Repeat after me - this is the stupidest possible way to run the world’s biggest economy.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump on tariffs going forward: "We may go up with some tariffs. I don't think we'll go down. but we may go up."
The world’s biggest economy, that is.
They voted for this.
America had a chance to vote for this or something else.
One third didn't vote.
Procurement is naturally conservative. Planning for 2026 starts soon. Every budget in the nation will be reduced or flat.
Watch for contraction of the economy in Q3.
That’s not a quip or a joke - Drumpf couldn’t explain anything about anything and have it make ANY sense, which is why he will only go on Fox.
Most of us knew it was coming.
If you didn't, then you live in the same delusion place Trump inhabits.
I meant "Poor Maria" in a condescending way....
Economics 101: Do NOT get into a trade war (cough, "tarrifs") with YOUR TOP 3 trading partners!
Right now, Trump is something like the 5,000th richest man in America. In four years, he will be among the top 100, or better.
“This is the stupidest possible way to run the world’s biggest economy.”
We need journalists to stop tying themselves in knots and bluntly report what is happening.
Of course we know now that he thinks tariffs are a good extortion tool. Wrong again asshole!
If they are in posititions of power, they should either use that power, or give up their posts. It´s really that simple.
Doing what no one was able to do, destroying/defeating the USA from within.
He’s such a petulant little boy.
Disagree, the day isn't over yet and the regime is still doing interviews.
They are living in an alternate reality that is going to destroy our world.
We need this people out of the White house ASAP!
White House (202) 456-1111
Here's what my 5 minutes taught me -- Tariffs work if you're building a brand new industry. Tariffs applied to an existing industry make businesses move to other countries. Yay I already know more than Trump.