If you want to understand why banning transgendered athletes is so popular, even among Democrats, watch this and imagine it was your daughter back there getting smoked by a person who has bigger lungs, a bigger heart, and better muscles.
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I am a father, and if this happened to my daughter I’d be mad at the school/club/etc for grouping the competitors by sex or gender. How about by ability? Trans people often have disadvantages compared to others of their sex assigned at birth, so it’s not fair to make them compete there either.
Actually, I should have said: if this happened to my daughter I’d be mad at the school IF I was mad at anyone. Likely I wouldn’t care, because it’s a fucking sport that my kid is doing for fun and it matters way less than the rights of a fellow human being to exist and also do the sport for fun.
Yes, that's my point. Genocide is a crisis, 10 trans athletes is not.
But polls showing broader support for that is completely due to Republicans messaging. Period.
Messaging, in fact, matters. It controls public opinion.
I am deeply sad that you no longer call out propaganda for what it is. Please see Katelyn Burns’ comment, as she is a journalist who has a long track record (pardon the expression) for separating truth from fiction on this issue
And this is so overwhelmingly common that it must take precedent over medical, food, climate, housing, energy needs? Not to mention there’s an active attack on american democracy that we might want to focus on, and maybe we could start to mandate traditional values of honesty and integrity.
Maybe imagine being the parent of the transgender athlete who is booed and bullied by adults just for trying to live their life and has to have security just to go to the meets. The thing about track and field is it’s you against you, you’re trying to improve your own times, distances, etc.
Please delete this. It’s perpetuating harmful disinformation.
Yes, Isolated instances where this happens are not fair.
But the outsized frenzy over it hurts not only trans women, but more often cis women who don’t meet someone’s standards of femininity. Like the Olympic boxer.
How are you going to sit on here everyday preaching about countering fascism in America and then post this stupid ass terf shit??? Oh my god you are an enormous fucking hypocrite that just lost all credibility. FUCK you.
Well, if this is a post-puberty age class, I guess you could have trans girls compete against boys, but that doesn't seem very fair to the trans girls, especially with the hormone blockers they're taking.
You are one step away from saying well since black athletes win almost every sprint races black athletes should only race against black athletes and white athletes should only race against white athletes.
There is no need to balance them, as they are not in competition. Rights are not pie. Just because someone else has rights doesn’t mean someone else loses rights.
And banning trans people from competing in the category of their gender while segregating them is blatant discrimination.
However, the few instances of competitive unfairness are getting blown up by the media and right wing hallucination machine and I'd like to explore solutions rather than continually taking an electoral hit.
I get it now: it really isn't fair bigger air surface exchange better fast twitch muscles, better use of ATP
is this person on female hormones? Or just proclaiming femaleness?
I feel sorry for the young winner, it must have been horrible for her. But I also feel sorry for the other girls who didn't have a chance at winning in this competition 😥
I'm no longer conflicted on this issue. C.H. Spurgeon wrote, "There are some jobs for which we choose only the strong."
Now, America tries to define degrees of an undeniable physiological distinction. It is a matter of equality, not value. We are all of equal value, but our abilities differ.
None, but my guess is that if the backlash hadn’t hit so hard that would have happened. Again, you can support the right to be trans without pretending there is no biological differences
Not only that, the biological differences, according to the most recent studies, indicate that trans women and girls are DISADVANTAGED against cis women, in both lung capacity and lower body strength, and indistinguishable from cis women in most other areas.
I didn’t think there were any. Maybe you are afraid of a non-problem that can be handled better by the sports governing bodies. You know, “limited government” allowing free people to work out their own lives?
So what biological differences are there that have been vetted and shown to exist because the research according to Miller on here shows the contrary.
I will say be the first to say men have a natural upper body strength I don’t but then I love furniture with my 70 yr old mom and bestie and realize I just don’t have upper body strength
Look at the boxer wrongly accused of being Transgender
Dems shouldn't be going down this road. It is falling into a trap set by White Christian Nationalists. Trans people are in deathly danger - vulnerable minority being scapegoated for political traction. Wrong to do to gays, wrong to do to Blacks. Wrong. The comeback is...why are adults bullying kids
It’s understandable that this is popular, but what drives me crazy is the conventional wisdom that this issue was somehow front and center on the Dem platform when it was like item #1,038,474 on the agenda.
