Quite something that Schumer had his NYT op-ed justifying his surrender ready to go tonight while not informing the public (including his constituents) of his plans. He seems to think this is just an old-school pr battle. He's never been more wrong.
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oh please they wont go anywhere and you know it. you seriously think they will just up and resign and that trump will stop tearing up the government? not without a fight and it will happen and damned soon if the democrats and schumer let this shit pass
He has lit a fire that will consume them all. Veterans march is tomorrow join them to make our voices loud enough to hear before they irreparably screw us over
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
We are calling/posting to demand @schumer.senate.gov vote no on cloture for the House-passed Continuing Resolution, and move to pass a clean CR instead. It is vital that Congress take back their constitutional power of the purse and work to block Elon Musk’s control of our government.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
MSNBC YouTube SCHUMER Right No Shutdown! Shutdown Gives Trump (Elon,Vought) Complete Gov Control! To LEGALLY-Close Every Gov Agency, End Every Gov Program, Fire Everyone And Complete Control Of America’s Money! NO LEGAL RECOURSE! Can Fire Judges/Close Courts! WATCH VIDEO! Repost Americans!
And as if we didn't have enough cause, this should be all any dem needs to realize the only vote is a vote NO. Show some courage and fight with us. You are on the wrong side. Chuck Schumer D-NY U.S. Senator John Fetterman Vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR.
He is arrogant and knows good old Democratic Sheeple will say “amen” to anything while silencing dissent. At the core, the Democratic Party is very authoritarian with a core of incompetent arrogant idiots at the top and subservient idiots at the bottom following blindly.
He’s misplayed their situation so bad it’s not even funny. He’s handing more over to Trump by doing this. This is more then just political theater, your absolutely right David!!!
We have no one fighting for democracy, freedom or us. Dems need to realize people are suffering. We have 2 out of control people pimping Teslas at the WH that care nothing about ss, vet's benefits, medicare. We are losing everything that is rightfully ours. @schumer.senate.gov
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Tell your senators: Vote no and replace Schumer! It’s a sea of bad options but we would be better to suffer a government shut-down than suffer the loss of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the loss of our demcracy itself. Email and fax your senators before Friday! https://resist.bot/petitions/PALFNJ
I was all about the filibuster for this, but We forget, these dirtbags want the government closed so they can have a free for all, and never open back up. The courts would be shut. The courts have been literally our only line of defense. I don't want our defense shut. Is there something I missed
What happens when he decides to ignore the courts? We can't count on them to save us. Shut it down, make the Republicans own their failure. Let them feel the heat from their constituents. These people only learn through personal experience. They are already gutting it, how can a shutdown be worse?
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
☎️ 202-224-3121
Tell them to vote NO on the budget resolution and demand they vote no on cloture (speeding up the CR bill vote) and NO on the resolution itself. Cuts to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP benefits must not happen!
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
If you're really pissed, show up to Schumer and every other Dem's office ready to vote "yes", email them, call them, ping them on social media, and stress them the fuck out till it hurts and they vote "No"! Time for being the same old cowards is over. Shit, Veterans will be Marching on March 14th!
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Looking at this from the outide (Europe) one can often be led to believe there are no laws agains corruption in the US, but surely there should be a law against Chuck- cowardice and Schumer-stupidety?
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
They are not equipped for this. Time for them to step aside and let the younger ones, the one who will have to DEAL WITH the problems and let them sort it out. It is a new game with little or no rules. They're also more likely to be able to hit Republikkkans where it hurts.
We'll have new Senate leadership and Schumer will have more time to count all the money he's made from his years of connections to big-money interests.
The thing is, a lot of voters are lazy and won't make a change. Three terms for a senator is 18 years. That's long enough. Corruption usually sets in well before that. A seat in the House is worth two years. Surely 5 or 6 terms should be more than enough. Anyone good enough should be trying for more
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
If we’re following the money the Democratic megadonors, likely the ones who got Biden booted out, and Wall St are probably playing the tunes Chuckles is dancing to.
He’s mistaken…this isn’t a pr battle, this the fight of our lives, for our country, our democracy and what our country is supposed to stand for…so done with Chuck and the others ready to roll over.
Well I’m fucking furious. I don’t know about you people but I’ve had it with weakling, geriatric Democrats rolling over dead while Republicans dismantle democracy. It’s been happening for years. I’m done volunteering. Done. Why even try anymore 🤬
Schumer actually made a thought-provoking point on Chris Hayes tonight: a government shutdown would allow Trump to close the courts. That would be a disaster, since the courts have been standing in the way of some of the Trump/Musk Regime's worst actions.
Sez the CR. It only allows sequestration in accordance with Gramm-Rudman (the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, Section 251A(6)(D)), which would need to be proportional (reducing all departments by an equal %). That would not shut down the courts.
