Who is sad? He built his career antagonizing people and helping right wing maniacs break the system while pretending to be a Democrat.... Do Joe Manchin next.
I can't believe we've lost so much decorum in this country since Lieberman fucked us all over on a public option. Its a shame there's no easily accessible or affordable treatment for people dunking on the death of a public servant
Joe was by ALL accounts a decent and honorable person who could disagree in a rational manner. I didn't agree with either of the votes that make him unpopular, but if you want politics not to be dipshit vs dipshit, you shouldn't be a dipshit.
Counterpoint: Joe Lieberman was a moralizing asshole who divorced his first wife for not being moralistic enough, then spent an entire political career servicing bad ideas in the most selfish manner possible, and the world is a better place with him gone from it
No, the world was improved by Rush Limbaugh's passing. He was still on the air. Lieberman's time to fuck things up was long over. Dancing on a grave for spite is a shitty way to be a human.
It doesn't hurt him or revise history if you're an asshole. It only degrades and diminishes you.
That's kinda like saying Kissinger wasn't still doing damage. NONE of these bastards have the decency in retirement of Jimmy Carter. They all cling to their influence like that is what is keeping them alive.
Back in the day, I met Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office. Toured the White House and grounds with Rosalynn and Amy. Cool af photos. None of that makes me want to publicly celebrate Joe Lieberman's death. Be a good human will you.
Nah, I will celebrate that he can't hurt anyone else since there is no justice under the rule of the Divine Right of Corpos. You can not do that if you think that makes you a good person.
Lieberman wasn't retired. He was still on the board of the right-wing American Enterprise Institute and still publicly shilling for No Labels, the right-wing faux-centrist ratfucking organization. He was still doing what he could to make this world worse.
You got it wrong in the first line. There's no "ALL" in evidence. You may think he was okay. His fellow grifters may think so.
There's plenty of us who think he was a grotesque twisted scumbag who managed to pull one over on the credible because he spoke in soothing tones.
It's either that or as a shriveled goblin mumbling GOP talking points on FOX.
Nice to see that generation of politicians dying off, at least
Also that asshole.
It doesn't hurt him or revise history if you're an asshole. It only degrades and diminishes you.
Back in the day, I met Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office. Toured the White House and grounds with Rosalynn and Amy. Cool af photos. None of that makes me want to publicly celebrate Joe Lieberman's death. Be a good human will you.
There's plenty of us who think he was a grotesque twisted scumbag who managed to pull one over on the credible because he spoke in soothing tones.
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