I agree with George. Their benefits mainly come from their top tax bracket being over 50% and their high rates on capital gains. Imagine that, they tax the rich!
They DON'T. They welcome, champion and are GLAD the shootings happen. They cheer the shootings. It brings them joy and a smile to their face. It's who they are and have always been.
Our collective demand should be a general strike at a minimum. People like to make fun of the French, but they don't take crap once it's piled up on them.
The only reason it's unrealistic in the US is that the US has too many billionaires latching onto the economy and feeding off it like a tapeworm. It's why we can simultaneously have the highest GDP and yet the vast majority of the population lives paycheck to paycheck.
Simplistic and false. This nation is vast and easily accessible quality medical care simply can’t be in every area. One year of paid maternity leave is absurd for a nation of 350+ million people. The second amendment and Heller decision stands in the way of many firearms regulations.
Because it is simple. Billionaires have robbed all the economic gains for decades. If they weren't given the possibility to do so, a whole lot would be possible.
That’s exactly what I mean by simplistic and wrong. You can’t confiscate your way to prosperity and fairness. The US has 801 billionaires with a combined wealth of ~$6.22 T.
Confiscate it all, give it to just one quarter of the US population and tell me the amount they get.
The confiscation was done by the billionaires. That's how they got their money. They didn't work for it. They got everyone else to work for their wealth. And while I say billionaires, it's also the hundred millionaires and everyone else that primarily makes money of the labor of others.
The right completely fails to understand that national productivity (and security) succeeds and thrives when the mass of citizens are NOT terrified every second (of getting sick; of trying to deal with banks and insurance; of starving).
More productivity = more for all (even the billionaires!)
They don’t fail to understand it, they just don’t care about long-term viability. You can in fact get more profit in the short-term by squeezing the hell out of a workforce, scaring them shitless, taking away their basic security.
That's the problem with the American culture's understanding of "freedom'. For them, it's not Freedom From (homelessness, threat of being fired, medical debt, gun violence), only Freedom To (own guns, be racist, fend for yourself, die from easily preventable diseases).
Much the same in Canada. Hospital stay is free. Drs appointments same. Free prescriptions for those under 25. I year paid maternity leave. Great child tax credit. We don’t get the 5 weeks vacation though.
I think the citizens DO want this. It's the politicians who are out of step with the voters! And they are swimming in their money from parties who would be hurt by universal healthcare!
I’m honestly not sure, George. I think, if you had a reasonable (and sane) President, then the demanding would work - and there probably wouldn’t be a need to demand in the first place. But…if you’ve got a Trump to deal with? Hmmmm.
A history of civil rights in the US is a repeated story of white support plummeting for social programs once they realize minorities will benefit, and I really don’t know how we fix that.
Americans think hyper-individualism is actually a flex. That's why we had the most covid deaths in the developed world. We never seem to learn that what benefits one, benefits all, even when it's too late
Until a few years ago a huge portion of Sweden's population was living on preserved reindeer meat for part of the year. Mississippi and Alabama, 2 of the poorest states in the US have a higher standard of living.
Here's a tip: the hospitals are full of mostly people who put themselves there.
People who live in Mississippi love white tail deer meat and eat squirrels and frog legs. Source: Lived there a majority of my life. Also I can’t find any sources on the reindeer meat thing but I did find this
Hi I live in America. We used to be land of the free. Now it’s the land of the rich to feel free to fuck anyone and everyone they possibly can without any repercussions because our judges are all bought and paid for. So for your own safety and protection please do not come to America. It’s not safe.
It blows my mind how Americans think everything that's made to help others is communism/bad. Selfishness eventually hurts you. If everybody else is OK, you'll have a better life. In general terms, Nordic countries are the evidence for that.
It’s the fact that so many Americans who would benefit the most, from what every other rich country has. Vote against all these benefits, because rich people told them it’s bad. And use the usual scare words, communism, socialism, Marxism and for some reason throw in “fascism”
it's not just that rich people told them these benefits are bad, it's also very heavily intertwined with racism. a lot of white people in the us will happily vote against their best interests if it means their brown neighbors are worse off.
Looking from outside, it appears that the American public have been completely brainwashed by a greedy corporate sector and the ultra wealthy... Maybe this is where "average Joe" should be looking for conspiracies?
Are they intelligent enough to have that level of realisation. From what I see they blame Trump for nothing. He managed to kill over $1 million citizens with his idiotic stance during Covid but they have voted him straight back in?
