I agree. I’ve read Cult of Trump. The author breaks down the cult members into two main groups: core members and fringe members.
Basically, the fringe members are the ones who can be reasoned with. The core members have their identities fused with MAGA, so it’s much more difficult.
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH TODAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at https://www.womensmarch.com.
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
Stunning Timeline of Felon47/fElon normalizing Brazen Corruption. Firing and gutting of any and all regularory oversight protecting the rest of us-all at a dizzying rate. Daily shock and awe, just like Hitler. WAKE UP, AMERICA.🤬
Dear republicans, your party officials won’t hold town halls because they don’t care what you have to say. They don’t care if you’re unhappy and poor. They’ve never cared, and they’ve finally stopped even pretending to.
The GOP are a bunch of 'fraidy cats, aren't they? They're all are afraid of a big, fat, orange, moron, so what do you expect? Home of the brave, eh? Come on America, grow some sack...
Dems need to fill in the gaps left by Republicans fleeing town halls. Can they take some time off from censuring their own and take advantage of this HUGE opportunity? Or would it go against decorum and civility?
Love these brown skinned beautiful men & women like Al Green, Ms. Crockett and Ms. AOC who have shown more human courage and dignity than all the white men who dominate the administration. Not saying there aren’t sell outs of all Colors and genders but these three are outstanding. Well done!
I think Democratic leaders need to "dignify" Trump and Republican bullying with a response, nicknames, taunts, ridicule and all.
Don't hold back. Even if they're chasing you or punching you. Make the bullies red faced angry, until they cry and everyone is laughing at them.
I feel a rift between MAGA and traditional Republicans happening. Soon something will happen that makes blue and red come together in a bipartisan effort to oppose the current regime.
NC local station in Charlotte with highest viewership chose not to cover Democrat Congresswoman Alma Addams town hall but covers Republican activities in SC.
Totally agree! I left the party in 16’ but rejoined when VP Harris became the nominee. I hated that the Dems screwed Bernie out of the primary he won against Clinton.
Hillary Clinton got a majority of the popular vote in the 2016 primaries. She got 16,917,853 or 55% of all votes cast, as compared to Sanders' strong second-place showing 13,210,550 or 43%.
I'm not sure how you're saying that Bernie won. https://www.thegreenpapers.com/P16/D
Listen, I know that Hillary technically won. I am not a delusional moron. However, of the 13,210,550 who cast ballots for Bernie, how many actually voted for Hillary? I know I did but I can tell you many Dems left the party and chased Trump. Trump secured a majority of Bernie’s voters. You think?
You need to understand that any politician that gains a populist following only has a core of true ideological ones. Same issue for Bernie and Trump. Many join "the mob" out of anti establishment resonance. About 1/8 of Bernie's followers were not authentic progressives. Similar for Trump.
I passionately wanted Bernie for president, and was mad at the dnc and their "superdelegates" when his victory was sabotaged. Once it was Hillary vs Trump though, I was 100% behind her.
I've found the best way to make that happen is by showing it more.
For every time you complain about, oh, say the 10 Democrats who voted against Green, make the conscious choice to show what a non-fascist complicit Dem like AOC, Crockett, Raskin, and more. Even state or local.
Let’s demand town halls for the Dems (18) who voted to remove reporting law for Crypto. And Dems that voted to censure Al Green. We’re all wondering why Dems have Weak response to gov abuse by Musk/Trump. Seems powerful Dems are doing what corrupt lobbyists say instead of defending citizens.
And Jasmine Crockett and Al Greene. We see you! Keep on keeping on! Probably more, should be a list of those actively agitating for their constituents.
It’s hard to look your constituents in the eye when you know it all a big lie. They’ve spent a lot of money to demonize the other to screw us all over.
Great!! More this, less ridiculous TikTok videos that open up opportunities for Rethuglican slander. We need to be serious, to decide - and share - the plan and talking points to refute the ocean of garbage spewed by every Rethuglican & Administration member. Act out MEANINGFULLY.
Preach= cheap and ineffectual just like thoughts and prayers..... holding a town hall in russian districts in place of kremlin reps= shows real balls and is actually doing something.
Rep AOC is no fool in raising awareness well in very many important matters of the current events in life. I'm glad we have a politician like her to be quite honest. She has good intentions at least behind her words in raising...
They need to turn up, 'empty chair' the Republican and explain how damaging Trump will be. They won't turn the MAGA, it's the undecided beggars who didn't vote.
The Democrats need to get rid of the last-century old-school (not getting it) likes of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and let people like AOC run the show. Otherwise, they are doomed to become irrelevant very soon.
Most stopped Town Hall meetings back in 2017. Then you some like Rick Scott who has never held one. Rep Vern Buchanan post a dumb question on ones mail and gives one choices of Strongly agree, likely agree, etc...no way for receiver to comment
The Dems need to follow Bernie's lead and GO to these town halls. People are scared and angry in these red districts, and now their reps are hiding from them.
