Same. Well, I left before that because it’s such a hellhole of vacuous attention-seekers, but his bending of the knee to Putin’s patsy made me more pleased to have done it.
Yeah, same, or into some long thread that was interesting but not from someone I followed and basically irrelevant. Weird site and I never go there anymore.
Zuck: 'A day may come when the social media of Men fails, when we forsake our users and break all bonds of journalistic integrity, but...
...oh shit it *is* this day.'
I had vague hopes it would remain neutral, but was very skeptical. Now I suppose there is no need to be skeptical. They have chosen to side with the propagandists.
How do you know it's the algorithm and not just (a) the number of left/liberal users on Threads vs on BlueSky or (b) the volume of other (bad) content on Threads? Even if Threads doesn't prioritize/de-prioritize left content, the sheer volume of other content would reduce exposure to left content.
I really think they are trying to scale back Threads and eventually cut it to avoid competing with Musk and Trump and the legal and policy issues that would arise from expanding it.
I think you might be right. I got suspended for following too many people when I was trying to connect with fellow Canadians. Never got the validating SMS. Lots of people in same boat. I just gave up.
Don’t have threads - never will. With that said, is it possible to post something treasonous e.g. “I love Zuck” (fuckin gross) to farm likes and gain traction just to change text in-post to “fuck Donald Trump” at the peak of its algorithmic climb? Time to start fuckin with the rules.
Best thing I ever did in 2017 was quit Facebook. Tried Twitter. Quit that too. Only recently started here and it is so very pleasant- even when people disagree-it’s respectful.
One thing it has helped is I don’t have dingbats with the Dunning-Kruger effect giving me opinions they regurgitated from some far-right media outlet. It was beginning to make me a nasty person.
is the difference that threads uses a weird non-intuitive method to sort by "top" that puts a post with 42 likes above one with >1k and that bluesky doesn't?
I loathe Musk but will acknowledge that since the election, there has been plenty of Musk and Trump criticism on X. He may be boosting right wing content and my exp may have to do with the peeps I follow but I have been pleasantly surprised (by that alone!)
I decided to check in on x to see what's going on, and even though i'm following all the vile right media influencers over there, i was pleasantly suprised by how many people where actually appaled by Trumps behaviour today. bsky is still better though
No way, McSnorty Snortface. For real? I left for good a ~month ago and have steered clear.
That is encouraging. I’m not at all happy with how the MSM has been framing this, though, as a typical bothsides-ism issue. It was right. f***ing. there… for all to see…
I keep it around and i have followed all the people i hate, it was kindof an experiment to see what hardcore republicans see on twitter. And usually its not pretty, but my algorythm today was (almost) all shitting on Trump. Its getting hars for some people to sweep for the guy.
It's a literal ghost town. I deleted my account a long time ago. It's a failed Zuck experiment. Kinda like how Horizon Worlds is going against VRChat. Horizon Worlds is Zuck's thing. Also dead.
Threads is good for what it is. A coffee klatch where neighbors gather to discuss everything…and I mean things so TMI it is stunning. A truly unserious sm. Constantly monitored by Meta.
It was actually great when everyone had the assignment. Happy joyful place. After 11/6, it changed of course and never found its mission. So much negativity. And mean girl nastiness.
I took a quick lookie-loo at a certain conservative non-news website. Their comment section is all praise for their orange-god-king putting the moocher in his place. SIIIIGGGGHHHH…
My brief time on Threads was marked by 100% fitness and nutrition influencers, no matter what I posted. Which is already what ruined Instagram. I haven't been back in 9 months because I HATE THAT SHIT.
I do not really see the difference. Can anyone explain? I'm quite new to BlueSky. I do know that the is, IMO, a far better alternative to anything else out there. I also know that a cursory tells me engagement is much higher on Blue, but what else? I suspect it's bad since it's Zuck. lol
Likes may be because people don’t like on threads or because they indeed don’t see posts, hence I think you also need views count to confirm this is because of the algorithm or simply the population on each network.
See, idk about that. I just dont know. It's literally impossible to know with how good AI is. Seems the only thing you can do is speculate who would be more likely to use more bots. But that is always gonna be biased based on who you think is more deceptive.
Having said that... I do get a lot of messages from women who misteriously delete their account in a day or two. 1k following, but 0 posts..
They must be the bots 😉
At least Zuckerberg doesn’t own Bluesky. I feel better about that. I don’t like these tech giants getting a monopoly on social media platforms. It concerns me deeply.
