Hahahaha Musk’s platform flagged this right wing account for using CIS as an acronym.
Guess the “Center for Immigration Studies” is screwed! Hahahaha. He’s such a CISsy snowflake.
Guess the “Center for Immigration Studies” is screwed! Hahahaha. He’s such a CISsy snowflake.
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His insecurities fuel him. He hoarders wealth and manipulates his income because he is so very bereft of honest human connections.
His lack of humanity can be found in how he treats everyone around him.
It is also this
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) regional intergovernmental organisation in Eurasia. formed following the dissolution of the CCCP 1991, and is its legal successor.
It's like he want apartheid here in americs
I was also called a f*g and reported the post and was told it’s not a violation of Xs terms of service. Even though sexual orientation is listed as a protected class in them.
Happy Thanksgiving to the rational minds that gave Kamala Harris the nations popular vote!
Also why they would flag CIS? as cisgendered? because out of commonswealth of independant states they are enemies only wiht two.
All the hyper-masculine types come off as insecure about their sexuality, it’s like all the preachers who are vehemently against lgbtq+ who turn out to be gay themselves.
ex Greenpeace Activist who still fucks with asshats
It'll get worse before it gets better.
I'm still in. I'm only 65 and haven't even gotten my 2nd wind yet.
Can you see it?
…what a joke.
Something, something free speech... something, something complete.
Reminds of the old joke "what do you get when you drop a piano into a coal mine?" - "Abm" (for non-musicians "a flat minor")
What's up my Cissies?
We’re talking about an idiot who bankrupted a casino.
This should be funny to watch.
Autism is rampant in these unrelenting characters.
Your shouldn’t feel defensive if you are an autism mom or dad. It has nothing to do with your family.
You can actually guide your kid not to be a trump or a musk.
This is on trump’s or musk’s family.
-signed, an actually autistic person.
Do you not think they exhibit behavior that is not handled well?
Shouldn’t that be the goal of a parent?
It has nothing to do with anyone else.
Musk is autistic, Trump is not.
Both men exhibit the personality traits of malignant narcissism, even psychopathy.
In watching trump my opinion is he has no ability to control his impulses.
And musk was just enabled because he was rich and pampered.
They were raised to ignore that, and encouraged to focus only on their own personal desires.
My point is these two are out of the “norms”.
And should not be followed.
The real trick is figuring out if it’s intentional or not.
Hence irony?
"You see these 3 letters C I S? They look innocent don't they but combine them and....."
*as long as Elon Goebbels agrees
Life has taught me that the amount a person talks about freedom varies indirectly to their actual belief in such things.
The Elongated Muskrat is a prime example.
X is the depth of hell.
“Freedom of speech app”