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Non-artistic dog lover, and avid reader
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Jeg vil give et "betinget" JA, til mit eget spørgsmål, men er helt enig i resten af din kommentar. Jeg vil gerne høre's svar på hvordan vi burde gøre det. DBU er jo ikke uenige i vores fremlægning, men bruger slutrunden som en brik i spillet. Hvis ikke VM, så hvad?
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Fuldstændigt enig. Sidespørgsmål: Hvordan får vi Saudi (og landende omkring) til at stoppe med at være islamistiske, autokratiske, og kvindehadende? og er det "vores" ansvar?
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I think the scale is my biggest concern. I can't, for the life of me, understand how this every entered national/global politics. I wish people would just accept eachother, and realize that we all have to be here - and have fun being here. The toxicity surrounding that movement is abhorent.
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How come?
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mm, I think some of the problems around gender identity is a problem liberals made up (even though I think republicans fanned that flame to an insane degree, in order to make it a political talking point).
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I wholeheartedly agree.
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I agree - but my point is, that "they" believe they are solving the problems. It's not malicious (for most of them).
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Here you go again, why do you have to muddy your salient points with mindless fiction? - from paragraph 6. I believe the main reason democrats were killed on this issue is that their communication around it was terrible - and you're making my point with every utterance.
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I agree with your critique of the original poster.
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I agree but if you stop apprehending, and do nothing, the total number of illegals should go up, and no one studying the issue believes it has. The same can be said if the traffic goes up without an increase in apprehension-percentage.
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No, this is form Pew Research Center, and the Center for Migration Studies.
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2023 is the last bar in the diagram. I'm not sure what to tell you, if you do not believe the people who are actually keeping track of the numbers.
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from the article: "Expulsions are migrants denied exclusively through Title 42 to stop the spread of COVID-19. This status only applied from March 2020 to May 2023."
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Every study also claim that the number of undocumented people living in the US has been in decline since 2005:
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They've had a lot more than 4 years, but luckily, they've been a lot better at sending people back and apprehending them over the last 4 years, than in years previous.
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No one claims the United States southern border is without problems. That's why there was a bipartisan border bill in the US months before the election.
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Do you think, maybe, the financial crash of 08' had something to do with that, or no? The fact that Obama brought deficit spending down to a point lower than at any point during Trumps tenure is quite amazing.
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I'm not sure who you're responding to. I did not make any of those claims, neither did anyone else.
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Can you link it to me? I must be misunderstanding something, then. I apologize.
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There will be a lot of "Actually..." in this thread x) Love the show, James.
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I think it's becoming more and more obvious, that we can not have a discussion, as we do not agree on any of the facts. I will leave it here, as I believe that makes my original point. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Have a good day. 3/2
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Trump had the highest deficit spending of any modern president That should be virtually impossible with low unemployment rates and no wars, but he managed it anyway, due to terrible economic acumen. 2/2
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Just going off your own talking points (even though i disagree with employment rate / inflation / wars as being good indicators for a good economy) Trump had the lowest inflation rate - Obama had a lower inflation rate: 1/2
comment in response to post Go look it up. The information is not hidden.
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Illegal immigration is a big problem, but your politicians can not even agree on how big the problem is? How are you actually solving anything, when the main guy is an one order of magnitude off his own estimation about the number of illegal immigrants. 3/3
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The US has had deficit spending for 20 straight years, peaking in 2020 and 2021. So why elect a guy/party who has been terrible at reeling in spending to solve the problem? US is the richest nation by far. How you're spending money is important, and the president elect is the worst at that. 2/3
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I think everyone wants to fix those problems, but the attention should be to the details of how: The US economy is doing amazing compared to comparable nations. I think the US should be more concerned about distribution in their economy. 1/3
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I'm from Denmark. I agree that people in America largely voted against their own interests. I know about your problems with racism, your president-elect's misuse of tariffs, and I know that it was a mistake to elect him. I don't know why you're shouting. Read my message again.
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I'm not sure I will get anywhere discussing without a specific "problem" or "issue". It's all platitudes. In essence, my opinion is, that when people do not agree on facts, discussion about those facts becomes pointless. Political opposition is seldom immoral, just otherwise moral.
