Ex-Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel spouts transphobic talking points to Bill Maher.
"Look, in seventh grade, if I had known that I could have said the word ‘They’ and got in the girls bathroom, I would have done it."
"Look, in seventh grade, if I had known that I could have said the word ‘They’ and got in the girls bathroom, I would have done it."
This asshole? No. Not at least since the 7th grade.
the irony? it was a trans bathroom bill
Has a surprisingly solid ring to it.
In addition to being a shitty thing to say, it's also just really fucking bizarre.
But yeah this isn’t normal — it’s creepy
I don't know what his problem is.
Trump is President because your party keeps picking candidates people dislike & doesn't hold actual primaries where people vote who to nominate.
Blaming voters is misplaced projection.
Seems like they got more purity tests from Trump.
He is Democrats' ex.
it's not that politicians aren't espousing good democratic views, it's that democratic views no longer represent us, the people
we need to unmoor ourselves from a party that doesn't care about us
and how that ties to this "my sexually predatory behaviour to women is normal, so it's fine" outlook
Incredible irony that in the name of protecting women using the restroom, they themselves are admitting how much they love raping.
because they present themselves as Protecting Women, they assume they won't be seen as a threat to women themselves
The biden admin also tried to retreat on gender-affirming surgery for minors, but it's good that they were at least sensitive enough to public pressure to reverse course.
But you're right that Democrats are the only ones who have even tried to clear the bar, it's one of the reasons I vote for them.
These people are so fucked in the head
Good thing this has nothing to do with trans folks.
Men do not need to put on a dress and go into a public restroom to abuse women and children.
They usually just go home. Or don a clerical collar. Or wear a badge.
Or they just do it in public, wearing pants
Well he's successfully convinced me of one thing, but it's not about trans people.
Every accusation from them is an admission.
Aren't bathrooms kind of universally...gross? What am I missing here?
ironically, i think the fetishizing of bathrooms comes *precisely* from the way that they're touted as a woman-only intimate space
What are your crimes?
Just STFU and go away, Rahm, you turd.
Why is he on TV? He lied about Laquan McDonald's murder. That's his legacy. Go hide under your rock.
Hes that cliche recycled
It shocks me that people will hear shit like this and think it's some excellent refutation and not an admission of unapologetic sadism
He saved it for Bill Maher.
That's a Rahm Emanuel being a creeper problem, and not a problem with men in general or transgender people
He must have been a creepy loser.
also, as others have said, who the fuck goes in the bathroom for anything other than for the toilet/mirror/sink?? i know when i was in hs several years ago ppls (mostly girls) occasionally went in clusters to talk, but thats high school and also gross
Women pee in stalls. Then we wash our hands. That's it, nothing to see..
There's no political advantage to saying shit like this, no 'center' of votes to win by taking the side of hate against trans.
When prominent dems take this route, it's not because they're trying to win
There—I fixed the headline.
One would say they lack self-awareness, but then I remember that blatant malevolence can't be attributed to stupidity.
Is it really news that "Creepy old guy admits on live air back in the day he was a creepy young guy"
He is so out of touch
Explains a lot of his later actions.
Bill Maher (smugly): exactly what the woke trans want to do to us. we should kill them
I hope she had been well compensated for her time with him.
dude fucks a hot chick and then goes on about the wokies after the climax? what??? PFFF
What a creep. Every shitty anti-trans person whose stated rationale is, "how else do we keep me from commiting sexual assault" can STFU.
Someone needs to tell this guy that the sheer majority of people don't think the way that he does...
On the show for normalizing fascism.
John Stewart born in 1962. Still a boomer.
Gen X is between 1965 and 1980. Speaking as someone born in 1979, these fuckers don't represent us.
It's pretty normal for someone to have an audience slightly younger than themselves - cusp ages fare better because they have just slightly more establishment than their followers.
But they occupied space in the GenX zeitgeist through movies (some even good!) and transitioned their careers to entertainment-political commentary in the early oughts, just as GenX was in their formative/peak years?
Yes, Rahm, you would have done that because you're a man with obvious consent issues. That has nothing to do with the fact that trans women have to use the damn bathroom.
Rape someone?
What are you saying?
You would rather use the girls restroom to put your makeup on?
I really don't understand where you are going with this.
"I could have pretended to be trans to get into the girls' bathroom."
"Really. And then what." and just wait for that uncomfortable laugh as they try and change the subject.
(❤️ had a Willy's jeep BTW!)
I suppose rapists respect "women's only" spaces, right?
So instead they enact an elaborate plan of years of mental health and physical transformation so they can feel justified entering the "women's room" to rape women.
Just like no one is transitioning to win at sports.
It's ludicrous.
People are just trying g to live and it hurts NO ONE.
It's not hard to let people live. Just be cool.
Be cool.
Trying to stop others from living peacefully? Stop. Be cool.
It's so easy.
Be cool.
BlueSky got me raging about Democrats even while Trump is destroying the federal government. Not because it's a plot of Republicans or Russia. They just talk and I hate it.