People keep pushing a Democratic boycott of tonight's SOTU, as if cameras will linger in enthrallment over empty seats and the media will make it the big story tomorrow. They won't. Walking away is an empty, performative gesture, a "Not my president" bumper sticker. We're in crisis. Show up for it.
It's not just about not being present. It's about not being present while also taking action.
Some Dems will INSTEAD hold public discussions with constituents.
Or they can be invisible.
And if Congressional Dems waste their breath speaking out for the Republic, they’ll be too pooped to exhume Reagan Dems tomorrow.
LIE in big red bold letters and a counter underneath. It better go into three digits.
But it doesn't matter what you or I think because the Democrats will likely do what Democrats do... nothing.
Or as you put it: Invisible.
they could also
have an alt SOTU
themselves, at the exact
same time, right there on
the steps, and
broadcast it
and stream it
we could all watch it
& him
as ate his own face
they won’t do that either
perspective is Everything
peace ✌🏼& love ♥️
But they can’t sit there and act like it’s business as usual. It’s NOT!
If you agree, please repost this
I’m not giving that Orange Sociopathic PO💩 the satisfaction of “Great Ratings”!
Do something! 😁
wear blue and gold.
have t shirts with fk trump
and walk out.
protest outside on tv.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
No - boycott
There is no one right or one wrong way to protest the current abomination referred to as Trump's administration. The only wrong approach is silent collaboration.
State of the Union hasn’t happened.
But we know Trump will be yapping,
About himself with big angry lies.
And Putin love since he’s compromised.
Many Congress critters have joined, and made a good point that he won’t be run out of his own block, but each member can make their own decision. I also see not giving 🍊🤡 an audience.
Either way, THIS is the SOTU 👇
I’ll take a pain pill.
staying seated is a performative failure.
USians need to see, live, in public, that something is seriously wrong.
catcalling is not it.
all the majors will be broadcasting.
(A few middle fingers raised in protest I could abide by too.)
Being a bunch of boorish, classless, assholes yelling and screaming the whole time isn't the way to go either. That trailer park shit is what Republicans do.
Public Law 95-17 gives the CONGRESS only 60 days to DISAPROVE any changes to FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS.
Both oligarch PARTIES are running out the clock; allowing DOGE to be made legal.