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I do not know the reference, sorry.
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What I said really is true. Your analysis is way too simplistic, and if you try to talk to people who hold opposite opinions to yours, that becomes abundantly clear. Im not sure if I should take your message with a grain of salt due to your name, but let me know what you think.
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"Morality" is not apt. The difference is, that we live in different worlds, with different facts, and with different views on the same problems. Your rightwing is not morally bankrupt, they are just solving problems that does not exist in the real world, while ignoring the ones that do.
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"Morality" is not apt. The difference is, that we live in different worlds, with different facts, and with different views on the same problems. Your rightwing is not morally bankrupt, they are just solving problems that does not exist in the real world, while ignoring the ones that do.
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Det vil jeg gerne, og enig i skepsis omkring politikernes formidlingsevne! Jeg køber at det er vigtigt indholdet bliver oversat/analyseret, så befolkningen kan "forstå" hvad der sker i folketinget, men jeg mener at den proces kan foregå udenfor folketingssalen til mindre gene og $.
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"Selvfølgelig skal hele Rigsfællesskabet kunne forstå hvad der bliver sagt" - for mig er det ikke en selvfølgelighed. Der er mange debatter i folketinget jeg ikke forstår, selvom jeg kan sproget - men jeg har stemt på én der bruger alt sin tid på at forstå det for mig. 2/2
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Jeg tror vi går til spørgsmålet fra vidt forskellige vinkler. Selvfølgelig har vi råd til det. Mit argument er, at vi ikke burde prioriterer det. Det er selvfølgelig op til de folkevalgte, hvilket jeg har det helt fint med (se evt. min anden tråd om emnet med Nikolaj) 1/2
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Der er en pris for service, og alle tiltag må nødvendigvis være på et pris/service spektrum, som, til dels, bestemmer om tiltaget er godt eller skidt. Jeg mener at det her tiltag er for dyrt i forhold til hvad det tilbyder. Jeg er hverken imod rigsfællesskabet eller tiltaget principielt. 2/2
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Vil du ikke forsøge at forholde dig til det specifikke jeg skriver? Du kunne sagtens have en pointe med det du har skrevet, men jeg aner ikke hvad du mener med "at rigsfællesskabet skal afstås, hvis det ikke kan indfi basale former for service" 1/2
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Så absolut, flertallet i folketinget bestemmer :D Det skal der ikke være nogen tvivl om - og jeg synes det stærkeste argument "for" er: en informeret befolkning. Det skader heller ikke noget. Rart at høre dit take, og god aften til dig!
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Min pointe i forhold til "repræsentativt demokrati" er, at langt de færreste borgere har en komplet forståelse af diskussioner i folketinget - hvorfor vi vælger repræsentater der, forhåbentligt, kan kommunikere vores sag. Med det sagt; jeg tager afstand fra "cirkus"-kommentaren. Den er håbløs, imo.
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Det er jeg ikke uenig med dig i. "Er det ikke upraktisk og spild af tid/penge, når I kan kommunikere på et sprog alle involverede forstår?" Jeg mener det er spild af penge i det konkrete tilfælde, fordi det ikke hjælper "nok" i forhold til hvad det koster.
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Fint, men jeg mener dit syn er for åbent. Hvad hvis jeg ikke forstår hvad de siger af andre årsager end sproget, skal vi så også hjælpe mig til at forstå? Det er ikke et spørgsmål om teori eller styreformen generelt, det er et spørgsmål om mængden af ressourcer der bruges (symbolsk i min optik).
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Absolutely, but e-books are practical in some situations.
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Alle i folketingssalen. Det er repræsentativt demokrati.
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It's not a bad game x) Can duo euw!
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Er det ikke upraktisk og spild af tid/penge, når I kan kommunikere på et sprog alle involverede forstår?
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Sure, your content is fun and engaging. Best of luck on growing your platform.
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no biggie, you can play it for the story xdd
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Sure, id love to make a tattoo out of this :-) Your drawings are great!