Sorry. I'm switching to Independent. I've been patient with their incompetence, but this is it. I expected them to do this one thing: stand up for democracy. They were the ones saying our democracy was on the line in the last election. Apparently, it isn't. Time to switch sides.
Some states, if you are a registered Independent, you can't vote in the primaries. Do you really want to risk that? It does suck that for 10 years, we've had to vote for who we HAVE to vote for, not who we want, so I hear ya. BUT 45 still exists and now isn't the time to fracture things more. IMO.
Bullshit. Nobody is obligated to be loyal to a party that consistently shits on them. I want to know what the fuck Democratic elected officials have done since 2015 to stop this bullshit. Not one member of Congress demanded a recount in November. How many voted yes on cabinet picks?
Fight. It is the people that need to change. We can change who represents us. What we ought to do is create a PAC to primary these entrenched pols and put in more like AOC.
No it’s not. It’s literally right after an election. The “third parties don’t work” concept is past its prime. If that means the left had to lose for another 4-8 years because the democrats won’t get out of the way, so be it. I mean that.
100% it's selfish white people looking after their own interests & not the interests of ALL the ppl in this country. Unfortunately the ppl maintaining oppression are democrats & republicans. We all need to organize & form a party that represents & fights for ALL average ppls interests.
Fortunately the way our parties work (not saying it's an ideal system but hear me out) is that *by law* there is no one who can decide who runs in either party. There is no official "dem leadership" who makes all the calls. Better people can get elected and influence other members+ public opinion.
I think we're in a moment where voters aren't going to accept business as usual anymore. There is SOME bold leadership in the Dem party right now getting people activated. We need a shitload more AOCs, Crocketts, Pressleys, Pritzgers, etc not just in fed but state/local gov.
No, it is not. Support candidates like AOC and Chris Murphy. Get out and vote in every election. Too many white people are comfortable and just utter, this you shall pass. The work is actually to be an anti-racist and require others to do the same. Make people uncomfortable.
Hard pass on AOCIA & Murphy or any other democrats in the federal govt. It's not about getting out & voting it's about having candidates worth 2 shits to vote for. Bernie proved this in 16 & 20 while dem leadership tanked his movement. Dem party is a big club & you & I aren't in it.
To literally anything else. The Democratic party is too internally resistant to change to be reformed. It's time to toss it on the garbage heap of history and replace it with something more little 'd' democratic.
I switched to Independent yesterday after 40 years a Democrat. I will always vote Democrat but at least now I don't feel betrayed by my two boneheaded Senators who keep confirming jackasses to the Cabinet and by Schumer who is deluded.
And when you get to the voting booth..will you vote for fascists? Or Democrats? Or waste it on some third party that will only help the fascists win?
Democrats may not be perfect, far from it, but they are better than the alternative.
The GOP has been winning ever since Obama, when we also showed weakness. This was the final straw. Dems just can't fight against it anymore, this proved it. Maybe they'll wake up as their numbers keep declining.
But even he was weak. He won because of COVID and mail in ballots. We'll never win like that again bc mail in ballots have been minimized by the GOP, along with drop boxes, etc. If we have a super change candidate with charisma, good looks, good policy, dominant personality, maybe I'll vote D.
Not true. Dems picked up 41 seats in 2018 in the House. In 2020 they retained the house, expanded the Senate majority & won the presidency. If U don't want to donate to individual national Dems, try Jon Ossoff who is running in 2025.
I'm just not voting for Dems, it's a protest vote. I'm going to sit it out for awhile. Yes the vote in 2018 was a protest against Trump, barely retained the H and Senate, won presidency due to Trump's handling of COVID and mail in ballots, which have been minimized since. Voters are lazy.
So, UR going to be lazy & sit it out too? That makes no sense. I'm fighting & the Democrats are the best we have right now. There are very talented & steadfast Democrats who want our country to succeed. Not voting isn't an option. Ever. People died for the franchise.
As a longtime listener and former Patreon supporter, I’ve been pretty disappointed in you AG for a while. Since your initial response to Israel’s bombing of Gaza. If you think you’re helping Democrats grow the party, you’re not. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I actually saw someone else say that we would need to change the 12th Amendment and the electoral college in order for a multi-party system to work. So, it’s currently a no go.
I've made up my mind. Since Obama, the party has been weak against the GOP. This was the straw. Just don't have the energy anymore, I really don't. Their numbers have been dropping for quite some time; they'll drop some more.
Not joining the fascists, won't vote for them. Either voting I or not voting at all, if it goes to fascists, so be it. At least I didn't vote for a Democrat. Too weak for this period in history. Not sure how long this MAGAism is going to last. I'm just tired of fighting it.
It's okay to be independent and not give money to the DNC but at the end of the day they're the only ones who have half a chance, exactly why Bernie Sanders caucuses with them, and supports them when they are on the right side of History even when they are off on several other issues.
I was independent my entire life, and switched to Democratic in 2016 specifically so I could vote for Bernie in the NJ presidential primary. Been pretty downhill ever since (Biden's unheralded successes notwithstanding).
I did that prior to their humiliating display of impotence at Trump’s congressional speech.
If you lose a 75-year-old who’s been a Democrat my entire life and whose parents were union members and supporters, you’re WAY out of touch with those who were your base for decades.
The Democrats have pissed me off royally too. However, you lose your ability to vote in a primary. Because of Schumer I will switch to to the Democratic party. I want a say (as minimal as it is).
Old and institutionalized. Luckily, there's awesome fresh blood, regrettably being elbowed by the dinosaurs. and better seize the moment.
Truth. Those that have supported the party itself stand for what is right and just. We see through the lip service. We need leaders that reflect the true nature of what WE stand for.
It's too late for that, fam. After the tree of Liberty's roots are quenched w the blood of the tyrants a lonnnnnng way from now, then maybe it can be reborn. But we have about a decade of resistance/rebellion before we can pry these traitors from the throne and put them to the guillotine.
Well I tell you what to keep pulling s*** like this they're going to find out the hard way they're either going to get primary it out or they're going to get their votes tossed to a third party candidate because damn the consequences it doesn't matter anymore.
This! We don't need to start from scratch but time for new leadership that understands the electorate, how to bring people together and the nuances of reaching people in these times.
The tea party grew within the mainstream Republican Party and eventually morphed into the MAGA nightmare we have today.
We can do the same with progressives. The DNC needs to meet the moment. We see the Democrats clearly now. We don’t want center candidates.
If full-on fascists can take over and completely reshape the conservative party and cause it to adopt principles in utter opposition to its core values, we can reform the liberal one.
Texas is not a 🚨state, it’s a voter suppressed state. Support the team that’s doing the biggest voter registration drive in Texas history
Republicans have seen the writing on the wall since around mid-2021 when Rhona McDaniel decided to keep paying felon⁴⁷'s legal bills to keep him from running 3rd party to stay out of prison. They know that once he's gone & there's no more cult of personality, their grip in the base is gone.
