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This is tangential at best, but if you read a book or poem written in English in the nineteenth century and the author has three names, it's about a 90% chance they're American.
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I followed him for a long time. He loved cats, which puts him very high on my list. His graphs were a much-needed corrective to our general national hysteria. Otherwise, de mortuis nil nisi bonum.
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Almost as bad as "take arms against a sea of troubles." And yes, I'm an English professor (retired).
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I wasn't there, but apparently he's been playing this as an encore a lot lately:
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Mind you, John Webster before a Congressional committee would be a helluva watch.
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"Let's face it--you can't Torquemada anything!"
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The thing is, there's nothing more to learn about Trump, and hasn't been since maybe 1995. 1) Nothing he says can be remotely trusted. 2) He's one of the worst people in the world, he's going to do some of the worst things. That's it. Enjoy your life instead.
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Um...even if he were American he wouldn't give a sh*t.
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...and shekels.
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I'm afraid this time even "The horror! The horror!" falls way short.
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John Ruskin, the very greatest of English prose writers, on restoring old buildings:
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My brother got five more years with his cancer because of trials.
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There is no big picture anymore. Just a very small picture, painted by the very smallest of men.
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"Personal liberties" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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The Supreme Court? Are they still in the league?
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Don't you mean Fiddler In The Showers?
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Brilliant writer on cricket, too.
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I actually thought it was a good Super Bowl. A team winning with great defense and a balanced rushing/passing attack. You don't see that much anymore.
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One of the all-time great lines in movie history.
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Obviously the world would be a much much better place if Hillary had been elected, but please don't insult me by suggesting she was in any way trustworthy.
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People will think WHAT I WANT THEM TO THINK
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Seems pretty normal these days.
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The Project Gutenberg Online version has it correct:
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And I just googled it to re-experience it in all its glory. DO NOT trust what the AI thing at the top says. It's completely wrong (big surprise).
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I discovered Henry James in college. For some reason I started with "The Wings of the Dove," and the opening sentence almost physically knocked me flat. From that moment I've been a huge James fan, although I recognize he has his excesses.
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Actually, according to Baseball Reference, Nick Altrock was born on September 15, 1876. He died on January 20, 1965.
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You can't trust a Goldstein.
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Let us never forget: Obama wanted this man to be on the Supreme Court.
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SF/fantasy writer Gene Wolfe, in The Book of the New Sun tetralogy, posits a black that's blacker than black, called "fuligin," which is the color of the clothes of the Guild of Excruciators.
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Good old Hans von Spakovsky--the gift that keeps on dribbling.
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In a happier world, this book would be entirely blank pages except for one word: "Don't."
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One of my favorite books. Big Business!
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Our best ex-President.
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I realize I'm entirely alone in this, but speaking as a person who has spent most of my life devouring great literature of all kinds, I found Maus to be one of the most boring things I've ever read. But, as I say, I know I'm alone.
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"Maybe he did it partly" is classic.
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The whole point of contemporary conservatism is to never be wrong.
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Agree. I've never bought that scene.
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Or like those policies in the first place and don't want people to know it.
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Speaking as a Pennsylvanian, fuck fuck fuck.
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I was going to correct "viscously" to "viciously," but viscously might even be better.
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Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like the Democrats supine confronting fascism...
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This can't be said too often.
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I've always loved the fact that there was a racist Senator Bilbo long before Lord of the Rings.
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I think you know.
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This post was the highlight of my day, and it was a pretty good day.
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It was so very obvious from the beginning that this was the endgame. Nominate someone so disgusting he has to be rejected, then nominate someone effectively just as bad and he's sure to be approved. It also assures that all the other horrible nominees will be approved.
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The treatment of Lilian Gish's character in that movie is one of the odder things in film. Laughton and Agee clearly want to make her a less-than-perfect character, but the subtleties get overwhelmed by the obvious positives, climaxing with the final benediction. A good idea that doesn't come off.
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Thank goodness. Brooks had been threatening to become reasonable.