The Trump campaign deployed significant media spend on anti-trans ads to scare Republicans and Independents and convince them this was front and center on the Dem platform. These ads ran constantly.
Yes they did like every 20 minutes in the critical States for some of the voters that I spoke with when a phone banked and those States. It was Non-Stop and it was truly disgusting.
Just because a majority has been brainwashed into believing bigoted far right phrenological theories doesnt mean that it’s acceptable to strip people of their civil rights. 100 years ago, most also opposed black athletes competing in sports due to “biological advantage”
I think it's the 229K female NCAA athletes that are affected. As a bleeding heart liberal this is liberalism gone too far. Women that used to be men should not be competing with women, and this is not the hill to die on.
Why do few seem to have a nuanced stance? If an athlete transitioned hormonally at or before puberty, can we allow them to play sports? I don't see the problem. Otherwise, I do understand why born female athletes may object to athletes who went through male puberty and then transitioned.
This is a good point. I read a good peer reviewed study that said trans women who transitioned hormonally before puberty show no difference with cis women, but it’s different for trans women who transitioned after puberty.
It's a fair point but a tough sell and hard to verify. I am very pro trans-rights but there's a simple solve, if you were born a male you can still compete...as a male. It's just not fair to female athletes otherwise.
When you transition you're going to have to make some sacrifices. That's reality
10 trans athletes out of 510,000 at the collegiate level
Agree w/the policy -
but not the highly inflammatory vilification of trans people
the rights hypocrisy is astounding
after all - what's not harmful about subjecting young girls to politically charged sex propaganda & cheering a sex offender
Note photo is white girls only…figures. Meanwhile watch Trump now destroy Title IX, the very thing that gave female athletes the right to compete. The Dept. of Education oversees Title IX compliance.
Agree!!! This is an issue. Maybe prisons as well- depending on individual situations. When it comes to everything else in life - let them live it freely. Let people be happy.
"The strange thing was that this unleashed a wave of conversations across Germany. These were not about the question of antisemitism but rather about the so-called ‘Jewish question.’ A trick that the Nazis would go on to successfully employ in many other ‘questions’. /1
Everyone suddenly felt compelled and entitled to form an opinion about the Jews and share it. Subtle distinctions were made between ‘decent’ Jews and others; /2
while some cited their scientific achievements as if to justify the Jews – justify them for what? Against what? – others reproached them precisely for these accomplishments, accusing them of having ‘alienated’ science". Sebastian Haffner, "Defying Hitler", 1933
Why would you post this? Do you know that the athlete doing the “smoking” is transgender? I would like proof of your knowledge of this athlete’s gender. As if it is any of your, or anyone else’s business!!!
One, I am not MAGA; not even close. Second, any outrage certainly could have been somewhat avoided, had you included the article for a more complete contextual explanation of your OP? Third, I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community; anything having to do with an incomplete picture should be questioned.
The world is collapsing and this, this is what we’re talking about? You’ve taken the bait from the republicans by engaging in a fake culture war meant to distract you. Congrats, you’re a cat chasing a red dot while its house burns down.
As the parent of a female athlete, I completely agree with this & I think the fact that the Democrats didn't understand the anger of the average American concerning trans women competing in women's sports is part of the reason why Trump won. That said, trans women should be allowed to compete with
Women on women's teams but they should not be scored against them. I don't know what they would do if they were playing a team sport like volleyball, but in individual sport they could just be running or swimming for their personal best rather than first or second place so they could be on a team
It is about hate and intolerance. Remember that popular opinion is not always on the side of what is correct. Remember how people felt about gay marriage.
Not even remotely equivalent. No one's having their rights taken. Not being able to compete. You can still compete. You're just not going to be getting first place against a bunch of girls. You'll get your own personal record. I don't see how that's removing someone's rights
Got a PhD honey. I'm not stupid. They're not stupid. Any human that goes through a male puberty has a physical advantage from there on out. It is basically unfair to then compete on equal footing with other women
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I know you understand that Hitlers Nazis used the power of government to kill trans people. We are starting down that path with the US government now demonizing trans people and taking their rights away.
