Er excuse me. The Murdoch family owns the WSJ.
He's mad because of an opinion piece decrying his manhood and calling tariffs he's put in place a 'really Dumb thing to do'.
Trudeau scolded him with that quote.
Vance is the contingency plan. Sadly reminds me what Charles II was reputed to say to his brother the future James II - I am sure that no man in England would kill me to make you king.
Trump's father exhibited dementia before his death from Alzheimers. And Trump contracted Covid-19 before Paxlovid was available. The effects on the brain are well-documented.
Maybe this is why Donald still doesn't understand tariffs.
I would feel SO SORRY for the nurses and CNAs that would have to take care of that POS.
The semi-hourly diaper changes alone would make me quit and probably gouge my eyes out before moving to the Himalayas and meditating on nothingness for the rest of my life.
Tarrif related money is pouring INTO the united states? Doesn't he realize the U.S. companies pay the tarrifs and increase the MSRP of the product for consumers?
He still doesn't seem to understand that money from tariffs doesn't "flow into the US" from anywhere -- it's paid by American companies, and will be paid by American consumers to pay back the companies (plus a little more, probably)
I watch news about what's happening in the current administration.Then I watch The West Wing for joy. Some would argue that one is a fictional administration, to which I would respond, they both are. However, one offers a sense of patriotism and hope, while the other is an international s*** show.
ASAP please. He still hasn’t got the message on tariffs. Canada’s effort to buy only Canadian products is humming along, and Europe is following suit. There isn’t any money resulting from tariffs flowing in, he’s full of hot air and putrid at that.
What in the Sudafed-addicted fuck is he even talking about? Tariff money pouring in where? The EU set up to screw us? And his cult members will elive every last word.
Nursing home is too light a sentence. Spandau via Nuremberg is more appropriate here.
Into his new to-be-created wealth fund. Have the US people not figured out that this incoming tax is paid by them. I still see people on other platforms insisting that other countries are paying these tariffs.
One of many sad things is that Trump displays every symptom of clinical narcissitic personality disorder in the DSM-5 in DROVES- ask MAGA to identify one he doesn't & they'll go mute. It's very possible our anger at Trump is displaced-it's his "emperor has no clothes" enablers who should be damned.
The flounder in chief should talk to his buddy Rupert Murdoch. News Corp. owns the Wall Street Journal and the Murdoch Family owns News Corp. I think this is all BS posting and news is to distract people from what they really have going on in the background.
"Nice pipe dream but it's not happening. This guy and his people have told us their plan is to destroy the administrative state and that IS happening. While reality can seem backwards and twisted, it can also be terrifying. We're on our own. We've been told we're on our own."
Further evidence of how stupid he thinks the American people are. I guess there are a lot of stupid ones who fell for his bullshit in the election. Shame on all of you who voted for him you are ruining our country.
He is basically using the same methods as Vladolf Putler here. He knows that the US is going down the shitter and its his fault but looks for a scapegoat while claiming all sorts of fake success.
They don’t want to hear this. They know damn well they fucked up. Especially these farmers. “Oh I’m going to lose the farm that’s been in my family for generations” yeah well… you voted for this. Quit whining and maybe do work in the field yourself.
For clarity, I believe that of the $125 the importer pays, $100 goes to the supplier (exporter), and the $25 is paid to the US government. Not a cent of tariff money is "pouring into the United States". It's pouring to the Treasury from, ultimately, the consumer. It's effectively an extra sales tax.
Story of Mrs Bernsteins chickens. How much are you charging for chickens. $1 per pound.
But Mrs Goldstein down the road is changing 75 cents.
Then go and buy Mrs Goldsteins chickens.
Well problem is Mrs Goldstein doesn’t have any chickens.
Same as Aluminium.
I hear Gitmo has lovely cell windows
facing the Gulf of Mexico
better get someone
on those reservations,
maybe Doge
has time when they make theirs
Consider the "immigrant" and "globalist" Elon, paying *zero* federal income tax at Tesla on billions of dollars of revenue, while gutting *all* the major departments of government, all by himself with Trump's blessing. Anyone else see a problem here?
Jr and Eric will probably do to him what he did to his father…seize control and forget they know him…maybe Maye musk will look after him, she’s used to looking after idiots.
I would not piss on him if he was burning, I will do NOTHING for his sake- only for the sake of about half of America. The other half can go fuck themselves.
Don, Eric, Ivanka….(D,E, I)please check your dad. He must be hearing a voice over and over in his head and is losing it with each message he composes. Seriously.
I would prefer an institute for the criminally insane. He'll never face any legal consequences, he's far too slimy for any legal strategies to hold him.
All this talk about globalists when we have a South African apartheid immigrant who is buying not only our election but meddling in elections across the globe
Bloviating moron. None of these things are true. He hasn’t even been inside of a grocery store. This is a McDonald’s Happy Meal IQ Level shitpost by a pile of Orange Dogshit.
He's lying again. Gas and egg prices are going up as are most other goods. Tariff taxes are flowing out of the pockets of Americans into the government coffers. Foreign countries AREN'T paying the tariffs, Americans are.
Do they have nursing home services in prison? That's where he belongs.
Like, dementia possibly? This is how psych patients talk, full of paranoia, no basis for truth, tangential, nonlinear, and one big fucking delusion of granduer.
The anti-Semitic dog whistles here are barely disguised: “The Jewish WSJ… polluted thinking… screwing the US… antiquated and weak.” Trump is not even trying to disguise what he’s really saying. Disgusting.
Isn’t it time to start discussing how mental illness might be at play? The tariff war is delusional and suicidal, and the Canada affair is abusive and insane.
