Exactly. It was from 2023 and the economy was actually doing really well. Grocery prices were still high thanks to pandemic price jacking, but it was overall _better_. The "economically anxious" only decided to bitch and moan as a way to justify being racist. 😕
The Atlantic is a magazine funded by a rich philanthropist, run by a right wing editor that knows only liberals read newspapers and magazines. It is how the magazine can sometimes run great articles and other times run nonsense and do great damage to peace and democracy.
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Her titles seem to be built that way for shock value. Her articles, thankfully, are not as absurd.
They do still seem to suffer from that ivory tower elitism - which shouldn't be much of a shock given that she's a Harvard grad. But she doesn't seem to be on the take.
The way people are responding without taking so much as 30 seconds to google her as I did but still somehow finding the time to come up with these extreme responses is...disturbing.
Hate to say it but the one on the right is correct. If people stopped buying, prices would come down. I've had several friends complaining about inflation while buying a new luxury car every two years and vacationing all over the world.
Bless her heart, as the southerners say. She is not all women, thank creator. We know spincycle propoganda and gaslighting when we see it. It's not always obvious, but it's a gut feeling. My gut was a gift from my ancestors, surviving all dictators to this point. I often think about My Lost Freedom
I am the white descendant of an illegal immigrant, compelled by my humanity and morality to shout louder. My great great grandpa stowed away on a boat and arrived in the 1900s, most likely running from fascists to freedom. He bought his papers from a two-bit attorney. You know, the "American" way.
I have been to Japan twice. Once just after 9/11 and again in 2008. It is my second home, and I weap at the thought of what happened to the Japanese on American soil during WWII. My cousins from the south are headed to this same fate, and my white fathers cheer it on. I'm horrified, and yell louder.
I keep wanting to yell at some of the MSNBC hosts I usually enjoy. It is not a good economy for the basic middle class and below. I'm progressive, always vote dem. But I'm having problems with house taxes, insurance and interest rates. So does my daughter who wants to buy a house someday.
Because unfortunately we're a party of black and white ideals. We believe in good being good, and everything else, no matter how justifiable it may be, being bad or evil. A bit like how Batman was ineffectual at ever actually DEALING with bad guys. He'd rather see mass murders escape prison 10x than
Join their ranks. His principles mattered more to him than results. But we, much like Batman, are facing numerous enemies who have no principles whatsoever beyond getting the results they want, by any means necessary. So we can't do anything. That would be "vigilantism," "tyranny," etc.
I have a pretty good income as a retired teacher. I had to stop working due to covid and an immune disorder. Covid drove up house prices and skyrocketed taxes. Climate change has made house insurance triple. Though I'm in a suburb. I'll have to sell to get a decent retirement.
So inflation? Teacher here, not far from retirement. I doubt the cost of living increase for my pension matches inflation, though it should. Man, my cost of living increase while working certainly isn’t matching inflation. So I still say it’s a wage problem.
I actually think — without reading the articles — both are valid points. She’s not making the points you guys think. I mean, why do the red hats bitch about inflation, then blow money on Jet Ski’s, golfing and sporting events?
Unfortunately, it really depends on the location. I've lived in a variety of different states, and I've not really come across a lot of vegan bakeries.... But the good thing is we can always make our own 😊
Conventional bakeries too, like Baker's Delight, have plant-based options. But I live in Melbourne's inner suburbs where it's easy to be vegan. And you're right, we can make our own.
I don’t really give a shit about eggs right now. I care a lot about this. It happened while no one was watching. No one is sharing. No one is talking about it. This is the death of us all.
In short, she appears to be a kook. Someone who decided it was their time to dump a pile of trash in a public area in the form of two horrible articles.
I didn't read the articles, but she's right about one thing, suppliers are going to charge as much as the market will bear. Corporate profits are way up because apparently we are paying whatever they ask.
"If people are so mad about high prices, why do they keep buying expensive things?" you're talking about groceries, things we need to live, you out of touch hag
I’ve read both articles now, finding them more thoughtful than the headlines would suggest.
I spent the day with my stomach in knots dreading to hear that Zelenskyy had caved, been brought to heel by the Trump/Putin regime. I was relieved to hear that he hadn’t, and had left the White House alive.
Writers need to be more careful with the headlines they put on articles. Yes, people should read more, but many many people are either too lazy, or they're too overwhelmed by the torrent of information coming at them that they can't make the time to read everything.
