I’m tired of how they’re cheapening the meaning of “terrorism.” I lived in Germany in the mid to late 70s. We had the Red Brigades & Baader-Meinhof gang running around kidnapping people & tossing bombs periodically. The constraints that were put on our day-to-day lives in response? Almost none.
An equally chilling prospect is that martial law allows the government to restrict rights, like assembly, granted by the Constitution. All those big demonstrations planned for April 5? There's potential for some really ugly outcomes.
I would bet sham midterm election in 26 and fabricated emergency in 28. He has to come up with some excuse to have more than two terms, and by then he’s planning to have enough control of the media and military to quash any attempt at rebellion.
Because they’re all criminals. They cheated to get into the White House with the sole intention of turning into a lawless criminal playground. He’s just a dirty rotten mob boss.
Here it started w/ the Sup. Court making Corporations people, allowing unlimited PAC donations, making FOTUS immune to prosecution, & so many people making the companies that the wealthiest guy owns rich enough to allow him to buy his favorite politicians, worldwide. This makes the threats possible.
This is something, right? It seemed to get brushed under the rug.
"Members of Elon Musk's private security detail have been deputized by the U.S. Marshals Service, granting them certain rights and protections of federal law enforcement agents, four sources familiar with the move confirmed"
🍊💩 using Alien & Sedition act. Insurrection act will be next. Comstock. Etc. he will misuse these and the complicit, cowardly GQP will applaud.
And the companies, bankers, legal firms, universities, & media will continue to capitulate.
We will stand and protest. Who will defend us. But we must.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
We keep hearing from members of congress say their gop colleagues are afraid to speak out or face a primary. Am I crazy? They can band together and get RID of the crazy and still get their conservative wet dream of smaller government and say me of their goals by IMPEACHING and CONVICTING the lunatic
Wait until we have consistently warm weather and large protests. He’s itching to use the Insurrection Act and crack down like he wanted in 2020 using active duty troops.
Jailing the dissension is a classic despot move; wouldn't be surprised if he starts disappearing them to Gitmo or some black ops jail-for-profit in El Salvador.
Alex Garland's Civil War movie just keeps getting closer and closer to reality. Trump will overreach, patriots will rise up, the military will split between those willing to follow his illegal orders and those who won't, and it will be war between us Americans and Trump's cult of traitors.
And there are too, too many people who are intentionally avoiding the news & learning what's going on, choosing to hope it all goes back to normal after 4 yrs, because "he can't do that much with Congress & the Courts." I've heard these words said aloud.
Their studied ignorance of what is going on will really help them when Trump appoints himself ‘President for Life’ in 2028 and anoints Don Jr as his successor.
I’m gonna need some active-duty service members to stand up & actually stop them. Or completely drop expecting respect for their service from the general public
Do the hard thing of not following illegal orders (officer’s oath to the constitution), or expect it to get treated like it’s just a job
Trump's obvious goal is to incite a rebellion so he has an excuse to invoke martial law and use his private militia to lock down entire communities. This would put him in control of food and water. They've already taken jobs, healthcare, benefits and destroyed 401ks. Now our very lives is in danger
Let me be EXTREMELY clear gov anywhere America declares martial law they DO NOT have this power its non existent they cannot suspend the constitution your rights or habeas corpus these actions are illegal and immoral and unconstitutional prima fascia at that time people will be at war with the gov
1) He doesn't give a damn about "can't" because he has immunity. He is on the verge of starting a war so he can meet the requirements for extended power that are cited in that 1798 law he is suddenly so fond of.
actually that scotus ruling is unconstitutional and null and void so they operating int he clear right now with no constitutional authority whatsoever all that will do is tip the scales to full scale revolution we the people are in charge not them. #FAFO
nah our principals are what we hold to in dark times we have to deserve victory follow the founders lead in this regard maintain our moral highground and yet at the same time fight physically if necessary but like the founders their ROE was DO NOT fire until fire upon we must follow the constitution
That was the fantasy the Greeks clung to as their civilization was dying. Being on the high road doesn't mean shit if it goes over a cliff, which is where Trump is taking us. Democrats could be a LOT more disruptive without being unconstitutional, and yet the leadership stands around and SINGS.