True but they think it will be like last time. He said lots of things that never happened. This round he’s got Elon and others who are happy to implement his destructive ideas. They’ll lose benefits like the rest of us. Grocery prices will soar. Some will still support him but reality is coming.
As an American who has done their best to stay informed and knowledgeable… it’s so defeating. I vote. I try to have logical conversations and debate (NOT arguments, but true back and forth).
And it just feels like we’re so stuck and hopeless.
I see your point, but I'm not 100% sure of it. I believe there are many who hate stuff that benefits even people who are "like them". Many of those believe that its every man for himself and that's the only way to make it in life.
No, that's because they're usually ignorant that the thing that helps them and the one that helps their beloathed is the same damn thing. See the Obamacare/ACA clusterfuck.
The biggest problem with mobilizing people in the USA is the size of our country.
France is the size of Texas. Scandinavian countries are tiny, so people can easily gather to protest and make their demands heard.
It's not that easy in the US.
A huge protest in California would be ignored in Washington DC. A gathering in DC would not attract folks from California. It would be almost impossible to have a national strike that would grab the headlines and DC's attention.
Put that healthcare as a priority. NHS might not be the best at the moment but sure as hell don’t have to pay millions to be healthy after a hospital trip.
Chalk it up to rugged individualism + the sense of societal interconnectedness eroding over decades. So, no one is ok with "them" getting more care than them. Adding in the greed / grift of the insurance, drug, medical industries, and politicians, we aren't getting any of this soon.
These things cole from solidarity and relatively high taxes, two things which make Americans scream. Because solidarity=communism and hight taxes are bad, because they don't want to pay them when they get rich (which they almost never do).
Lots of Americans are incredibly stupid and have been conned by right-wing media into believing that universal healthcare is "socialism" and will turn the US into Venezuela.
We won't. Maybe when it's so bad that everyone can't take it anymore.
In the meantime there will be more of the same.
Remember these policies and laws are enacted from elected officials. We've always had the power, we just allow fear, complacency, and misinformation to fuel our decisions. Fail.
Australia has all of those things too but we are fighting a constant battle with right wing politicians using the US system as justification for taking some of them away. USA lift your game, you are letting the world down.
Sadly if we woke up tomorrow and all these things were in place, 35 percent of Americans would want to sue to get rid of them because they would rather be poor and unsafe than be part of a mutually beneficial society. We have a country of selfish, unempathetic people
Why would immigrants be a problem? They're wonderful for economies. The problem is the US is accepting billionaires which are the biggest leaches to economies.
unfortunately most Americans have been brainwashed into believing that hunting homeless people for sport and going bankrupt because your wife got cancer is a Good Thing, Actually ™
I agree with all the advantages in Sweden, but wouldn’t it be agreed that despite the strict gun laws, there has been an increase in the shootings in Sweden, far more than before?
We absolutely could. The problem are the selfish, greedy, hateful right-wing that don't want others to have the same things they have, because they want to feel superior in some ways. And for many of them, punching down is the only pleasure they ever get in life.
Call for a national strike.Bridges in Chicago are controlled by the IBEW. Early 1970’s strike was settled in hours.Bridge tenders raised the bridges,cut off downtown and walked away with the keys. Strike settlement was almost immediate. Marches and protests are great and needed strikes get results.
The rich actually pay their fair share of taxes unlike here in the USA where the vast majority of the tax burden is on the shoulders of the middle class
They have 43 I think this country has more than that. Either way yall don't have ethnic issues. Everybody same race and you don't have income inequality that exists in the United States. While y'all Math/Science is better for kids still America is where the technology is at explain that
Id love to move there... but they make it damn near impossible, not to mention the sheer cost of moving in your own town compared to fleeing the country...
Two sets of laws my friends. One for them and one for the rest of us. If we ever united against THEM, we’d win but they’d rather have us fight each other while the continue to rake in record profits and pay for the C suite executives raking in billions. It’s legalized murder for money and profit.
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark are alike, just some variations in amounts etc.
Norway has 8 months maturity leave with 100% salary, or 1 year with 80%. Father must take 15+3 weeks.
One year sick leave with 100%.
Ambulance $0.
No need for insurance, but it gives some benefits.
Swedes have a constitutional right to belong to a labor union, we don't have that in the U.S. They also require companies listed on their stock exchange to have at least one union member on the board. We'd have to change a lot of things that'll never happen in the U.S.
Every thing that we have (UK, but the rest of Europe too) - adequate healthcare, mandated sick leave, mandated paid holiday, mandated maternity and paternity leave, etc, is there because unions of people stood up and said 'we want this'.
