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they gotta fabricate some shit real quick
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cant stress enough the part that illiteracy and evangelism played in bringing this shit to fruition. fuckin braindead cunts
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...what? you back a fucking truck in because they have huge blind spots in the rear and it's safer/more responsible to exit the spot with unimpeded visibility, particularly in tight and crowded lots. this is job site 101 shit the fuckin shit people say on this app sometimes lmao
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one of the most ominous things ive ever read on the internet
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oh good, the fate of fucking tik tok is really a pressing concern right now
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i dont want any emails from anyone i have ever bought anything from, ever. send me my things and be silent i cant describe how much i hate advertising in all forms
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joyless people bring their joyless lives with them everywhere they go. would be cool if they'd find some other fucking thing to shit all over though
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this article sucks almost as much as putrid slug david draiman sucks.
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i would like to slap the shit out of his useless mouth and snatch the carhartt off his back he is not for the working people nor is he a hot college girl he has no business wearing that
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but really, this is a stupid post even for a Gamercel lmao
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damn the blue haired lib turds and their notably woke game, skatebird. another concerted effort by the extreme left to insert their twisted beliefs into my precious escapism.
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get in the dirt, gutless slug.
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id say joe rogan is dumber than anyone realized but actually im pretty sure everyone knew exactly how stupid that fucker was even back when he still had hair and was making people eat weird shit on tv
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i sleep like a baby; fitfully, prone to abrupt awakenings announced with much noise and anguish.
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ok i guess thats littering which i feel strongly about but i also feel strongly about this clock. internal conflict
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what if i launch it into the sky and blow it into a thousand shitty little pieces with some buckshot
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i just automatically shitcan the opinions of anyone who makes videos about video games anyway, holy shit get a real hobby dude.
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not a single thought or feeling behind that dimwit sycophant's eyeballs.
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arma 3, hearts of iron 4, dwarf fortress, factorio, stellaris
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tater makes a good case for the continued necessity of the firing squad
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instead those same people platformed the shit out of him until they realized, too late, what he actually was (a fucking moron). that's really been the diarrhea icing on the shit cake that is the musk administration for me - being constantly reminded that the stupid fucker even exists.
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anyone who wasnt some dorky reddit liberal with the awareness of a fucking doorknob should have taken one look at the moron as far back as PayPal and immediately said "yeah I'll just steadfastly ignore this fucking moron".
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take a dirt nap, chucky.
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i wish all gooners to be banished to the depths of the internet
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i am only alive when it is overcast and cold i want to die in the sunlight like a fat pasty asthmatic vampire
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love to see a babbling lunatic in the wild
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stamp it out before it starts.
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he'll look cozier in a grave
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word salad from a braindead fucking moron
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think id have to "stand my ground" there homie
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i actually start the movie at the credits and turn it off halfway through the credits because i am something of a cinema genius i guess
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same bro it's never a very high bar so it's not like im a baddie or something but same bro.
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weebed all the way through arkveld on day 1 with the longweeb. i was born a weeb and i will die a weeb, weebsword clenched in my weebhands.
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of all the rightoid dweebs to be mindlessly glazing this guy picked the one who must be near the highest peak of weenie mountain lmao
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i love speaking ill of the dead, fuck are they gonna do about it? fuck randy and all the other deads too.
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so much for "pro-life"
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i dont think 5e even scratches the top 10 of worst ttrpg systems
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i dont know of many faces that scream louder for a brick to be thrown in them than the grotesque & deformed mug of matt fuckin gaetz lmao
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commercialization has ruined all of my hobbies and pretty much everything else
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another christian conservative caught fucking kids? but but DrAg qUeEeEEeEnZ in the women's bathrooms!
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terrance and also phillip
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even if a game is deeply flawed, if it took me 100+ hours to assess those flaws, I'm going to call the game "pretty enjoyable" despite the flaws. It would be deeply unfair to call it "boring" or "bad" at that point.
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I see this all the time in Steam reviews and I do somewhat understand where they are coming from; sometimes you only really come to understand how flawed certain systems are in a game after investing a substantial amount of time into the game. However -