is whining a death threat she got -- of course never apologizing for the ones she instigates -- and it turns out it came from Russia. Well, well, well. Guess you gonna stay scared Marge
Pete would win if he ran against a woman or a person of color. There are people in this country who will always vote for the white guy, even if he's gay.
Certainly not in my lifetime. Nor my daughters. My 12 grand is sitting here studying while we wait for our ganache frosting for her aunt’s birthday cake to cool. I am scared for her.
Obama would easily win again. Another candiate with his grace and intelligence could win again. I'm afraid that America is just not going to elect a woman president :( . I mean if women won't show up, they won't have a chance, and that's exactly what happened with Kamala. I hate that it's true.
Buttigieg impresses the hell out of me. He’s wicked smart, compassionate, and an amazing communicator. I’d love to see him as president some day. Sadly, bigotry will probably prevent that from ever happening.
P.S. I got to meet him when he was campaigning for Harris! He was awesome!
I totally geeked out and told him I was a big fan. 😬😳 It was kind of an assembly line meet after he spoke at an event, so I didn’t get to have a real conversation. Still pretty freaking awesome though!
We can be kind but we can’t be meek. And unfortunately, meekness and respect for institutions and comeliness go hand in hand. Ex.:
Biden meekly ceding to the parliamentarian. All that the stuffy little dear is allowed to do is “recommend.” Repubs ignore her and so should Dems.
Yes! I’m over the “Need to demonstrate political decorum”. The GOP stopped acting like adults as soon as the Tea Party reared its nasty white supremacy head, and Obama entered the race. They have no respect for the political process, or our democracy. Meet them where they are. In the gutter.
You're the best, Dr. Bitecofer! And your book is awesome. 💙
If the Dems/Libs/Progressives had listened to to you, they would have won.
Feckless, lazy idiots like Pelosi, Schumer, & Durbin don't lose elections - they forfeit.
I agree! No more "it's better if we just drop it so the world doesn't think we aren't perfect". The world knows you aren't perfect! What the hell are you smoking? Every time you say that kind of thing the world sees you as weaker, unable to stand up to criminals.
People HATE these type of shirts with huge frontal logo's. Put a very small logo on front-left and a bigger logo on the back, but not that big as shown.
The Resistance needs the west coast to rise up and start heading east with the intentions of ridding our nation of fascists. We only have a short amount of time to stop this disaster. #FightForFreedom
Obama wasted almost 2 years trying to get a repug vote for the ACA. He should have rammed it down their throats. Dems have been taking high road for ever. Where has it got them?
Dogecoin ( Dog E Coin) = Department of DOGE Elon Musk is attached to both
May 8th 2021 Saturday Night Live Elon tanked Dogecoin and the next day May 9th 2021 he (SpaceX) bought stock in Dogecoin. Using as a weapon.
At the moment...The point being, they are setting the stage. telling you what their plans are and laughing because some will not take it seriously...just like everything else they do.
SCOTUS gave him a gift without meaning to. Biden can order the military to arrest Trump, Vance, Musk, Thiel, and the Federalists on SCOTUS, and exile them to Gitmo. Then he asks the remaining court to order a new election.
He really should. Global economic collapse and concentration camps for “illegals,” not to mention resurgence of previously eradicated diseases is a far bigger threat than a potential civil war and unraveling of democracy in America.
Getting very tired of not getting what I pay so much for w health insurance and other stuff. Homeowner's and car insurance is also through the roof -- for what? So they can drop you if you make a $1,000 claim?
I never did understand auto insurance. You pay a premium so that when you need the insurance they pay the claim. And then they get to increase your premium? WTF?
The Democrats are finished,
Allison. They won’t give the
base voters even the tiniest
morsel to keep us alive.
They WON’T.
So it’s Peace Out.
No weakness. An outnumbering situation is what occurred here. However, once people who voted for him begin to experience real, deep, family level pain & loss, that affects several generations at once, from his new policies, there will be a paradigm shift.
I don’t think any economic lack is going to dominate people’s genuine racist, hateful nature. That’s why Trump was elected. And Merrick Garland WAS weak, he waited too long and now we may not have elections in four years.
I blame Merrick Garland for his lack of speed, he allowed the media to normalize the guy and waited until it was too late to get a trial! Maybe he is too timid to be on the Supreme Court.
You know what!? No matter how allegedly "low" we go out of necessity to fight Fascism, it is emmimently justified in defense of countless American citizens whose fate remains a very dark mystery in the future throes of treacherous losers who would try to destroy our Nation & standing in the World!
Sorry I wonder if we should shed the label "Democrats". With clyburn suggesting chump get a pardon, it just makes those of us willing to fight look stupid and weak.
It is the same road. Many of us have lifelong friends in very rural places who we work hard to keep informed. They’re inundated with disinformation. Rural ND friend in my case.
Can we add Back Road Dems? I like the feeling these give me. Not confrontational. Anyone else?
