They don't care. This is just what they're going to use to justify how many civilians they're about to murder. "We told them to evacuate", they'll say, after hundreds of thosands are dead.
Israel already bombed the checkpoint into Egypt on the Gaza side. It’s destroyed Regardless of what Egypt does- no one can escape through the southern gate.
It is irrelevant. Because the checkpoint was bombed by Israel. And to leave Gaza Palestinians still needed permission from Israel to go to Egypt. And 400 were allowed per day. Again- doesn’t matter what Egypt does- the checkpoint was destroyed.
So what happens when israel attacks those that are evacuating? And if they are still alive after the North of gaza has been flattened... what do they come back to? If they are ever allowed back.
This is a land grab.
This is ethnic cleansing.
This is genocide.
Who will hold Israel to account?
Yes. They told Palestinian civilians three days ago to go south. Then they bombed the south. It’s premeditated murder. The Rafah gate to Egypt was bombed by Israel. The civilians can’t get out that way. They are trapped. By design.
Exactly. If you know civilians haven't been able to evacuate and you go ahead and bomb that is a war crime, a crime against humanity and makes you no better than the terrorists. The abused can become the abuser if unchecked.
They can't. Israel is committing a war crime by practicing collective punishment. Hamas committing war crimes last week doesn't give Israel a carte blanche to do the same in response.
The kicker is that Gaza is occupied by Israel. Israel disavows responsibility but it's Israel's protectorate.
Why do they need to evacuate the schools and hospitals? Rather than the focus on “look Israel warned them!” maybe the West should focus on the blood lust and evil required to bomb buildings for children and the sick and injured.
They don’t, of course. Now wait for the IDF to say that they gave Gaza more notice than Hamas gave Israel as if that will excuse what they are about to do.
We are right on schedule that within a few days Israel has made people remember netanyahus genocidal insticts and realized there is no "good guy" leader to root for. How many corruption scandals did he weasel out of?
Possibly trying to create some loophole that can be used later after many innocent people are killed. They know everyone is trapped so they must intend to exterminate as many people as possible. Or to get the border to open so they flee and it is successful ethnic cleansing.
i’ve talked about this very thing. hamas has targeted civilians and that’s bad. it’s not difficult to say.
israel is bombing gaza indiscriminately. they’ve turned off water and electricity. it’s collective punishment. hamas releasing the hostages won’t stop that because genocide is the goal.
they’re being attacked by hamas, not the entirety of palestine. why should palestinians suffer because of hamas? you’re literally advocating for collective punishment.
I think it is called "walking". Gaza strip is about 40-50km long and you can easily walk 25km a day. The problem is elderly people or disabled people and how to let them know when they have no electricity. It also does not solve what will happen after they move as you mention.
Look at a map of where they are expected to move from and to, consider how many people (many children) would need to be moved simultaneously along the limited routes, consider the time given to move them all, consider that the destination is ALREADY densely crowded.
In addition to these practical matters, and the loss of property, I don't think most people *can* walk 25 km in a day. Young, fit adults with no injuries, illness, or disability, sure.
Israel obviously does not care about the well-being of Gaza citizens. They only (somewhat) care about not shooting bullets and bombs at them. It is not great but better something than nothing I don't want to judge. I don't really understand this conflict. And there is no good single source of truth.
I keep thinking of this description from Avi Shavit's "My Promised Land" of the massacre and expulsion of Palestinians from Lydda in 1948, many of them dying as they fled along the road to the east:
I recognize that this was a rhetorical question, but they don’t evacuate 1.1M people in 24 hrs - it’s impossible. We are about to witness another massacre. We’ve never learned that, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, leaves the world blind & toothless.
Speaking as someone who has evacuated from New Orleans several times—you don’t. 72 hours minimum and that’s with the majority having personal vehicles.
Once they are out, Israel is going to level Gaza and the Palestinians will not be allowed to return. Much like they have done with every Palestinian settlement they have destroyed displacing the Palestinians over the past 70 years.
if there weren't a giant risk of getting hit by a bomb, and you were able bodied, and you had food and water, and you weren't responsible for getting anyone else out, you could theoretically walk the distance. in practice, no.
The US is backing and calling the Genocide of a people justified and y’all still want to talk about Hamas which is their justification for mass murdering people who were ALREADY being starved and living in an open air prison
this is something I don’t see many bringing up around this; that is what assurances do the UN humanitarian aid workers have they won’t get caught up in what’s next ending up as collateral damage? this rushed timeline & mad dash to save people seems to suggest they (some) will, no?
