I hope you realize that you and Pritzker just are the Democrat Party leaders now. I know that's not how it works for committees or other officialese, but nobody has picked up the keys and the car is full of gas. Just take over. Obama did this in an incredibly similar precarious moment. It's yours.
Those jobs were created by psychopaths
So any non psychopaths trying to do them literally cannot
Can't agree more.
@aoc.bsky.social and @govpritzker.illinois.gov need to forge a path because the "leadership" have already shown themselves inadequate for the time.
To hell with precedence, propriety, and proper procedure: LEAD AND PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW
I'd tune in to a response from AOC even if it wasn't "official".
Hit it.
@aoc.bsky.social @govpritzker.illinois.gov are perfect
Real leaders (like AOC) know panic is contageous, blabbing about fears doesn't help anyone, courage is sometimes a performance but helps others to be brave... and no one wants a hysterical foxhole companion.
I do agree @aoc.bsky.social should def do her own People’s SOTU though, that’s brilliant!
It's like there are ~5 people in Congress who both *actually believe that democracy is at risk* & also have some sense of what it means to rise to the moment in a useful & meaningful way. I get it's not normal politicking, but *come on*.
Like any legislative novelty will be correctly seen as questionable.
But I don't think Section 3 would actually kick him from office alone.
Impeachment can happen, no one disputes it can happen. And it must.
Until everyone is annoyed with it.
Until people cant hear enough of it.
Until we are so tired that we just want it to end.
Just make it stop.
Illinois Fred Flintstone (complimentary) is pretty awesome. Democrats should Yabba Dabba Doo that dude into the White House in 2028. The man has juice.
I have announced I am exploring a bid and started rolling out a platform:
1) No income tax on first $50K.
2) Four day work week. “Every weekend is a three day weekend.”
3) Ban sin taxes on beer.
4) 8 days vacation for every worker
5) Billionaire tax.
1) Term limits for federal judges, especially SCOTUS
2) Curtail Presidential pardons
3) End gerrymandering
4) Restore proportional representation to Congress
5) Repeal Citizens United
6) End Presidential portraits in every federal office.
and the substance of the response to SOTU should be
1) Trump is the one defying will of the people bc govt is still operating via laws/resolutions passed by the Congress elected in 2022, currrent R majority hasn't done squat to alter that
2) Trump couldn't care less if we live or die
What's the dog whistle?
Nobody ever confused them with intelligent people.
You really don’t know this?
Southern racists and KKK use “Democrat” as a substitute for the N word or Black. That goes back at least a hundred years.