But…. but, Americans don’t have the balls to demand anything. When have you seen a general strike or people in the street demanding something, anything? They are heroes only in the movies. “Nations get the governments they deserve” fuck it.
5 weeks (25 days) is the minimum paid vacation in Sweden.
Many work places have agreements that allow more than that, usually depending on length of employment. My sister has worked at the same school for decades and she gets 7 weeks paid vacation.
And sick days are just that, sick days. You don't have to spend vacation days on it, nor is there a set amount you can be ill a year. And this goes for everyone, not just those with jobs with perks. The warehouse worker, the McDonald's employee, the cleaning lady - they all have the same rights.
In America, invoking workers' rights is basically the corporate equivalent of saying "Bloody Mary" three times to the mirror. It's scary and nothing is likely to really happen.
The companies have pro legal teams too. It's a lose/lose situation for the employee every time. Zero recourse unless you have video evidence for every instance and a damn good lawyer... which is unlikely in 95% of all cases.
Comes with a catch. You can't get healthcare. My mum died waiting for cancer surgery (5 months in Stockholm 2001). It's like democracy in Cuba. On paper it exists.
In 🇩🇰we are shocked that 🇸🇪 now charges for medical visits and hospital stays. Slippery slope, it ought to be free. In 🇯🇵this summer an X-ray, full blood tests and a follow up with a Dr cost ¥18k, approx 90. So even when you are paying, it could be done cheaper and better than in 🇺🇸
In Scotland we have free; baby boxes, school lunches, university, prescriptions, health & social care. A night in hospital costs you nothing. Parents receive £25 per week per child. Most Scots pay less tax than rUK only 5% pay slightly more. You just need a govt committed to doing right thing!
Aye because nobody in Scotland pays taxes to the Treasury. We’re all eating deep fried Mars Bars and claiming ‘the social’. I’m spending my subsidy this year on a wee holiday to St Kitts for a bit of sun ☀️
I'm from Liverpool when Scotland finally belongs only to the Scottish is there any chance your country could adopt us Scousers. Or be the first country to recognise our right to exist as a sovereign state. I'll say please 😁
We have baby boxes too: people who can't afford to care for their infants, or who were denied their right to terminate their unwanted pregnancy, can leave it in there. https://www.shbb.org/
That’s such a sad need to be fulfilling. The baby box here is different it’s given to all babies and is a joyous thing for new parents to receive. Hope this link works to show you
That is really wonderful. We need something like that here in the States. Everywhere, really. With the economy of scale, all those useful items would cost much less than buying them separately. A box of condoms would make a nice addition. lol
but we would need a media which prioritizes something other than pure profit to help make that case.
The so called "division" in our society is being pushed by a news media that would rather treat everything like reality TV...rather than...you know, actual reality.
We arent mature enough as a nation for such things. To be ready for good things for everyone, we have to let go of the notion that being "free" means you get what ever "you" want. We have too many "burn it all down if I dont get my way" types of people. Selfishness ruined America.
It helps when you live in a society that values education. I bet the literacy rate in Sweden is also high. Which leads to rational public policy. In the US, many people still can’t read and vehemently oppose facts, science, and any expertise. Ignorance is so widespread.
Sweden needs to fight for these rights in today's society. Things that are taken for granted are put in question by right-wing/authoritarian/populists forces all over Europe. Only today I read that the medical minimal is to be raised, which will hit hard on older generations
I would argue that we could have good things if we could find a way around to electing candidates that work for us rather than corporate interests that are only interested in building 'stockholder value' and not the public good.
Ask a MAGA voter the simple question of why a Country that is a massive food exporter has hungry children they will tell you a complicate lie told to them by the rich. We are a land of sheep.
The number of countries with universal health care in the developed world far exceed the 1 that doesn't. Must be really hard to figure out how to do it I guess.
Oh yes, totally agree. I wasn't trying to up the US, I was pointing to the fact that Sweden is not about liberty. Sweden is way better. It still have to come to terms with its past. But who doesn't.
Alcohol regulation in Sweden is an interesting attempt of regulating a dangerous substance, but respects very little the individual rights. There are better ways, even thought Sweden's is not the worst. In Brazil, for example, is very bad, but there is some respect to the individual freedom
Does one have an individual right to drive drunk and kill people? Does one have an individual right to consciously choose to become a burden on the public health system?