Thank goodness for that too! but did the Reich really fall I suspect America might be the fourth Reich they talked about think about operation paper clip they gave prominent Nazi party members KEY positions in gov here in America then neo nazi movement springs up from whole cloth I think not.
Yes. I didn’t have the space of time to raise this in my post, but there is a lot in this. The Reich as a regime collapsed but the spirit which spawned it has been with us for time immemorial. Smarter minds than mine are all over this.
Yeah, and the millions and millions of people who died were the casualties of that. Also, the millions who were murdered after that war was over. People got their revenge, even if it was displaced. The majority of us will not survive 10 years, with no allies to help us.
theres a bit a nihilist in there negative begets negative positive begets positive they can fuck with us once we realize we're all on the same side we can't let them split us up and profit off the divide - ICE T from Body Count - NO lives matter
And it has never been about fraud, waste & abuse - it's about destroying the safeguards of our society in pursuit of power, avarice & greed. Broligarchs have plans - and it is all about them all the goddamn time.
I think they’ll use the Teslas on fire thing as an excuse too. Maybe it was a false flag to give them an excuse. They are defining putting a focus on it
I suspect that KKKing Trump's ace in the hole is Martial Law which he will declare maybe now or probably before the '24 election and he will delay the election and be President for life..
A very learned friend of mine contends we will never have another national election in this country...
This is why those who decided to sit at home need to be out in the special elections and 2026. Those maga Republican members need to go! We can stop some of the madness when we vote in the right leadership!!!
This really goes into depth about how truly evil Neo liberalism really is. England did have their version of Obama bailed out the billionaires with a trifecta in 09. D party is further right wing than her. Harris Ran as our thatcher. Thatcher vs trump the choice 2024.
… not just in the USA, but particularly there, since 2015.
And those who have been working behind the scenes since Roe v. Wade was passed, who have been eyeballs deep in the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 made their intentions public.
For a species that has achieved what we have by being adaptable, being able to communicate what we’ve learned, and to work collaboratively, we are remarkably and horribly resistant to paying attention from the lessons in our own history.
Wonder if Merrick Garland is having second thoughts? I don't. I bet he still arrogantly thinks he was being apolitical, despite the fact that his inaction was enabling.
Anyone who saw this coming has a right to be enraged that he didn't personally lead the charge to lock Donnie up in Feb 2021.
Many people are responsible for this nightmare. McConnell, Supreme Court, Freedom Caucus, Garland, most Republicans in both houses, MAGA voters, non-voters, racists, mysogynists, tech bros, corporate greeders. And the media. Dems who forced Biden out. I'm disgusted with all of them.
I hope if we come out of the other end of this, we recognize the blatant, systemic abuse of the leveraging of “emergency” powers. Long before Trump started his shit.
The defying of Trumps actions by Judges will result in a second political Judiciary system that will replace the current system.
Trump wants violent protests to invoke Marshal Law, he is even considering doing it for Tesla protest currently.
The question will be how the military respond?
It anger and confuses me, how so many in the media and SM still talk about tRump as if he's a president. He's the farthest thing from a president we've ever had(except 45😉). Call him what he is a Dick-tator, and that title is being kind.
I wish someone had told the people in charge for the last 4 years because they didn't seem to give 2 shits about it. I mean, at least they got the economy going to Wall STreet.
I'm tired of Dems being blamed for everything- by Republicans and dems. No wonder maga won. Republicans could have voted to convict that pos at his first or 2nd impeachment. And it's Republicans who have all the power now to stop him. Let's lay the blame where it belongs.