They can run without further funds for about two weeks. After that, they need funds to be directed to them by the president. If we had a sane, reasonable president that would not be a problem. But Trump would love to see them close. And they have complied with some orders:
If that happens, we would unquestionably be in a constitutional crisis. Unlike in the defying-court-orders scenario, they would have no plausible justification to sell to Wall Street, CEOs or even his base. It might be better to fight the inevitable battle on those terms.
Perhaps, but it is also possible that Wall Street CEOs would go along with our new dictator to avoid ending up in a gulag. It's not a chance I want to take.
I don’t think so. Wall Street is finally waking up to the serious risks on the horizon. I also don’t think he can pull it off with his base. He’s been reorienting DOJ to focus on immigration and violent crime. He needs to keep the courts open for criminal prosecutions.
Passing the Dirty House CR will be Congress’ official abdication of their authority. This bill is not a CR, but a path to chainsaw the Federal infrastructure. A HUGE move towards the authoritarian end. #DirtyCR
@schumer.senate.gov you are failing this country.
I LOve it when you geniuses start to pontificate thinking it will get you laid or a free meal or some such. What was step 2 of your close down plan. There's no negotiation on a CR. it has to be the previous budget. So then what. YOU pass an Amendment to Article 2. with 46 votes...
@schumer.senate.gov vm is full so write him an email. WE NEED FIGHTERS NOT COWARDS! Tell him to vote NO for the CR & CLOTURE! #ResignSchumer #SchumerResign #Weak #SchumerCaves
I understand the frustration by progressives, but this is a lose-lose proposition for us dems...at the end of the day, trump and Musk don't give a damn about the people or the suffering a shutdown will cause and they will wait it out to infinity and their purpose will be served either way!
So codifying DoGD cuts which can cause the lawsuits against DoDG to be thrown out bc Congress gave the executive branch power of the purse is a better idea 💡
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote
I said this after the release the other day. That's what you get when your leaders have been politicians forever in the same system and can't even imagine things can change, never-ending realise how much they actually have/are changing. I think he's just proved my point.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
They will blame it on us Dems no matter what. This vote is not performative. We are in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. Wake up. Start fighting back. Take a risk that will be supported by all Dems. Show us your spine and we will fight as never before.
He really has no conception of how angry and radicalized the Democratic voters are right now. He needs to get the same treatment Republican congresspeople are getting. If red state voters can vent their anger at their own reps, so can we. He and the other feckless cowards need to reap the whirlwind.
Because there is going to be a recession that is totally Trump's fault.
and then they come back with their budget in September.
Want to shut it down? That's a better fight for us.
They don't want to shut down the parts of the government they and their constituents benefit from. Not for long. It was an act. They'd be back and we'd have some leverage.
Anyway, our weakness and capitulation appears to be a done deal. We're doing it.
To paraphrase Public Enemy and more specifically Thomas “TNT” Todd, “Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared Senators refuse to fight. Matter of fact, it’s safe to say that they would rather switch than fight”
As a demon, this is all so tiring. Now my demon cousins have to ramp up their torture regiments for the eventual arrival of Schumer and his team upon their exit from the mortal realm.
That one point, the inconsistent whiplash messaging, destroys credibility and trust. Whether it was deliberate manipulation or poor leadership, it was poorly done.
I haven't given one cent since the debacle of the Harris campaign. Gave most ever did; and despite getting $1B, begged 6-10 times daily for more. She listened to so-called experts, pollsters & canvasers; and fucked up not being herself. No interviews, including Superbowl reaching millions. Big loss.
The biggest…”when we fight, we win”. Thousands chanted it back. Less than 24 hours, she conceded and went silent. She and Biden never demanded an audit/recount/investigation despite numerous red flags. I will never forgive her for lying to us!
Aye, so thick is the callus of his delusion that truth itself rebounds off his skull like a pebble flung at a war-hardened helm! He mistakes jeers for cheers, calamity for triumph, and naught short of the earth splitting beneath his feet would rouse him from his stupor!
The democrats have been complicit with the destruction of our country and government since before the election. Their refusal to enforce laws or to investigate high-powered, rich criminals has made the rule of law meaningless. They are co-signing our demise.
He is in league with the Tyrant. Don't let his political label fool you into believing he's on your side. You find his actions to be remarkable and incomprehensible? Maybe you haven't considered what his motivations are. If his goal is to lull followers into a sense of hopeless complacency?
Chuck Schumer & the rest of the dems need to reject the bill. This is not the time to be pulling a John Federman. The bill will hinder low & middle-class Americans instead of helping them. Approving it gives chump & his co-conspirator what they want. SMH AT CHUCK SCHUMER. Dems need a tougher leader
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
It is TIME we wake up to this: Establishment Dems are equal parts the reason we're where we are. Unequivocally a fact. Thruout history, their beholding is to wealth, status, donors, corporations. To keep trusting them to 'do the right thing' & be any different is Einstein's definition of insanity.
I hope his staffers start resigning in protest of their boss's cowardice. Granted, some of them probably already knew he'd do this since they would have had to write his op-ed.