I can only imagine if something like that happens it’ll become an international incident resulting in support for Israel evaporating amongst certain Western nations, & especially their populace. that may be at best because at worst could be more sword rattling from a host of new groups.
Not gonna debate your point. Don’t disagree at all about the vengeance aspect of this.
My point is that if they (Israel) want to level Gaza, and they want to think of them as a sober/morally superior country, they, unlike Hamas in their initial assault, should think of how to minimize casualties.
You'd think the thirst of the oppressor would be slaked after taking the lives of thousands of people, but it is never enough when one must face the reckoning of past decisions. This is their 9/11 precisely because they created the monster same as the U.S. did with Al-Qaeda.
But the audience for this might be the Israelis who could potentially be angered by their government's massive failure at security. Maybe placating them is more important than world opinion for a government that wants to stay in power.
They don't have to. All they hqve to do is convince the rest of the world to forget this the way it forgot the last atrocity and the one before that.
NOT condoning any atrocities, but only one side is ever blamed long-time.
But “leveling Gaza” is not in any way necessary, sober, or morally superior, even if they DID evacuate everyone successfully. Where would the evacuees move back TO if home has been “leveled”? And what is accomplished by “leveling” the area?
This all seems like a terrible plan for everyone involved.
Why should those living in a cage be required to think of how to "minimize casualties" among their oppressors? Especially when no such consideration has ever once been given to them?
We're seeing a genocidal program getting ready to be conducted, and you're still trying to "both sides" the issue.
So give us your points on how an oppressed people can morally and without violence take back their rights, clear away the systemic oppression, and live peaceful lives without fear of retaliation. please provide a timeline
... you do understand that Gaza is essentially an open-air prison filled with two million hostages, almost half of whom are children, right? And Israel is killing them *right now*?
BOTH sides are committing horrific atrocities. They both need to be stopped.
did you ever stop to consider for a single second WHY the Gazans would think those were appropriate measures to take? I'll give you a hint: it's not because they're just evil monsters
We're on the eve of a literal genocide about to be broadcast around the world, 1.1 million people in the crosshairs, and you come back with...and eye for an eye?
They don't. And of course, the *other* implication is that Israel is planning to effectively destroy everything in north Gaza, and will blame all the Gazans they kill for their own deaths.
#CoryBooker is a ass wipe. He must be planning a presidential bid with Jewish support. When asked about getting #Palestinians out of #Gaza all he said is #Hamas is a terrorist group.
Who's responsible for that senator. Innocent people are being slaughtered.
Where “it” means “the impossible” and also “forced displacement in violation of international law”.
As tanks assemble in preparation, military brass promises indiscriminate violence, and the IDF proclaims that not siding with them makes you a terrorist….
Maybe this is something they should have considered before they launched thousands of missile into towns and butchered babies? Destroying Hamas is the best thing that can be done for the Palestinians
This is are party of WW3 theatre. War is just plain bad, and should never support any large scale attacks, because innocent people always are the cost.
It takes 5 fucking hours to get a few thousand people out of a parking lot after an NFL game and nobody is shooting at you during that process. It's functionally impossible to move that many people out of Gaza that quickly.
One idea for the people who have been told to move, would be for them to go demand their gov't return the hostages took whilst happily brutally torturing and murdering 1000+ other people. Failing that, maybe go fetch and return them themselves.
Yeah this will be a giant fish in a barrel situation if they continue air strikes. Israel has dropped 6k bombs on Gaza in 6 days....thats more than we used in Afghanistan war over a years time
I’ve been trying to figure out how far this is. Does anyone know? It seems like less than 10 miles, but I’m doing searches on Wikipedia and I have no frame of reference.
Even if it were a mile you’d have countless people rendered immobile by injuries from bombing and inadequate medical supplies. On top of that, there’s little to no fuel and the roads are bombed out and covered in rubble.
Also from what it sounds like, it seems there are very limited exits they could leave through (also assuming they aren’t shot trying to exit.)
Trying to herd ~1,000,000 confused and panicked people, many of them children, through limited exits and along limited routes would be a logistical fiasco.
Yeah, I was assuming people would have to walk, so they can only take what they can carry. It’s about 16 miles from Gaza City to Khan Yunis. That’s at least two days walk if you’re carrying a backpack full of stuff for a lot of people. And it’s impossible for anyone not fit enough.
Right. The million people is just another layer of impossibility. Rubble would slow people down, and people probably don’t have much food or water to take with them.