True. People who voted for Agent Orange, ppl who stayed home or "protest" voted all share blame. Thank god President Biden did prepare by spending all that time appointing judges (>200, I think) who he knew would be loyal to the constitution. Because the judges are holding the line right now.
The Democrats seemed too civilised.Didn’t speak up about Fox News and MSM. Didn’t warn about propaganda and how it works. Romania cancelled elections because of Putin. South Korea arrested criminal President who cheated in election .
We have been on this path for 400 years. Every time something got really bad we would rise up just enough to get some relief. I think this time we let it go too far and have given up too much power.
Consumerism seems to create what what seem to to be the natural boundaries of political change, but which in fact are tacitly defined by factors that are increasingly past their use by date.
Don’t you just love how SCOTUS is upset about Ole Bone Spurs behavior .
They create an untouchable monster ,and they are shocked when he’s behaving like one .😏
SCOTUS will be next to get dumped. I don’t know why they think rump will need them for anything. They gave him immunity so he can get rid of the judicial branch if he wants to. They are in lala land if they think they are safe from the insanity!
Eh I doubt if that will happen if anything I can see him getting the Senate to add more judges. It's good to remember Trump doesn't want to be Hitler, he wants to be Putin. So having Congress and Scotus around but deeply corrupted give him legitimacy.
Why do you say SCOTUS is upset? I know Roberts out the one statement out but idk if they are that upset with things. I hope so but if you have insight I don’t have, I’d love to know to make me more hopeful
The American people were warned REPEATEDLY that Trump posed an "existential threat". The American people refused to believe it. Those who did believe it and voted for him fully believed his agenda would not be aimed at them. I wonder what they think now?
Judge Lutwig couldn’t have been more clear during J6 hearings, but repubs didn’t care. Years of voter suppression, misinformation and buying votes gave the repubs what they craved, power over their electorate while enriching themselves. The judge, Republican, is old school, obviously
The American people are also working one shit job and one side job, raising kids, trying to avoid Covid and their Ex. Some of the top google searches days before the election included "did Biden Drop Out". After the election it was "who pays for tariffs". Normies don't watch politics.
Exactly, it didn't just take 2 months. On 1/6/21 fascist leaders incited fascist Americans to attack Congress, failed, and then Biden Admin, Congress, SCOTUS & most Americans accepted the traitor leaders as fit to lead. Some of us knew the traitor leaders left free meant coup would succeed one day
This idea used to be in the sphere of right wingers afraid the FEMA camps were for them. Now they all are perfectly willing to lock up anyone they disagree with using all the same things they were afraid of in the first place.
And now, they are staging events like the Tesla's cars catching fire, as ways to label the left as terrorists to justify the terrors they intend on imposing on us. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid... but notice their wording lately... they have been using the words "Extremists" + "terrorists".
Meanwhile he pardoned J6 domestic terrorists and he hasn’t had himself arrested. Trump is nothing more than a domestic terrorist doing his best to terrorize all Americans and our allies around the world. Republican legislators who do nothing to contain him are complicit terrorists themselves.
I’m assuming he’ll find a way to call a national emergency requiring martial law ahead of the mid-terms.
As soon as the Drunk has fired anyone in the defence services that still believe in defending the constitution.
You can bet on it. He wants Trump to protect his precious EVs but he’s the one dragging down the brand. That’s why Trump is
Already calling Tesla protestors “dom terrorists.” He’s got DJT on a leash.
Way to stand up #Traitor10 against a fascist who’s already put us in a Constitutional crisis. The final nail in democracy’s coffin is days away. @schumer.senate.gov @democrats.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
I thought it would come after a wave of protests, not a wave of vandalism limited to a failing car company. If it's coming, we need to get out and earn it.
They're all right. Chaos & State of Insurgency is their plan. #Vote🔵 if you have an opportunity. It's our only way out of this Trumpian mess! Become the majority in the House & Senate. We need to elect 4 (?) House reps to gain control. That's the fastest way to screw up his dictatorial delusions!
