See? Gays are taking over the world! (Thank God). Seriously, this is exactly what the right wing was worried about. Not that people are being "turned" into LGBTQ+, but they are freer to be their authentic selves.
Home on you half of Gen Z who are of age: vote as if your rights depend on it, vote FOR YOURSELF, not as if you are a rich white straight christian honkey man!
I'll be watching from outside the frying pan. Saw this coming years ago, done with #2dudes1policy for good. Bugging out of this oligarchy while the getting is good right after the holidays.
We served our time. 20 years in for my husband and plenty for me in public service as well. We don't live in a fancy house, have stocks, or a trust fund. We struggle when the car breaks down too. We started planning and saving years ago for this because we saw where it was going.
And because of people like you and Brad, younger LGBTQ+ folks have felt safer coming out. Our generations (Gen X- me and Silent Gen- you) have the same numbers but so many of them are still in the closet.
Sir, if you cannot follow our agenda to the letter, we're going to have to have a meeting. And it's going to be very uncomfortable and it's going to be a meeting where we're going to have to put you on suspension from your gay license. You have been warned by email.
Wait. No. I mean 'thank'. I thank the frogs.
Did my notification get lost in the mail?