And they intend to kill democracy & embrace authoritarianism in order to remain in power. We're in store for sham elections & people being disappeared for opposing the regime if we don't deal with this right now.
We have elections every week. A primary for Alabama Senate District 5 seat was on March 11. In the Dem primary, defeated Sarah Watkins. Thank you Sarah for running. The general election will be held on June 24, 2025. Vote for @ryancagle (D) Register, check registration, volunteer & 🗳️
They told us “if you don’t like the laws change them”.
So we did. In 1999, we legalized marijuana in WA and CO.
Did Dems support a cause that passed every time it was voted on, or continue to incarcerate minorities at higher rates?
They went against the voters, and stuck with fascism.
Fuck them.
Agreed. I've been spending less time reading political news. Those we elected, I'm talking to you Schumer, aren't even doing the job they promised to do. Each and every text I get from Dems looking for donations, I respond with STOP. I'm done and so are a lot of other people I know.
Yeah we DO abandon the Democratic Party! There's NOTHING to remake. We THOUGHT we were remaking it in the 1960's and 70's. What we got was "baby steps", Roe v. Wade, an avalanche of whining, and Chuck Schumer.
In Oregon, our votes don’t matter in the primaries. Decent candidates are maneuvered out of the running by corporate Dems before we can vote here.
I especially appreciate those donors that funded the huge field of corporate Dems that ran to stifle Bernie’s candidacy in 2020. Corporatism is fascism.
If a candidate can raise money, poll well, and connect with voters, they can find a way to run and they can succeed in a primary. Results can swing a long way when the turnout is higher than normal.
If someone runs as a third party candidate they are eliminating themselves before anyone even votes.
Now, any wealthy person or person with wealthy donors can insert themselves into politics to push their goals onto a party platform.
We need coalition third party to capture seats in the Legislature and Judiciary. Make both parties end bribery or openly unite against the people.
You forgot to mention the 1968 Democratic National Convention. I suppose holding the 2024 Democratic National Convention I Chicago when the leadership is so removed from the base is just a coincidence.
#Boomer lib/ Dems in Congress have absolutely capitulated in order to stay “relevant”… Pelosi, Schumer, et. al. need to resign/ retire with immediate effect.
Dobbs was making its way through the lower courts while establishment Dems were fundraising and campaigning on “protecting” Roe!
When the Republicans remade themselves, they co-opted racism/hatred that was hidden/unchecked. They found the soft spot. Would love to see Democrats use human rights as a platform. Sometime in the very near future, all of us will have our rights grievously violated and it will become unbearable.
I agree but the party apparatus itself is bad. We need a second apparatus to replace the old one. I propose we create a separate independent caucus within the party that will only run in primaries, allowing that group to replace the cancerous leadership of the party. But operate it like a 3rd party
We remake it starting with maybe 16 members? We're pretty much needing to start over. Even the name is going to give off a pretty bad smell for a time.
Young people are running for office and they’re winning. On Tuesday, this week won his seat in the Minnesota state house. He thus removed a pesky, annoying GOP majority. Because of David now can really get to work.
We’ve been lighting up the phones in Schumer’s office and posting ‘no CR’ on 2 platforms and the fucker STILL ignored us and bent the knee. We need to get rid of him asap.
The mistake is that y’all think any politician is listening to VMs all day. Like everything else their purpose is to get rich and hold on to power. Fuck the peasants.
Me, too. I keep getting the answering machine and have left tons of messages.
This is it for me. He does this and I'm done with this party unless or immediately say that they will primary him.
Because we don’t cheat. Because he hooked up with a multi-billionaire and tech experts who knew how to manipulate the voting registers. He’s been a cheat all his life and that’s how he thinks. Suppress votes. Steal the election.
Dems lost 2/3 elections to Trump and his gang of frauds and fanatics. But for Covid, Biden would’ve lost as well. We need a new party. A tea party of the left.
I'll be switching to an Independent after this debacle. The election was a shit show and now this? I ignored all ya'll claiming it's one party. I was wrong. You were right. No daylight between Senate Dems and Senate Republicans.
I changed my affilliation as a gesture of protest against the do-nothing Dems. Love AOC, Bernie, et al. Time for the rise of truly progressive, younger people to represent us.
Both parties desperately need to be remade. The Dem more of a reorg, but the Rep a complete remake, better a replace. We need at LEAST two parties. One party is a huge mistake. While it sounds good right now, it isn't. Can you imagine the shit show if it were one party now, the Trumplican party?
It seems that is the way going forward with all the election interference by Moron Billionaire. MAGA republicans are not the republicans of Reagan and McCain. MAGA is a cult. And democrats are too soft. Zero spine.
The leadership is awful and weak! It’s so embarrassing and goes against my nature!! They shouldn’t be afraid to shut the government down! The government is operating in a broken unethical way. Keeping the government open is NOT doing us a favor! Voting yes allows the GOP to reallocate our $. Shame!🇺🇸
Then let’s dump Schumer and Jeffries. Enough mealy mouth do nothing “ leadership”. A war has been declared on democracy, we need fighters in Congress, not doormats.
No kidding! I expected so much more from Jeffries but he hasn’t made the mark. And I guess I never really thought much of Shumer. New blood and new energy… we are on life support right now.
It needs to be made with younger members, that actually have a stake in the future of America. With the exception of Bernie Sanders, who still has his wits about him! NoTraitor Chuck Schumer, and Phony John Fetterman. Also, the people that voted “yes” need to step down, Republicans and Democrats.
The GOP has known for 40 years who they are dealing with and played the Dems accordingly. And the Dems continue to play the same role. So despite what or anyone that says, we're stuck fighting both.
What if we only had one party: say, “The Party of The U.S. Citizens.” One that was only for the people. There would be no division. No need to spend billions bad mouthing the other candidate. No bending their will to special interests-lobbyists. Just a list of people that want to serve Americans.
We need two parties to insure fairness, people are always going to have different ideas, but we must have only one set of rules governing human decency that all must follow. No more of this tweaking bullshit. If it hurts people, it’s not allowed. Period.
We must ensure no rich-wealthy individuals/corps/special interests/lobbyists can donate or influence candidates campaign. And, a foolproof process for citizens to vote out president/vice and any other elected official having been proven a traitor, etc. Please post here all your ideas, suggestions. 🙏
Which they've already done, because when push comes to shove, politicians are working for themselves and their wallets, not the people. The average net worth of a member of Congress is over a million dollars. How much of us have that kind of money? How many of us will even get close?
We don’t have to fix it on the party. We have to fix it on representing Americans. There should be no big money in the boating no donations more than $2000 per person. We are in a dire situation and we must fix it but we’re gonna end up being a Russian Satellite
I agree that a different party is ideal. I'm not sure that ramping up one of the other parties is feasible in the time we have. I believe it's easier and faster to take over the Democratic Party.
I don’t think there’s anything we can do about the parties right now first we have to remove the trash from our White House and then re-organize our government and then conduct honest votes so the people of America can actually vote for somebody that’s not lying to them
It get that but look at what he is doing. The man has ‘it’. I’m all for young people leading.