This is a surprise!!! That’s why they wrote Blueprint Project 2025! It is the replacement of the constitution!!! The co author is in charge of the US budget.
Genuinely MOST people who voted for Harris saw this coming. It was always obvious because they discussed it in that infamous WH meeting re: Jan 6th. Guess who suggested it there? “General” Flynn.
Just watched stupid boot licking Fox so-called reporter asking Trump softball question and Trump lying and talking nonsense. Remember, Trump said that he loved the undereducated for a reason. It's like being strapped to a chair and being forced to watch the worst movie ever made, but on a loop!
By claiming that the Mexican cartels are terrorists groups...and they have supposedly infiltrated the US.
This all because we aren't going to give up and make this a bloodless coup.
The silver lining is that the People’s Power movement in the Philippines was able to eventually oust Marcos, who was well beloved by the people before he became corrupted by power and greed.
I spent three years there on US assignment in the lead up to his removal and exile. Beloved but incredibly corrupt. In the end General Ramos had seen enough.
Yes. This is what gives me hope because if someone like Marcos who was well loved and respected could be ousted, then we Americans who have no love or respect for Trump should be able to oust him too.
Provocateurs planted by cops are frequently the initiators of violence in what are otherwise peaceful protests. That or simply the over reaction by said cops to create a violent situation. ACAB
Yeah, sad to have to say that our society has evolved or maybe digressed to where it is no longer possible to tell those former groups deemed good guys from the agitators. Stay safe.
Trump said he was going to take over Canada economically. He didn't mention he was going to destroy America's economy in his attempt. We, along with much of the globe, have the freedom to seek out new partners and strengthen existing ones. America is on the way out, the rest of us will prosper.
Rumpty Drumpfty & crew are pure EVIL!
Their view that the "Maggot" race is the distinct and superior racial group which is entitled to rule the rest of humanity. (akin to Adolf's, Gobineau's & Vacher de Lapouge's Aryan race).
Support: https://www.actblue.com - https://dlcc.org/spotlight-races/
Looks like the "invasion" is going to be Tesla Dealership invasion. They immediately jumped on to label it "domestic terrorism" which I find disgusting considering they refuse to call school shooters domestic terrorists. Cars and buildings can be replaced, you depraved soulless cunts.
Yep, tourists full of love 🙄🤯🤮
We really need the Green brothers to get busy with some Crash Course videos the average MAGA might be able to understand. No hyperbole, just facts, objective. A series. Citizens United, Dark Money, Oligarchy as a system, the Oligarchs behind MAGA, etc.
It is time to seek personal information on all the republicans. Names and addresses of all of them!
do unto others as they do to us!
Make them AFRAID! Address phone numbers of all who are taking down our democracy! Anyone know how to hack this info?
Let’s make them be scared like we are!
Trump musk and all those women they have put in charge that they are hiding behind are very scared. Look at trump when he won the first time. He was in shock and didn’t look too pleased . He knew he was owned by Putin . Putin won him the election. Now he was caught.
Ever read Yarvin? He's one of Musk's and Thiel's buddies. Don't need prisons. Underclasses toil away and when they're no longer useful get euthanized. Gee what happens when social security gets taken away?
Unfortunately it will not go well since there are more guns in America than there are people. Sheep will become wolves. Martial law would come at a great cost. It would not be a wise move.
It might be the reason why litigation is so quick. They've made it obvious what they're doing so researching case law can be done earlier and cases ready to go. 125 open cases last time I checked but it will go up. The Supreme Court may well be busy for most of this year with those cases eventually
Whether Trump is in pursuit of Dictatorship & the title Emperor or a Presidency equal to that of Andrew Jackson remains to be seen.
I am not in favor of Andrew Jackson’s methods or beliefs but he did secure the western United States. We would not be the nation we are without Andrew Jackson.
By being able to not follow the rule of law, it opens the doors to a slow (or not so slow) march to Marshall Law so we can't have future elections. Hello dictator.
