Ernst built her image on being a strong veteran and unapologetically standing up for women in the military. She shat upon all that by voting for hegseth and proving to be another cog in the sycophantic trump demagoguery wheel. She’s joined the ranks of gop traitors selling out her country.
Doesn't take a whole lot of mind mapping to understand why Putin and his orange puppet own these people.
The way most of them now consistently vote against what's best for their own country would suggest a significant number of them are seriously compromised.
Is that why Joni’s been growing her hair out over the years after looking like the stereotype of the woman who always wants to speak to your manager, & getting some plastic surgery work & younger wardrobe?
This is bizarre… she isn’t qualified enough for being in the GOP or a Trumpster. She needs to commit more conflicts of interest and crimes if she wants GOP street cred. Maybe throw in a rape or two to really impress Trump. He loves the rapists.
Seem to remember a Dem Rep a few years ago had an affair with staffer and was run out of Congress by right wing hype machine…assuming this is going to show up on Fox any day now??? 🙄🙄🙄
I knew a general officer who was sleeping with two of his staff officers. The captains were discharged and the general got a retirement party and a pension. Anywho, god bless our troops.
They probably live in a social and informational “choose-your-own-adventure” version of reality, in effect. Power can simultaneously corrupt and blind. Eventually the corruption dysregulates conscience enough that they can clearly see moral consequences but choose corruption anyway.
They’re all dirty every single Republican there’s not a decent one among them. Why do you think they fall and fealty to Donald Trump? Putin is blackmailing the fuck out of these assholes and they’d rather destroy our constitution our democracy then tell the truth of what they’ve actually been up to!
There are too many to count and tell how much tax paying dollars cover the silence. It's so shameful. These are ppl serving no wonder UMITED STATES IS JUST BEING LOOKED AT IN A LESS WORLD STAGE.
I been calling her regularly, she’s my rep, today I flat out said, “your a disgrace to the uniform”. She’s the only office that never answers or responds. Wonder why? 🤔
Ahh yes, forbidden love, story as old as time. I remember the ethics video they made us watch where a contractor sent over a scraggly Christmas tree as a gift and that was not acceptable. But apparently boinking people in charge of your appropriations is acceptable.🤷♂️
I seem to recall some minor scandal from a few years back. Some kind of extramarital affair with another officer. There are so many GOP scandals it is hard to keep track.
Racist Iowans will continue to vote for her. Immigrates legal or not are the backbone of Iowas economy but their easy targets because they don't fight back. She's a huge hater, they love it.
The corruption is now total. The people have been screaming for years. Those cries fell on deaf ears. Both Republicans and Dems (who are supposed to work for the people) ignored us. And now we are here - full on, out in the open, no one to enforce the law - kleptocracy.
She has been compromised and should be thrown off all committees, on which she sits. She should consider resigning her office, as her conduct is un becoming an officer in the military and certainly unbecoming for a US Senator. She is a disgrace to both institutions.
Jfx we’re out here having our democracy destroyed, our economy wrecked and betraying our allies while these sick fucks get horny and have affairs. This shit needs to end right the fuck now.
The depths of these people's corruption, just what we know about, is astounding. It's not going to take long before the rest is revealed. At the end of the day, the only people any of these people are loyal to is themselves. They'll sell each other out eventually.
They all have dirt and that’s the makeup of the apartheid Clyde and 47 regime 😒 what ties them all together is the sleeze and the illegal stuff they have all participated in 😒 no spine or morals needed when you have been caught with your hands in the cookie jar 🙄
So Finerty's job was to go all around the Hill and dole out sex for $$. And Enest is nothing but the []oe of the Hill. It's no wonder the gop love the Rapist so much. He is just like all of them. All []oe's!
She only won with 51 percent of the vote
She’s up for reelection in 26, maybe the democrats can win this seat. Same in NC with Tillis, and maybe Kansas and Alaska. Not much hope anywhere else
It appears that the American people have very short memories. They're so engrossed in their phones, social media, and other things that they magically forget.
Good to see that Joni Ernst will learn what it feels like to be slut shamed like she and the MAGAt GOP have done to Trump’s sexual assault victims and AOC, Omar, and women generally
All of them.
Most of them are OPEN secrets though.
They are (insanely) arrogantly ignorant. Their shit doesn’t stink and they make laws for everyone else.
And yet most will never know a thing about this cause our main stream media will not report on it … your doing a great job Fred but I sure in hell think you must be beating your head against a wall !
Hmm. I think we now know why she flipped on the Hegseth vote. Ernst was probably told that this report would be released without redactions and with copies of the sexting photos included.
We live in a twilight zone, so an elected leader and a do nothing Congress is selling away the country and its Allies while robbing the taxpayers. This fall in morality is just one more indication of how far we have fallen.😏
Aha. So now we know why she did an about face on Hegseth confirmation. Trump would drag her through the mud if she didn’t do his bidding and she caved. This is exactly the rules exist.
Joni, what's your excuse?
The way most of them now consistently vote against what's best for their own country would suggest a significant number of them are seriously compromised.
1) she’s a republican
2) look at her voting record. Especially as of late.
Probably a lot of bad stuff there. Until mid-2023 they weren’t even encrypted in a way Elon couldn’t read them.
When I saw your reply, I thought - 'damnit, that's the fucking word I couldn't conjure'
Didn’t ANYONE watch House of Cards????
God, I miss her.
Do they sit around in robes eating grapes and insider trade stocks?
#deposetrump #liberateamerica
She’s up for reelection in 26, maybe the democrats can win this seat. Same in NC with Tillis, and maybe Kansas and Alaska. Not much hope anywhere else
Ernst leads the Senate DOGiE caucus, aiding & abetting the gutting of federal agencies, obstruction of law & order and violations of our Constitution.
MoC are co-conspirators in the coup.
I mean we're footing the bill to buy silence, shouldn't we know who is unfit to serve?
And she believes her shait doesn’t stinks!!
Ya all thinking she’ll honor her oath??
Most of them are OPEN secrets though.
They are (insanely) arrogantly ignorant. Their shit doesn’t stink and they make laws for everyone else.
She famously castrates PIGS!🐷🐖
Past time for her to GET TO WORK at a job she knows how to do!