He can support Crockett, AOC, maybe Chris Murphy. Current Dem leadership is so out of touch
Do not tell me Rs wouldn’t have used their overarching mega phone to blame the Dems for the closed Government when people are already feeling bad about the economy & that the people wouldn’t fall for it
It has OLD leadership which is out of touch with... Well, everyone. These geriatrics need to sit down and let and get stuff done.
Young people must run for office. Representation matters and women should run. Olds like myself will fully support them as volunteers.
The whole US electoral system is very broken. The electoral college should be thrown out. But the main issue is corruption through money in politics. Basically the country is run for Israel and big businesses. The whole world suffers from US dysfunction.
This solution seems more simple than it is. A third party is almost impossible to elect in America except in exceptional cases. It would require sweeping election reform around finance and signature requirements to happen, which would need the support of the current parties. It is all purposeful.
Given that the status quo is not even working, people need to start organising. Nothing happens overnight but nothing at all will change if people don't start.
The rigidity and the polarization of the two party system got us right here. The "republicans" never play by the rules and the dems let themselves get steamrolled.
Between Citizens United and the weaponized incompetence of the Democrats, it's easy to see why all this has happened.
Can’t REALLY have BAD LEADERSHIP if there’s NO LEADERSHIP at all!
We have people who are NOT paying attention to those who put them in office. We have people in leadership roles who JUST CAN’T LEAD ANYTHING/ANYONE!
They want us to fracture. We need to send a unified message to step down. He has abdicated his role. He has let us all down. He is a coward. The filibuster should be the tool to at least send a message and opportunity to educate the Public. The Auto Coup continues w/o resistance
Bad leadership, arrogant leadership and leadership that will fight us, harder than any Republican to continue to be feckless losers they are.
The Democratic Party might have to go the route of Teslas. Right now they are not really proving they deserve to exist. Their fecklessness deserves no less.
So long as the US uses a First Past the Post electoral system, we will inevitably have spineless opposition from the Democrats. Replace it, and witness the ground shift. My suggestion is to use Single Transferrable Vote, like they do in Ireland.
It's a centrist party, antagonistic to the left, & hostile to progressives. It's moving Right b/c that's where the money is.
I think it'd be just as easy to outlaw fascism, let the democrats complete their slide to right-center and then create an anti-capitalist party to finish off billionaires
The problem is money. If the electorate is unable to see that, then I'm afraid this will lead to ever more dire consequences. The stranglehold of money will continue to ensure the 2 party system. Maybe new generations can stop this, but it seems unlikely given the state of our educational system.
It lacks courage. It has been run into the ground. It’s become insular and inbred. It lacks fight. I do not respect the party.
Where is their spiciness? Where’s their group dynamic? Dems and Repubs each became the party of I know best, so nobody can agree on anything enough to take action.
Where are their policies written and distributed to states like the Repubs? Where are their group efforts to better America? Instead, it feels like they drank coffee for two decades hanging out. Where is their offensive plan? We play defense nonstop and it’s annoying. They plan in generations.
His handling of Sandy Hook caught my attention 10 years ago. He listened to the families and the community, and he continues to do so year after year. The people of Connecticut have a good rep in him.
Agree. and are the first two that came to mind who'd be great Minority Leaders. They have the fire.
I saw a town hall he and Blumenthal did a few weeks ago, every time Blumenthal opened his mouth I was like "OMG shut up and go away, you're out of touch!" Definitely needs to be primaried by a progressive.
Our woman senator did not give consent. Once you give consent your are complicit. You cannot call it rape anymore. This makes complete sense to me. I don’t want to join the villain squad just to make it slower and less painful. Senate needs to be led by a woman. Plainly.
I think the problem that fuels my rage today IS very male-centric patriarchy bullshit. 2 NY senators, the man says “if there is a shutdown it will give power to the executive and they will be unchecked in their slash/burn/break deeds, so we sign the CR to slow them down to a crawl.
Yes! He has 4 years left on his term. Needs pressure from fellow senators to step down. Having Trump as prez is awful, but having Chuckie do his ‘thank you sir, may I have another’ schtick is worse!
Apologies, Murray isn’t the minority whip. That’s Durbin. She was Senator Pro Tempre. The highest ranking Dem to vote against this travesty is
I’m still try’n 2 recover from 😱 of 👀’n &👂’n 2 Schumer’s response on ALL IN W/CHRIS HAYES. kept giving him a gazillion opportunities 2 address/say how (D) Senators plan 2 protect 🇺🇸.
What did Schumer do? 0️⃣
He chose 2 double down on weakness in a verbal rope-a-dope instead.
I can’t shake off the feeling that Schumer, while offering good intention, is still enabling Republicans in Congress to walk 🇺🇸 towards an eff’n slaughter house.😳🥺
Show. I agree with Schumer. A shit down IS what he wants, and as an added bonus, he
Can blame them.
BTW, Trump didnt come up with this. This is the surprise he and Johnson were talking about. Voight, Johnson, Theil and Vance have been cooking this up
For a while.
A lot has changed... #47 is a thief and crook, backed by the mob & billionaires...
Additionally, the rise of #Christofascism alongside the Proud Boys, et al, can make our situation similar to what out Forefathers faced against King George's tyranny.
#45 was all of those things, + a drug addict, fraud, and rapist. He's been a con man his entire miserable life. He's cognitively compromised and incompetent, and he can launch nuclear missiles whenever he wants. I've barely slept since January 20th. He might outlive me.
IT SURE AS HELL DOES! Schumer, right this minute, should step aside because of no confidence and allow someone more tenacious & qualified, take the rains....right this moment!
I’m a Dem down to my bones!!!! We have soooooo many gifted amazing brilliant people in our party. May they rise like the cream of the crop to the top….. sooner rather than later please 🙏 💙🌊💪🏻🥊❤️🩹🇺🇸
Really? Where is the proof it’s a good party? I’ve hung on for decades. And I’m done. If they aren’t able to unite against fascist Nazis then what can they do?
The Dem politicians are only doing what they are paid to do. It’s time to publicly fund elections. I want my representatives working for my interests and the interests of the voters in their districts.
Be aware. People with power and money work to keep it.
Every story of bribery and corruption in the news is a local story to the people that live there.
Im old and was around when we were being shot at Kent State. I'm done with this party. They have only moved more conservative and so very worried about decorum and tradition. So long it's been sad to know Ya Democratic Party.
Yep, Harris who I support and voted for is basically a moderate Republican. And instead of reading the room of America, they move right. I’m done with them after today. It’ll be candidate specific voting from now on.
You’re missing the point entirely-today’s Republicans are Nazis. They aren’t conservative. But many democrats are. And they appear to be moving to center right vs staying democrats. It’s part of why she lost. Being pro Israel genocide hurt her too.
I feel the exact same way. Will never vote for a Republican but will be veeeeery select with my votes going forward.