They know that long form journalism is dying because of social media and the only way to get people’s attention anymore is with insane over the top headlines that are very misleading. It’s sad. Social media could probably use a little regulation. I mean it has helped end democracy..
The comments demonstrate why we have a political crisis in this country- most people aren’t reading the articles. We need to stop commenting and start reading 📚
Thank you for saying this! Annie Lowery of the Atlantic is an investigative journalist, married to the host of NYT’s Political podcast, the Ezra Klein show. Definitely NOT angling for a Trump cabinet spot! People are just ignorant.
That’s disappointing. I was liking some of the things coming out of The Atlantic. Opinion pieces should be done away with, with have social media for that. (and yes that is my opinion!).
George, I like you, but please read the articles before commenting. From the inflation one: Sticker shock is real. And in surveys, people say that they are trading down bec ause of cost pressures. But in fact they are spending more than they ever have, even after accounting for higher prices.
Read the egg one! It has information about how awful the egg industry is - Male chicks have no role in egg production, so they are gassed, threshed, or crushed after hatching. Female chicks have their beaks trimmed without anesthetic.
Once grown, most are placed in battery cages, each bird allotted 67 to 86 square inches of space, smaller than a piece of printer paper. In these crowded conditions, laying hens cannot preen, move around, or spread their wings.
No, she is not. She's a lefty to her core, and is the partner of Ezra Klein. She is also a gifted writer and journalist. Rich Lowry is a political hack, not a very good writer, not a very good editor, and has never acquitted himself very well in public conversations or policy discussions.
I get her point about Americans buying expensive things while complaining about the price of eggs. Most of these things are being put on credit cards on which they are paying 29% interest. That’s why they can’t afford eggs.
Well, maybe because the top 10% of the income distribution are responsible for half of consumer spending. The rich get big ticket spending and the rest of us expensive eggs. Duh. I should have a gig at the Atlantic
I think that this might be JD Vance writing under a pseudonym like Ben Franklin did with Silence Dogood, that said, Dogood just poked fun at aspects of Colonial American life, while Annie Lowrey would just Vance covering for himself, poorly
Just so we know who’s doing the spending:
WSJ: "The top 10% of earners in the U.S. now account for 49.7% of all spending, a record in data going back to 1989. Three decades ago, they accounted for about 36%.”
And the Feds high interest rates are giving them more to spend.
She’s journalist who has written for NYT, Slate, the Washington Independent, The New Yorker, etc. She is also married to Ezra Klein, the co-founder of Vox.
She is one of the leading voices in support of universal basic income.
Me too! Thank you!!!! @georgetakei.bsky.social link to the article so people can make their own decisions and not just trash her. Love you @georgetakei.bsky.social but this just opened up a slew of attacks on a reputable, wise reporter.
It’s odd to me that any influential person/account wouldn’t know her? This is just about egg production!
She’s been very prominent in Econ and policy reporting for well over a decade! And I figured we’d all know by now that writers don’t pick their headlines, with The Atlantic being très clickbaity
Ummm… Journalists don’t write their own headlines; copy editors do. (Former print journalist here.) Maybe actually read these articles and some of her other work before you start ignorantly spouting off about shit you know nothing about. You look ridiculous.
so she's a rich girl, she's gone too far, she knows it doesn't matter any way. she can rely on her old man's money ... 🎵
i notice her sycophants keep repeating the same irrelevant facts. are you annies sockpuppets?
It's disappointing that these headlines were posted, without links to the articles. The egg article is an interesting read. The other is at least worth a hard reflection and debate for the upper middle class. But, who can be bothered to read.
Sorry can’t be distracted by garbage like eggs. I’m so furious that we’re abandoning Zelenskyy and Ukraine. I’m staying focused. I’ll deal with high egg prices. I will not deal with betraying democracy.
Orange turd and Vance tag teaming Zelenskyy made me so embarrassed to be an American. Putin‘s pawns…the both of them. Shouldn’t Congress be making the decisions about helping Ukraine? Orange turd knows nothing about diplomacy…he acts like a mob boss.
The weird thing is that looking at her page on Wikipedia, she is a proponent of Universal Basic Income.. So she is smart enough to understand that UBI is a good idea, but then doesn't understand how everything else works? WTF.
Yeah, this is all our fault.
We should have never paid so much money for basic necessities like food.
We could have starved long ago. Inflation is only happening because of us!