As of any drug. Why not regulate weed, and all other illicit drugs? Weed, all drugs have risks, the worst is to loose your freedom because of other peoples prejudices. Rational regulation of drugs is an essential component of freedom
I'm all for cannabis reform, but I do find it interesting that people tend to overlook the poor track record of tobacco companies in a regulated environment.
Ot is illegal to sell interstate. Each state can regulate inside its border. We in Brazil call this, arguing with partial facts, 'trying to hide the sun with a strainer'
If you work in academia, you have almost seven weeks of paid vacation per year. 😏 Seriously though, our current government is inspired by the republicans so if we don’t vote differently in 2026, then we may live in a very neoliberal country.
Because your country is not owned and controlled by big corproations. Your government doesn't see it's role as merely to make life easier for their biggest campaign contributors: the wealthy.
First u gotta tech #FoxNews , #MAGA & #Republican s what the difference is between Democracy, Dictatorship, Communism, Capitalism, Social Democracy, Theocracy and why lobbying globally basically is considered to be institutionalised corruption.
And regulating guns is not the same as banning them.
Not all that different here in the UK, socialism is not communism, it's doing right by your fellow humans, because a person who is healthy, safe and has time to themselves is a more effective and productive person...
It’s not even socialism. I’m not rooting for capitalism, but jesus christ the US is failing so bad with it for everyone outside of the rich when other capitalist countries show that it can at least work for the rest of its citizens
The 20th century for the US was always scaremongering about the "reds at the door", nuclear armageddon, spies everywhere and enemies everywhere, and yet, it was the enemy within that has come to trash their nation...
Capitalism on paper is a pretty swell idea: a well-oiled machine where the rich make sure that their workers are safe and productive busy little bees. But good ideas start failing as soon as you implement them with actual humans instead of theoretical human resources.
Well, some folks would have to stop thinking they are better than others and stop demanding that those others get less than they do. Even though they aren’t really getting anything.
A second revolution may be required. If it happens it is unlikely to be peaceful, the best America can hope for is a South Korea situation, but it may turn out to be more like Syria.
With the current system the laws that could actually change any of these things will never be passed. Even if people came out in huge numbers and protested, I don’t think anything can change at this point.
We have a military that can protect the world.We have farmland that can grow anything. We dig up dinosaurs. We have mountains and tropical beaches. Our smallest country cities have state of the art healthcare. We have people from every country in the world living here. We are expensive. We are huge
It would be so awesome to have these social programs for our society. Americans do not have the will for the high tax tag they come with. Especially tough for those middle class and below who already struggle for a subsistence living.
Unfortunately American individualism has morphed into extreme selfishness and isolationism. Too often I hear "why should my tax dollars go to pay other people's medical expenses?"
Sadly the De-education of federal school guidelines by religious lobbyists has completed it's agenda. Many people under the age of 20 can't count change of $1 while working ON a register in a store. Nor can they spell. Also science is Ignored & replaced by religious indoctrination.
It's a relentless frustration watching people vote against their own interest because they're manipulated. It's not even new shit, it's the same old "transgenders and illegals are the boogyman and only the strong fascist can save you" tripe. It doesn't help when the left runs a garbage campaign.
Basic math and economic knowledge would inform you. A high school economics student can figure this out.
Canada has 10% the US population and supplies many raw materials to the US & has a GDP of ~$2 trillion, US ~$29 trillion. A $100 billion trade deficit is NOTHING in this context.
I read somewhere that the only reason the States don't have all these things is because black people would have them, too. And, by extension, Native and Asian Americans.
Do not ever use the word free when speaking about health care. It's never free and we don't want it to be free. We know we have to pay for it but just want our money's worth when we do.
No charge when you show up at an ER does not mean free.
This is more or less normal for all of Europe, also in my country. It is US Americans that do not realize they live in an exception and not the other way round.
I find there have been many an American criticising how we do shit over here, we have our own problems, and they enjoy voicing about and yet, we are still better off than them. Healthcare, better pay etc
oh trust me, a lot of us realize it but unfortunately we have very little actual power to change things, bc nobody wants to get their hands dirty in case the poors and other minorities get more than them. we're a country of 🤡
and a lot of us who do realize how fucked shit is have various issues compounding actual resistance (for example, disability and chronic illness making it a struggle just to get through the day let alone lobbying or protests)
Biggest issue we have in America is lobbying. Sure Representatives or Senators may be elected with great intentions but when they go to DC they are propositioned by massive companies giving them wads of money to represent them also when they vote on bills. It happens on both sides of the aisle.
Ironically, magas hate Obamacare but love the ACA not realizing they are the same thing.....ignorance is curable, stupidity isn't. I'm going to be charitable here and assume most of them are ignorant and not stupid.
