Beach Boys Research and Writing
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Also curious if this will significantly hamper the sales of McFarlane figures for the new Gunn "Superman" (assuming they're making some). Will people not want to buy figures from a "lame duck" line? Spin Masters stuff will probably do fine for kids.
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Curious if Mattel pushing this new subscription "Club Grayskull" for "Masters" stuff portends eventually moving "Masters" exclusively online and Mattel using their retail space in the toy aisle for DC. Especially since Mattel is taking the full license over from both Spin Master and McFarlane.
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Also known as "Wingspan - Take 2"
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My Dad’s favorite movie was “A Bridge Too Far”, and because the film never registered as a WWII classic the way others did, it’s forgotten how epic the cast is. James Caan, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Elliott Gould, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier, Ryan O’Neal, Robert Redford, etc.
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One person once summed up the internet to me this way: "Adamant yet unaware." I'm convinced some people think the Keebler elves are really making their cookies up inside of a tree.
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Well, at least now we know The Rock will be playing both Bond *and* the villain for the next movie.
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Are people switching to Pokemon cards doing it for investment/flipping/collecting as opposed to playing? I'd have to assume people who *read* comics wouldn't drift into Pokemon card collecting so much as people who buy comics to invest and don't read.
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I live in the SF Bay Area (South Bay), and physical movie media is essentially gone. I *think* Walmart still has a bit. But Target 100% pulled out. They don't even stock the A-list new stuff. "Media" section is mostly Taylor Swift vinyl, a bit of other vinyl. No CD or DVD/BD/4K.
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In the first 5 minutes of Episode 1 of "Picard", one character tells another, this is verbatim, "Dude, I'm a fellow in artificial intelligence and quantum consciousness." I knew I was in for a rough ride at that point. I knew whoever was writing this had not seen more than a handful of TNG episodes.
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I think TNG writers, even those that weren't uber Trek fans, were unavoidably famliarized with Trek enough to know what sounded "right." With "Discovery" & "Picard", I don't think the writers had the vibe AT ALL. I know fans loved the final season of "Picard", but even that was pretty wonky.
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Ironically, while TNG was overall very good about not using contemporary catchphrases, it was in one of the best-ever episodes ("Measure of a Man") where they slipped up a bit and someone referred to Data as "a toaster."
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Oh man, I thought you had to stack 3D on top of XD and DBox to get the ticket to $30, but this isn't even 3D? Whoa. I sometimes forget in the last few years they all do "surge" pricing where the first week/weekend is more expensive.
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Would have to prioritize finishing out the album deluxe Beatles archive sets, plus McCartney getting those "London Town" and "Back to the Egg" sets out, plus a revamped HD "Anthology". And then deluxe albums sets for John and George. Can't muster nearly as much enthusiasm for new Paul/Ringo albums.
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I spoke to someone who attended one of the Red/Blu/Now&Then listening sessions back in late 2023, and Jeff Jones mentioned that a revamped "Anthology" was "in our future." I'm hoping for a straight HD upgrade of the existing doc, with a bunch of separate bonus stuff. (More 94/95 studio footage!)
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Mike Meros
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I've heard the TV show was far into production when they decided to convert to theatrical. I suspect this is indeed essentially a bunch of episodes of that show strung together. They pushed this to theaters because the original movie has done unusually extra *insane* numbers on Disney+.
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Also keep in mind that they had a newer 1983 publicity photo they could have used in 1984, after Brian had lost a ton of weight (see previous post). Also, keep in mind that at most 1984 gigs, you wouldn't have even seen Brian; he wasn't regularly touring with them by that point.
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Bought a DVD player and surround sound setup in 1999 for this one:
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Toys R Us was still using that ticketing system for other stuff until they closed just a few years ago. They still used it for large items (bikes, playhouses, those motorized kids cars, etc.).
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I still can't figure out how people don't realize how close those people came to being able to go to the next step of, well, the obvious ultimate and final acts of violence. And I'm frankly afraid to even look up whether it's already a foregone conclusion that they're all about to be pardoned.
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Drugs or shoes? Out on the west coast at least, we had PayLess Drug Store for years until they all turned into Rite Aid, and then of course PayLess Shoe Source. Both were very ubiquitous, at least here in the Bay Area. It took years for people I knew to stop calling Rite Aid stores "PayLess"!
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And then everybody will be upset when Madonna and Metallica are inducted before Yes and Chicago.
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I was always glad you kept that one pinned. Like, the only time we've actually come close to a group overthrowing (and probably executing?) the government, and so many just shrug it off. Imagine if like "Red Dawn" had really happened and people moved on like a month later.
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What's frustrating is that a bunch of collectors all tripped over each other running to defend Mondo for their $100 Real Ghostbusters figures (meaning $800 for all 8), defending Mondo's pricing as a consequence of "licensor policy", yet when clearly the same thing is happening here, only complaints.