No idea who she is, but does seem to be a gaslighter, claiming the problem with prices is because people need food, as though not eating will solve the problem of high prices... 🤦♂️
There's a bit more to it than the headlines suggest. She's actually a strong supporter of the UBI movement and an extremely talented journalist who doesn't align with the usual conservative drivel in the slightest.
The fact that the article was published by The Atlantic — one of the last bastions of quality American journalism — should have been an indication that this is not a one-dimensional hit piece.
Professional gas lighter, trying to switch the narrative so that we're the bad guys, like when they made us recycle cause WE'RE the ones polluting but like the top 10 companies are like responsible for like 50+% of pollution... I'm not saying recycling is bad, just that the real issue is still out
For your eggs, tons of live male chicks are thrown into grinders and killed and the hens are treated abominably. She sounds judgmental but really people should quit eating eggs anyway.
Annie Lowrey makes a compelling case for our fondness for eggs! Who knew these delicate ovals could stir such curiosity? They’ve definitely cracked open a conversation about value that goes beyond breakfast!
"Why do you keep buying expensive things?"
"Because things are expensive"
"So its not really a problem, is it?"
"Yes, on account of the expensiveness we talked about"
She was a quite good economic policy reporter, maybe still is, but The Atlantic has turned towards pitchbot-style articles so maybe to stay employed she's gotta do stuff like this. It still has some great people (Adam Serwer mainly). She's married to Ezra Klein FWIW.
Cheap eggs are the reason there's bird flu and the potential decimation of wild bird populations. "Cheap" products usually come at a very high price, just one usually paid by others even more powerless than we are. And she's actually quite brilliant.
I have to agree with the headline on the right. Inflation is up because people can't stop spending. Not saying greed isn't a factor, but if you walk into a restaurant every night and it's packed, don't expect the owner to lower their prices.
There's no other way but taking it to the streets of D.C. by the millions and never leave until we overthrow that christian nazi regime.
The courts won't do anything.
They can't enforce their rulings.
Either the people rise, or this shithole is doomed on everybody except the billionaires.
Hell, I've got the most recent Atlantic on my table, and apparently, as always recited, it's the PROGRESSIVES that are at fault for every damn thing. Clearly all of our policies have failed, the Green New Deal was a bust, carbon taxes didn't work, UBI crashed the economy..... oh, wait.
Old economy story...Indian Chief selling plastic tomahawk souvenirs. One batch was $5.00, the other $10.00. I asked him what the difference was. He said some people don't like to spend $5.00.
"Industrialization made eggs cheap. But it came with a cost, particularly for the animals that produced them."
Which is fair enough.
Our free range chickens don't charge us a dime. They'll even give us a "buck" from time to time.
They do still seem to suffer from that ivory tower elitism - which shouldn't be much of a shock given that she's a Harvard grad. But she doesn't seem to be on the take.
Why are we so complacent?
> scandalized... with cheese
Annie, ovoids are not ovals. For one, ovals are two-dimensional.
I spent the day with my stomach in knots dreading to hear that Zelenskyy had caved, been brought to heel by the Trump/Putin regime. I was relieved to hear that he hadn’t, and had left the White House alive.
'She's an idiot... and she's an idiot.'
WSJ: "The top 10% of earners in the U.S. now account for 49.7% of all spending, a record in data going back to 1989. Three decades ago, they accounted for about 36%.”
And the Feds high interest rates are giving them more to spend.
She is one of the leading voices in support of universal basic income.
She’s been very prominent in Econ and policy reporting for well over a decade! And I figured we’d all know by now that writers don’t pick their headlines, with The Atlantic being très clickbaity
nope, she just went to Hahvahd, no degree listed.
i notice her sycophants keep repeating the same irrelevant facts. are you annies sockpuppets?
Because fuck that would be devastating.
Just another batch of assholes.
Distraction after Distraction!
instead of eggs.
Yeah, this is all our fault.
We should have never paid so much money for basic necessities like food.
We could have starved long ago. Inflation is only happening because of us!
That’s my wife you’re talking about.
That’s Michelle…
"Because things are expensive"
"So its not really a problem, is it?"
"Yes, on account of the expensiveness we talked about"
Maybe she wants to be the new "Axis Sally"...
A theory: 🤔
The courts won't do anything.
They can't enforce their rulings.
Either the people rise, or this shithole is doomed on everybody except the billionaires.
“Let them eat cake.”