I think it needs to be studied sport by sport. Yes, a person with male hormones still in the system shouldn't be allowed to compete with women, not having those male hormones.
But after a few years, or in some sports, it doesn't matter. An actual scientific approach would be more apporpriate
It *IS* studied sport by sport, and by muscle group / kinetic performance. more than not, trans women compete at a disadvantage. There are *NO* "male" and "female" hormones, there are only accepted male and female hormone *levels.*
Not sure government should play a role here. Let the sport rule-making authorities figure it out. After all, look how well that has worked out in CFB! Go, Ducks!
I understand what you're saying. You will be attacked for saying it but I understand. Leah Thomas was HORRIBLE for trans people. She was a shitty male competitor and a star as a female. She used her position to demonstrate to the world how ridiculous it is for trans mtf to compete against women.
She was a bad male competitor because she was already on HRT. She was no "star" female swimmer; her winning time has already been beaten by another swimmer. It's OK to keep your mouth shut and not expose your biases, darling. MUTE
I know so many progressives with whom this is a VERY hot topic for them. In response, we even lost their VOTE over it.
We need to have the discussion openly and with GRACE people if we are to come to common ground and understanding. Many of these responses here are not productive.
There's a reason that male and female competitions are always separate and it has absolutely nothing to do with what's between the legs and absolutely everything to do with everything that's not between the legs.
Trans women athletes are dealing from the bottom of the deck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sex change quackery doesn't undo the male physique. It only changes certain things superficially and often only temporarily. Even when a male goes through the wrong puberty.
100% of males must be kept out of female-only sports.
For the record, the ONLY people I feel a deep and abiding disdain for are the ones who allowed it on their fields and in their competitions. There have always been exceptions to every norm among pre-tweens to early teens. Wasn't a problem until some fool wanted to make it canon.
What really gobsmacks me is that all of this depends on stereotypes, among our most universal and favorite social fictions. Without stereotypes, LGBTQ+Yadda,Yadda is just a meaningless string of letters. It's all a fiction.
There's literally only 10 cases of this in the entire nation
Most transgender people just want to get by in life but here we are attacking 10 people and having them represent the whole community
Shame on us for focusing on the wrong issues in front of us
I have 2 daughters and I'm not concerned about this. On the off chance that one of my daughters finds herself competing against one of the 10 athletes this rule applies to she'll be fine. Villainizing a group who's already under constant threat is not the answer.
Yeah, no disputing that -- but the GQP was making it seem as though this was a greater threat to democracy than, say, INSURRECTION. And somehow their message was the one that prevailed. Still smh at that!
It's a gateway topic that pushes people away from democrats and loses trust. For sure. People KNOW that trans girls and women are not female and where things are segregated by sex for good reason--like in sport and prison--sex should be the first consideration.
Um, you do understand that this is a massive distraction that appeals to the bigotry and prejudice out there, at the expense of a marginalized group, right?
I have huge empathy for transgendered people,but it isn’t fair to have born males compete against girls since there is a big advantage of larger muscles,heart,etc.It also hands a cudgel to the rightwing that helps bring more onboard their extremist agenda.Sports should not be what’s most important.
Your "common sense" ideas are based in the bias that trans women are men. The actual science shows that they are at a disadvantage in most aerobic sports. You could actually learn about something if having an uninformed opinion gets boring. Try following @kirstimiller30.bsky.social
Since the IOC has created a rule for trans athletes to compete in 2003, over 81,000 people have become Olympians. Out of those 81,000, a total of 2 have been trans women & one came dead last the other came 37th out of 42.
Far more worried explaining to a daughter who is faster, stronger, or more muscular than the opposing players, why the other team & their hateful parents are calling her a MAN and booing her off the field--and worse. And, this will harm all girl players at all levels of sport.
Who are gonna be the genital police? Are all the girls on the jv basketball team gonna have their genitals inspected?
Who will decide which girls? Will it be girls with short hair who score a lot? The ones who are flatter chested? The ones with hairy arms?
