Welcome to the global Organic Gardening feed!
If you'd like to be able to post to this feed, please reply to *this* post with a gardening picture or the name of your favorite plant to grow.
Approval is done by a busy human and might take a while. Continue reading for more info.
If you'd like to be able to post to this feed, please reply to *this* post with a gardening picture or the name of your favorite plant to grow.
Approval is done by a busy human and might take a while. Continue reading for more info.
Germany/Lower Saxony
Nova Scotia Canada
I do want to go away from monoculture so im rooting for the thyme. I intend to spread some cuttings into new areas this spring.
Thanks for adding me.
There were a few glitches in the beginning, but the lovely folks from Bluesky Feed Creator sorted them out very quickly.
(I should have mentioned pots, as so many people have soil they don't like and they look good in pots, too)
Thanks for adding me to the feed 👍
(and thanks for creating the feed, too!)
I have lots of redcurrants and blackcurrants too - and they come easily from cuttings so you only need to buy one.
(also, if no dig, I find comfrey handy. It goes down deep for minerals and you can just cut the leaves for mulch)
Intuitively, many select the small speech bubble when they try to see the existing replies, but that's for adding a reply of your own. 😅
Remember to add the seedling emoji or any of the hash tags listed in the overview thread of this feed if you want your post to show up in this feed.
Also: herbs, roses, blackberries, and my one tiger stripe fig tree.
(I know you asked for only one, but it’s difficult to whittle down.)
#organic-gardening to grow flowers 🌺 and veggies. 🥕
I think Sakura??? It’s from a few years back.
And the 🐝 🐝🐝 love them too!
There are many experienced gardeners around here, I'm sure we can help you out if you have any questions.
Please remind I am not a native English speaker. Sorry for my lack of knowledge. 🙂