It largely appears to be window dressing. Hamas is evidently telling civilians not to leave as it's propaganda and lies as well which will make it worse. It's a disaster waiting to happen as those civilians are going to be stuck between shooting Hamas fighters and IDF soldiers.
Based on seeing Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, Hindi & Buddhist (yes) fundamentalism up close: Bibi's govt knew what was cooking & let it cynically be on Simchat Torah, to excuse themselves for this week's horrors. Not prone to conspiracy theories but trying war criminals is WAY worse than prevention.
well, let’s see, and i do regret that you may not like being shamed, the discussion is about genocide and you said blame Hamas, when the perpetrators are the Israeli military and government. Is this complicated?
And for nothing!
The only way to deal with Hamas, is for Israel to engage with peace and free the Palestinian people. By realizing the material realities, why such groups must come to exist under oppressive systems, and addressing them.
Oh right, I forgot that time Israel liberated Gaza and unconditionally freed all palestinians.
I keep mixing it up with that timeline where Gaza was at most temporarily given limited freedoms internally while Israel funded extremists to eradicate the less violent factions/political forces.
This is a land grab.
This is ethnic cleansing.
This is genocide.
Who will hold Israel to account?
The kicker is that Gaza is occupied by Israel. Israel disavows responsibility but it's Israel's protectorate.
That's a start.
Now do the hostages Hamas is holding. Any hot takes for them?
Go back to X where hatred for Arabs is celebrated
israel is bombing gaza indiscriminately. they’ve turned off water and electricity. it’s collective punishment. hamas releasing the hostages won’t stop that because genocide is the goal.
The logistics, even if you had the transport & destination ready would be impossible. A pretence at being humane before they send in the tanks 😢
Then maybe rethink “just walk.”
But the population is roughly half children.
And thousands are injured.
Most would be setting out with no water.
These aren’t comparable attacks
Today, *crickets*...
The irony is chilling and terrible.
Full circle.
Israel must provide food and water to civilians.
This is going to be brutal.
The loss of life is sadly imaginable but we shouldn’t have to imagine it.
Jesus actual fucking christ, have you lost your fucking humanity completely?
My point is that if they (Israel) want to level Gaza, and they want to think of them as a sober/morally superior country, they, unlike Hamas in their initial assault, should think of how to minimize casualties.
What's might be an acceptable percentage?
In a perfect world we would not have wars. We don’t live in that world.
What is an acceptable percentage that would be considered minimal?
NOT condoning any atrocities, but only one side is ever blamed long-time.
This all seems like a terrible plan for everyone involved.
We're seeing a genocidal program getting ready to be conducted, and you're still trying to "both sides" the issue.
You don’t kill concert goers. Full stop.
You don’t take civilian hostages. Full stop.
I will never argue that what Israel has done to the Palestinians for the past 70+ years is moral.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
You deny people water and electricity instead.
Lock them in an open air prison and drop bombs on them instead.
You go on holy days to mosques and attack them praying instead.
Murder journalists in the street instead.
Like Israel does
BOTH sides are committing horrific atrocities. They both need to be stopped.
We're on the eve of a literal genocide about to be broadcast around the world, 1.1 million people in the crosshairs, and you come back with...and eye for an eye?
Never, ever comment on this subject again.
Same strategy, same intended result, this is just ghastly.
Who's responsible for that senator. Innocent people are being slaughtered.
Where “it” means “the impossible” and also “forced displacement in violation of international law”.
As tanks assemble in preparation, military brass promises indiscriminate violence, and the IDF proclaims that not siding with them makes you a terrorist….
The notice is to give cover to the impending massacre.
But what's even more insane is that they are moving from one part of a war zone to another... without water or food
We are on track to see 100-200k civilian deaths in the next week
There is no world in which that is okay
And that would take a huge effort to prepare somewhere they can go, and a lot more time
Trying to herd ~1,000,000 confused and panicked people, many of them children, through limited exits and along limited routes would be a logistical fiasco.
That is… not good
What has Egypt offered? Removal of their blockade?
- Even now Gaza is being shelled as if no human beings were there.
The only way to deal with Hamas, is for Israel to engage with peace and free the Palestinian people. By realizing the material realities, why such groups must come to exist under oppressive systems, and addressing them.
I keep mixing it up with that timeline where Gaza was at most temporarily given limited freedoms internally while Israel funded extremists to eradicate the less violent factions/political forces.
I guess this is just so they can say "but we warned them" afterwards