The American people should be using the military against him at this point. He's obviously nothing but a fascist Criminal who is trying to Screw every single one of us over.
When Trunt realizes that the propaganda is only working on Red Hats, and the rest of us are clearly disobeying him, he will flip out.If this happens sooner, maybe we can throw out him and Vance in the same shot.
Removing Trunt will accomplish little with a worse stand in. This has to end quickly.
Many of us have been saying since 1st 2 wks of his term, after he pardoned his insurrectionists, nominated the most unqualified loyalists for his Cabinet, started the dismantling of USAID, fired IGs & sent the Fork mass emails to Fed workers, all in record blitzkrieg time, that martial law is next.
Said that already too. Soon it will be legal for them (his supporters) to kill us (anti trumpers) by claiming that they're keeping America safe or "saving America".
Yeah. I’ve lived “poor” when I had to decide what I’d “afford” and what I wouldn’t. It was my way of dealing with my poverty. Then I married and didn’t need to do that. I know what it’s like to not have. I get the intoxication of power but it’s false and addictive
Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for opposing a funding bill, calling him a "grandstander." But Massie stands for principles and transparency—unlike Jim Jordan and other corrupt, self-serving GOP traitors. Massie is a hero. Trump is a zero.
Like so many, I've been saying this since inauguration day. The day I refer to as "the first episode of A Handmaid's Tale day" is coming. When Americans wake up to find the Constitution has been suspended & all rights have terminated.
Oh God I hope they would stand down. But I'm discouraged when I see private security guards and the D.C. police aid DOGE. At some point in some institution en mass has to refuse to carry out this 1930s Germany Nazi onslaught or we're doomed.
I do think there's a good chance they would stand down. People in those professions (cops, security, National Guard, military) often have vets in their families and, of course, senior citizens. In both cases, cohorts who are experiencing a lot of pain from DOGE.
Good fucking thing that Chuck Schumer and 9 other Democrats stopped all that craziness by caving without a fight. Imagine how much worse it could be right now.🙄 We won't have a functioning democracy in six months, much less two years.
Oh yeah, I agree. And don't get me started on Newsome. Anyone that probably takes photo ops rounding up homeless people is an absolute cocksucker, even without platforming bigots.
We’re all under attack it seems. But DJT is clearly not upholding his oath to protect the CONSTITUTION. Why isn’t he being stopped and blocked by the GOP, let alone Dems?
Time to wake up. Stop counting on your, democrat/ republican, politicians. Take the matters in your own hands. Organize a march on washinton from all cornes of the US. Your chances to stop Trump becoming a dictator are getting smaller and smaller.ACT NOW
In Trump and the Republicans' playbook, the Insurrection Act. Authorizes the president to deploy military forces inside the US to suppress rebellion or domestic violence, or to enforce the law in certain situations.
Well, the senate didn’t have 60 votes for Cloture on the CR from House GOP. But for the following senate democrats voting for it, it would have failed.
GOP is morally bankrupt. But they wd be needed to rein in Trump & they are too spineless to do anything. Dems wd need some GOP votes but they are to scared of 🍊 🤡
"Members of Elon Musk's private security detail have been deputized by the U.S. Marshals Service, granting them certain rights and protections of federal law enforcement agents, four sources familiar with the move confirmed"
And the companies, bankers, legal firms, universities, & media will continue to capitulate.
We will stand and protest. Who will defend us. But we must.
You guys only protect your Democracy in the fine weather?
You won't have anything left come summer!
- I can’t make a difference anyway why bother
- When I’m impacted I’ll care
- You’re worrying about things that didn’t happen his first term and won’t happen b/c party needs to get reelected
- You’re overreacting - the midterms will balance things out like always
- It will be okay
Do the hard thing of not following illegal orders (officer’s oath to the constitution), or expect it to get treated like it’s just a job
Thank God our car has brakes. I pray they will hold.