I think this is a load of crap. Both of my daughters played soccer at a high level and both have played both with and against trans women. This executive order has nothing to do with protecting women and nothing to do about supporting women athletes.
Banning trans athletes will ultimately backfire on girls and people are not seeing this. How soon before parents whose kids are not starting or making teams start accusing other girls of being trans?Then what? Just like everything else we are dealing with. Short term thinking, long term hurt
The question here is about should the federal government or even state legislatures be involved in this? And if they’re going to be, could they do it without demonizing an entire class of people?
Local governments and collegiate athletic associations did a pretty good job for decades figuring this out on a case-by-case basis. Since it’s so unusual and because every situation is different case-by-case seems like a fair way to do it.
When you allow such a topic to become important in an election, you will lose. It's that simple. Your personal beliefs don't matter; most people are conservative regarding sex/gender issues.
My point is that short people haven't pushed for any legislation to ban tall people from playing basketball. Your child would get creamed if they were short, and we just accept that as being what basketball is. Trans women are better at running than cis women, and that's probably okay.
Like, we don't have short leagues for basketball. We just have basketball, tall people are good at it, and we move on. Cis women don't run as fast as trans women, and we don't move on for some reason.
And to think I followed you recently.
This kind of targeted harassment of trans people makes me regret that decision.
God forbid there be any trans excellence!
Back of the bus for you, don't excel!
Allies like this are not needed.
That’s why this issue needs nuance and context.
The more competitive/high stakes the environment, the more clear it becomes, however.
There are male and female teams at the Olympics for a reason.
Sex and gender are not the same, but in a physical competition context, the anatomy has impact.
In any case, again, there are female and male Olympic teams for a reason.
However, anything before high school and even beyond that’s not actually competitive, shouldn’t be a thing to fret about.
But this issue will need improved guidance and strategy.
Exactly. More oxygen to drive those pistons. Epitome of an unfair advantage. This should’ve NEVER gone on as long as it was allowed to. NCAA, FedGov, and LGBTQ orgs—looking at you all. You gave Trump an easy win.
Exactly. And if you don't care about that on its own merit (you should), they'll also come for cis women who look a little too butch for their taste. They already have.
You're a pollster, I get it. But you can make the same argument for gay marriage and interracial marriage and de segregation. How was MLK polling with most Americans before he was assassinated? Picking on helpless minorities is a hallmark of fascism. We need to be better.
I agree. It's no different than watching KC coach Andy Reid as a 14 year old destroying the others in his age bracket. Or little league for that matter. The little league T-shirts has a different skill level than AAA Little League etc.
This is a pretty disappointing take from you. There are 10 trans athletes out of 500K. 10! Just 10 in the entire NCAA and we don't know what the split between male and female is. If we can't protect the most marginalized among us whose very existence is currently being threatened then we are doomed.
Different people have different hormone levels. I suggest you read up on Caster Semenya and see how she was treated by adults when she was still a child. She was born with XY chromosomes, without a uterus but she has a vagina and internal testicles. The fact that she was examined, or really
assaulted, because no one believed she was female is something that should alarm all of us. When we start questioning how we define a woman based on bias and prejudice it jeopardizes the health and safety of all women. Many athletes have traits that give them a competitive advantage over other
athletes. Trans-women are often on HRT and puberty blockers so the perceived advantage they have often disappears the longer they've been receiving gender affirming care. If you want to set a maximum threshold for testosterone, you need to be willing to do it to all athletes both cis and trans.
We must reject amplifying the hysteria over a problem that isn't a problem when bigots punch down on marginalized people; and instead, lift them up with our love, compassion, respect and acceptance.
I found the comments to your post fascinating! I also unfollowed you because I don't feel that you have the right mindset or intentions to lead or host this topic. I hope someone else picks this up with genuine interest in a solutions
First it’s Jackie Robinson then Wilt Chamberlain with his unfair height and that extra bone in his ankle while the superior white players are shooting underhand. What next? Black quarterbacks?
Well hopefully they ran faster than they ever did before. There is so much bad information out there about this. People have different dreams. We bump into each other’s dreams all the time. Dream On❕
A popular misconception is trans athletes have an advantage due to testosterone. Part of the therapy, which should be intuitive, is blocking testosterone.