Schumer simply needs to be replaced. The entire old guard of the Dems need to be replaced. It is not business as usual in Washington anymore and we cannot afford to have leaders that do not understand that. We need new, younger blood.
No, he doesn't. He's buying his way into the new regime. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He's a Nazi collaborator and an avowed enemy of the people. Schumer is a fascist maggot who needs to be kicked aside.
The Democratic leadership tends to assume that the people complaining are a bunch of whiny, Bernie-loving leftists who most voters will dismiss as unrealistic. But there's no constituency for this move. The Democrats are basically taking an action every voter they count on will despise.
Electoral data shows that this assumption is wishful thinking. Party always does better when it listens to the complaints, worse when it moderates on the assumption.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
I wonder if he bothered to tell his counterpart in House Democratic leadership that he was jumping ship without having their backs. And yesterday Schumer was publicly talking tough that he had the votes against the CR. A true profile in cowardice.
If the Dems vote for this bill, I am done with being a life long democrat. I will register independent.
You have let us down.
You have been dishonest.
You need to step down.
We don’t support you.
We won’t forget.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Schumer must know which way the R votes are actually swinging, perhaps feeling confident that it will be a case of Rs getting hoisted by their own petard?
Wishful thinking on my part.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
It’s crazy to see how the 💯 emoji is trending right now. It’s wild that someone nearly 60 years old is following social media trends so desperately just to stay relevant online.
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Tell your senators: Vote no and replace Schumer! It’s a sea of bad options but we would be better to suffer a government shut-down than suffer the loss of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the loss of our demcracy itself. Email and fax your senators before Friday! https://resist.bot/petitions/PHGMUF
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Who's paying them off?
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
We are calling/posting to demand @schumer.senate.gov vote no on cloture for the House-passed Continuing Resolution, and move to pass a clean CR instead. It is vital that Congress take back their constitutional power of the purse and work to block Elon Musk’s control of our government.
mike_lynch [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
meghan_taira [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Here's my thread https://bsky.app/profile/letsbepurple.bsky.social/post/3lkcnfx24qc2p
And I made phone calls to 37 senators today - it took about 2 hours. Best use of my time!
You can do it too!
Dishonest with his own party.
Schumer, Newsom, Fetterman
mike_lynch [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
meghan_taira [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
☎️ 202-224-3121
Tell them to vote NO on the budget resolution and demand they vote no on cloture (speeding up the CR bill vote) and NO on the resolution itself. Cuts to social security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP benefits must not happen!
Vote no, no, no, FUCKING-WELL NO on the lying, slimy, RepubliCROOK 'CR' bill!
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Time to get new leaders who are going to stand up and fight for us against this stupid administration!
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
We'll have new Senate leadership and Schumer will have more time to count all the money he's made from his years of connections to big-money interests.
It's a WIN-WIN!
But if we're not going to do anything about unlimited money corrupting politics then, yeah, we gotta do something
I know that doesn't happen in real life much but it seems like it should. Especially in today's political environment
My vote for Kamala was my last as a Democrat. This version of the party no longer represents me.
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VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
F Musk
They're all throwing working class Americans under the bus.
Schumer knows this. He knows Trump/Musk own this shutdown but he's giving in for his sake, not ours!
Insulated from pressure.
@schumer.senate.gov you are failing this country.
Nipsy Russell
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VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote No no no no no no no no no no
Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
What can we possibly get out of doing that?
You might have grown up being bullied and maybe you didn't mind it. The rest of us won't tolerate it.
If we go down, we go down fighting
I just don't think this is the fight we can win.
There is one coming soon. Hold your fire.
I believe they're capitulating because they fear losing the access to wealth and power they've enjoyed for so long.
The rest of us get nothing out of it. But as long as they do, it's ok, right?
and then they come back with their budget in September.
Want to shut it down? That's a better fight for us.
Now we can't. Won't. We caved.
Our party capitulates to Trump and the GOP because our leadership is weak and afraid of losing that which is most important to them: money
They want the government shut down so they can blame us for the recession that's coming.
Anyway, our weakness and capitulation appears to be a done deal. We're doing it.
Thanks for the civil discussion today
Schumer has turned quisling ?
He's not what we voted for, he can't stand up in the moment. He's a fraud.
I wanna stand where the people with morals and integrity are standing
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
You have let us down.
You have been dishonest.
You need to step down.
We don’t support you.
We won’t forget.
Naw, we won't forget the cowardice and they will receive the same reckoning as it hits a fever pitch.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
I’m just trying to math it out…
Beyond angry this morning.
Wishful thinking on my part.
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VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
Does Trump have something on #Schumer?
Just asking from Germany. 🤷♀️
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.
🙏 Send a message like this:
VOTE NO on the Budget Continuing Resolution! VOTE NO on the CR! Schumer is wrong! If you vote Yes, I will never vote for or donate to you again. Democrats need leaders with energy to fight Trump. Norms are dead.