Since the GOP have drunk from the Golden Kool Aid Fountain, and are systematically Lobotomized, we need TRUTHFUL information from our Representitives like AOC. Please dont stop!
Not an easy job shaming Republicans who don’t even realize that while they are busy kissing up to Trump, Musk is busy setting them up to loose in their districts.
The Repubs keep blaming Dems who show up at the town halls for the "heat" as though they're crashing the meeting. The thing is, the constituency is everyone who lives in the district, not just the Repubs. So, grow up and face up to the people affected by your stupidity.
If Republicans & others can't have town hall meetings with their Reps. The voters/ constituents should go out in the street near their Reps Houses and Bang some Pots & Pans until they are heard?
I love Bernie. Other democrats need to do the same. Offer town halls, offer for everyone in the political spectrum to attend to engage in dialog and answer questions head on.
If the midterms turn out that the democrats take back the house, I believe AOC should be a serious contender to be a house speaker. It seems that Hakeem Jeffries doesn't seem to have a strategy to put the pressure on the republicans, he does not seem to have the fire in the belly like AOC.
In WI, we have a brand new MAGA Senator that is backing Brad Schimel for Wisconsin Supreme Court. A town hall type event was planned for tomorrow, but now it is "private" for the few people Schimel will represent if he wins. Cowards!
True enough. I contacted all my reps again today to urge they do something or get out of the way. They're all Clinton era neolibs, so I expect nothing from them. As always.
It's time for a Democrats to start a wave of town halls, so Republicans and Democrats alike can voice their concerns. Like dt says, "it'll make great TV"!
I'm once again baffled by the ineptitude of the Democrats. There should be a sitting Dem, with 2 or 3 local hopefuls in the audience at every one of these. When the shit hits the fan and the cowards bail, step up and take over. Another golden opportunity every one of us dunmies see that they don't.
@sanders.senate.gov @aoc.bsky.social & @algreen.house.gov have showed the real way to be a Leftist in the Democratic Party even as Centrists are taking in Dark Money at this point, but overall, these 3 are really showing what it takes to rise up against Trump & Musk.
It's okay to not like her, but you can just check out her site which details what she's done during her terms, she does have limits and I think people tend to overestimate what she can do
Also, I like this series from a creator who researches what funding politicians receive, worth a watch (he does other people) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2X2ogLv/
.... Just take a moment to read what she does, again, you don't have to like her but understanding what she's done is important to any criticisms one has towards a person. You also may like her positions on tech companies (she's criticized them), so, highly suggest looking into her
Standard behaviour, hide away and they don't face questions from those they pretend to serve, just ask the residents of Clacton about invisible people claiming to represent them...
Should be one of the leaders of the Democratic Party. Her, Green, Crockett, and Bernie. I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face. Her getting snubbed was the definition of insanity, “doing the same thing and expecting different results.”
If the Democrats are not exploiting this gift, they are crazy. Democrats should be holding town halls in all these Red States across the country. Explaining why their representatives are not appearing and how they can make life better with their help. The pain they feel will be votes for Democrats.
Well, yeah. They're scared of immigrants, they're scared of black and brown people, they're scared of trans people, they just come up with euphemisms to frame it as a position of strength somehow over and over again.
@aoc.bsky.social I have about 1,000 angry people in my district because Darrell Issa won’t show up in California. This is a chance to change this region!! Would LOVE to talk with you!!
Every democrat should hold a town hall in all GOP areas and have it open to all. Unite on the anti doge and cuts.
@aoc.bsky.social @petebuttigieg.bsky.social
Republicans are going blah blah about the people who show up at the town halls calling them paid agitators. What Republicans can't understand is that once they win that election, they don't just represent those that voted for them. They represent every man, woman & child in their district or state.
Democratic Leaders if every state should hold town hall style meetings
To share the truth about The State of The Union:
The Constitution is under attack
The Separation of Powers Doctrine that has stood precedent for over two centuries has been usurped
The Rule of Law non- existent.
Not holding townhall meetings is in-line with the cultural ignorance we maintain by insisting we not speak publicly about certain subjects: religion, politics, sex, etc.
Not speaking about these is preferred by those who abuse others with these subjects.
Locally here in Colorado, Gabe Evans has completely shut down his office...not here at all. Guess you can make a phone appointment with a staffer or something..."representation"???
They talk the talk but are so cowardly they can't face the public. Running away with their tails between their legs. Anyone who votes these cowards back in office deserves everything they get.
Only if we can reverse the large scale misogyny in our society. Otherwise we are just fooling ourselves. We still have too many people who prefer a guy from the cover of Playboy Magazine than a woman with a law enforcement background.