I get what Rachel is getting at because messaging is her thing. Mine is strategy.
Most Dem Leaders are pro-trans rights but the Republicans have framed a topic the majority misunderstand in a way that appeals to many Americans on all isles & that is harmful to our solidarity
This doesn’t mean abandon our Transgender community. It means win election so we can protect the Transgender community without putting a target on their back.
Sadly the right has politicized this by putting a spotlight on a small vulnerable community & made them more vulnerable
This doesn’t mean abandon our Transgender community. It means win election so we can protect the Transgender community without putting a target on their back.
Sadly the right has politicized this by putting a spotlight on a small vulnerable community & made them more vulnerable
So how as a party do we counter the trans ads that ran like crazy in the critical States? 0 Bill Clinton begged Harris to counter the Transat and she did not at all. What exactly should she have said in an ad to respond to that?
If you think any boy is going to sign up for the unrelenting firehose of hate and violence that trans women endure, just to pretend to be trans and win a high school track meet, you’re either filled with hate or your ignorance can be seen from space. Christ.
Also he's trying to ban puberty blockers that would keep trans women from going through male puberty and having a size advantage. To the extent anyone is upset about "fairness" in high school sports, he's actively making it worse.
That makes me mad. Puberty blockers are used for other reasons (too early puberty) and it’s reversible. The government doesn’t need to be involved in our lives to this extent.
That’s why this issue needs nuance and context.
The more competitive/high stakes the environment, the more clear it becomes, however.
There are male and female teams at the Olympics for a reason.
Sex and gender are not the same, but in a physical competition context, the anatomy has impact.
I absolutely don’t think that any people “choose” to be trans. No boy decides to transition just to do well in sports for sure! It’s a complicated issue, but this isn’t part of it.
I feel like this argument is being used to enable misogyny in a socially acceptable way, with the goal to snowball it into more extreme things against more people.
If it was genuinely just about unfairness, they’d be doing this to trans men athletes as well, for the same reasons.
The sports rule would have prevented schools from banning transgender athletes outright while allowing limits for certain reasons -- for example, if it was a matter of "fairness" in competition or to reduce injury risks.
Sad people not able to live vicariously through their kids’ success because somebody was better than them.
So, instead of teaching their children about losing with grace and pushing themselves to get better, we teach them to blame others for their failures and harass people for being different.
If you really were intent on ‘protecting women’ you’d be banging on about the rate of violence and rape against women. Not trying to make this mountain out a a mole hill and contributing to violence against the trans community. They are less than 1 % of the population FFS .
Since the IOC has created a rule for trans athletes to compete in 2003, over 81,000 people have become Olympians. Out of those 81,000, a total of 2 have been trans women & one came dead last the other came 37th out of 42.
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) concentrations are an indirect reflection of cardiac mass in healthy individuals Salton et al. (2002), de Lemos JA, et al. (2010), & Neeland et al. (2013).
This likely explains the higher hs-cTn male reference range relative to females.
A cross-sectional study assessing hs-cTn in trans people on GAHT for >12 months found that median concentrations of hs-cTn in trans men were similar to c1sgender men, and trans women were similar to c1sgender women Greene et al. (2022).
Lung size has zero to do with endurance levels, taller individuals have bigger lungs. In sports cheating via “blood doping”, red blood cells are raised. The opposite occurs in trans women. Their Haemoglobin, hematocrit & red blood cell count decreases to the F reference range in only 3-4months.
I actually understand this one.If there are only 10 in the NCAA, they do seem to win a lot - for that small number. It’s sad, but it is what it is, I think.
I guess this is what I get for not vetting a starter pack well enough 😑 All bodies are different. All sports are different. Each individual sport federation (ahem... the most qualified to decide) get to decipher how to balance between inclusion, safety and fairness. This should not involve gov't.
Don't plan on having kids myself but I'm imagining her winning and every soccer mom screaming to drag her into a backroom and check her genitals because their precious little pumpkin lost
Try caring more about your own kid's success than dragging others' kids down
You have now just given cover to the MAGA 🗑️ to further discriminate and attack the Trans community with this post. If you had any dignity- you’d be ashamed of yourself. Since you clearly don’t- I’m ashamed for you.
