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MBA Public Policy (WBS), works on regulatory and budgetary issues, views my own. RT ≠ endorsement.
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🚨 Everyone needs to call their Dem Senator right now. They are starting to cave. Tell them: 1. Vote NO on Cloture AND 2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill. Don’t let them pivot to reconciliation. GOP doesn’t need Dem votes on that and they know it. TODAY is the showdown. 🤳🏽: (202) 224-3121

Military chiefs from most NATO and EU countries met in Paris yesterday to discuss new security arrangements. The US wasn’t invited. It was a closed door meeting and there’s been no announcement of outcome but with both Australia and Japan in attendance we seem to be seeing a new alliance forming.

one thing i keep thinking about is how there is simply no way to design a constitutional system that can resist authoritarian incursion if participants in that system do not actually care that much

Das Trump Team versucht, gezielt Einfluss in Deutschland zu nehmen. CORRECTIV-Recherchen enthüllen die Strategien von millionenschweren Stiftungen und einflussreichen Netzwerken rund um die MAGA-Bewegung. Führende CDUler fürchten eine schleichende Trumpisierung der eigenen Partei.

Ein ganz normaler Sonntag unter NATO Verbündeten

Who did this?

you’re fired. wait you’re rehired. email us a list of things you’ve done today wait forget it you’re fired again. come back your job was important. you’re fired. or hired. come in to the office. wait the office has no computers go home. we are the department of government efficiency.

Wer klärt eigentlich den rechtsextremistischen Hintergrund des mutmaßlichen Täters auf?

(1/3) It needs repeating: in 1994, Ukraine was persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for the US, the UK, and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

Da es jetzt danach aussieht, dass die notwendigen Gelder für die Bundeswehr mobilisiert werden, ist es umso wichtiger dafür zu sorgen, dass das gute Geld nicht auf schlechte Strukturen trifft. hat dazu etwas aufgeschrieben. #Schuldenbremse

Trump has utterly changed the rules of engagement. World leaders must learn this – and quickly | Simon Tisdall


Wunschdenken hilft nicht weiter. Die Trump-USA haben die Seiten gewechselt. Wir brauchen keine Angst zu haben, wenn die EU entschlossen handelt. EU-BIP 14,4 Billionen €, RUS-BIP 1,4 Billionen. In der EU leben 500 Mio Menschen, in RUS 140 Millionen.

Pete Hegseth just reportedly ordered the US military’s Cyber Command to “stand down” from all planning against Russia. Analysts have been ordered not to follow or report on Russian threats. One inside source said, “Putin is on the inside now.”

I got laid off today, with the rest of 18F. 18F was an elite federal software shop. We made gov't websites work better, more efficiently for the American people. We saved taxpayers from getting screwed over by contractors. And were fired for it. We made this website to tell our story:

No, the meeting did not go badly for Ukraine. It exposed in the most undeniable, unequivocal way possible the pro-Putin commitments of the president and vice president. That was information Americans and allies needed to have clear before them.

Wer sagt den Scharfmachern in der Union, dass der Wahlkampf zu Ende ist, dass man um Koalitionspartner werben muss und dass 28,6% keine Legitimation geben, das ganze Land umzukrempeln.

Frank's right. We're getting ripped off. Germany has become the dumping ground of everybody's problems. And contrary to what the liberal fake news media are saying, Frank's fingers are normal sized.☝🏼

Vielleicht sollte sich alle Parteien der Mitte das Ding mit dem Sondervermögen (und mehr als 200 Milliarden) in den nächsten Wochen jetzt nochmal überlegen.

Die CDU/CSU sollte das Gesprächsangebot annehmen und aus der Kritik an der Kleinen Anfrage lernen

Shoot first, ask questions later

New York Times asks the real question: “Debate is building over just how deep the Trump administration’s antagonism runs, and whether the real goal is to destroy the European Union.”

Was sagt uns das?

MSNBC worries about the perception that they’re not fair to R’s while Fox eats an $800m libel settlement to preserve its ability to lie about Ds. That’s the asymmetry that gives illiberalism a structural advantage.

For the US to side with Russia and North Korea to oppose a UN resolution condemning the illegal invasion of Ukraine defies all common sense and adds insult to the countless injuries suffered by the brave Ukrainian people.

You first.

Das einzig Tröstende: Mit jedem Schritt Richtung Autoritarismus machen sich CDU und CSU selbst überflüssig. Sie werden verschwindend klein werden. Das Problem: Die AfD wird stärkste Kraft werden und wird regieren. Es wird dann keine Alternativen mehr geben.

Ich muss es so hart sagen: ich dachte, ich lese eine kleine Anfrage der AfD, aber sie stammt von der Union. 551 (!) Fragen zu Organisationen, Hintergrund seien „Proteste gegen die CDU“, darunter die „Omas gegen Rechts“ und andere. Bin ehrlich entsetzt.

Elon Musk and his 19-year-olds have now disrupted the approval of medical devices that save lives. Every member of Congress bears a responsibility to stop this right now.

The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), which has worked to identify groups of pregnant people and infants at higher risk of health complications since 1988, was quietly shut down following Trump's inauguration.

We are witnessing a historic and frequently illegal dismantling of the government by the richest man in the world. Lets check in on the Congressional committee whose job it is to monitor what is happening in the executive branch:

Trump is trying to spin German election into what he wanted. It's not. Trump, Vance and Musk wanted the Far right AfD party to win. They didn't. The new incoming German Chancellor just last week slammed Vance for praising the Afd party. The US is even more isolated.

FED. WORKERS: I am collecting data on agency instructions w.r.t the OPM email. I am seeking the following: (1) Your agency and bureau, (2) who sent the instruction, (3) whether you were told to reply, (4) a screenshot of the instruction for verification (anonymize) (if possible). Signal: Nbednar.46.

Was hat Merz da geritten? So zu spalten und zu verunglimpfen - als ob angesichts der Weltlage nicht Verantwortung und Zusammenführen das Gebot der Stunde wären.

🧵"So this is how liberty dies..." Trump’s first 3 weeks have been a relentless flood of actions. It's incredibly hard to keep up. I’ve gone through 69 actions & mapped out the pattern - showing how they fall within 5 broad domains consistent with authoritarian states 1/9

here, let me help: After Purge, Trump Installs Himself as Chair of Kennedy Center

DOJ disbanding Task Force KleptoCapture, Kleptocracy Team, and the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery plays into hands of Putin and corrupt foreign oligarchs and criminals. This is what corruption looks like.

Noch fataler als die Inkaufnahme von AfD-Stimmen im Bundestag finde ich den Umgang der CDU mit den Protesten dagegen. Es stünde der Partei schon gut an, die Sorge von Menschen vor einer Wiederholung der deutschen Geschichte ernst zu nehmen. Das ist eigentlich das Mindeste, was man erwarten kann.

Deutschland – das sind die Menschen, die hier leben. Und so sollten wir Debatten auch führen. Bei Markus Lanz hab ich das nochmal in den Fokus gestellt.