"I trust you. I don't trust him."
Bai Zhan Peak Lord
Semi-serious RP ; multiship ; 18+ ; AUs welcomed
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"Good night, Shen-shixiong."
With one last look at the other in the moonlight and a small nod of goodbye, Liu Qingge turns and flies off back in the direction of Bai Zhan Peak.
This really has been such a lovely day. Liu Qingge couldn't be happier with how it turned out.
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Blinking at the question, Liu Qingge turns his head to look up at the moon.
Ah, it is rather pretty. Not quite a full moon yet;just a few days off. He bets Qing Jing Peak will look even prettier under the full moon.
"En. Beautiful."
He looks back to Shen Qingqiu, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
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Liu Qingge was quick to shake his head, denying that the other stayed too long. If Shen Qingqiu asked to, Qingge would let him LIVE in the Bai Zhan Peak house.
He couldn't overstay in Liu Qingge's eyes.
"You never actually got to look around Bai Zhan Peak. I still owe you a tour."
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-graceful landing near the entrance.
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- Certainly nowhere close to a free fall, but, in the dark from such a height, it certainly feels exhilarating!
He levels back out seconds later, shooting off towards Qing Jing Peak and Shen Qingqiu's home.
It never takes Qingge long to reach the Bamboo House and he's soon coming down for a -
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Giving Shen Qingqiu a moment to settle in and get a proper hold on Liu Qingge to keep from toppling off,Qingge looks out one more time over the dark mountains.
It really is very peaceful up here.
"Let's go."
Tipping the sword forward off the edge of the cliff,Qinnge leads them into a steep dive.-
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- second before his fingers are finally slipping out of the other's grasp.
He says nothing as he draws and mounts Cheng Luan properly by the edge of the cliff, offering his hand once more to help Shen Qingqiu up.
Sadly, he can't really continue this hand holding in flight, though.
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The hand holding... Well, it works itself out soon enough.
Mostly because Liu Qingge realizes he can't draw his sword, make the proper sword signs for the intended flight AND mount Cheng Luan all while still physically attached to Shen Qingqiu.
So, when he pasues at the realization, it takes a -
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- to see the other Peak Lord in the dark, Qingge can still feel the man's hand in his own, giving it a small squeeze.
"... Let me fly you back to Qing Jing Peak. It's going to be too dark now to walk the path back."
He doesn't mention Shen Qingqiu flying himself back. Only offers himself.
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Qingge perks up a bit when Shen Qingqiu talks about coming here to paint.
Will that mean he'll hang said painting up in his home? A small piece of Bai Zhan Peak- and, in a way, a small piece of Liu Qingge- displayed where he lives?
"En... I had fun, too."
Though it's getting progressively harder-
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- meditate or just watch the early morning fog hanging over the valleys.
And if he does come here late, he's usually gone before the sun sets.
For a first twilight here, Qingge thinks it's rather nice.
"Hm... It's pretty."
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Liu Qingge tilts his head slightly towards the other man as he talks, a silent gesture to show he's listening. Taking in everything the other has to tell him.
Honestly, the War God has never really stayed in the clearing this late. Most visits of his were done early in the day, using the quiet to -
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-at the horizon, Liu Qingge watches him a few more moments with a warm gaze before also, finally, turning to look at the setting sun.
Between them, as the world around them slowly grows darker as night rolls in, Qingge has still not released Shen Qingqiu's hand.
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Qingge hums his affirmation, gently rubbing his thumb along the back of Shen Qingqiu's hand when the other squeezed his.He hadn't even really meant to touch the other so affectionately, more so just responding mindlessly to SHEN QINGQIU squeezing his hand.
As the other Peak Lord turns back to look-
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- with HIM.
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-joy and peace in it in quiet moments alone.
He wouldn't mind that at all.
"But, if Shen Qingqiu would wait for me, I would like to be with him."
His voice is quiet.
He's not telling the other that he can't come up here alone, but, instead, like he would be gifting QINGGE the right to be here -
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"Then you're free to come here by yourself."
It's no matter to Liu Qinnge. He's not losing a secret, favored spot by having Shen Qingqiu visit it whenever he pleases, even without Qingge.
In a way, it almost makes it better. To know someone he cares for is enjoying the spot just as much. Finding-
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- Shen Qingqiu wanted, Liu Qingge would give. And if what he could give was a simple, beautiful view, he would.
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"I'd take you," Qingge replies immediately, like it's not even a question to him.
There's even a small laugh in his voice while he answers. An amusement.
If Shen Qingqiu asked to come back here, he would bring him back. It's that simple. It's funny that Shen Qingqiu even had to ask.
Whatever -
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-wordlessly pull a stray leaf from the other's hair as Shen Qingqiu stands watching the view.
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Liu Qingge...
Liu Qingge thinks Shen Qingqiu has never looked more beautiful than right this moment.
They stand together at the edge of a cliff, hand-in-hand, and Shen Qingqiu smiles wide and excited and unabashed.
And Liu Qingge watches him with a soft smile and even softer eyes, reaching up to-
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- below. A perfect vista of Cang Qiong Mountains.
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-mountain itself wanted to keep them there.
Finally, they break into a small clearing surrounded nearly entirely by cliff faces, but one side...
One side of the clearing lies gapped open, a sheer drop if one isn't careful.
And also contains the most beautiful view of the mountains and valleys -
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-greenery of Qing Jing Peak.
But as they moved higher up the mountain, that began to change.
Slowly, more vegetation began to appear, the path winding itself under natural archways of stone and dense clusters of trees. Untamed vines grabbed at their hair and clothes as the two passed like the -
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At first, the view isn't much. If anything, it's rather disappointing.