Same in Australia .... paid leave, strict gun laws, no school shootings, universal free health care, gov support for the disabled and elderly, a minimum wage which doesn't require tipping to make it livable.
Haha. Worth the trip. Forces you to dream of a life that isn’t one disease away from bankruptcy. Or feeling safe. Old folks and children walking alone on the street.The produce in the market is what’s in season. Everyone makes a livable wage. It’s very clean. I can go on…
I will never understand why workers in the US don’t wake up and realise they’re being treated dreadfully. Some of your companies employ people overseas on far better terms because the law makes them.
It would be easy to generate collective demand if enough resources were invested into doing so.
There's a wishy washy third "middle" of the populous who are begging to be told what they want.
I know it sounds cynical, but it's just how things are.
"Collectively" is the entire issue!!
We. Can't. Get. On. The. Same. Page!
Below is a very simple way to be collective, economically damaging, and easy AF to pull off, but there must have been 100 contingencies and alternative ideas. No wonder we can't have nice things 😒
Confiscate it all, give it to just one quarter of the US population and tell me the amount they get.
Just keep in mind how they got there....and why it'll take a long time for it to work here.
More productivity = more for all (even the billionaires!)
Some may be emotionally damaged--unable to believe in anything other than the zero-sum game.
What happens later is next quarter’s problem.
The U.S. ranked 23rd in 2024.
I like their salary cap though!
Here's a tip: the hospitals are full of mostly people who put themselves there.
Reality is this is a form of a common argument that Europeans and Canadians are better off. Full stop. False.
Now, I am not defending the US health care system. It's a disaster.
But here's the reality: socialized medicine has not ..
Japan should just run the world. I would be happy to pay tax that went to health care there. Here? no, I have chosen self-insurance...
There should be a warning label or something on American politics! ⚠️⚠️⚠️☣️☢️⛔️
Unfortually we all have to watch what others do to destroy peoples lives otherwhere. Sad story.
Or even "Liberal Democracy", for that matter ..
And it just feels like we’re so stuck and hopeless.
France is the size of Texas. Scandinavian countries are tiny, so people can easily gather to protest and make their demands heard.
It's not that easy in the US.
More people who have experienced the US and another system need to tell their stories...
In the meantime there will be more of the same.
Remember these policies and laws are enacted from elected officials. We've always had the power, we just allow fear, complacency, and misinformation to fuel our decisions. Fail.
You simply can't have both.
Idk it really seems like people are willing to put up with high taxes if it actually goes back into them (wild concept, I know)
Social-democratic Republics don't do it this fast and the fight to get this system resilient against free market systems is a daily task.
Norway has 8 months maturity leave with 100% salary, or 1 year with 80%. Father must take 15+3 weeks.
One year sick leave with 100%.
Ambulance $0.
No need for insurance, but it gives some benefits.
Every one.
Many work places have agreements that allow more than that, usually depending on length of employment. My sister has worked at the same school for decades and she gets 7 weeks paid vacation.
More power to them
but we would need a media which prioritizes something other than pure profit to help make that case.
The so called "division" in our society is being pushed by a news media that would rather treat everything like reality TV...rather than...you know, actual reality.
Moderates letting the world slip away...
Sweden: 18
USA: 21
Sexual Consent:
Sweden: 15
USA: 16
Oh, and USA has far higher teenage pregnancies because the USA doesn't prioritise education. Just bigotry and ignorance.
Churchill: " the USA always does the right thing - after it's exhausted all other possibilities."
There's hope!
And regulating guns is not the same as banning them.
Trumpty Dumpty has.
Work equals expenditure of energy?
Also how can you truly feel free if hundreds of kids are getting shot in school every year.
More like home of the fee; everybody pays… Except the rich
I would LOVE to say you're insultingly wrong.
I can't because you are correct.
Canada has 10% the US population and supplies many raw materials to the US & has a GDP of ~$2 trillion, US ~$29 trillion. A $100 billion trade deficit is NOTHING in this context.
Be smarter
Dumb Donald causes chaos and makes others dumber.
No charge when you show up at an ER does not mean free.
might wake them
There's a wishy washy third "middle" of the populous who are begging to be told what they want.
I know it sounds cynical, but it's just how things are.
We. Can't. Get. On. The. Same. Page!
Below is a very simple way to be collective, economically damaging, and easy AF to pull off, but there must have been 100 contingencies and alternative ideas. No wonder we can't have nice things 😒