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I have various interests. Am playing MH3U G-rank for the first time, having lots of fun with it after Wilds sort of just ended. 物語シリーズが一番好きなものよ。毎週大学で日本語を勉強するので、少しを話す。どうぞ。
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-- creating the problem, there'd be no problem to fix, and you wouldn't have to make the game faster and more execution based to increase the player's chances of making stupid mistakes.
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I personally feel like power creeping both Monsters and Hunters until the game is Frontier is a bad idea. They always want to buff the hunters in new basegames because people like power fantasies, and then they always buff the monsters in expansions and people get mad. If you just stopped --
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Aisha will be my housekeeper for the rest of time
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They're probably saying "would've" which sounds the same but is correct
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I would much prefer new players to start with Rise, Wilds has a campaign that misrepresents the rest of the series and might turn people off, and Rise has a formula more representative of the older games which encourages them to play gen 4.
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Mayhaps to quench an itch
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I really don't know what they were going for, especially when the openings have a lot of them naked more or less, which gives a strange vibe
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Apart from Rampages, I thought Rise was great. There was a good sense of progression and I think the talisman melding and deco crafting was the best its ever been.
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I tried thinking of an example and couldn't, so I think I'm wrong. Sorry
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Games don't need to be fun to be good, though. That would remove a lot of what it means to be an interactive medium, which is why I dislike how this quote is thrown around so much.
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Shocked the new generation doesn't know about G-Savior. Watch it, shit's hilarious.
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It can be vague nonsense and still good and intentional, Majora's Mask exists after all. They just need to try. I agree though that attempting to have some sort of timeline or more traditional movie-esque plot like what other games aim for these days is the wrong move.
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The N64 games have very artsy themes, numerous quests that make you cry and or ponder, and wacky visuals that facilitate them. I don't actively think much about the stories of the other Zelda games, except for that Link's Awakening actually has a narrative twist. In contrast, ToTK has no theming.
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Even cooler than Gump? Don't think so.
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-- new classics anymore. 3D Zelda is dead in the water; Breath of the Wild sold like hotcakes. Virtual freedom is marketable in a world where most feel constrained, I understand with all my heart, but it still pains me to see people believe that series are "improving" as they become more homogenous.
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--strides towards openness in every way. Even Monster Hunter combat, which in older generations was very intentionally designed and restricted, has been taken by the philosophy of "you can do this anytime with no downside" game mechanics. The old styles of these series are gone, they'll never make-
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-- pros and cons. It's not an accessibility improvement, and I think that's discrediting the entire medium. I'm really worried for the direction video games as a whole are headed when most discourse surrounding them is so disingenuous and painful to listen to. It feels like every game has taken --
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-- with personalized assists" idea, but Focus Mode in MH Wilds, for example, completely changed combat. The risk and reward from Wilds and older games is completely different, it changes the way you're allowed to think about the game. It's not a straight upgrade, it's a design decision with --
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Focus mode is the main mechanic of the game, why would anyone not use it? It's not just an accessibility option, it's like if you beat Dark Souls without rolling. I never complained about it, but I can totally see why people would, and that's valid in a game like this. Game design does matter.
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-- people saying "oldgen was better" as a generalization, because after picking up any one of those games in particular, they'd surely have some problem with it, since they're all distinct. TLDR: I see what you're saying and you're right.
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-- so from a pure gameplay standpoint, the games changed much more at one time with World than with previous generational titles. On the other hand, 4U and Gen had lots of structural changes and general vibe changes that went into making 5th gen feel like an expected evolution, so I disagree with --
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For certain things, that's something I do and don't see any issues with. For example every entry before 5th gen had necessary paintballs, more effectiveness of traps and bombs, no item box during hunts, a completely distinct healing mechanic, etc etc. Those completely change the flow of the loop, --
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I mean, I agree I guess, sorry for the necropost, but I didn't see the context.
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Why would that make sense, though? I'm not an oldhead, but saying "oh but this older game had a much better executed version of the same thing, why do people have such gripes with the new thing?" doesn't really do anything to invalidate their opinion.
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It's also just much harder to break parts IMO. It's shocking how easy tail cuts and horn breaks were in 3U, now it feels like you need to focus that part of the monster for most of their life.
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You can't really blame them considering "GH" in English is almost always pronounced as such, and the romanization of "ぎ" is "gi," which would lead many to assume they're attempting to evoke a hard g sound. By them I mean me, because I only found out I was wrong recently.
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Yes, it's Wylk.
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It's really not that great, but the way the game is structured makes it not matter. Most complicated RPG mechanics are only unlocked after the main story, and most of that story is very forgiving in difficulty, so it gives a lot of leeway for you to try different weapons and see what works.
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Although I will say, HR is hitting like crack. Getting quests that just sit in your log and you wandering around looking for monsters you haven't killed in HR yet while waiting for a seasonal event like Gypceros hunting, meanwhile some hunters join in organically... It's unbelievably peak.
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No? I don't call middling things middling. I call them good, in any social setting, because people don't ask "why." I think that's pretty normal.
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Peak is a great word. "Good" is what I would call a mediocre fish dinner, "peak" is for what I'd say is high art.
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I enjoyed the gameplay loop of killing monsters to harvest their children and grooming them into enemies of their own species
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There's no "The," it makes it easier to distinguish from The Outer Worlds, which does feature a "The."
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I've only played like 4 hours outside of the character creator, but wounds do not seem like a balanced system. I don't even really know what they're there for. I'm more engaged from old gen combat just based off the fact that you feel weaker than the monsters.
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That's just not true, though. I remember grindig hub Grank monsters, and it would definitely take slightly longer than a modern game, but it's not unplayable. I had a lot of fun with it.
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I'm talking about something I wish they'd solve that wasn't a problem before. In 5th gen, there not being much challenge until post release made the games feel like a demo but with a lot of content. No point in grinding armor if you can beat the game with the starter gear. Then they leaned into it.
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Enemies dealing half the damage of 4th gen games is not an option, that's the way the game is. I'm all for more accessible games, if it's a difficulty option or OP armor set like in past games, but a large part of older MH was about friction, and them making the game brainless takes away from it.
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--Shagaru. Rise was different in that low rank was comically easy, but High rank felt more in line with past high ranks once they added in the update elder dragon trio and Narwa. It's really disappointing that reviewers are saying it's even easier than Rise, because the entire story is in low rank..
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Monster Hunter Tri and 3U were very punishing games, even outside of grank. Even in low rank I would occasionally fail a hunt, not to mention Jhen or Cedeus which would make anyone sweat. This was lessened a little bit in 4U, but I still almost failed quests against Gore and failed a few times w/ --
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World was the epitome of kind for newcomers, it was by far the most popular game in the series. Why are autopilot and auto healing item select necessary if people have known how to heal themselves for the last 20 years? It just takes away some decisionmaking in a game where that's the main appeal.
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--the value of art is in the eye of the beholder, even under capitalism, especially under capitalism. Makes me remember the old "60 bucks for a 2D game with 15 hours of content? What a scam," from people who were viewing Metroid Dread as a product above all else. Don't like that.