Late diagnosis Autistic, Left of centre politics, proud to be "woke" it's better than being an ignorant tw@, will not suffer fools gladly. I advise any young lady who has difficulty dressing not to follow me, you will just be blocked.
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You want innovation - Here's what can be done in a free at the point of need social healthcare system...The NHS the greatest achievement of any UK Politician
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Yeh what is now becoming clear is that when the Pilgrims set sail a whole bunch of villages in southern England saw an opportunity to offload their idiot & persuaded them to go for a nice trip on that pretty boat The Mayflower..what you see in the USA today are the offspring those people
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I see this posted a fair bit one way or another, but that's all I see, no actual action just posts & memes, seems all Americans know is the French revolution which isn't relevant, Italy 1943 or Spain 1975, even Spain 1936 when the International Brigade fought Franco they were fighting fascists
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2. around the same time as Covid hit, I quit completely. Of course having Free at the point of need healthcare made a difference you can't comprehend. I rarely worked more than 37hrs a week and never more than 40 weeks in a year once I'd done with F/T employment..that's Freedom..freedom to live life
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1. Any of you Yankee types realising that "land of the free" is a big lie you've been fed since birth? I quit full time employment at 60, took VR had a nice lump sum and my Pension was safe, then worked Temp jobs for a few years, to add a little extra to the pot. Then when my state pension kicked in
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I guess life just isn't for you, slave away looking for the next $, so oriented on "things" and "possessions" you tie yourself down to drudgery instead of seeing the World. Your post really isn't the flex you think, it's an admission of an empty life
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The one and only guy who actually did something, and you put him on trial...yup that's dumb yankees for you go to bow down before the mighty $ the rich are all oh so much better than you.
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Yeh right, like if you hang around for 4yrs there's not going to be "New Management", you know about FAFO, well you're indulging in so many you're too damn lazy to get off your arse and do something about it, the so called protests I'v seen have been pathetic affairs
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There's a Matalan at Wrekin Retail Park just 6 miles away from Blists Hill...problem solved
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Lennon et al we're actually not well known, same for Led Zep or any of the other now famous bands...hell I sued to walk past Jeff Lynne's Mom's house on my way to work, he lived there while writing songs now considered classics, but nobody had heard of him.
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Oooooh twice!!! well hush my mouth I'm speaking to the world's leading expert. OK bye bye, I won't be bothering with your "poor me everyone must support me" whines
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You best stick to tapping away at that keyboard...making a joke out of an industrial accident is pretty pathetic...I doubt you'd last 5 minutes in the sort of jobs I'm talking about, maybe you'd have a better appreciation of things if you tried working in a factory
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The number of times I've said those same things, boy have I upset a few people, they really don't like being told to keep it in their pants.
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Go listen to Led Zeppelin, or ELO there's musical complexity form a more modern era, if you want lyrics listen to Cohen or Dylan...Rap & Hip Hop have neither musical nor lyrical value, they are merely the outpourings of talentless nobodies either bragging or complaining
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Spoken like a true American idiot, across Europe artrists get the same healthcare everyone else does, via the state, see we taker the view that if we all look after each other we all get the benefit as opposes to USA where $$ drives everything...Healthcare is a basic human right
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No it isn't, they sign a contract, they get an advance for them to go create the product that is then sold by the label, they are "suppliers" not "employees" you honestly think that Plant, Cohen, Lennon et al ever called themselves "employees"?
