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I bet there is something (or someone) at his place he doesn’t want her to see.
He will make it “her fault” and claim she’s “intrusive and doesn’t trust him”
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I’m trying it now, it’s really slow. Still waiting on data after 5 minutes
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I need something that is free, no subscription or sign up because it’s for an undergraduate Biology lab class. Can’t ask them to buy anything, especially not last minute
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Got a link?
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Pubmed is down and NCBI and BLAST
This is very, very bad
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Still down. WTF is happening. I need to use BLAST in my undergraduate lab class this coming week
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Leave him. He thinks a spouse with a chronic disease would “hold him back” in life. He expects you to be his devoted caretaker, but would cheat on you or leave you if the situation was reversed
If you live long enough, *everyone* gets age disabilities- deafness, loss of sight, frailty, cancer, etc
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Which literature should we send?
Book, movie script, soup recipe?
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He’s “failure to launch” of Lear Jet proportions.
Divorce the lazy money-pit.
42 with no job, won’t drive, doesn’t cook, won’t clean, and a dreadful cv
He must be a heck of a charmer to sucker you into marrying him
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Check trash cans on that block. Thieves often ditch the stuff they don’t want pretty quickly
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What a vile, selfish, and cruel thing for our so-called president to say.
This was the deadliest crash in 20+ years and he’s joking about swimming
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Serious lack of judgment by these dudes. Porn is fantasy, no women are hooking up with randos at the gym
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Wait, really?!?
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I’m hoping for a bluebird sunny day so he looks even more like a wimp
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Are you worried about “girl cooties”? Are willing to put up sharing a bed only for “procreative acts”?
It’s OK to come out of the closet!
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Time for an ultimatum.
He has 6 months to start individual therapy and make some changes or they get divorced.
Or just divorce him and save yourself the 6 months of more conflict
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There *is* an abundance of dudes on dating apps.
Women are rare, but dudes with good judgment are even rarer
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The stork is like “sign here for your delivery”
Obviously-not-preggers-woman-with-fantastic-hat “Shoo! Get! It’s not for me! Wrong address!”
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My guess is he’s OK dating a non-Catholic, but not marrying one.
He’s a deceitful coward and she should be glad to leave him
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At least he got the snip-snip so he’s not passing on his genes to any progeny
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That’s the sort of cold that makes you wish you could close your nostrils like a seal
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Oops! My mom and MIL threw away all their black kitchen utensils. Glad I stopped them from chucking mine!
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It takes a LOT to p!ss off a cat so much that it bites you. You have to invade their space, ignore the “knock it off/leave me alone” communication, and try to get physical.
He sounds like a grabby-handed, selfish jerk. Good kitties for chasing him away!
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They are either 1) creepy or 2) trying to sell me something. Or both
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Don’t scramble your DNA with this deceitful guy!
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Good thing they didn’t scramble their DNA and make a kid!
Get a restraining order against both of them & hope you never have to see either of them again
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This is GROSS on so many levels.
And why are 2 of the eggs suddenly brown?!?
Pedophilia, racism, and misogyny all rolled into one
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Best case scenario: dude is going through a psychological episode or had a stroke or has a brain tumor or something
Has he ever done something similar? If no, and it’s *really* out of character, he needs a med consult ASAP.
My guess is he’s done similar things before. Leave before he kills you
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lol! Have they ever seen a newborn?? They are scrunched up like little footballs, not stretched out like this weird AI alien gummy
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The Alan Rickman & Emma Thompson story makes my MIL mad at my FIL for something he hasn’t even done!
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Just toss it in the trash
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Scientist with pets here! Got anyone booked who loves genetics and cats (and cat color genetics)?
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Some guys need to just come out of the closet!
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I bet you’re 95% transposable elements
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He’s not a stalker, nope. Just a guy who knows her salary, job title, college GPA, etc. Did he corner her at a coffee shop to quiz her about random math facts?
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Will it have grits?
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You have the best diy science projects!
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Those are good oysters!
And ironically would pair well with a bubbly, mild beer
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That is a fabulous plan for a weekend!