Me and my daughters are now second class citizens and, as such, the Dems will never get another penny from me, or another 10 minutes with 'get out the vote' measures. Fuck them.
"You cannot be the party of working families when the places you government are the places that working families cannot afford to live. You are not the party of working families when the places you government are the places working families cannot afford to live." -Ezra Klein
No, we do abandon it and form the Progressive Party and let AOC lead. We need anyone out there who is Progressive with a solid background in government to run against every Democrat.
Feck the Democrats! I'm no longer affiliated with that party! I am independent now until the Progressives.
No. It has bad politicians. There is quite few that deserve the role. They have forgotten they don’t have power for themselves but to serve the people. Thumbs down to both parties in the US. The democrats is just as guilty for the treason of the world we see now if you ask me.
I am so mad at that party since 2024. I don’t even want to be associated with the label anymore. I love Joe Biden, Tim Walz, Obama, AOC, Jasmine Crockett etc but not one cent of mine until I see a significant movement against the current administration. I mean impeachment level of significant.
Exactly. MAGA hijacked and reformed the GOP. We need to remake the DNC and oust weak leadership who can't meet the moment and act as enablers in the face of abuse.
MAGA bullied the GOP into submission (w/ very toxic and abuser-coded strategies), but yes you are right. They essentially killed the GOP so they could run it as a mindless extension of the Democracy destroyers backing them.
Our road is a harder one, because the point is not to be a toxic bully. 😔
Dems being cowed and toxic enablers in the face of the MAGA abuse is also largely why we are here.
We're in an abusive relationship with our government, and we need politicians who will actually stand up against it. At the very least they should go down fighting.
We thought we were all that electing Obama to presidency … twice! But we forgot at the same time we were about 2k seats behind in state houses. So 🚨states wrote trigger laws that we ignored and now must fight. Support young progressives running for state house.
didn't do that either, maga gave republicans permission to boldly be racist and hateful like they used to be before the civil rights act rescinded their white power
everything they've done since cra was signed has been a vengeance tour
Republican leadership did not like the idea of a Trump presidency. But, they saw his numbers go up and up and up. So, they started supporting him. Thinking that the party would be able to muscle him into position.
But, his public persona gave Trump all of the party's muscle.
The South for example is not 🚨 , it lacks new leaders. Trump’ism is not one person, he exemplifies rot at all levels. Wherever you are run for office from local on up.
I'm in KY. While Trumpism is alive and well, I know so many Conservatives here that don't like Trump, they just vote for the party in a misguided way because they've been convinced Dems are just that bad in comparison via the propaganda.
Those 4 have been clear allies to Dems, and I can’t believe I appreciate a Cheney 😉 It’s not our job to restore a badly broken GOP. My lane, as I see it, is support progressive Dems and moooooove 🐄🐄 the party to the left. What sane GOP do is up to them. They can join us, fix or replace the GOP.
Couldn’t agree more but do you realize how much of a massive fight that is? The so called moderates are corporate funded AND convinced of their own wisdom.
I don't have the skill, desire, or reach to do any organization. I can only hope people who have that can start organizing primaries for lefty candidates in safe seats. Not just Jeffries. Any Dem seat that gets ~60%+ needs to agree to platform ideas.
Maybe you haven't been paying attention to attempts to do just this over the past decade+. The entrenched Dems fight anyone trying to "remake" the party 1,000,000 x harder than they do Republicans.
I agree. Schumer and Jefferies need to go. We need fighters not people married to decorum. We can go back to decorum one day once Fat Hitler and his kind are gone.
Yes but Jeffries is a strict decorum follower. He’s great but I think we need someone scrappier like Jamie Raskin who is an incredible, brilliant speaker.
Jeffries is a brilliant orator and yes he could be a little scrappier. But if he was he would be labeled an angry black man. Like Obama he doesn't have the privilege to show anger.
Many of those who acquiesced are from districts that voted for Trump.They are the ones who need to understand their decisions more.It would be temporary,but the message of destruction brought by Trump would endure.Not standing up, doing the right& brave thing is a big part of what has gotten us here
Nah, last election I voted from the line for the 1st time, and last weekend I attended my 1st meeting. The lost me. I’m not a billionaire; I don’t vote for politicians who ignore the interests of the Working Class.
those of us in dark red states have no options but dark red extremists or blue
and as of jan 20th it is not even red vs. blue, it is authoritarian vs. democracy
You're not wrong. If FDR could turn the party of Jackson and Jim Crow into the party of the New Deal, and if Nixon could turn Lincoln's Grand Old Party into the party of Conservative Christians, then parties can be rebuilt. I just don't know if that's practical in this situation.
I am proud that I have never registered with any party. The way the US implemented political parties—completely failing to anticipate them and letting them wield power unchecked—has been a detriment to this country from the beginning.
I think option 3 is to coup the DNC. A return to civic involvement, after nearly a century of progressive disengagement (thanks, Bernays). I'm seeing folks run for office, join the party, get their hands dirty. Play smart, until power is within reach, and then take it. Nobody ever gives it away.
It's not misinformation that the democratic party has historically abandoned anyone further left than Reagan as soon as it was inconvenient for them to have to listen to them.
We need run-off elections, funded by tax revenue ONLY, with vetting of candidates. Until then, third party is a loser. How can Schumer look his constituents in the face after screaming about how bad this bill is, then giving up the only bit of leverage the Democrats have. DON'T GIVE THEM 60 VOTES!!
Ranked choice sort of fucked NYC and led to Mayor Adams.
A runoff would have been Adams vs Wiley (or Garcia) but instead the ranked choice dragged out and he eventually got to 50% before Wiley or Garcia, who were split VERY evenly, could reach it first.
Barriers to selecting "Party" representation is the problem here.
There are more unaffiliated voters in relation to whether Republican or Democrat than either Republican or Democrat.
To say either party is a majority is egregiously inaccurate.
And is everything wrong with fist past the post voting.
You can’t compare Parliamentary government to the US system. Look at Germany—it takes a coalition of tiny parties representing just over 5% of the vote to form a government. If the US followed that system, Mike Johnson would be the President.
I appreciate your efforts to preserve the status quo, but in case you haven't noticed it isn't working.
Ranked Choice, Star, Instant Run Off type electoralism wouldn't just apply to the executive.
Superdelegates are a bigger problem than the electoral college, the electoral college can be saddled with guardrails.
But yes The Electoral College is a part of the problem.
I still think it needs a rename. Those not willing to listen to new messages will always think of the Democratic Party as the Libtards. No matter what the message is.
Old frail leadership. Time for some young fresh ideas. Time for true conviction to the American people. I think we are all sick and tired of what can only be seen as never ending self service from the moderate left. This is no time to thread the needle, its clearly black + white, choose a side.
I speak as a 70 yo, peer to Schumer. I'd settle for leadership term limits. We need a fresh prospective. We don't improve by following the same steps. I believe we only borrow the planet from our children and at some point we need to turn over the reins to them.
Again. I didn't say retire. I said change leadership. I believe we need a mix of ages and experiences. And yes, I'm a New Havener. Love Rosa a long time.
