MAGAs have always had a hard time separating short term gain from long term damage but nothing demonstrates it as clearly as dissolving the Dept of Ed. Maybe (?) it will save a few dollars in the coming years. But what happens in 10 or 20 years when we don’t have enough engineers, doctors, etc.?
A politician representing the state of Louisiana misspelled the name of the state on a big sign.
I think the misspelling looks like it says "Louis Nana".
Nana also means "grandmother".
It's a misspelling joke that shows how uneducated the politician is.
2/5 Meanwhile in Mike Johnson’s Louisiana has 639 violent crimes per 100,000 people, while the national average is 399 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
4/5 Meanwhile in Mike Johnson’s Louisiana a quarter of the roads (23.3%) are in poor condition compared to the national average of 19%, which also contributes to the state's D+ grade in the American Society of Civil Engineers’ most recent infrastructure report card.
I lived in Louisiana and believe me their education system stinks.
I remember watching the news and I would often see misspelled words scrolling across the television.
Kkk was still strong at the time also. I brought them up because that is the reason I moved away.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Wilder, they don't even know what the department does. In every interview they think it's in charge of litter boxes and pride flags, and it turns out to be mostly subsidized lunches and IEPs.
Psh, the pilot could live too. Just keep one parachute and throw the rest out (not that those clowns would have the brains to use them properly anyways).
Even with parachutes, musk and don jr would pull the ripcord while still on the plane, trump would assume someone will pull it for him, RFK would jump without one (they’re a scam), and Johnson would pull it too early, being carried hundreds of miles away by air currents to be mauled by a bear later.
In America, swearing an oath is as empty as drumpfs heart, apparently. Congress, the senate and Drumpf all swore an oath to defend the Constitution, and look at them!
How fitting that it's mcd0n@lds, which truly doesn't qualify as food at all. Just god-knows-what processed trash that isn't fit to feed a rat...
*stops. Looks at photo again*
Ok. It's fit enough to feed _certain_ rats...
90s stepdad big southern Baptist pedo was 14 groomed for 5 yrs 💀💀 blamed me gaslit the family no one believed me until I left at 16 including CPS also found out the CPS lady .friend"he's a good Christian man" finally family believed me after 10 years from what I heard he moved to Florida and died
Thank you on all accounts 💙
I still need to hear that 🫂
looking back I kinda understood my mother she passed away in the 90s he gaslight her so bad a lot of mental abuse I was able to forgive her after we talked before she passed
You are so wise & strong. Cult control/gaslighting is insidious & it seems much of congress has Stockholms Syndrome/tonic immobility under Trump/Putin pysops. The human brain seeks to survive & shuts down in trauma & crisis. Healing is possible, takes knowledge, work, HOPE🙂, vision. You can do it👍
I recently moved to an area where many kids are traumatized by their parents fanatical followings. We need to address this as a society; we aren't & it is causing much pain. Our adversaries harnessed our lack of interest in addressing extremist cults. This nation has a lot of hard work to do.
Truth!!! tho I didn't realize how having a father that's physical abusive and then step dad 😑 how much all that followed me in my life cycles of crap I just finally realized after a messed up marriage and long term boyfriend and finally WOKE UP after a very short 1 yr relationship at 48 4 yrs ago
Good Lord! Isn't there one person who could've spotted this?
On a totally unrelated note... Good Lord, how can Trump, Musk, their depraved cabinet members, and the ICE monsters sleep at night, knowing that many innocent people have been sent to prison, to be tortured for the rest of their lives?
They do not have a conscience or morals. They seem to think they are superior to everyone else. Three of my grandparents served fighting Nazism overseas. They are rolling in their graves now.
It's funny how a conscience gets distributed in humanity. Some have too much and others an absolute vacuum. Herman Hesse noted this spectrum in Siddartha as a means to preserve the species perhaps. It never belongs in leadership. Ever. We may have to go back to our hominid ancestors & start all over
Apparently, spelling has been mastered in the US. That's why the departmen of education was eliminated. The proof is found in the Supreme Court of Loisnana.
Stop picking on Louie's nana. I know she's old, forgetful and a bigot, and never learned common decency, but she needs a lot of help from the federal government not to go under.
This is a coordinated effort to eliminate secular public education and replace it with Christian nationalist schooling. Through defunding public schools, school vouchers, book bans, and rewriting curricula, the goal is to indoctrinate the next generation under a religious, authoritarian framework.
