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Morning all just dropping into keep up with all your news we had a dog called Mitch years ago I think it was a monkey on a space programme on tv a series long before star trek he was a little fox terrier
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He knew you would help him and he trusts you
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It’s surprising how much your back can ache when you stand if you’ve not been doing it for some time it’s not just leg muscles that need to hold you up but it comes with practice and keep at it
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It’s ok for the exam but I love singing in the choir best
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I can stand for a little at the sink and with at least 1 stick but totally without support is not doable yet back muscles need to be stronger
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Great news! Turned into a good week for you. I had my singing lesson yesterday tho I can stand so had to sit but sorted out a few problems with the voice just more practice to get it going again HAGD all
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Morning All good luck with the leg it must be very difficult to get used to but the rewards are enormous! I’m sure there will be several Internet groups you can tap into for support certainly many military in uk have experience of prosthetics The very best of lyck
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I’m very tired from yesterday but all still ok with the hip so that’s a win
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My Father always called me Last Minute Alice I’m the same do things when the deadline is breathing down your neck
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That’s very exciting! I can imagine how wonderful it will be to be able to have 2 legs again. At least thru all my knees and hip replacements and problems I was able to walk even if sometimes not very far like now I know it will improve. Hope all goes well for you
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Not if I was laid flat and didn’t move. It’s quite unusual actually but it does happen very occasionally the replacement hasn’t completely healed yet they think tho it should be ok by now
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Reaching up to get washing pegged on lines in the airing cupboard. Must now be aware and have right foot straight or inwards not outwards it destabilises the joint
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I’m being good and taking it slowly keeping right foot straight forward or pointing inward not out to the left which de stabilises the joint. Teaching groups was a joy! It’s the social interaction I so enjoy
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Afternoon all managed to dislocate my hip replacement so been out of action for a few days in hospital but back teaching my uke groups today they keep me grounded. Lovely words from a former pupil Robin
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Hopefully is the best they’ll do. In theory it can happen again but if I’m careful and aware of how I move and stand it should be ok. No guarantee it’ll be ok but they’re satisfied it’s now stable
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A very late hello from me been in hospital for four days new hip replacement dislocated so had to go in by ambulance as leg gave way completely and fell flat on floor had manipulation under general anaesthetic to put it back in now at home recovering Lovely to read your posts and catch up with life
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The soundtrack to my early years in Germany in the forces late 60s and 70s
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Morning All frosty pavements do staying in and warm good singing lesson yesterday voice a little rusty but improving
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Improving very slowly but I’m more confident and upbeat can’t stand unsupported for too long but I’m working on it
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Singing lesson this afternoon still practicing for exam which was postponed for hip op now in March/April first lesson after Christmas break so rusty voice
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Yes it’s the social interest much as anything that I love
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Ukulele band practise morning very cold out so it’ll be cold in the church hall but great company to keep me warm
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No the local hospital have been shipping out to private providers for operations I travel from Great Yarmouth to Bromsgrove for mine
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Oh that’s really horrible! I find I’m on local news on the BBC news about travelling for surgery to my hip
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I’ve started it but had to put it down over Christmas must pick it up again
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And you’ll join things and be so busy you won’t have time to do any sorting
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Morning all managed a half mile walk with 2 sticks yesterday so going to try again today despite the frost everywhere then to try a shower with OH standing by for support HAGD all
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Scored a 9 at our book group a couple of years ago just Brilliant
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A very Merry Christmas all may you have a good day however you spend it
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Afternoon all just been catching up with you all I’m still slowly improving and plan to have a shower on Christmas morning a big step forward for me last time I tried was disastrous and traumatic so I’m doing a little more every day
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Just listening and responding is everything
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Morning all no uke teaching today stopped till January off to M&S food shopping let’s hope I don’t fall like last time
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Doesn’t have to be financial tho does it? Could prosper through education or health or personal happiness?
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Spent some time wrapping presents for my little Grandchildren this afternoon daughter will come on Wednesday to collect them and deliver to her brother their Father she lives closer I won’t see either of them for Christmas this year DiL Dad is very poorly so a change of plans for everyone
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Hope you had a lovely day I managed a little walk round B&Q though standing still is difficult must try to do more in the new year although weather is not encouraging for walking
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Very Christmassy shopping today… new bathroom cabinet and toilet seat! Needs must however the humdrum items of life
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Good Morning better yesterday just lying in bed listening to the wind outside glad I’m warm and snug
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Cherished time when the offspring visit and cook and wash up
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Glad to hear you have a new wheelchair I used one for a while with my knee when daughter came to visit and took me out not always comfortable
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Not too good this morning but perked up this afternoon so that’s a relief
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Have a great time
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That sounds like great news it’ll make all the difference to you to be up and about more
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A busy day for you Robin I’m having a lazy day mail do the laundry from the weekend away but mostly just convalescing
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France for a few days sounds heavenly nice to have a break and refresh mentally and physically
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I found that lessons helped me get back to a sense of normality if I could manage them also the social interaction sometimes helps
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Morning all back from a wonderful weekend celebrating my 75 and daughters 50 birthday with extended family gathering in large farmhouse in Oxfordshire now ukulele teaching which helps get me back in routine
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Absolutely wonderful so lovely to see my family all together and have a catch up with lots of laughs
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Takes time to heal and it can be a real nuisance but slowly does it. My hip is coming on nit had any incidents for several days so feeling hopeful
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Sorry to hear you’re suffering those tablets have a lot to answer for. I can’t take a lot of different painkillers because they make me ill. I hope it passes soon so you can get well again
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Morning All packed and ready for the off later this morning for the big family gathering in Oxfordshire everyone looking forward to it nice to meet up and spend some quality time together