Or one that actually puts the needs of the citizens first. Is health care for all too liberal? Is equal taxation too liberal? Is equality for all too liberal?
None of those things are too liberal at all. They’re basic human rights. But both the left and the right have extremes and extremes are good for nobody.
I know of self-identified liberals who want all out anarchy. Who throw animal blood on fur wearers. Who’ve bombed buildings. None of that is productive.
I’m generally curious: Do you think there are no extremists on the left?
What exactly is the extreme left? Universal healthcare?
Citizens in charge of their own bodies?
Free education pre k - 2 years college.
A fair tax system?
Protections for the planet?
Common sense gun legislation?
These are all a given in most developed countries.
What is extreme left?
I know that in my experience most Republicans see those things as extremes. Hell, they probably see Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as the Devil’s Pyramid. 🤣
I don’t think they are extremes! I was inquiring what is?
I think we are all on the same side of the fence here.. for human rights… so let’s not eat each other please!
Right now it sorta takes the extreme left to counter the extreme right though especially when all the right is doing is being more extreme. And that lays the problem
This mindset of "too liberal" (no one really wants a liberal as it is now performative at best...Progressives) is what keeps "us" afraid and "in line". Gotta' appease those "in the middle" as it continues to shift further right on the daily. The fact that having to re fight the fights for
everyone to have the same basic rights and access to necessities to live IS center, not some wildly "leftist" hellscape, yet we act as if it is. It isn't a "right" if anyone is excluded. That's a privilege.
If when someone suggests a party different than the Democrats and Republicans, and you automatically think Libertarians, or Independent, then you are very much a victim of the bi-partisan system. Look to all the countries that have four, five, six parties.
Nope. Just don't like the Alternative Dems. I've seen a few failed attempts to split the party. I do like my Green party though. It's global and has a platform already.
Plus, It can be bi anything. We have 5 different platforms in the conversation already.
Reread what I said. We're not talking about 'alternative Dems.' That's where a lot of Americans seem to have had their sense of political direction stunted to not think much beyond Left/Right, Democrat/Republican.
Here's a great phase that has always stuck with me. "The Left/Right model is a one dimensional metric for a three dimensional topic. It serves more to restrict options, than it does to provide them."
The Electoral College is affirmative action for Republicans (who hate Affirmative Action). It’s what keeps America from being a more authentic democracy.
What’s worse is by pandering to EC vote metrics candidates do not engage with other more marginalized voters.These voters do not know how democratic policies support their communities like schools, infrastructure, hospitals, etc., especially when republicans claim that they did it.
Propaganda. Jill Stein ran a fine campaign. I know. Because I watched it as it happened. But please, tell me of the Michael Flynn photo again an not the reason she was even in Russia. Do you even know?
Representation matters. If you or anyone you know or even like a bit is 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ we need representation. Run for office, support those who do.
I left. i’m unaffiliated now. I’ll come back if they can prove they have a spine and can remake themselves into a party that fights. I won’t ever become a republican but I just have given up on democrats in congress. only a few are standing up to fight for us
We got a DNC fundraising flyer in the mail the other day, it went straight into the recycling. We've been Dems our whole lives but right now we feel like they're abandoning us.
But I wonder how much more the progressives could do if they had their own party. I think we’ve been lied to our whole lives that America has to have only two parties. I think it was just a way of consolidating power
Progressives are actually old school JFK Liberals.We now call ourselves Progressives because of the creation of Bill Clinton's "third way new democrats.Basically Reagan republicans in blue.
Clinton was one of the worst things to ever happen to the Democrats. Love seeing Newsom, Rahm, Cuomo, and all the old Clinton Dems flame out and fade away. The problem is that the senate is full of them
I've been on BlueSky for 2 months,the only ones I've had to block are the VBNMW Hillary supporters still wagging their fingers at the fictional "Bernie Bros".
We have to change the 12th Amendment if we want more parties. The winner has to have 51% of the vote, not a simple majority. 3rd parties RIGHT NOW just muddy the waters. We need to change that Amendment.
In a first past the post system, there’s generally two parties. That, and other institutional factors such as ballot access laws, make it almost impossible for a third party to gain electoral power—tho such movements can influence major parties.
Everything takes constant updating and revamping and learning etc. If we abandon all things we'd be the same as 47. That's why they do Instead of figuring out how to fix and modernize etc.
Harris showed us the possibilities - we just need to round up and remove the waste at the top, let the rising leaders take their place - go viral and save democracy!
Eh. I think Harris being female (and POC) and the hype for that went a long way towards making her seem more left than she is. She's a corporate owned neoliberal just like the rest of them. But maybe we can get an actual progressive in there.
I think she opened a door for someone to step in, & she gave people in this country a vision different from old stuffy white men, I think she got it started & we need someone to keep that movement together. We're here, we're thirsty for the energy she brought, & someone better will come along. SOON.
I've been incredibly angry, but I've been saying the same thing. The party needs a strategic purge and restructuring. We compromise and play nice at the worst possible times. Our base is fickle and flip flops on being pragmatic and ideological too much.
Last I heard, the Working Families Party has a 20 year plan to gain real power and help fix the country. Maybe some of the Progressive Dems should publicly discuss leaving the party for WFP. It might wake the Corporate Dems up, at least.
MSNBC YouTube-Schumer Right No Shutdown! Shutdown Gives Trump (Elon, Vought) Complete Gov. Power To LEGALLY-
Close Every Gov. Agency, End Every Gov. Program, Fire Everyone And Complete Control Of America’s Money! NO LEGAL RECOURSE-NO STOPPING THEM! Repost Americans!
The Democrat Party is recoverable, with new leadership and restructuring. The Republican Party, on the other hand, has demonstrated itself to be morally and ethically irredeemable.
And those that are following them.. primary. Fetterman just won his seat again so he can be a POS for 6 yrs. Funny how as soon as they get us DEMOCRATS to seat them they fuck us over. The Republicans PILED ON Fetterman after his stroke. WE stuck up for him. WE WILL NOT FORGET.
But we do not need to waste our time on recovering it. Fixing their broken party is not our job. Resisting fascism is, and they have shown repeatedly they have no intention of helping us do so.
Toss them aside. They aren’t the only game in town. ACLU, SPLC and many others support us still.
So basically, change everything and it’s fine. Is that what you’re saying, then what is being rcovered? Idk, it sounds like bs to me cause believing in dems is what has gotten us here. A weak pathetic losing party.
You can’t run safely or successfully without money. Running for anything is putting a target on you, your house and anything you care about. Maybe if you live in a gated comm and have money to hire security. What office are you running for?
Not donating a dime to the party except to the DLCC. Instead I will focus on donating to progressive candidates especially one that are going up against the old guard.
Missouri is a 🚨 state because many seats, from local on up have no Dem running. Follow run for office & support those who do
Also we need to build from the bottom up
Day2day Dems need to bridge the fractures within the GOP and divide them just like they do.