I am with you on that. You have to shave down the misogyny till it does not affect peoples thinking when voting for a woman to a position in Society. The tide of racism also needs to be turned back so it does not influence the votes preference of candidate.
Maybe she could really shame Republicans with her elected position by voting for Democrat legislation instead of voting against it and leaving a Republican to pick up her vote, again and again.
Good, let AOC spout clever come backs.
Let Jasmine Crockett distract with her zingers.
But behind the scenes, make plans to get rid of Musk and Trump and those within the Trump sphere.
Get them completely incapacitated.
Do not show any more outbursts.
Dems need to plot, but keep silent.
I have to disagree with AOC on one thing: You can’t shame Republicans because they have no shame. 🙄
But, Democrats need to hold their own town halls in Republican districts since the Republicans are too cowardly. It’s a waste of a great opportunity if they don’t start doing that immediately!
Then how the hell have they been elected? How did Americans end up with those people to represent them ? Americans, you let democracy go down the drain. It’s on you all.
I called my representative‘s office, Anna Paulina Luna, and her office said they don’t know her schedule, and even if she was going to have a Town hall, they wouldn’t tell me when or where.
They didn't know what they were getting into backing Trump. He is allowing a Stranger dismantle the government.Way more voters are angry and want ANSWERS! These Milque-toast flabby ass kissers can't explain whats going on because they were blind-sided and not prepared with an explanation.
I am trying to host a town hall in absentia. Where people can gather and everyone gets to say what they would have expected said to their congressperson
Can somebody post it on Youtube?
It won't be easy, but millions of Americans are stuck in the right wing echo chamber, and they aren't glued to Fox News.
Local is where we can put the most pressure.
Basically, the fringe members are the ones who can be reasoned with. The core members have their identities fused with MAGA, so it’s much more difficult.
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH TODAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at https://www.womensmarch.com.
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
This is how democracies die.
Love this young Firebrand
any guesses?
The characters used for Takei were 武井。I hadn’t seen that combination before and it took me a second to put it together.
You could read it as something like Warrior(‘s) Well.
They might even recruit a few voters.
Don't hold back. Even if they're chasing you or punching you. Make the bullies red faced angry, until they cry and everyone is laughing at them.
I'm not sure how you're saying that Bernie won.
I've found the best way to make that happen is by showing it more.
For every time you complain about, oh, say the 10 Democrats who voted against Green, make the conscious choice to show what a non-fascist complicit Dem like AOC, Crockett, Raskin, and more. Even state or local.
Jasmine Crockett should be in his position, Hakeem needs to be in the Useless Corner.
For President ‼️
MAGA is all fear.
There are total 4 screenshots.
NOW !!!
The Dems need to follow Bernie's lead and GO to these town halls. People are scared and angry in these red districts, and now their reps are hiding from them.
Exploit the hell out of this.
The point is a movement large enough for them to realize that we will do everything in our power to kick them out of office.
So much noise and citizens participating that +20 red districts turn blue.
Otherwise in the post-apocalypse, future generations will ask:
"What happened to America?"
"Well, half of them were brainwashed through their phones, and the other half fought the revolution on their phones."
Why would you give anyone a job they won’t show up for?!!!
Snowflakes, triggered, and perverts is what they project on others ... Well that's what they are.
But these republicans are a bunch of pussies just like the democrats that sided with the republicans to censure Al Greene
But that's because Citizens United.
Make your reps fear the people more than a big donor... #USprotests
She takes money from Google and Apple
She will do what ever her donors tell her to do
They are one of the reasons we have Trump
@aoc.bsky.social @petebuttigieg.bsky.social
To share the truth about The State of The Union:
The Constitution is under attack
The Separation of Powers Doctrine that has stood precedent for over two centuries has been usurped
The Rule of Law non- existent.
Not speaking about these is preferred by those who abuse others with these subjects.
Maybe she could really shame Republicans with her elected position by voting for Democrat legislation instead of voting against it and leaving a Republican to pick up her vote, again and again.
But she gives such great speeches...
Let Jasmine Crockett distract with her zingers.
But behind the scenes, make plans to get rid of Musk and Trump and those within the Trump sphere.
Get them completely incapacitated.
Do not show any more outbursts.
Dems need to plot, but keep silent.
But, Democrats need to hold their own town halls in Republican districts since the Republicans are too cowardly. It’s a waste of a great opportunity if they don’t start doing that immediately!
There are many things.
But the main one is that she knows exactly who she's working for & she follows her constituent's instructions to a T!
Not a drop of hesitation!
She's fearless & fierce!!
99% have nothing to say.
We have a TWO PARTY problem.
1. Evil the other.... 2. Dumb, lazy or afraid.
RESIGN NOW @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social & @schumer.senate.gov !! You and your EMBALMED APPEASERS will cost us EVERYTHING!!