There were not many Nazis there in Ukraine. There were Lienz Cossacks who joined the Nazis to fight the Soviets during the time of Stalin.
They wanted their independence and were sandwiched between two dictators. Not a happy ending for them.
Ok bint you want to spit hairs fine. Yes during the war on the easter fronts Nazis died on the battlefield in Ukraine. HOWEVER outside that BEFORE the battles starting in 1939 they were Training the Lienz to do the disrupting and appearing to stay out of it. Happy? Dumbkopf!
Part of me thinks that it's no wonder Trump was elected when nut jobs and idiots like her are also voted into office. She was reelected into Congress TWICE by Northwest Georgia.
I could carve a face in a potato and slap a badly bleached blong wig on it, and it would still be smarter and more effective than Marjorie Taylor Greene.
They had to invade because nazis, and also deport because antisemitism!
- Jewish space laser lady who defends "free speech" on twitter (racism) run by a guy who siegheils, and is lead by a guy who said the "Jews will not replace us" guys were good people, and gives speeches with white supremacists
MTG is an embarrassment to this country. The fact that she was ever elected is laughable. The fact that she was re-elected is proof that her constituents are beyond contempt.
It is the right thing to be against the Holocaust to be completely honest obviously...but Marjorie Greene Taylor is a most crazy person in her beliefs about a lot of things like things that she thinks she exists like...
friggin Jewish space lasers out in space or her believing in things like that. The direction she is working as a politician is disturbing...she even believes in Christian Nationalism or so I've heard which is unacceptable...
Omg how DUMB are these ppl. No hope to overcome the dumbness. Yes some Ukrainians supported Nazis. Also Finland sided with the Nazis. BECAUSE THEY WERE SO DESPERATE TO FREE THEMSELVES FROM RUSSIA they thought the Nazi would free them from Russia. Parts of Belgium same Flanders vs Wallonia.
M.Traitor.G. the missing link. Scientists are looking for decades for the missing link in the human evolutionary path. They finally found those specific trades in MTG her behavior. DNA is still being researched, but from anonymous sources we heard very promising sounds of a breakthrough.😜😜
It's crazy how many extreme leftists also spout this. I know someone that actually hoped Russia would invade America just to get rid of the American Imperialists.
I was like, bro, you'd just be trading one for another 💀
Ukraine has a long, well documented history of Jew hating. But we Jews must support Ukraine because Putin and Trump threaten the continued existence and safety of all of us.
Btw, Greene cares about Jews as much as she cares about anyone not white, straight, and Christian. We're not fooled.
How can anyone believe anything MTG says. She is a full MAGA, white so-called christain Trump puppet. She claims to be christain but fully supports Trump's anti citizen agenda. Claims to be for morality and family but her 2 affairs ended her marriage. She is a federal employee but says federal
employees don't deserve a paycheck. She is a conspiracy follower, a former (?) Qanon proponent, and an overall nasty person. She got where she is today by kissing Trump's ass in hopes of gaining status. Sorry to tell you Marjorie, you are just a means to the end for Trump. He'd drop you like a
I wonder who’s going to tell her that over 30% of voters for her president have nazi ideology and rhetoric, I wonder how she would justify that given that she herself is spouting misinformation and propaganda
Extremely stupid, but gets elected by even more stupid people!
Ukraine has the horror of russia as a neighbour, and England has the horror of sharing a similar language to the us, and that cunt of a cuntry having an insidious hold over our people!
It's really really fucking depressing!!!
Once again proving that we MUST establish minimum education and literacy achievement levels for lawmakers - in this case, illiterate and third grade are not good enough. Sorry Marge
Will not be surprised if MTG soon starts demanding that the U.S. invade Canada due to the “massive amount” of fentanyl coming from our neighbor to the north (which is not true).
🍊 just stated that “Canada was meant to be the 51st state”.
Snyder is generally right and on point, but he's wrong to minimize the ultra-nationalist current and neo-Nazi battalions. They were also, in fact, integrated in the Ukrainian army in 2014. Obviously, Putin is full of shit when he paints all Ukrainians with the Nazi brush, but Azov is a real thing.
Look of Stephan Bandera, Ukraine’s national hero, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, C-14, Right Sector and Svoboda. Their ideological roots go back to Hitler and the Nazis and they committed war crimes against Russians, Poles and Jews. Neo-Nazism is their DNA.
Has anyone checked video surveillance footage to determine whether or not she was near the Las Vegas Tesla dealership
I'm just asking innocent questions
People believe it. I was arguing with someone who said Zelensky is a Nazi and the trident symbol he wore to the White House was proof. I showed them actual proof to refute and was blocked because they want to believe nonsense and not the truth.
How about you look next door, MTG, to see some ACTUAL NAZIS trying to erase black people, Latino/a people, basically anyone not rich and white and male. It's almost like they want a pure Aryan race of billionaires or something. 🖕
People like MTG, and the entire MAGA cult, make me pine for the days as a child when I believed boulders could randomly fall from the sky on bad people.
She is a prime example why education is so very vital for us humans! In her, we see how it will be, if we do not educate ourselves and ignore what history has to teach us.
I hate to think that she is one of the "smart ones" in her district. Sad district, the people who elect her must have had lobotomies, and that's being generous.
Most amazing of all are the Russian trolls who insist that Zelenskyy is a Nazi when they obviously don't know anything about his family history. It's almost as if the MAGA cult is either stupid, or has been infiltrated by Russian operatives, or both.
That's a big part of it, but so is critical thinking. I love my wife but she's way too gullible. You have to be a little skeptical - but also not so skeptical that you assume everything is vast conspiracy.
It’s too bad she doesn’t have the capacity to hear or learn and she certainly doesn’t have the desire for it. She’s excited to spread absolute bullshit.
Those of us who can try, but the good people are outnumbered and the mix makes it unpleasant for both. I mean, there's a KKK stronghold (in Tallapoosa) and Black Mecca (Atlanta). It's a weird state.
They wanted their independence and were sandwiched between two dictators. Not a happy ending for them.
The planet is ready for you to leave as you have used up your share of resources and oxygen. I am officially tired of you for the umpteenth time.
oh yeah...the are the fbi pretending to nazis
Trying to mimic & "reward" him for voting your way?
THAT will surely backfire.
- Jewish space laser lady who defends "free speech" on twitter (racism) run by a guy who siegheils, and is lead by a guy who said the "Jews will not replace us" guys were good people, and gives speeches with white supremacists
Ten dollars says their pants are on backwards.
It failed.
They reach for the accusations that would damn them, lacking the empathy to recognise that what hurts them might not apply to another.
The winner in Congress goes to the national finals in two months! There's some stiff competition this year.😁
I was like, bro, you'd just be trading one for another 💀
Btw, Greene cares about Jews as much as she cares about anyone not white, straight, and Christian. We're not fooled.
Ukraine has the horror of russia as a neighbour, and England has the horror of sharing a similar language to the us, and that cunt of a cuntry having an insidious hold over our people!
It's really really fucking depressing!!!
many decades in the making
1 - Project 2025 is being implemented by the letter.
2 - You won't have any more free elections.
3 - The vast majority of the Democratic Party leaders aren't leaders, aren't even democrats.
4 - Your country became:
The Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
🍊 just stated that “Canada was meant to be the 51st state”.
I'm just asking innocent questions