Is there a disagreement between Elmo and X? Build upon it and help ignite the implosion💥
We don't need a “leader” to do that
We are Dems & we get shit done
NO NO NO THIS IS THE MOMENT TO STAND UP AND AGAINST THE MONSTERS PROPOSING THE DISMANTLING OF OUR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. Do not back down from this fight. Unite our party and JUST SAY NO. God help us and the American people if you vote yes, and DAMN YOU IF YOU DO.
I don't know what's more terrifying: Trump and Musk? Or almost the entire Congress deciding "the only way we get rid of the monster we created is give him what he wants and let the people suffer the results"
You know, that is worth thinking about. Yes we hate trump/elon. But if we had a Congress that actually stands up for The People, Trump/elon would just be little mosquitos buzzing around an ear. And now a Dem leader in the senate is now on the dark side. Hell hath no fury like a constituent scorned.
Well, first we have to replace all the reps that won't do it
So all but two or three need to be primaried (and lose) and when MAGA smells the blood in the water, the new candidate will have to run against all of their psychos and still win. Then, the one we elected has to actually do the thing
Hakeem is young and he sucks. Even though he's hated, McConnell was a damn good leader of his PARTY, Nancy was a strong leader. IDGAF how old he/she is WE NEED GOOD, STRONG LEADERS.
It’s not so much about the age of the politician as it is about the fight left in the politician. I’d rather go to war with one Bernie than a hundred Hakeems.
Why don’t you start with making a healthy democracy to exist in first. You cannot add or elect people into an unhealthy democracy and expect them to act on your behalf. They are either going to side with the majority or become ineffectual.
AOC, Crockett, Casar, Larson, Murphy, Green, and so on need to unite and take over the party. It is NOT a good party as is but it is getting more progressive as the old guard dies out. We need those fighting for the working class to take the reins!
That means almost all of the Dems need to be replaced. We don't have many or reps standing up for the people. Those who seemed like allies like just threw their hands up and gave in. It's time for SWEEPING change.
They're are tainted w/ fascism
No more parties
They've been bought got over $800k from them alone in one year
Blue governors update the constitution they way it's intended, special election for all 3 branches
I am sincerely hoping with the new young blood now in the DNC that we can rework basically the entire democrat political landscape. There are FAR too few currently who actually understand their constituents and that it is about what WE want, not what THEY want or are afraid of.
It's time for the Corporate Dems to either step up to the plate or step down. Progressive Dems could start openly discussing leaving the party for the Working Families Party, WFP seems more in line with Progressive policy ideas. The two party system doesn't work any more and needs to change.
In the Senate, that’s true. Schumer and Durbin are relics of the past.
In the House, it’s much less a generational issue. And reps like AOC and Crockett work really well w/formal leadership. Committee chrs should be term-limited, tho.. That’s where seniority makes is hard for people to advance.
Agreed. Fortunately and Kevin Lata started something just for you! Here’s their group to help you and other young people to run for office!
There’s a pretty steep learning curve to governing. We need to get young people in city, county, local, state office where they can quickly learn and move up the ladder. We must build a deep bench.
I dont disagree but...Failed to jail Trump. Failed to beat a felonious traitor at the polls. Failed to combat disinformation. Failed to message. Failed to protect the republic from hateful fascists. You have to admit: The Democratic Party is a shit product, consumer-wise.
Tis not a party problem for lots wanted to represent democracy like Bernie or Kamala and probably more. The problem is the latter the whole majority cabinet.
Join the real American Party, help make it a force.
End lobbying.
End citizens united.
Real tax reform.
Term limits.
Constitutional accountability for all branches using the power of impeachment properly.
Ending uniparty domination.
We need everyone who believes in the Constitution on board.
Wonder how many soldiers and patriots said that as they were fleeing the British Army during the Revolutionary War. Things looked dire for a long time.
Not sure we failed at the polls- see anomalies in swing state votes, but not in solid blue states: Trump won districts that the democratic senators and representatives won.
Something is rotten but we’re too afraid to say it out loud. We don’t want to sound like we are echoing “the big lie.” Cowards
Tis not a party problem for lots wanted to represent democracy like Bernie or Kamala and probably more. The problem is the latter the whole majority cabinet.
Completely agree with you, I’m sooo frustrated that they cannot come up with better messaging and are too afraid to play the game the way the Republicans are.
George Carlin tried to tell us the 2 party system was created to give an illusion of power. Biden appointed Garland to slow walk the indictments. He could have appointed someone like Harris, who had tons of prosecuting experience, & hit fast & hard. We got Eeyore instead.
I think it was a combination of a consolation prize and a poke in the eye to Republicans. I don’t know if Biden realized how politically cautious he might be.
Biden is on record regretting the choice, so while I understand the arguments about the Supreme Court's undercutting the rule of law with their decision, Ellie Mystal and other court observers were expecting that for 2 years, so why didn't Garland? I don't wish ill on the man, just think he sucked.
It's because they're all rich people who run in the same networks despite pretending to hate each other on TV. They have each other's backs. Well, biden had trump's back, I think trump truly thinks everyone else is a toy in his own personal game
Step back, and look at the whole picture. Look at every mishap by the Dems that could have been avoided if we acted faster. I truly believe Biden was either compromised or the Oligarchs just purchased everyone that was critical.
You also have to remember that Biden was dealing with a lot of things, not just Trump. Nationally. Internationally. Politically. Personally. However, that being said, I think holding Trump to account was the most critical, and for various reasons, Biden et al. couldn't get it done.
This is exactly my thought process. For over a decade people have been saying the Dems are playing checkers while the GOP is playing chess. If what’s happening now doesn’t put that on full display, I don’t know what does.
At this point I’m curious if Garland even wanted the job, and who else might have been on the shortlist.
Also, since it’s a single job, it was always going to be over everyone else.
It's always been a shit product. They had a super majority under Obama and all we got was the absolute shit that is the ACA. Cowards couldn't vote for student loan reform, tax law changes, universal health care, etc. Because their billionaire donors would have been upset.
Agreed. What we’ve done to Tesla, we can do to ineffective leaders. They do having a breaking point, maybe reaching it quicker than Tesla. I would like an early retirement to look quite appealing.
We need a New Democratic Party. Reintroduce ourselves to the American people. Deprecate ourselves from the cynicism and fights of the past, focus relentlessly on serving the American people, all of them, in every corner of the country. That means we are a big tent with urban/ rural divides BUT
He’s definitely not what “we” want. He’s older than dirt and accomplished very little in his decades in office. It’s time for a new generation to lead.
Bernie would have beaten the turd the first round everybody knew it. They stabbed decency in the back when they chose Hillary. It is time for a whole new party.
Bernie would not have won 2016. Knowing what we know now about how that election was handled, Bernie did not stand a chance either. The best option was for the Bernie Bros to support Hillary to stop Trump.
Bad is an understatement. I am disgusted. Leadership continues to make the worst decisions and has lead us into this nightmare just as much as those now in power.
Somewhat good. You are 1000000000% correct about the leadership.