I live in a rural area that’s mostly red but I’d like to find other Dems somehow by using this mighty appealing “badge”. Maybe a tshirt someday. Just thinking out loud.
I live in a town of 1200. My wife (registered Republican btw) dropped a Harris sign in our front yard. Neighbors across the street put one up a couple of days later. They were the only 2 signs I saw in town.
I live alone all week so decided not to invite disaster with a sign in my yard. Our town is unincorporated (about 300) but as I drove 20 miles to the grocery store and back home a different route, I saw one. One. 😕 Maybe others also chose not to draw attention with a sign. 🤷🏼♀️
I really like this channel.on YouTube, this video talks about "finding your community". The channel has lots of great info & a very calm, rational, informed approach. Non- sensationalist. There's a good community associated with it too. Worth checking out. ✌🏼
Thank you! I do think most of us would like a community, to be part of a nonjudgmental group of familiar people, with some connections to be able to call upon when the road gets bumpy.
Hey Cindy, The Tx panhandle. On another not, if you’re not listening to the following podcasts, might I suggest you check em out. The Daily Beans, Clean up on isle 45, Jack, Molly Jung Fast, The Bulwark. I’m done with legacy media. Have a great day.
It’s not easy to identify other likeminded people in the wide open spaces like this. I’m sure they’re here, but the trumpers have been known to be aggressive so we proceed cautiously. Sad but true.
We have done next to nothing about diverting their aggression into open-mindedness. One thing I dislike about taking the high road is how it involves not tangling with them if people don't want to. It isn't that simple. When we cut them off, they think they've won. Big mistake.
I would, too. Pplp Maybe would be willing to make t-shirts happen or release a random person like me to get that done. Or we come up
with a different design for the tshirt. 🤔
I spend most of my time in a rural county just outside of Houston. Houston’s blue(ish) I’d lose my sanity. My hubs still runs our businesses from the city so we keep a house there. I’ve lived in a few other places, travel to stay in touch. Where are you? (Feel free to DM - don’t know who’s reading)
Cool, glad you have Blueish around you & you frequent a big city!! I am in Northern California! That’s all I’m gonna say online 😂 Ty for saying DMs open
I’m in rural OK and have yet to remove my “Cat Woman for Kamala” magnet bumper sticker from my Telluride. I didn’t dare have a yard sign, but proudly displayed the car art!
The high road is now like a blown out bridge over a valley at the top of a cliff. There is no more high road. It's great in theory, but not in reality.
Oralè Resisters
Kari Lake top contender to be Ambassador to Mexico:
Next to plans for invading he’s infecting them HATE!
Do you think she’ll sue him
If she doesn’t get the job
The dems who do nothing after magats told us they would cheat, told us they didn’t need any votes and who hand over the keys to our damnation are worse than the MAGAts.
yes. It is as if they too ran under false pretenses. That is even worse. The list keeps growing. What seemed to be limited to the Kristen Sinemas and Manchins has spread, and it is very distressing.
Al Gore at least tried to defeat Bush in 2000 - he didn't concede a day or two after the election because it was so close in Florida. I think he also won the popular vote.
If you ever saw the movie The Principal starring Jim Belushi you might remember the finale where, after getting the 💩 kicked out of him Belushi says "it's my turn!"
Listen. The actions trump takes will affect every single USA citizen the same. Some folks tried to warn ya, but theys just damn libtards. trump doesn’t understand tariffs. Period!
Now if youse a brown noser, wanna be prez, stinkin rich, IMMIGRANT, like Musky, you’ll be okey Dokey.
"When they go low, we go high" needs to die right now. Playing nice has just gotten us trampled. It's long past time for Democrats to start responding tit for tat.
Luckily, we are also not evil AND stupid!
You do not want to get on the wrong side of a Democrat.
Seriously. We are like mama lions protecting our cubs.
Case in point: Karine Jean-Pierre
Is the US too large a country to coordinate full nationwide “sick days” / walk outs?
Can healthcare be the uniting concern? How can millions of people demand a reversal of the restructuring CEO/shareholders vs worker pay ratio??
But sick days .. “I think it’s Covid” would work for thousands of Amazon & Walmart employees…
If one could commit to 48hrs at MASS scale. A random workers attack of 🛑..
24hr notice for “Workers Rights Sick Days”…
by the time PST hit 5am, they’d know what was coming…
like a nationwide snow day …
I think the foundation of such activism must be based on
1 - workers engagement.
2- economics- disruption that causes market skepticism, pain points at the top that can’t be countered with mass layoffs..
3- couple with consumer boycotts as CTAs 📣
They're already upset and confused that democrats are being rude to them. They live in a world of rigid stereotypes and they meltdown when things don't line up the way they expect them to.
Let them figure this out.
It’s not that difficult lol
A kick in the economy is the only thing that can work.