Has Lex drank the Yanis Techbro Feudalist kool-aid? I used to listen to him and he seemed pretty reasonable ... ~2 years ago?
He absolutely knows Zelensky got ambushed. Anyone with eyes can see it. Why is he saying this?
So, it’s disrespectful if he dares to defend himself from an onslaught by, quite frankly, two bullies? I’m baffled by this line of questioning & absolute arrogance, if people don’t bow down to Chairman Orange & JD Eyeliner
I wrote off Lex Friedman a couple of years ago. About the same time, I exited Twitter. And a year after completely stopping following Joe Rogan. Lex is the slickest of pro-Russian Right-Wing podcasters there is. Very muted.
This is common even from those modest popularity, such as having a decent number of social media followers, when one's account is based upon feeding one sided, partisan red meat to true believers.
I see it from social media Democrat influencers often, and have been blocked by a number of them.
Ok then. The North American and European conservatives have aligned themselves not with the capitalist hardline conservative imperial power, but instead with a communist state which is somehow communist alone by the fact that it is Russian.
Little too much vinegar in your word salad. You were able to get through “laptop” instead of “lapdog” to fixate on “communist.” A dictator is a dictator.
lex fridman you're a fucking ruzzian asset (yeah I saw your interview with President Zelenskyy "can i speak ruzzian", asshole) and you're just sad because your dear leader let down his master in moscow. The world saw how awful the US has become and how untrustworthy. Shame on you.
On Bluesky you only see posts from celebrities (which is fine if that's what you want). On Threads you have a chance, a small chance, of seeing posts from non-celebrities.
Go to the search function in both apps and type "Slava Ukraine" Then check the # of followers for each of the posts you see. On Bluesky all of them will have well over 1k followers. On Threads some will, but there will also be several that have less than 1k followers. That's the difference.
I actually read someone say they could fool him with the worst zones. Have you all seen the drone footage of the graves? My gosh. It’s harrowing like nothing we’ve seen in our lifetimes.
I’ll cover all travel expenses and donate a million dollars to any charity of his choice (even those fake ones they like) - come on Elmo, put your gaming skills to use…
It's is so very disheartening to watch all this... it's like the Great Gatsby playing out in real-time. All show and no substance, nothing but props to support the plot. All of it at some level is just fiction.
We all know what's been sent over there, because there has been transparency on the matter . Well, right up until the end of January, that is.. what happens after, is more blurry, chaotic.. nobody's going to reconstruct this demolition...
...oh shit it *is* this day.'
He got the ultimatum: “Bend the knee, or we’ll figure out a way to imprison you.”
These people help shaped the movement that lost everything. Can we at least have some skepticism?
I think I spelled that right.
FB could shutdown tomorrow; no loss on my end.
Delete X,
Get off of ALL of Zuck and Musk platforms!
But yes, “top” meaning “whatever our algorithm picks” is also lame.
My feed won’t even load on Threads.
Why would anyone be on the other platforms?
Recent. Latest. Being clues.
Whether this possibility is true or not, IDK. :p
Nearly unusable. Need a new FB analog without the rage bait engagement model.
That is encouraging. I’m not at all happy with how the MSM has been framing this, though, as a typical bothsides-ism issue. It was right. f***ing. there… for all to see…
I can make a timeline to explain the turn of the century… and don’t even need the manipulating internet to do it…
The post are seen on Bluesky and buried on threads
Not really a fair comparison if the time isn’t similar
me: 😯
They must be the bots 😉
( ◡̀_◡́) then you have lex fridman on X… also not surprised ugh
Lex is a pustule of Putin
He absolutely knows Zelensky got ambushed. Anyone with eyes can see it. Why is he saying this?
And his interviews are uncomfortable to watch. Weird energy. Like Rogan on downers.
Just carpet bomb Ukraine and Russia with burning sage for a few weeks until they stop fighting.
gone in so you could kiss his ass
It's like watching an insecure mean-girl prospect ditch her old friends to stay on Regina George's good side.
I see it from social media Democrat influencers often, and have been blocked by a number of them.
Love to all, positive, Bluesky users out there. 💙
I don't even have threads and I still thought that first 🤣
So far, I love it. 🥰
says a lot, doesn't it?
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 all real Americans stand with the brave men and women of Ukraine against the dictator who has invaded both our countries
All this to distract from the fact SpaceX is getting the FAA contract and Trumps crypto scam is crashing