I view all centrist dncorpwhores as moderate republicunts. They really aren't ANY fucking better that is for sure!
It’s got the infrastructure in place that is needed for a party to have a chance to win in our current system. It’s needs to be taken over and remade from the inside.
I agree, the ideals and the party platform are great, and the individual positions/ party planks poll very well with a large majority of Americans. It's the leadership that turns off the majority of folks
I don't think it's us - Democrats like you and me - but the party is stuck with an anti-progressive bias that makes it seem just like Republicanism light.
Dem Leadership is not bad, we need changes, we have GREAT YOUNG DEMS we must support! That's how change happens! PLEASE let's stay focused on UNITY, that's what we must show now!WE ARE DEMS UNITED TO #PROTECTourDEMOCRACY
The current “party” members return to their mansions and $millions without a care at the end of the day just like the GOP. 2 sides, Same Coin - Detached, Rich, Selfish, Weak and Clueless about Real Americans, unwilling to put in the work to care for the Rule of Law, The Constitution and Democracy.
Yes. Many states and local Dems are doing amazing work. The leadership at the top and the glut of paid "consultants" are the ones who need to go. The rest of us deserve better
As long as Dems are beholden to big corporate and other 1% donors, they will never stand with everyday people. I donate to individual Dem candidates who are not afraid to be loud & proud liberals. I haven't given to the DNC in years. The work is at the grassroots to replace this creaking legacy.
This same tired ass line. If it wasn’t for Democrats, this country wouldn’t have the benefits it has, but tell me again they don’t stand with everyday people. Your purity test is driving this country straight into fascism. Signed #92percent
This same tired ass, pseudo intellectual reply. It’s not a purity test. It’s having standards for your leadership, which they are currently failing to meet in a spectacular fashion.
Here’s a big 🖕🏾 to you pseudo intellectual bull shit. It’s 💯 a purity test. Where are your high standards for the majority of white folks and Latino men voters who voted for this? Yea yall always have smoke for Black women, that’s why you’re on your own. #92percent 🤡
Again, it’s not a purity test. This isn’t a litmus test on some issue. It’s the unwillingness to handle the situation in a way that matches the gravity of the situation.
Again you put this much weight on them with their hands tied behind their back. Your outrage is misplaced and performative at best. Have the day you deserve.
Ah yes, taking ownership of the economy with a gov shutdown. Brilliant. Oh, and furloughing tens of thousands of gov workers, while Republicans get reemed for laying off gov employees is so smart. Also, arguing we need gov services while we end them, now that's the leadership we've been missing.
Hundreds of thousands are already being illegally fired. This administration is already shutting the government down, and the bill on offer will give them more power to do so. We need the suggested 30 day CLEAN CR and a commitment to remove Musk from destroying our government agencies.
We have to stop thinking about etiquette and protocol and focus on the battlefield!
Install leadership that inspires the nation to storm the beach and take no prisoners. Get into the mind of every MAGA candidate and cause fear greater than DT!
From my view the DNC proceeds through its existence by walking softly, it seems silent except for a few vocal folks.
The RNC has glamorous rallies, many spokespersons and makes a lot of noise..
The GOP controls the blogosphere, media and most of social media, we need to be better in every venue.
We need better PR. We need to stop fighting with each other. We need to stop moving further and further to the right. When I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, we would have been considered Republicans.
It's arithmetic.
Just sayin'...
We have to spend hours after work every day, calling, emailing, and texting to DO THE JOB WE ELECTED THEM TO DO..................and they still don't.
Democrats may not be perfect, far from it, but they are better than the alternative.
You build on mistakes , you don't walk away ..
John Fetterman
Catherine Cortez Masto
Dick Durbin
Brian Schatz
Gary Peters
Maggie Hassan
Kirsten Gillibrand
Jeanne Shaheen
Angus King
One is fascists
The other is not fascist but is too timid to fight.
Are you really joining the fascists?
If you lose a 75-year-old who’s been a Democrat my entire life and whose parents were union members and supporters, you’re WAY out of touch with those who were your base for decades. and better seize the moment.
What else is there to the party other than the people who run it?
And on that topic, what is the good bit we're referring to here? It can't just be that they're not the Repugs.
We can do the same with progressives. The DNC needs to meet the moment. We see the Democrats clearly now. We don’t want center candidates.
I see why people tune out politics. It is so much harder when you don’t have good leadership. 💔
I can’t tune out (just taking breaks) — this is not the future I want for my kids.
So we did. In 1999, we legalized marijuana in WA and CO.
Did Dems support a cause that passed every time it was voted on, or continue to incarcerate minorities at higher rates?
They went against the voters, and stuck with fascism.
Fuck them.
If you make that as important as voting in the general election, if you up turnout for that, these people can be replaced and the party can be remade.
I especially appreciate those donors that funded the huge field of corporate Dems that ran to stifle Bernie’s candidacy in 2020. Corporatism is fascism.
If someone runs as a third party candidate they are eliminating themselves before anyone even votes.
Now, any wealthy person or person with wealthy donors can insert themselves into politics to push their goals onto a party platform.
We need coalition third party to capture seats in the Legislature and Judiciary. Make both parties end bribery or openly unite against the people.
You REMAKE the party. That's what the right did with the GOP. That's what we have to do with the Democratic party. Don't get it twisted.
Dobbs was making its way through the lower courts while establishment Dems were fundraising and campaigning on “protecting” Roe!
This is it for me. He does this and I'm done with this party unless or immediately say that they will primary him.
There are still a few in the party that have my support like the ones you mention and
It's not our job to save their party.
We’ll see if it lasts.
Schumer can go fuck himself.
We need new blood.
He can support Crockett, AOC, maybe Chris Murphy. Current Dem leadership is so out of touch
So did we learn from 2024 or are we continuing this
We lost this round big deal
The option was bad either way
Trump & Elon are losing in court. Elon is losing on the international stage. We can fight back many ways.
Democrats and Republicans only care about corporations.
Australian workers have much better wages and conditions than US workers have.
- 4-5 weeks annual holidays
- Generous sick leave
- 3 months long service leave after 10 years
- Family leave
- Superannuation
That doesn't work in America where the executive is a 3rd branch of government.
The problem is ... no democracy can function where the super rich exist.
Did you see this today?
And there are zero third parties in any condition to do that. They're all dilettantes who playact at running for president and that's basically it.
If you cannot get enough people to fund you or give you signatures, you stand zero chance of any meaningful voting results in a general.
The problem is every third party we have currently treats politics like a side hobby.
Between Citizens United and the weaponized incompetence of the Democrats, it's easy to see why all this has happened.
We have people who are NOT paying attention to those who put them in office. We have people in leadership roles who JUST CAN’T LEAD ANYTHING/ANYONE!
they abandoned us…
Can you remake it in time for your mid terms
UK needs to move on their remaking also
The Democratic Party might have to go the route of Teslas. Right now they are not really proving they deserve to exist. Their fecklessness deserves no less.