The Democrat party is a fake milquetoast opposition party. Both parties serve the rich at the expense of everyone else.
going to make them give me my money’s worth.
— Thomas Fuller, 1732
LBJ v Goldwater in 64 us a good example to follow.
Shit. That was all it took.
The SC doesn’t give a fck
The Courts don’t give a F
The AG/DoJ doesn’t give a F
Democrats don’t give a F or they wld’ve been treating the treasonous rats aka GOP as the Enemies of the State they are vs Biz as usual
Lace up ur marching boots
We need to out-bully the bullies. Use our brains, violence is NOT necessary to go low.
Im saying dont campaign with her as a core of your beliefs, because that just reads as "I hate Trump" as opposed to, "I want to help the working class".
The new batch Crockett, Buttegig etc are amazing.
We can be Kind and hold people accountable.
He is too smart for the US.
Maybe he & E Warren can find a way to save the Consumer Finance Protection Board the new jackals in charge have vowed to take down
The dead CEO should be viewed as a warning shot. Not saying it's right, but there's a lot of rage
Buttigieg is another neoliberal/corporate Democrat who constantly parties with oligarchs while using health insurance bs to attack Medicare for All.
We don't need elected officials who made careers of going to kill poor people in poor lands on our tax $$.
1. A gay man will never win a POTUS election in any of our life times.
2. Obama was an anomaly. A very real chance we don't see another person of color win POTUS election in our life times.
Killing CEO's? Do you have a better suggestion for getting "covered" medical procedures reimbursed?
Congress better take that as a warning shot and get rid of insurance companies that rip us off. Fine them $billions, not $thousands
A true leader would call for massive strikes. Bring the country to a halt and extract concessions.
Start with something that has tremendous support: public option health insurance.
P.S. I got to meet him when he was campaigning for Harris! He was awesome!
His name became synonymous for bland meaningless political speech.
Biden meekly ceding to the parliamentarian. All that the stuffy little dear is allowed to do is “recommend.” Repubs ignore her and so should Dems.
If the Dems/Libs/Progressives had listened to to you, they would have won.
Feckless, lazy idiots like Pelosi, Schumer, & Durbin don't lose elections - they forfeit.
Legality, constitutionality, etc are determined by judges.
Whoever buys judges makes those decisions.
Republicans figured out the courts were important in the 1970s.
And Dems?
I love it and will buy if available, thanks
I just skimmed it. I really want a patch
If you come across a patch, let me know. Thanks. I’ll look at the store more.
I swiped yours, so I will leave this for you.
Don’t mistake our kindness & our legendary politeness for weakness.
He wants President Biden to pardon Donald Trump.🤬
You take the high road
And I'll take the low road
And I'll be in Scotland before ye
Dogecoin ( Dog E Coin) = Department of DOGE Elon Musk is attached to both
May 8th 2021 Saturday Night Live Elon tanked Dogecoin and the next day May 9th 2021 he (SpaceX) bought stock in Dogecoin. Using as a weapon.
Getting very tired of not getting what I pay so much for w health insurance and other stuff. Homeowner's and car insurance is also through the roof -- for what? So they can drop you if you make a $1,000 claim?
Something's gotta give ...
Dems better fight for us like they haven't before
Allison. They won’t give the
base voters even the tiniest
morsel to keep us alive.
They WON’T.
So it’s Peace Out.
A beautiful poem.
But it was just to fucking steep...
He wants to keep things to their norms.
Punishing politicians are not under his norms.
WW3 is going to distract us from a lot of what will go on.
Remember, we interned Japanese citizens in camps during the last one.
They vote for trump yet we agree on so much.
Low info voters
I live in a rural area that’s mostly red but I’d like to find other Dems somehow by using this mighty appealing “badge”. Maybe a tshirt someday. Just thinking out loud.
Chill people!✌🏻🩷
with a different design for the tshirt. 🤔
"Leaders" like Pelosi, Schumer, & Durbin are feckless and lazy. They don't lose elections.
They forfeit.
School for these trying times. Look at the way Harris gen z took on the Trump campaign.
We played nice. We followed the rules. We did things by the book. See where it got us?
Time to get in the mud. That’s where the fight is.
Kari Lake top contender to be Ambassador to Mexico:
Next to plans for invading he’s infecting them HATE!
Do you think she’ll sue him
If she doesn’t get the job
Dems don't lose elections.
They forfeit.
So-called "leaders" like Pelosi, Schumer, & Durbin are as lazy as they are stupid.
It's about decades of Dem laziness.
Laziness helped Bush win that election. (eg, purging voters, Sec of State Katherine Harris...)
Laziness is why Dems *started investing in state supreme courts 2️⃣ years ago.
Republicans have been playing the long game.
Well, "it's OUR turn!"
Now if youse a brown noser, wanna be prez, stinkin rich, IMMIGRANT, like Musky, you’ll be okey Dokey.
If you're able bodied and read this and get offended, good. Now gtfUP and do something.