This is a Christian nationalist coup (continuation of Jan 6) reshaping our judiciary & government to then reshape American culture. The goal? A Christian version of Saudi Arabia, where religious extremism merges with corporate power to control policy, wealth, and society.
No we aren’t. President comanche knew the country had a problem so he turned to the smartest man who was found through a test and not wealth. Comache asked for help.
The problem with that is that the people in Idiocracy are so much better than those irl. They generally want the best for everyone! F/elon wants to destroy the country for their profit. We should be so lucky to be in Idiocracy 💔
My favorite part is that they "outsourced" the preparation of the projection graphic, so of course they don't want to take the blame. As if they couldn't have checked the product that they spent money on?!
All that's missing is for them to say it was a DEI contract. SMH
Louisiana. Doesn't surprise me at fucking all. Jesus christ this country is fucked. These poor kids will have to struggle so hard when they are older and didn't cause any of this.
"Louisiana has a relatively low literacy rate, with about 72.9% of the population considered literate. A significant portion of residents struggle with reading proficiency, with 27% of adults performing at or below Level 1 reading proficiency."
oh no, more like a robot took that job and every other job someone who can barely read a comic book would be qualified for, then what, stick them all on the front porch???
The democratic leadership needs to address this and isn't. It keeps talking about 'working people' to drum up support. AI will be taking jobs, not just robots. No one is talking about how the job market under AI will not provide needed employment. We still need to be educated to not be an Idiocracy
We can't let this happen, we had it better how can we hand this crap over to them. I can't, they deserve at least what we had not worse. In social education classes, they teach teachers, that elites want uneducated masses. Can't hold on to a democracy with uneducated masses.
Trump doesn't "understand" how "language" works.... I would've thought he'd at least seen air quotations used in conversation before, but apparently not.
He's proof that the wealthy buy their way through US Universities. He doesn't show evidence of a middle school education.
It was said it helped his supporters feel better about their lack of education to see him make mistakes all the time, it helped them identify and support him more.
Gotta love the South. When I lived in Georgia, I pulled into a job placement office, and the legend stenciled on hundreds of parking spaces, permanently painted for all posterity was "Compack Parking Only"
If this is real it means that the seal has most likely been wrong since it was created and adopted. Which in turn makes it even worse considering no one caught it in all that time.
🤣 looking at the overall brainpower of a good part of our population I’d say the future is doomed then unless this runaway train is put back on the track. Tick- tock.
When Gov. Ronnie Raygun closed the majority of the Mental Illness sides of the California State Hospitals the money “saved” didn’t stay in Mental Health services. Fed. funds allocated to the Dept. of Education won’t go to the states for educ. progs. & svcs., it’ll go to lower taxes for the rich.
Why the rush to destroy national educational standards across the country? Is it to prevent students from reaching higher educational levels that would allow them to achieve access to higher paying employment? To assure there's a waiting pool of poorly educated students to fill low-paying jobs?
see that old bastard Kennedy has done his job in the 50 plus years taxpayers have paid him to fight for education in Louisiana….for a guy who claims he went to Oxford, I think he us confused and he actually went to the lowest rank
University of Louisiana at Lafayette:
this is probably what he meant: "Eduction" can refer to the act of drawing out or deducing something, a conclusion reached through reasoning, or a geological process where Earth's crust spreads sideways.
Traumatized herd animals keeping their heads down. Don't think, just do whatever it takes to survive the idiot they let Putin pick because he was the perfect groomable tool. Wouldn't know a courageous free thought if it floated past them in a word bubble. Stockholms syndrome. Broken congress.
That's been the problem with "eduction" in "Louisnana" and most red states for years. They turned over "eduction" to home schooling parents and Christian Nazionalists long ago. 2+2=47!
Of course, I'm just embarrassed to live in Louisiana. The people here truly do not see the reality of what's going on, and are blind to the fact that yes, it will, affect them
They all need to hire professional editors to check/edit their sh*tty posts/twxt anyway = New government jobs created by TFG’s incompetent administration.
He dropped a letter. He was celebrating Donald Trump returning the power of SEDUCTION to the families, because he feels that cousins ain't just for kissin'.
