Why do his eyebrows look so feminine? Guys genearally do not have an arch like that. Hell, WOMEN don't have natural arches like that. He's had some really bad work done because that can't be natural.
He always reminds me of a DC villain. He's got a lot if time on his hands he could be the next Lex Luthor. (Lex always uses his power and influence not to help mankind, but to attempt to destroy the one man on the planet who makes him feel insignificant. from https://DC.com)
Remind you of anyone? hmm? Maybe a Ex FBI Deputy Director that someone was jealous of? Now who could that be? Trump could only make the sound effect noises. Merry Christmas everyone from the UK.
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That dude has an unlimited budget for plastics/ Botox/ aesthetics. The real question is what is he aiming for: Max Headroom with Jack Nicholson eye brows?
So…. What’s the reply when my MAGA family members say, “The case was dropped by the DoJ because the witnesses weren’t credible enough for a conviction.”
Gaetz's father is similar to Trump in that he is very rich and knows which judges, prosecutors, FBI agents, and police officers, to bribe and which to blackmail, to get his boy off all charges. He's been saving his son's ass for years. Similar to what Fred Trump did for Donald when he was young.
Hmmm....I think I would lead off with, "you really are a brainwashed stupid fuck, aren't you?", and then you could politely ask them to pass the potatoes. But hey, that's just me thinking out loud on Bluesky.
I’d say he’s violated federal and state laws. The GOP run house found the witnesses credible. Again I’d also remind them they voted for an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon so clearly they do NOT care about law or crime.
Easy. You believe the DOJ prosecutes the super rich and well connected? Mostly they avoid it. Gaetz’s family has a real estate empire. His best buddy (not rich) doing the same thing with him went to prison and is serving an 11 year sentence.
Ask them why he stepped down and refused the AG job and declined to be sworn in for another term? Why is he defying Trump by not accepting? Why did Republicans put out the report?
There is no talking to MAGAs. They have been brainwashed by decades of MAGA FSB Media, which worked on everyone who thought "Barack the Magic Negro" was funny. They were susceptible because their hatred for blacks, gays and other marginalized people was ingrained since childhood. Dump 'em.
Serious answer: explanation I heard early on was that the victim didn’t see herself as a victim. She was a sex worker doing a job. So yeah, she’s underage, but if she gets in the stand and says, “I told him I was 18. He hired me to do a job. I did the job. He paid me. No big deal.”
I think I'd also say that it's still skeevy as hell that a man his age was preying on children. Because 18 year olds, legal or not, are still young kids. Just because charges weren't brought doesn't mean that it was right. Imagine if it was one of their female family members. Just, EWW!
I would say that the reason the DOJ has a 90+% conviction rate is that they don’t pursue a case unless they are VERY confident they can get a conviction/guilty plea.
They may not have felt it was a slam dunk, which is not nearly the same thing as being “totally exonerated.”
Don’t visit the MAGA family members? A lot of people have cut these people out of their lives—bc there is no such thing as good person who voted for T.
Maybe if they start losing family members, they‘ll understand that elections have consequences!
Burden of proof for a criminal conviction is the highest burden we have in our criminal justice system. This is not required for the ethics committee to make a factual finding OR for the public to make a factual finding.
Reply that even if they believe that only an indictment would disqualify him, which we know wouldn't would they demand a conviction. If convicted ask if they'd do what they did when Trump was convicted and say the judge was crooked. In other words there is no point in discussion.
They say that when drawing the human face you place the eyes half way between the chin and the top of the head, I never quite got that, but I see it now
snitches get stitches !!! 🤣
He’s a fuckin scumbag
Listened to the pod today w you reading the ethics report and it’s just so frustrating these fuckers are getting away with so much
Just wondering.
I'll be willing to bet all the money I'm going to make in a month that it ain't over.
Because I can't even fathom having MAGAt family members.
They may not have felt it was a slam dunk, which is not nearly the same thing as being “totally exonerated.”
If for no other reason than the DOJ doesn’t exonerate people.
Appreciate ya, thanks
Maybe if they start losing family members, they‘ll understand that elections have consequences!
For another $100, you get a "free" gram of coke
Guys gonna be rich
Good choice Matty.
Fuck the DOJ for not bringing charges
Resistance music is more than Rage Against the Machine.
Happy holidays.