Sheer cliff faces of rock and dirt lacking any vegetation besides a few stubborn, spindly weeds growing between the cracks of boulders. Sure, the area had its own type of beauty, but it was nothing compared to the bamboo and -
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-the mountain the further up it goes.
"It's a small hike up, but it's worth it."
With the confidence of a man who has hiked this route many times before, he starts up the path, checking back on Shen Qingqiu to make sure he's following.
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Favorite part?
Instead of leading Shen Qingqiu forward towards the rest of the peak, Qingge actually motions the other to follow him behind his residence.To a narrow path that leads up the cliffs behind the building, formed mostly by rock and dirt.
The path is well-worn, disappearing into-
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- he wordlessly motions Shen Qingqiu to follow him out of the house.
Compared to his bland home, Bai Zhan Peak was much more exciting, and Liu Qingge was happy to show that off to a follow Peak Lord.
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Qingge perks up at little at that. Now a tour is something he definitely can do.
"Allow your shidi to clean up first."
And by 'clean up',he mostly just means putting the sweets away so Mingyan won't be receiving stale treats. The serving tray and tea set he brushes off to get to later.
Once done-
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- eyes.
Suppressing a shudder at the memory, Qingge waved off Shen Qingqiu's concern.
"I wouldn't have hosted you if I wasn't prepared for you to stay a while. It's fine. But if Shixiong is ready to leave, I can see him out."
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Qingge nods in agreement.What he doesn't add is that he learned out of survival more than from Mu-shidi just being a kind teacher.
Because if Liu Qingge went to Mu Qingfang one more time for a non emergency...Mu-shidi was absolutely going to kill him. Qingge saw it in the dead look in the doctor's-
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- bad injuries, but I can help with the small things."
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Qingge can't help the soft look in his eyes as he looks over Shen Qingqiu's sulking face.
Hey, if he wanted to keep consuming hot things, he shouldn't have drank that tea like that! Take this as a learning lesson, Shixiong.
"I learned by watching Mu-shidi whenever he would bandage me. I can't fix-
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- sometimes doing dumb stuff like drinking too hot tea too quickly.
Liu Qingge could take a hit or being called a dumb brute. He, however, did NOT know how to deal with a Shen Qingqiu who hurts himself in his panic...
"... Shixiong should avoid hot food and drinks for a few days."
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"... Hm..."
Yeah... Qingge kind of expected that answer, honestly.
Ever since they were kids, Shen Qingqiu would freak out over the smallest things; just, before, he would usually get violent over it. Now,after his weird qi deviation, Shen Qingqiu's freak outs usually involve a lot of rambles and-
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- person to burn their mouth for.
And any Qing Jing Peak Lord worth their weight in silver knows tea is not meant to be drank in one go.
Even Liu Qingge knows that!
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Liu Qingge raises his brow, giving Shen Qingqiu a LOOK.
"Shen-shixiong... My tea-making is not that good."
He says it in a tone like he really just wants to say 'if you're going to lie, at least make it a good one'. Qingge knows his tea is passable at BEST. Definitely not something to cause a -
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Qingge watches silently as the other finishes his water, not really thinking of anything in particular as he watches the other man's throat bob with each gulp.
The silence between them is kind of nice for the moment.
Only once he's done his drink does Qingge speak up again.
"Why did you do that?"
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Liu Qingge feels that exasperated sigh in his core.
Oh, the plight of a Peak Lord. To be the apple of your disciples' eyes in the most annoying way possible, you'd think they're your actual kids.
"Mm.... Shixiong can swallow that medicine now. And drink the rest of your water."
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- Shen Qingqiu's visit is anything to go by, Bai Zhan Peak is probably the WORST Peak to visit and Qingge doesn't blame them.
"If they have time to look in windows, they have time to be running laps."
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Instantly turning his glare onto Shen Qingqiu, Liu Qingge scoffs.
He's not truly angry. More so just annoyed and a bit stressed at being peeped on unknowingly. He swears, they only act up like this when other Peak Lords visit...
Liu Qingge can understand why Peak Lords don't visit him now.
If -
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-without a proper goodbye in his embarrassment before remembering how the last time he did so had upset the other Peak Lord. So, with grit teeth and pink cheeks, he grumbles out a goodbye before taking to the skies as quickly as he can.
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-the eyelash from his cheek, Liu Qingge internally curses himself for falling in love, and Shen Qingqiu for being so easy to love.
Rearing away from the other, Qingge almost slips from his sword as he shakes his head.
"Ridiculous! No, I would not!"
For a moment, he seems he's going to take off -
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The closer Shen Qingqiu got to him... The quicker the War God's heart beat, a sense of nervousness washing over him.
He tried to blame it on not knowing what Shen Qingqiu was up to, but the heat rising to his cheeks told him this wasn't just a fight or flight response.
And as Shen Qingqiu plucked-
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Eyes immediately narrowed at the other's smile, Liu Qingge felt that he's only going to be allowing something bad to happen if he did as Shen Qingqiu asked...
Yet, he finds himself getting closer to the other anyway.
"... Do something?"
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"En. I wasn't busy. It was fun."
Besides, now he knows exactly what Shen Qingqiu looks like standing in a field of cows, smiling away as he carries one around. It would have been a travesty if he had missed out on that.
Still balanced on his sword, he asks, "Anything else Shen-shixiong may need?"
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- for the Bamboo House on instinct to drop Shen Qingqiu off.
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Qingge looks back at the other slightly with a confused look but doesn't try responding. He could hear Shen Qingqiu talking, but not make out any words besides what sounded like 'shidi'.
Well, if it's important, he can say it when they land.
The rest of the flight goes by quickly, Qingge heading -