Not a thing, they aren't going to stop progress. Trump is a symptom of the desperate last gasp to hold off an inevitable diverse future. Nature wins in the long run. Diversity rules. Its a biological DNA thing, the only reason we are here now and will be in the future: DIVERSITY !!!
You are very correct. You don’t even have to call it progress. Diversity is built into how evolution works. Evolution of all life, of every different kind of living thing, is because they are a little bit different from their parents.
It Nurbs!
I think the misspelling looks like it says "Louis Nana".
Nana also means "grandmother".
It's a misspelling joke that shows how uneducated the politician is.
i wonder how many people noticed before it went up.
I guess it fits their education ranking being in the bottom 5 of 50 year after year.
Louisiana about one in five Louisianians live in poverty
crime/corrections, 50; economy, 50; education, 46; fiscal stability, 38; healthcare, 45; infrastructure, 49; natural environment, 49; and opportunity, 48.
Source: The U.S. News report
Let me repeat that
No ethics.
No morals.
No decency. Period. 🖕🏼
I remember watching the news and I would often see misspelled words scrolling across the television.
Kkk was still strong at the time also. I brought them up because that is the reason I moved away.
You misspelled Lose.
Just not the kind of "mauled" or "bear" you meant...
*stops. Looks at photo again*
Ok. It's fit enough to feed _certain_ rats...
• His wife runs a conversion therapy program.
• His son is his pornography accountability partner.
• Look at him. 👀
It’s 2025 and self loathing closet cases would rather ruin the world rather than come out.
I still need to hear that 🫂
looking back I kinda understood my mother she passed away in the 90s he gaslight her so bad a lot of mental abuse I was able to forgive her after we talked before she passed
On a totally unrelated note... Good Lord, how can Trump, Musk, their depraved cabinet members, and the ICE monsters sleep at night, knowing that many innocent people have been sent to prison, to be tortured for the rest of their lives?
Lou is Nana!
Then who is Nana?
Lou IS Nana!
Who's on first, 2025 edition.
Trump wouldn’t do such a thing.
I no longer consider “Idiocracy” a comedy; it was a foreshadowing of the future.
and I bet you they can’t spell the two big words ive posted!
All that's missing is for them to say it was a DEI contract. SMH
"Louisiana has a relatively low literacy rate, with about 72.9% of the population considered literate. A significant portion of residents struggle with reading proficiency, with 27% of adults performing at or below Level 1 reading proficiency."
Or can they?
The fucking weirdo.
He's proof that the wealthy buy their way through US Universities. He doesn't show evidence of a middle school education.
Trump is the Prince of What the Fuck!
Can someone do a silver alert!🚨
Here is the Shreveport (KTAL News) reporter's account.
Some of us want to drag everyone down to our level.
Bigly genius illiterate brains down south.
Saying that, I'm still waiting for LouisNana's cookies.
e d u c a t i o n?
Louisiana's Governor Jeff Landry and others met with Trump, spelling it
e d u c t I o n.
1-missed a "d" - deduction
2-missed a bunch of other letters - education
Guess Jeff went to a private school where they didn't learn spelling.
You nailed it! 😂
They are a cult that worships stupid.
His way of making them the magas think he’s stupid like them.
Stupid is as stupid does ... China & the EU at least value education 😂
JFC, is this real?
Thanks Covie for making me LMFAO 🤣
University of Louisiana at Lafayette:
That linked to Narnia??
Any magic wardrobes??
And our governor just dictated to all offices that any written material MUST refer to the Gulf as Gulf of America.
This was posted by Musk on Twitter/X:,gravity%20pushes%20the%20mountains%20down.
Nothing more annoying to an idiot in command is to have people around you that know you’re an idiot.
Heck a raccoon is smarter than them !
Means a ‘leading out’ of something
Perhaps they want to lead kids out of some plight they call ‘wokeness’
as if to try to nullify the care which ppl feel for one another, but are themselves unable to feel,
requiring its invidious destruction, lest they lose control of them.
To ruin everyones lives and make themselves unaccountable.... Definitely a Jim Crow throwback!
A.) turn over the geological power to separate rocks to the family’s or
B.) turn over the power to deduce the facts to the family’s
…hopefully they choose B.
But you already knew that.
Sure, let the guys who can’t tie their shoes without drooling on them make decisions about the state of education in this country.
What could go wrong?!
That's why they need to dismantle the Dept. of #Education