There’s no take backs on fascism. There’s no easy undo button. You don’t get a do-over on both-sidesing the big ol whoopsie of mass suppression and cruelty. Not adequately portraying the threat is both awfully short sighted and almost always viewed as complicity in the eyes of history.
It’s astounding naiveté to witness after what we’ve seen in the last several decades and specifically the last ten years.
If fascism wins, the world will die in a nuclear fire because fascism is run by narcissists.
And they will launch the nukes at each other.
You have people denied food water and shelter at borders
You already have gulags
The threat of trump means it expands to people who never thought it could never happen to them
That said, I bet there were people that were troubled and that were silenced etc. This does shine a spotlight on how dangerous it is when media silence reporting out of fear of something or out of delight for something else.
In -16 a politician said to just humour him and it would be fine. It landed in an attempted coup.
And while truth eventually outs it takes its sweet time doing so.
Maybe just sitting down and talking kindly to them, reaching some kind of understanding, before bashing them with a baseball bat.