"SShh...It's not until tomorrow."
A very learned friend of mine contends we will never have another national election in this country...
This really goes into depth about how truly evil Neo liberalism really is. England did have their version of Obama bailed out the billionaires with a trifecta in 09. D party is further right wing than her. Harris Ran as our thatcher. Thatcher vs trump the choice 2024.
This is old news.
Come on.
They’ve literally been taking steps out of the fascist and totalitarian playbook for years getting to this point.
There are those of us around the world who have been trying to bring attention to what was happening for the better part of a decade or more,
And those who have been working behind the scenes since Roe v. Wade was passed, who have been eyeballs deep in the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 made their intentions public.
They published Project 2025 online in April 2023.
We’ve been heading towards this since 47 was 45.
If we can’t tax them,
Eat the rich!
Anyone who saw this coming has a right to be enraged that he didn't personally lead the charge to lock Donnie up in Feb 2021.
BTW remember when Congress voted to make Trump's Birthday a National Holiday.
"It is on this beautiful day that we celebrate the Fuhrers birthday and thank him for he is the only reason why Germany is still alive today"
Joseph Goebbels
Trump wants violent protests to invoke Marshal Law, he is even considering doing it for Tesla protest currently.
The question will be how the military respond?
#VOTE Despite PRESS Misinformation/Disinformation!
Fix The Voting Rules If Possible!
Otherwise-VOTE Despite All Hurdles!
No More NO VOTE!
Register To VOTE!
Monitor Registration Status!
VOTE In Every Election in 2025 and 2026!
Garland failed
He very likely knew that a full investigation would have required indictments & prosecution of a large % of House Repubs and a bunch of senators.
Along with ginni thomas & her cabal.
Then what
They create an untouchable monster ,and they are shocked when he’s behaving like one .😏
As soon as the Drunk has fired anyone in the defence services that still believe in defending the constitution.
Already calling Tesla protestors “dom terrorists.” He’s got DJT on a leash.
Traitor Mike Flynn
Seriously, thanks for your keeping us informed!
This all because we aren't going to give up and make this a bloodless coup.
Fragile snowflake man wants to rule by fear because he only knows fear and hatred
I don’t have it in me to pity him
I want him to leave
This is the time for your personal Basic Training because whether or not you wanted it, you are now in a battle for the nation.
Destroying someone else's property, even if it belongs to the reptilian Leon Muskovy, is illegal.
Of course, Muskovy is also breaking laws & will clearly get a blanket pardon from T, as he paid for.
Their view that the "Maggot" race is the distinct and superior racial group which is entitled to rule the rest of humanity. (akin to Adolf's, Gobineau's & Vacher de Lapouge's Aryan race).
Support: https://www.actblue.com - https://dlcc.org/spotlight-races/
We really need the Green brothers to get busy with some Crash Course videos the average MAGA might be able to understand. No hyperbole, just facts, objective. A series. Citizens United, Dark Money, Oligarchy as a system, the Oligarchs behind MAGA, etc.
22% of Senate Democrats voted for the CR ..
This says it all…
It’s not ageism - Sen Sanders is out rocking Vegas & Tempe AZ..
Schumer is of another time & dimension where partisan bickering led to compromise
He needs to resign
then I get the hand-wringing: he's not a dem, he's why Hillary lost.
do unto others as they do to us!
Make them AFRAID! Address phone numbers of all who are taking down our democracy! Anyone know how to hack this info?
Let’s make them be scared like we are!
I am not in favor of Andrew Jackson’s methods or beliefs but he did secure the western United States. We would not be the nation we are without Andrew Jackson.
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
#mobilize.us #fiftyfifty.one
Attend town hall meetings
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Removing Trunt will accomplish little with a worse stand in. This has to end quickly.
"He would never do THAT!" they said.
If they do, there's a chance they'll stand down. Their families may well be suffering.
your artists and intellectuals will flee