I tell every kid that asks, that you paid money to learn. Now it’s time to get paid to learn. You don’t need a perfect job. You need to be the best as you can at your job. People like jobs they are good at
You are always a free agent. You can always be looking and learn more in a new job
You are always a free agent. You can always be looking and learn more in a new job
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There’s also a perception that once you are in a job, that you’re locked into that job for the rest of you life. Which isn’t exactly the truth, it may be a little tough to adjust, but it’s always possible. A lot of teachers I meet didn’t want to be teachers until after they got through a job or two.
I’ve had multiple careers: lawyer, editor, risk manager, librarian. There’s a lot to be said for variety.
Cuban needs to learn to edit his posts.
We should have more content like that on social media feeds
Second, this was spoken like a true rich guy with the freedom to just do whatever.
You don't have to be a master to take a job.
Please share -- then view the schedule on website and roll onto a bus headed for DC:
Too many employers focused on attempting to find someone that possessed an extremely narrow set of skills & experience, rarely focused on the potential.
I think there are reasons to not go to college, but there aren't reasons to be uneducated.
That. Is. Wrong.
Free agent entrepreneurial able
A variety pack of unique jobs to be found to your interest
I love manufacturing jobs , meditating jobs,
Horticulture ones.
going forward, with prospective solutions widely discussed, or it remains an issue
that just hangs over society
and the economy without acknowledgement,
ominously throwing deepening
shade over everything.
Maybe we shouldn't take career advice from Oligarchs, eh?
Some people are falling for it.
Then I pushed my way into Christie Digital to up my game. Always looking...Cheers and Happy New Year.
I tell my students that education gives you options, and the ability to shift what you do
Analytics is an efficient market now. It’s hard to stand out. But if you can, the sky is the limit.
I worked at a county club for awhile. The man that worked the shoe shine stand was an example of that for me.
Once you get GC, you are a free agent too.
Why is it their responsibility to hustle too?
Respect all workers and give them security for their sacrifice.
Being the perpetual new guy sucks.
Being the last one hired sucks.
There has to be enough impetus to change.
In the words of Mame; "Life's a banquet, and most poor sons-a-bitches are starving."
I worked for an electrical contractor that was run by a guy with a doctorate in Biomolecular engineering and a IBEW engineer with a degree in Education.
1 - compensation (pay + bennies)
2 - geographic location
3a&b - job satisfaction (3a the actual job, 3b the coworker cohort)
If you have zero or one of these, you should be looking.
Two is pretty good.
Three for three?
Be very thankful. It’s rare.
Then companies who care only about the bottom line and have no employee loyalty and don’t want or expect it. Growth by force.
Citizens of the EU not only have that freedom-They can also work in other countries.
Americans have no idea how different opportunity & quality of life could be.
Companies had no loyalty to employees and so I gave none back.
We see you.
You make your own way.
I say “negotiate” and they say “it’s not that kind of job.”
There’s a gap in imagination, I think. Some doors don’t open until you knock.
(Affordable Care Act made so much possible. Could have coverage. Entrepreneur, small business owner, writer, single parent, all of these. Thank you, President Obama and all who worked tirelessly to achieve this.)
Negotiating thousands upfront? For most, it’s a luxury of leverage they simply don’t have.
Hälsningar från Frankrike... https://www.lafleurie.net
Millions tethered to jobs for healthcare isn’t a ‘punchline,’ but I’m guessing nuance isn’t your strong suit.
If you even own one.
Seems like being in politics switches off parts of the brain responsible for critical listening and turns one into a slogan generating machine.
At age 40, I took a risk and got lucky, but for most, that barrier is too high.
It’s not rhetoric. It’s lived experience.
The longest I spent in a position was 8 years. Shortest, 2.
*VERY rarely
"People like jobs they are good at" doesn't hit the same when you're working basically on-call for less than transit fare per hour (and God help you if the bus is late).
If that's the actual chasm people have to cross then it's a very different kind of advice, y'know?
Many people live paycheck-to-paycheck.
That’s not being a free agent.
Also, you see to be unaware of probationary periods for employment and health insurance along with the high cost of COBRA.
Universal healthcare could help free us.
We need a better system of career counseling nationwide for the lower-middle rungs of employment.
Education, adaptability, and strong work ethic don't mean mean very little when you are devalued by tour sex or skin color, and the fact you lack capital to start.
Tell me why car insurance affects employment!
devalued by your sex, not tour.
YOU are still in control of your destiny.
YOU get to CHOOSE 2 stay or not.
YOU have the power!
That's a massive impediment to free agency.
It never occurred to the king to do something else.
A small society.
Is that the new role model for America under Elon? I’m just trying to figure this out so I know how to evaluate my “worth”
There are very few who ever have the “perfect job” and almost everyone has a bad one (or more).
What is important as an employee is to always do your best, regardless, and learn from every experience.
ACA is good for what it is, but is far from what it need be: universal healthcare coverage.
I then applied for and was hired into an entry level tech job that I built my career on. His works spurred me to not stay stuck.
Until that changes people stay in jobs they hate. Or industries that are the 2nd or 3rd choice. To reduce risk of repeated layoffs
No matter what your degree and experience is. Companies will not hire if you don't meet 20 criteria.
No one meets unicorn
With a pathetic combover.