It also overestimates the utility of the average Twitter user. Oh wow, I’ve changed the mind of a person believed Elon Musk cares about free speech. Better hope they don’t see something shiny and wander off to believe some other stupid shit.
I love being told to stay in a toxic place and not retreat into an echo chamber by a party that lost a major election because in order to "in" you have to go with what everybody else says in a toxic echo chamber.
I literally left after reading some MAGA nutjob complaining about Sen Warren saying she would work with Trump to cap credit card interest payments at 10%
I was like these ppl’s brains are completely F’ed. They’re addicted to anger.
Very rarely do singular posts ever change anyone's mind. Also having a site like BS makes sure we aren't looking like we're just screaming like they are
i think people can change their mind by extended calm
discussion with someone they trust. that never happens online. there is no value in engaging in political arguments with ideological opponents online. calm political discussions with allies, maybe. but not arguments with opponents
If anything, when enough level-headed people use it, they help legitimize all the nonsense that gets amplified there. If people let it rot, it'll eventually fully dissolve into a multi-billion dollar version of Stormfront.
The Citizens United of social media platforms; don't walk away when I'm talking to you, I paid good money for you to hear my obviously good and correct opinion.
Hope they enjoy their luxury toxic waste dump.
this kind of thing also vastly UNDERestimates how little I want to see users with names like "g*a ch*mber enthusiast" while scrolling social media, which is a real thing that happened shortly before I bailed on twitter forever.
I'm not in an echo chamber here. unfortunately still plenty of ding-dongs with bad takes. But no casual nazism, which I feel is a pretty reasonable expectation of my chosen social media site.
In advance of analysis, this would be one of the lawmakers who helped get us into this liquid shit pit, yeah?
In advance of personal identifying labels, I think maybe this person has disengaged from phenomenal reality, yeah?
Liberals should completely disengage from EVERYTHING the right does. Their sole source of joy is "Owning the Libs". Take away their joy, just like they've taken away our freedoms.
100%. They don't care about any policy idea, just "owning the libs." More of them will follow us here. When they do, we should just block them, don't reply. Deprive then of their oxygen
this assumes people are leaving cuz of too much political disagreement and not because it's turned into a flaming pile of garbage that barely functions and is full of vile hatred due to the complete lack of moderation of anything but insults to the man running the show
And overselling Twitter as a town square at this point. Or the importance of the fights there that honestly, generally are used to make progressives look bad out of context that then gets reported as such because various news outlets need somewhere to get clickbait stories that rehash Twitter cheap
Disengaging would be becoming digital hermits that seclude ourselves from the national dialogue and don't stay informed, not moving to a less toxic platform where we can discuss current events and the future without being bothered by bad actors.
"Don't leave the incompetent fascist's bad site" is a wild statement. X, ultimately, is a product. People can absolutely choose to partake in X's less terrible competition.
They don't take into account the amount of mental and physical trauma from overwhelming anxiety and negativity from being saturated in hate and anger from that site. Ppl left it, bc it was causing large health problems, and causing harm.
Engaging with bad faith actions only serves the bad faith actors and it elevates their ratfuckery to mainstream discourse. It's literally what got us into this mess.
I didn't leave Twitter because of the content - I left because it's a bad platform overrun with ads and bots. If ol' muskie hadn't sunk the ship I imagine most people would still be there.
What a joke... Twitter is a complete rigged platform, you're deboosted & shadowbanned if you're not one of their strawman fake accounts, or step in line with the fascist goons. XTwitter is as worthless as used toilet paper.
Twitter no longer has stock. It is wholly owned by the private consortium that bought it. Anyone who owns equity in Twitter now is part of that consortium.
Yeah, I disengaged a few years ago. That ship has sailed. I just want to be someplace where I don't get attacked for my opinion, and this is working a few days in.
We need to stop giving debate bros the benefit of the doubt. No one ever wants to debate shit in good faith; they always just want to use it as an excuse to say some heinous shit for which they oughta be kicked in the ass.
I was like these ppl’s brains are completely F’ed. They’re addicted to anger.
discussion with someone they trust. that never happens online. there is no value in engaging in political arguments with ideological opponents online. calm political discussions with allies, maybe. but not arguments with opponents
This is literally what it looks like when I log in now. People think this is okay lol?
Literally has nothing to do with fighting the good fight...
Also this guy think he is a frontrunner for president in 2028 LOL
An algorithm that promotes those voices and does not allow blocking is only designed to help that movement.
Leave it, I say.
Instead I've found what it does is internally and externally validate their position, which then entrenches them further.
Hope they enjoy their luxury toxic waste dump.
In advance of personal identifying labels, I think maybe this person has disengaged from phenomenal reality, yeah?
#leavex #blueskyrocks #civildiscourse
No I think we’re good, why would we subject ourselves to that
It would take next to no effort to read text on a different app.
Engaging with bad faith actions only serves the bad faith actors and it elevates their ratfuckery to mainstream discourse. It's literally what got us into this mess.
Seriously, that perspective is just asinine at this point.
It’s insane.