Worth noting Carnegie did this when faced with massive strikes and growing radical movements around the country. 1886 was the same year as Haymarket. His business partner/enforcer was literally shot by an anarchist.
Public libraries are great but he and his ilk funded them because they were scared.
Public libraries are great but he and his ilk funded them because they were scared.
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
1892 and Homestead strike
Martha SEIU
*full disclosure, at one stage I worked with (not for) Carnegie Trust on projects to improve social housing.
Anyway. Make billionaires afraid again
Tangentially, Frick's house is very nice and open for tours. His daughter Helen gave away a lot of his fortune after he died to salvage the Frick name.