Not sure what you think this article has to do with trans athletes, it is comparing male and female performance. Trans females compete at a disadvantage for many muscle groups and aerobic sports. Grip strength is about the only advantage. @kirstimiller30.bsky.social
I am not surprised by this at all. For example, Slawinski et al. looked at peak acceleration after 1 second in 100 world-class sprinters (50 women and 50 men). After normalizing for body mass, men and women had approximately the same peak acceleration power. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26644061/
Additional evidence from researchers in Spain provides insight here: 155 college-aged, untrained individuals (123 M & 32 W) tested their anaerobic power output using a Wingate cycling test, which showed no differences between M & W when normalized for FF mass https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18084774/
For example, Study finds elite women weightlifters have the same amount -- and in some cases more -- of the "fast twitch fibers" suited to fast and powerful movements, such as those in "clean and jerk" lifts.
Appreciate the point. A common occurrence? Training levels? Transgender is misused as a blanket term for intersex & hermaphrodite development & people with off kilter hormone levels. Maybe a handicapping system if the sport & number of participants warrant it. Is gender best way to divide sports?
The Highschool Woman's 200m world record is 22.11 seconds, or almost 3 full seconds faster than this person.... guess Allyson Felix should have been banned too.
WTF? Are you serious? Sports are nothing but people with "unfair physical advantages" competing against other people with slightly to incredibly less physical advantages. Imagine how James J. Jeffries mother felt when Jack Johnson stepped into the ring? Grow up, and be a decent human being.
10 or fewer transgender athletes in the NCAA. Do we need national outrage and legislation for 10 women trying to live their lives? Sports are not life and death. This type of targeted harassment is.
Because, as always, Republicans OWN THE MESSAGING.
Why isn't genocide a more popular issue?
Or paying off student loan debt?
It affects more people?
But let's focus on 12 transgender athletes.
People care a lot about immaterial things.
And ignore crises.
But polls showing broader support for that is completely due to Republicans messaging. Period.
Messaging, in fact, matters. It controls public opinion.
Yes, Isolated instances where this happens are not fair.
But the outsized frenzy over it hurts not only trans women, but more often cis women who don’t meet someone’s standards of femininity. Like the Olympic boxer.
Trans athletes compete against other trans athletes.
And they get reinstated back into the military and any other place where their trans identity makes no fucking difference.
Next election, please.
Also, you don't need in-person competitors for timed events.
I'm not sure. We already segregate the girls and have them run a race separate from the boys.
Is that cruel and isolating?
Being trans doesn't have to be a cruel label any more than being a girl.
You’re profoundly ignorant if you think the right will stop at stripping just one civil right away from trans people.
But I am trying to find a way to balance the rights of trans athletes with the rights of non-trans athletes.
And banning trans people from competing in the category of their gender while segregating them is blatant discrimination.
However, the few instances of competitive unfairness are getting blown up by the media and right wing hallucination machine and I'd like to explore solutions rather than continually taking an electoral hit.
is this person on female hormones? Or just proclaiming femaleness?
Now, America tries to define degrees of an undeniable physiological distinction. It is a matter of equality, not value. We are all of equal value, but our abilities differ.
You don’t support the right to be trans if you want to ban trans athletes. That is a blatant violation of civil rights.
Also, what biological differences?
Im female, I was a slow runner in grade school
I was always the last to be picked for sports
One day on 5th grade my teacher had the entire class race each other. I was the slowest kid. I was so embarrassed & vowed never again
This rural school has Track Competitions with all the other rural schools
I was in the top 6 runners, 3 boys, 3 girls
If I want to even in my 50s without training can out run most men my age
My trans daughter has never been athletic
She had no interest or drive to be
I however did the same thing with my running that I did with doing tricks on bars and playing tether ball
Look at the boxer wrongly accused of being Transgender
Just because a majority has been brainwashed into believing bigoted far right phrenological theories doesnt mean that it’s acceptable to strip people of their civil rights. 100 years ago, most also opposed black athletes competing in sports due to “biological advantage”
Popular does not mean correct.
