Fluorosphere Starter Pack. If you are on it and don't want to be, or if I forgot you and you want to be on it, please let me know and I'll fix such problems forthwith!
(I think he's going to be sleeping soon, but I'll remember to ask again later in my day, if you'd like.)
I hope I can encourage others to put that aside - being a regular visitor isn't a "proper" performance, it was just gifting others there with your time.
*Actually not ever, as far as I know.
Probably shouldn't be in the starter pack though; my participation was much too bursty for that.
1. Do you want to be on the Starter Pack?
2. What percentage of your comments were disemvowelled?
If the answer to 1 is yes, and the answer to 2 is less than 50, you're in.
2. I'm not aware I ever experienced disemvoweling
At this point I'm checking after each add to make sure the person appears in the list. If you vanish from it again it's bug-report time.
Pollute, my foot.
I've sought the sound and sense of some of you
From years long passed the shapes of words and rhymes
Which to our best days hark and to good times;
Our friends who share our truths and facts we've wist
The friends who miss the same good friends we've missed
To share our pets, our loves. The joy it lends
To speak our truth and hear the truths of friends
The fare is what you bring, if you so choose.
To speak from your true heart, tell jokes, bring news
And if your choice is not to take the stage
We don't mind if you like to read this page.
And rage, if rage we must, at threat of night.
For here's a place for us to make some light.
Nope, no mud!
But I'd been to a few science fiction conventions and was still drunk on the notion that I could just talk to people about a shared interest and be treated like a peer*, so I dove on in with all the confidence of awkward youth
*naive ofc, but true enough on Making Light
Oh, and @tkingfisher.com! Arrgh. Added.