Senate Democrats will expose their bill for exactly what it is:
A sinister front to clear the way to cut taxes for Donald Trump’s billionaire buddies and have YOU pay the cost.
A sinister front to clear the way to cut taxes for Donald Trump’s billionaire buddies and have YOU pay the cost.
Whatever will Trump do!!! You’ve EXPOSED him!
Let me get my fainting couch.
The President and the Attorney General (subject to the President’s supervision and control) will interpret the law for the executive branch, instead of having separate agencies adopt conflicting interpretations.
Time for your hot milk and geritol picker upper,Chuckie
Stop this fascist clown show now, Chuck. Do whatever it takes, please.
Spell it out, what can the dems do?
Well, that'll certainly teach them a thing or two. I'm sure that they'll run home crying. "Mom! They exposed our plot!"
How about blocking the bill and protecting us? Or exposing the Nazis across the aisle? You *have* thought about it, right?
Do we sit on our asses and skeet about it?