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Heavy Metal Industries that used to abound in the area, Iommi lost the tips of 2 fingers using a Guillotine in a sheet metal factory, there were factories & forges all over Brum & the Black Country. I grew up in the heart of Birmingham and worked for companies like Dunlop & Lucas
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The last person to call themselves "King" was George III who was known to be Insane, the Porphyria reasoning used by Bennett is now discounted...seems insanity goes along with the title
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Aw, how sweet, I bet they're so happy they got what they voted for. Meanwhile in good old Socialist UK (they'd call it communist because they f'ing stupid) I can book a telephone consultation and the Doctor calls me..and there's no cost...damn Universal healthcare how dare we all work for each other
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So you're still obsessing about some guy in baggy jeans warbling a few duff tunes 12 days ago? I guess the dismantling of democratic government isn't all that important to you...hence you end up with President Musk and his Monkey
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So sitting on your backside pontificating on TV is everything you can possibly do? Yeh sure that's going to do a lot...not. Now if you'd been out on the street with a 100,000 others as you said this it may carry some weight, as it is it's just pointless waffling
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Let me add a truly British reaction to this lady's plight
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Mr.Putin has had Diaper Don's balls in a little box in his desk for at least a decade, probably longer
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You also need them in the right locations for proper global news coverage, Washington, N.Y. & San Francisco ...not Boise, Indianapolis & Richmond, and they need to be days long not hours
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FAFO...well they tried FA now they're's not like they weren't warned
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Don't want them learning to read, they'll not vote GOP if they can read
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Anything that size should be paying rent
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Nice idea, however far too many still want their Starbucks coffee and a doughnut as they walk meekly into work in the morning, they'll moan all day long, they'll yell at the TV news, they'll post on SM, but get out and take action?...nope that's for other people
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Look what I just found - His lawyers are claiming the court has no jurisdiction for actions of governance, well guess who has a tame SCOTUS and signed an EO giving him the power to decide what laws are? - you don't even have the courts
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You talk a good fight, all I've seen so far is talk. It won't be a cosplaying J6 moron at your door, it'll be full military, who will shoot you on the spot if you raise a weapon...perhaps you need a reminder from history, Muskrat is using the same playbook. His salute tells you all you need to know
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He's not wrong you do live in a very corrupt's quite clearly corrupt from the top down...of course you could do something about it but so far all you've done is moan and get court orders that have no effect at all
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Because of quirk of an old system based on COBOL...but then you don't care about facts do you...lies are oh so much easier on that mouldy peanut you call a brain
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Rght now far too many Americans display the former. From pictures I've seen there was a bigger turnout for Philly Eagles celebration than for the events in the pictures. Hate to tell you, but nobody outside USA pays any attention to Illinois, now if you get 100,000s in NY and D.C. it'll make a mark
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I see that good ol' "freedom" you yanks keep telling everyone you have so much of (you really don't) getting less and less by the hour...I wonder when the first curfew will be put in place
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Diaper Don merely delivered the message he was ordered to by his bosses Muskrat & Putin like the good little cuck he is
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Almost 3 million people live in Denver...and that's what you call amazing? you have what maybe a fraction of 1% of the population...Amazing would have been 100,000...that quite frankly is embarrassing, we get bigger turnouts for Welsh Independence marches
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Well it happened on 30.09.1938 fully 3yrs & 2 months before America even bothered to start fighting Nazis, then it was only because Japan attacked you, you were quite happy to sit by and watch...seems you still have some sympathy fascists even today..oh it's taught in Europe we despise Nazis
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🤣oh you mean the compliant "let me roll over and you can tickle my tummy" Congress, the self-serving cowards who know they'll be re-elected because magaturds are to f'in stupid so anything different...forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting to see anything happen
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Haven't eaten a KFC over 50yrs, once was enough..there's one near where I live there's a MaccyDs, Greggs & Subway all close by...everyone of them is busier than the KFC
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And if they just ignore him? ...I'm beginning to think nothing short of troops on the streets checking nobody is out breaking curfew is going to get Americans to realise there is no such thing as the rule of law for Daiper Don and his pals
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President Musk canlt be doing with having the Monkey around the place too much, des[pite all the training he may just come out with something unplanned, and they really are struggling to find many more things for him to sign, his favorite activity
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WRONG!! Monkey Man didn't "PUT" Musrat in charge, Muskrat bought the Monkey's ass and told him to shut the f up and do as he's told. There are 2 people in change of the USA Putin & Musk and not one fo you voted for either
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Yeh well I'm 70 and live on the other side of the Atlantic, I've done my share of protesting on the streets something you naive clowns seem incapable of....courts indeed...hell fire you only have to look at how hard it's been to get Giuliani to pay up to realise they're pointless
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I "worship" nobody USA laws have no effect on me I don't live for the useless "freeze their assets" you think they donlt have them trucked away safe from such an action?
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Come back when they've obeyed the court order in full and restored her in post fully with all clearances etc.....until then you have exactly "jack shit"
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Seriously??? that's your response? I give up you're truly pathetic
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🤣🤣🤣"concern grows" - Have people been walking around with buckets on their heads for the past 8yrs??? Court orders mean nothing for the very simple reason - THERE'S NOBODY, NO AGENCY THAT IS GOING TO ENFORCE ANY COURT ORDER
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The level of naivety on display by the American public is staggering, you actually think a court order is going to have even the slightest effect...Hint - THERE IS NOBODY WHO IS GOING TO ENFORCE ANY COURT ORDERS YOU GET!!