Just a little of eels
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Thank you I am now complete!
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Sorry I meant to arrange one before I posted too much but then, you know, the anxiety
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You’re okay! We know that hopium is for entertainment purposes only
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Of course people’s internalized definitions won’t always line up with the dictionary, but it’s a reasonable point. I think the smoother response would be some form of “I appreciate that.”
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Do you think you feel the same way in hypothetical situations where the empathy is genuine but fairly superficial? (“Oh you got stuck in traffic and missed morning donuts? That sucks, I’m so sorry” “hey, not your fault”) Or only in situations where the empathy is quite serious and deeply felt?
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With respect, I think you may be overthinking a bit. Like the people who read into saying “no problem” instead of “you’re welcome” in response to “thank you.”
The linguistic role it fills is “standard polite thing to say” regardless of the meaning of the words outside of that context.
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Failed to adjust the model to integrate important new October data points that might affect voters’ love of “da Mets” and how hard they might want them to “go”
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Is there a poll result that will get us to the full Jeb!?
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Mad about the small crowd size?
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Carry out promises (good) vs carry out promises (terrifying)
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You’re amazing. Thank you.
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November surprise: NYT “undecideds” were actually undecided?
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If I did nut see it I would nut believe it.
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Also, it opens up a whole new world of SHADES!
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The hell was that sound he made at the end
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Oh no not that anything but (checks) a 49% vote share for a D presidential candidate in Iowa.
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I was thinking. Basically sleepwalking through a teleprompter read.
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I hope that this time we complete the arc (with him in prison for all the fraud)
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I'm curious. Did he mention where he heard about it?
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Username checks out
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IMO nibling is cute, but pibling remains a problem.
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Equally possible!
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I have to assume he once memorized a lot of information about past Oscar races (for gambling purposes) and so this is his One Fact He Knows About Bette Midler.
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I was thinking, needs to alter it so every preceding day takes up an entire week of its own
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If there's one thing Americans can't abide it's young people doing sports to help keep them out of trouble.
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Feels like this should get treated as seriously as joking about a bomb in an airport.
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Need that dislike button now.
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Obviously. If they'd gotten away with it, they'd be treated as heroes.
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Incredible Duck Amuck vibes
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I initially subscribed to the Post in 2016 as a show of support for a publication that seemed likely to take the brunt of the rage of the incoming administration.
If the Post would rather get that support by capitulating to said administration, it no longer needs my money. Simple as.
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"I made fun of everybody" no you very notably didn't bro
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Just going mask off for Halloween
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Very uncomfortable moment when you realize your Bailey is on fire and your Motte is made out of toothpicks and cardboard
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The Archbishop's on the fast track to sainthood if he pulls it off.
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You see, a joke is a lot like a Mountain Dew...
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Early 1900s Klansman who got Captain America'd and woke up in the modern day:
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"Stem cells" is the one that gets me. Isn't that the pro-life Republicans' bugaboo? Bet he'd include mRNA treatments in that list if that didn't happen to be tech used in the vaccines he's arbitrarily decided are bad.
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When I watched it for the first time I was shocked by how straight-up entertaining it was. I don't think movies get to be that highly rated, that universally, if they aren't also a bit fun and easy to watch.
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I was wondering if something like this was in play. The initial reported data seemed pretty absurd.
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Kamala: Things are getting pretty scary, are you sure bringing back the "weird" framing is the right call?
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A lot of shit that happened under Reagan still hasn't been undone.
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I just got a Washington Post notification about that. Hopefully will get it back into the headlines.
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You'd have to think so, wouldn't you? If song quality is a factor for birds choosing their mates, then there must be a sort of hierarchy of "good at communicating" reflected in song.
Although I'm not sure if that's the same as "turn left here--oops, right, I meant right".
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It was also quite a bit longer before Election Day. People had longer to forget/rationalize/talk themselves out of the initial disgust.
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They can't always blow it at the end. It's important to change it up and keep people guessing.
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The underlying presupposition is that Actually, Trump Is Better Than Us. Other politicians and celebrities are just pandering, but Trump is actually, meaningfully a better kind of person, so anything he does to come down to "our level" is something to be treated with awestruck gratitude.
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This is not the fact checking we're asking for, AP...
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Could it have to do with the internet becoming more widespread? I feels like when comics do try to openly rip off pop culture it's met with a wave of people calling it cringe, and the creators hear that immediately.
Just a vibes theory, though. I'm not in the know.
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Yes, it's the absolute confidence of the presentation that I'm sure makes it appealing but also makes it terrifying.
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But what of the sheriff's salary?!