Yeah egg prices are so “down” that’s why the administration and conservative media are all telling people to shut up about egg prices. Because they’re “down”. Saying that you’ll win everything while losing across the board doesn’t move us an inch towards “winning” only oligarchs are winning rn
In a way it's good, because it helps his supporters directly see that Trump has got problems. They don't believe us when we say he's not good at or for business.
It is ironic, considering how hard he is working to erase FDR's work (Social Security, farmer subsidies, etc.) that he's quoting FDR.
No nursing home on earth would accept him. It's hard enough dealing with age-related symptom conditions without paranoia, xenophobia, megalomania and messianic tendencies being thrown-in.
I cannot even imagine trying to explain something rationally to tRump. First, he couldn’t sit still long enough, and then you would have to explain it over and over and over. At the end, he dismiss you would threaten a random country.
It's only been 7 weeks, and he's talking like Hitler so last days in the bunker where invisible armored divisions were moving to defeat the allies.
Egg prices down, oil down crazy
We should start taking bets on how long the Senate and JayVee can hold out before starting #25thAmendment procedures. I'm betting they'll wait until they're shellacked at the mid-terms, but could be sooner. Opinions?
Sure the tariff money is just pouring in. It is just raining money all over the place😂Trump you have had nothing to with the demand for eggs is down, or new healthy hens laying eggs. Oil prices always come down in the spring. Stock prices down due to the falling stock market.
If you show a MAGAt this picture they would tell you that that is $11.99 because it says cage free. This is also a lie. But that is what they have been told. They don't think it has anything to do with all the dead birds and avian flu, it is because we finally legislated to end battery cages.
100%. They would also point out I’m in California, lol. But these are just the only eggs I’ve seen at all over the last couple weeks. I’ve seen cheaper prices on empty shelves a couple times, but this is the last price I’ve seen with any actual availability, cage free or otherwise.
As if orange man has any idea what a dozen eggs cost anyway. I imagine he is saying, let them eat cake if they think eggs are too expensive. Too bad he can’t go under the guillotine.
Most households can afford it, even if the egg costs 1$ a piece.
More difficult for companies, who use a lot of eggs in their products. They will also have to adjust their prices.
Still, I was spending some time in a research project in Birma: There an egg was worth a day working for local people!
I don't know why people can't recognize this. Anyone who has ever had a loved one suffer from dementia knows that many go through this stage where they have the vaguest grasp of reality and can speak but they can't tie it all together into coherence. Terrifying in someone with power to do harm.
Be sure to put him in a nursing home subjected to Special Focus Audit, because if he gut out Medicare/Medicaid, that's where many of nursing homes will end up in.
Yup. What George said!! I worked in nursing homes for years & many of the residents were way way more connected to reality than the "leader" now trying to destroy our democracy.
No kidding! Why are they hanging on his words? Or
even reporting on anything that comes out of his mouth. He outta of his f’ing gord! A sad statement on what really needs to be said. Put him
away! 😢 He’s a dangerous, vindictive curse on us. Beyond reproach!
By the way, I think Rupert Murdoch is tired of Mango Mussolini destroying the stock market. His minions are starting to turn on Drumpf.
It's still about $18 higher than it was six months ago though.
He's the polar opposite of FDR.
He's mad because of an opinion piece decrying his manhood and calling tariffs he's put in place a 'really Dumb thing to do'.
Trudeau scolded him with that quote.
"Make it so"
Where's the Capt when we need him?
Maybe this is why Donald still doesn't understand tariffs.
The semi-hourly diaper changes alone would make me quit and probably gouge my eyes out before moving to the Himalayas and meditating on nothingness for the rest of my life.
What in the Sudafed-addicted fuck is he even talking about? Tariff money pouring in where? The EU set up to screw us? And his cult members will elive every last word.
Nursing home is too light a sentence. Spandau via Nuremberg is more appropriate here.
I think you need to be introduced to a great English phrase
“Cock Womble”
In this case , it really is appropriate
Even gibbons should not be abused
(With the exception of Vance of course - that gibbon should be pegged and staked to remind him of his school days)
Let’s be honest - it’s not like Fart - that’s the correct term for Trump isn’t it - makes it hard
Though according to Melania Trump it’s the only hard thing about to toupee wearer
That’s unfair - even that twat would get a better wig than what he wears
No; that technique would make more sense.
Al Prazolam.
So it does look like eggs are down and gas is coming down. I'm not sure what his source is, but who knows.
And Trump thinks this is good for those businesses... Idiot.
But Mrs Goldstein down the road is changing 75 cents.
Then go and buy Mrs Goldsteins chickens.
Well problem is Mrs Goldstein doesn’t have any chickens.
Same as Aluminium.
Things like tax cuts to Billionaires for example.
Consumer pays.
He obviously skipped this class along with Ferris, Cameron and Sloane.
facing the Gulf of Mexico
better get someone
on those reservations,
maybe Doge
has time when they make theirs
Closing time.
Also - what is it he’s winning?
Do they have nursing home services in prison? That's where he belongs.
It is ironic, considering how hard he is working to erase FDR's work (Social Security, farmer subsidies, etc.) that he's quoting FDR.
Paper dragon.
Egg prices down, oil down crazy
It's ok to completely dismiss the millions of birds that we essentially cooked to death because we can't be bothered to address the problem.
Just to be fair!
More difficult for companies, who use a lot of eggs in their products. They will also have to adjust their prices.
Still, I was spending some time in a research project in Birma: There an egg was worth a day working for local people!
If by eggs he meant ripped pig then yeah.
Stock prices.
Just say "Jewish", you demented cumsock.
That's reality you won't hear from that buffoon.
even reporting on anything that comes out of his mouth. He outta of his f’ing gord! A sad statement on what really needs to be said. Put him
away! 😢 He’s a dangerous, vindictive curse on us. Beyond reproach!