I think it'd be just as easy to outlaw fascism, let the democrats complete their slide to right-center and then create an anti-capitalist party to finish off billionaires
Where is their spiciness? Where’s their group dynamic? Dems and Repubs each became the party of I know best, so nobody can agree on anything enough to take action. kept giving him a gazillion opportunities 2 address/say how (D) Senators plan 2 protect 🇺🇸.
What did Schumer do? 0️⃣
He chose 2 double down on weakness in a verbal rope-a-dope instead.
*Note: I'm furious, too...
Can blame them.
BTW, Trump didnt come up with this. This is the surprise he and Johnson were talking about. Voight, Johnson, Theil and Vance have been cooking this up
For a while.
Additionally, the rise of #Christofascism alongside the Proud Boys, et al, can make our situation similar to what out Forefathers faced against King George's tyranny.
Every story of bribery and corruption in the news is a local story to the people that live there.
Me and my daughters are now second class citizens and, as such, the Dems will never get another penny from me, or another 10 minutes with 'get out the vote' measures. Fuck them.
"You cannot be the party of working families when the places you government are the places that working families cannot afford to live. You are not the party of working families when the places you government are the places working families cannot afford to live." -Ezra Klein
Feck the Democrats! I'm no longer affiliated with that party! I am independent now until the Progressives.
a handful know how to stand up to fascism. that’s it
out of time
enemy is already in the gates, winning battles
Our road is a harder one, because the point is not to be a toxic bully. 😔
We're in an abusive relationship with our government, and we need politicians who will actually stand up against it. At the very least they should go down fighting.
everything they've done since cra was signed has been a vengeance tour
But, his public persona gave Trump all of the party's muscle.
But they also voted in Andy Besehar here.
I don't have the skill, desire, or reach to do any organization. I can only hope people who have that can start organizing primaries for lefty candidates in safe seats. Not just Jeffries. Any Dem seat that gets ~60%+ needs to agree to platform ideas.
- Kaylee Frye from Firefly
and as of jan 20th it is not even red vs. blue, it is authoritarian vs. democracy
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
Unlike fairweather free speech like ketamine Musk or any of the many other conservative pundits
A runoff would have been Adams vs Wiley (or Garcia) but instead the ranked choice dragged out and he eventually got to 50% before Wiley or Garcia, who were split VERY evenly, could reach it first.
There are more unaffiliated voters in relation to whether Republican or Democrat than either Republican or Democrat.
To say either party is a majority is egregiously inaccurate.
And is everything wrong with fist past the post voting.
And republicans aren't any kind of majority.
Ranked Choice, Star, Instant Run Off type electoralism wouldn't just apply to the executive.
But yes The Electoral College is a part of the problem.
DNC argued in court that they can choose their nominee "behind closed doors" if they wish. No legal obligation to be democratic.
They take billions from the oligarchs destroying the country.
The party is structured to prevent the changes you want.
Today's Democrats are conservative. They're stuck in the 70's. How are we supposed to bring this country up to date?
There are "concepts of progress"—but the execution?
I’m generally curious: Do you think there are no extremists on the left?
Citizens in charge of their own bodies?
Free education pre k - 2 years college.
A fair tax system?
Protections for the planet?
Common sense gun legislation?
These are all a given in most developed countries.
What is extreme left?
Throwing blood on fur wearers, blowing up buildings, and wanting to institute anarchy are kind of extreme.
We are both liberals and on the left. Do you not think we have our own extremist elements? Or is that just a right wing thing?
I think we are all on the same side of the fence here.. for human rights… so let’s not eat each other please!
Plus, It can be bi anything. We have 5 different platforms in the conversation already.
That’s why Bernie Sanders had to use the DNC. He didn’t have the infrastructure to run for president.
Then he hacked them and then blamed them for destroying his campaign, somehow becoming a “victim”.
Close Every Gov. Agency, End Every Gov. Program, Fire Everyone And Complete Control Of America’s Money! NO LEGAL RECOURSE-NO STOPPING THEM! Repost Americans!
Toss them aside. They aren’t the only game in town. ACLU, SPLC and many others support us still.
Also we need to build from the bottom up
Day2day Dems need to bridge the fractures within the GOP and divide them just like they do.
Is there a disagreement between Elmo and X? Build upon it and help ignite the implosion💥
We don't need a “leader” to do that
We are Dems & we get shit done
But we certainly need organization and a unified opposition. We needed a shadow administration settled three weeks ago.
Mayor Pete needs to stop looking at 2028.
So all but two or three need to be primaried (and lose) and when MAGA smells the blood in the water, the new candidate will have to run against all of their psychos and still win. Then, the one we elected has to actually do the thing
Michael Jordan didn't win 5x alone.
Have served a total of 207 years.
Just the top FIVE.
They need to fucking go.
Needing good strong leaders is something I can agree with.
Needing shitty leaders that have been in office for decades and dgaf about voters and/or sellouts like Jeffries is something we do not need.
His campaign team included David Sirota, Nina Turner, Briahna Joy Gray who staged vicious online attacks on Hillary supporters.
So much so, Sanders was forced to apologize.
#Resist #StillWithHer
No more parties
They've been bought got over $800k from them alone in one year
Blue governors update the constitution they way it's intended, special election for all 3 branches
however, one of the things that wasn’t 'plenty' was lightweight Harris; she was a very, very stupid choice of candidate
hugging and crying with women and kids on the campaign trail was fatal, and Dem strategists should’ve forbidden this childish nonsense
In the House, it’s much less a generational issue. And reps like AOC and Crockett work really well w/formal leadership. Committee chrs should be term-limited, tho.. That’s where seniority makes is hard for people to advance.
End lobbying.
End citizens united.
Real tax reform.
Term limits.
Constitutional accountability for all branches using the power of impeachment properly.
Ending uniparty domination.
We need everyone who believes in the Constitution on board.
Something is rotten but we’re too afraid to say it out loud. We don’t want to sound like we are echoing “the big lie.” Cowards
Also, since it’s a single job, it was always going to be over everyone else.
It's why we're in this pickle to begin with.
I view all centrist dncorpwhores as moderate republicunts. They really aren't ANY fucking better that is for sure!
Democratic party in its current form is 💩
It needs to be a party of real progressive ideals. Most Dems in leadership positions are essentially moderate Republicans
Dem Leadership is not bad, we need changes, we have GREAT YOUNG DEMS we must support! That's how change happens! PLEASE let's stay focused on UNITY, that's what we must show now!WE ARE DEMS UNITED TO #PROTECTourDEMOCRACY
Votes from your pocket book are better counted than from your polling station.
We are still in a two party/one oligarchy system. Status Quo D's will not help us.
We have to stop thinking about etiquette and protocol and focus on the battlefield!
Install leadership that inspires the nation to storm the beach and take no prisoners. Get into the mind of every MAGA candidate and cause fear greater than DT!
The RNC has glamorous rallies, many spokespersons and makes a lot of noise..
The GOP controls the blogosphere, media and most of social media, we need to be better in every venue.