I’m also curious about the polling language used. These sorts of questions are incredibly easy to game to get exactly the result you want.
When you transition you're going to have to make some sacrifices. That's reality
Agree w/the policy -
but not the highly inflammatory vilification of trans people
the rights hypocrisy is astounding
after all - what's not harmful about subjecting young girls to politically charged sex propaganda & cheering a sex offender
Allies, these organizations are on the front lines. Please donate to them.
Do better
But after a few years, or in some sports, it doesn't matter. An actual scientific approach would be more apporpriate
She hurt trans people.
We need to have the discussion openly and with GRACE people if we are to come to common ground and understanding. Many of these responses here are not productive.
A lot of proggressives are full of shit just like the regressives are but about different topics.
I don't know how to reach them. Best leave that up to better politicians than me
Trans women athletes are dealing from the bottom of the deck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
100% of males must be kept out of female-only sports.
My jaw drops every time I think about it...
Most transgender people just want to get by in life but here we are attacking 10 people and having them represent the whole community
Shame on us for focusing on the wrong issues in front of us
We are easily manipulated by talking heads
Had my daughter lost she'd have enough self-esteem to brush it off.
Punching down is always a bad look.
You are reaping what you sowed
Maybe not you directly.
And it blew up in all of your faces!
Who will decide which girls? Will it be girls with short hair who score a lot? The ones who are flatter chested? The ones with hairy arms?
Please tell me how this is gonna work .
You have been played. Like a fiddle. Pathetic.
Unfair and shouldn't be allowed.
This kind of targeted harassment of trans people makes me regret that decision.
God forbid there be any trans excellence!
Back of the bus for you, don't excel!
Allies like this are not needed.
The more competitive/high stakes the environment, the more clear it becomes, however.
There are male and female teams at the Olympics for a reason.
Sex and gender are not the same, but in a physical competition context, the anatomy has impact.
In any case, again, there are female and male Olympic teams for a reason.
However, anything before high school and even beyond that’s not actually competitive, shouldn’t be a thing to fret about.
But this issue will need improved guidance and strategy.
If you want to understand hate, just imagine…
If my daughter was competing against a trans girl, I would be fine with it, because I’m not an insane bigot who believes in Nazi phrenology.
There’s no basis for promoting the false belief that trans athletes have an unfair advantage.
Prime example of stepping inline with the billionaire funded right wing talking points echo chamber bubble. All to distract from destruction of the middle class.
Grifters gonna grift
"Here is a story about an immigrant raping someone...this is why separating families is so popular"
"(1930 Berlin): Here's evidence of a Jew working at a bank...that's why...."
Most Dem Leaders are pro-trans rights but the Republicans have framed a topic the majority misunderstand in a way that appeals to many Americans on all isles & that is harmful to our solidarity
Sadly the right has politicized this by putting a spotlight on a small vulnerable community & made them more vulnerable
Sadly the right has politicized this by putting a spotlight on a small vulnerable community & made them more vulnerable
Because they both infringe on Bodily autonomy & patient privacy
Right wingers are so fucking stupid that they think someone would become trans to win a sports contest.
The more competitive/high stakes the environment, the more clear it becomes, however.
There are male and female teams at the Olympics for a reason.
Sex and gender are not the same, but in a physical competition context, the anatomy has impact.
If it was genuinely just about unfairness, they’d be doing this to trans men athletes as well, for the same reasons.
-1 follow for spreading bigotry
So, instead of teaching their children about losing with grace and pushing themselves to get better, we teach them to blame others for their failures and harass people for being different.
Physiologically trans women athletes on feminising hormones are female.
We can now show, including muscle function, haemoglobin & physical performance levels, trans women are females!
This likely explains the higher hs-cTn male reference range relative to females.
Try caring more about your own kid's success than dragging others' kids down
You're trying to call out Transphobes, shame the bigoted 79% of Americans, right?
States where trans women athletes are dominating:
Physiologically trans women athletes on feminising hormones are female.
We can now show, including muscle function, haemoglobin & physical performance levels, trans women are females!