That's why he's a man because he has no clue what God will do and we will be questioned on why we did what we did God only looks upon our heart our intent not everyone who calls upon the Lord's name shall enter the kingdom of heaven some who call upon His name He will not know them
If I were God, and we can check with God here, I would definitely want to know why you didn't do something about the fucking Antichrist. But then that's just me
We are in an era where the President of the U.S. demonizes empathy, and Republicans double down. The heart of America has turned cold and hard as stone.
There's a theory that the 'afterlife' consists of getting to know all the versions of yourself the multiverse has generated. If true, yes, LG's afterlife will be hellish.
So right. None of these bastards are going to get thru the pearly gates. They give Christianity a bad name. They talk the talk but they don’t walk the walk. Karma is a bitch and I hope these jerks are reincarnated as women, women of color and female immigrants and also they have to be poor
I’ll tell you one thing, If he runs into #McCain, he’s gonna have to cross the street and hide like the chicken shit he has been his entire life.
John will kick his ass.
Uh, pretty sure if there is a Jesus he'd ask exactly that. You know, the whole "don't corrupt the children", "feed the hungry", "eye of the needle", etc. That stuff right wing Christians like to ignore is actually in the Bible. Supporting a rich child predator is not in there, strangely.
Absolutely on target because "Captain Flip-Flop", also known as "General Fence-sitter" ss going to be in for a real shock when the Devil says to him "thank you for being so useful for me when you were on Earth! Eternal pain and suffering awaits you. Step this way! 👺😱😉😁
If Graham sees God, he'll be asked "Why did you allow millions of people to die, to go hungry, to become homeless, innocents to be treated as criminals? Why did you support evil?"
You're right, Lady Lindsey. He'll ask you why you let the leaders of the most corrupt, prostituted version of Christendom mislead you, and others. Why you thought He wanted us to hate others unlike us. Then he'll hit the trapdoor to hell and send you plunging to your damnation.
A person without the moral fiber to exact punishment on one of the evilest men to ever walk the Earth, thinks herself to be an unchallengeable authority on the nature of the afterlife and divine moral standards. Right. Laughable.
There is no fear of *od with these folks. It is all just a grift to them and it is clear the values the preach are not the ones they themselves follow.
If any one of the GOP actually believed in God they would not be stealing from the poor to give to the rich, cutting healthcare & food & eliminating everything good this country does. They only use religion to control people, not one of them actually believe in God or they wouldn’t be 100% evil
Not the point. It was the right thing to do, and you fucked up and let him in. You all could have stopped it. But you chose to be selfish and protect you lobbyist payoffs, and privileged lifestyles. So, with all sincerity, fuck off. You’re headed to hell.
I find it funny that he thinks he will even get that far. God has asked Satan for a grate, it right before the pearly gates. They will see the gates, see St. Pete, and just slip on through to the new level in hell.🤣🤣🤣🤣
I find this mythology cathartic.
I got news for Lindsey, he better watch out. He may never see God. He’s walking a very fine line. He might be visiting with someone who represents everything that he’s been doing lately. his afterlife is going to be as cruel as what he’s doing to the American people. Think about that Lindsey Graham.
I would assume it has something to do with someone MUCH younger than his Dear Leader and why he switched his tune on Dear Leader right after he spoke up about Jan 6th. It would make defending Dear Leader an afterthought.
Good one! But I think he’s actually wrong. If there is a god, I think he would certainly ask him that. Like trump was the ultimate test of virtue or no virtue.
GOP Repugnicants turned away from Heaven will be surprised at seeing who is inside. The Beatitudes offer a preview. Also, no one supporting Trump comes anywhere close to observing the Commandment to love one's neighbor.
Why didn't you convict trump?
Sold his soul
Ok. Let's be serious. This is actually the core of the problem he doesn't care about his electors, he only believes in fairytale.
Do we get to watch?
Y’all will just be ejected from existence of any kind
John will kick his ass.
They're stealing another election
Lindsey, even after death it will take a team of gods to extricate you from Trump’s large intestines.
Number one reason why, he could have helped protect God's children, but he CHOSE not to.
He only worked for Hitler!
Good Luck you asshole!
Sorry Lindsay
you will not have to bring a jacket where you’ll be going!!!
I find this mythology cathartic.
Because he’ll be in hell and it will be Satan saying to him;
Well done son 👍🏼 you’ve made me proud. I’ve saved you a seat. Btw, you might know all these people here. They are all republicans and MAGA’s
MAGA’s I bet 🤣
Imagine how much bullshit could have been avoided if he just allowed Lady G to live loud and proud.
Cuz the Devil already knew - no need to ask you. 🤮