Exercises like this need to be taken with a bucket of salt, but underline how Reform threat is still orders of magnitude more serious for Con than Lab

This projection gives 329 seats to Labour friendly parties (Lab, LD, SNP, Grn, PC).

Tories reduced to 40 seats & 5th place
Reposted from Election Maps UK
Just one poll, and those Reform/Conservative numbers are somewhat outliers as things stand, but this is what it could look like in an election:

RFM: 253 (+248) - 73 Short
LAB: 196 (-215)
LDM: 77 (+5)
SNP: 45 (+36)
CON: 40 (-81)
GRN: 7 (+3)
PLC: 4 (=)
Others: 9 (+4)
