This is horrifying! Family members of some of the people sent to do hard labor in a Salvadoran prison by Trump confirm their loved ones weren't members of a gang.

One woman said her brother got a tattoo of a rose in Dallas, and because of that they accused him of being a gang member.


Par for the course in this administration.
I knew it. They weren't gang members.
These are multi million $ law suits. Hope someone mentions these to the judge tomorrow.
You think big balls and musk are going to let lawsuit money come out of the Treasury?
It is horrifying, but it is also the least surprising development in this case so far.
They were sent to do SLAVE labor
And these are just the ones we’re hearing about. There was no due process. How are these people being accounted for? Risk of being lost forever in Salvadoran prisons. Donald’s pardons don’t apply at The Hague and anyone taking part should ask themselves how far they’re willing to go for this FOTUS.
Since Trump’s campaigns hinged on the Big Lie that immigrants are a bunch of violent terrorists, he needs to fabricate the necessary bogeymen even if it means destroying the lives of innocent people.
It’s also to have a scapegoat or common enemy.
He doesn't need to do it because his supporters believe anything he says... He does it because he is an evil sadistic monster
To him there are no “innocent people” there are just pawns.
Empathy is a weakness. They don’t care.
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Empathy is one of the greatest strengths humans have.
these people have none though so they wont know that.
We need our own version of Project 2027 so we're ready when there's a new Sheriff in town and we can impeach Trump and Vance and take our country back from these sadist fascists.
If they are deporting people because of tattoos then there is a SecDef that could be sent “overseas”
the government is worse than the gangs that abduct people
This should be the beginning of the end of the Trump agenda but unfortunately it’s only the beginning of the beginning.
Oh course they weren’t. You can NEVER believe anything this administration says.
it isn't just being deported, if they were sent back to Venezuela or their home country it would be one thing, but they are being sent to concentration camps with zero due process. those involved with this should face the international court of justice in the future.
By “gang members” Trump just means they are members of a different race. When you’re part of a white supremacist gang, you assume other races are just gangs too.
White supremacists DO use tattoos to signify gang membership.
No due process. A complete violation of the Constitution and the 4th Amendment.
Someone needs to go to prison for this. They also need to pay out these families millions of dollars. This is the most psychotic thing that has ever happened in the last 10 years, and that says a lot.
If you figure out how to make that happen you get a gold star. This is done by order of a president who has been given permission by the Supreme Court to do whatever he wants to in his role as president. And he says the US is at war? Anyway congress is so cowed they are no help. So what's the plan?
How is the U.S. paying El Salvador for this? What is the funding source? Did Congress appropriate money? Attack this through its funding.
Not even being sent back to own country. Like being taken from France and sent to Congo.
Coming next…knocking on any American’s door, taking them away, putting them on a plane claiming they are a Venezuelan gang member and sending them to a foreign prison….
Ofuck! I knew it! I’m so sorry to hear this ! Innocent people in a maximum security torture prison 😭. Get him out of there !
Evil Trump admin. Hope it backfires, soon
Roses and florals are the most common tattoos in the world.
Yup, as someone with tattoos that love tattoos, when you see the list they have it's just the dumbest thing ever. Literally shit like Michael jordan's #23 that I've seen on 45 year old dads wearing new balance that they got when they were like 19.
I know! On the list was also stars (another insanely common one) and predatory cats (like JFC).
Cats? Oh hell, this shiny bright white girl is in trouble …

Calm down, calm down...
I’m at a loss for words, I’m so ashamed of our government and the GOP wimps in the Senate and House.
Horrifying yes but please tell me you're not actually surprised this is the case.
So what happens to these poor people? Do they spend the rest of their lives in a concentration camp? I never thought that the United States was capable of such in humanity. These people need to be returned and all of this needs to be stopped.
This is a pipe dream. They will not be returned as long as these people are in power and this will absolutely continue. I don’t know what it’s going to take for people to realize that history is repeating itself and last time many nations had to come together to stop it.
Today, they jail immigrants. Tomorrow, they go for citizens.
By this logic where tattoos=gang, ICE should arrest Hegseth for being a gang member and deport him to El Salvador.
This is just tragic. I feel devastated for the families.
Sounds like a major lawsuit is in the works…
Time to
This is heartbreaking
Send trumps dead body to El Salvador
This is so frightening!!’
Is this the "red line" that finally stops the shock and awe actions of this Trump Administration?
#Trump #Musk #deportations #DOJ
How is it legal for our government to deport people to a third country (rather than their home country) that is putting them in forced labor camps? How does that not violate U.S. and international law?
It isn't legal, it hasn't been, so now what?
We officially decided we aren't bound by international law (long before Trump), and we no longer care about US laws it seems, so 🤷‍♀️
They may all be gang members, or maybe not. I’m not going to be too credulous toward the claims of family members who say what you’d expect family of gang members to say.

Nevertheless the problem is we’ll never know for sure because the gov’t is violating due process. It is egregious & unlawful.
And brag about doing it again.
This is the point. Of 'He has a tattoo of a rose so is OBVIOUSLY a gang member' and 'we asked his mum whether he was a gang member and she said no', neither is particularly compelling evidence one way or the other.
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Why do you think an asylum seeker deserves to be tortured to death in a slave camp because of how other people voted
Explain why this man, who could not vote, deserves to be worked to death by the fascists in El Salvador.
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Ask his relatives that voted for trump.

A Harris voter like me just assumes all trump voters are psychotic racist misogynists.
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Came here JUST to say this.

When you trust Trump this is what you deserve
No one deserves this.

They literally CHOSE for this to happen. Voters are adults and have agency. The sooner Americans realize this, the better off we will be!
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They were specifically told that violent gang members and criminals only would be deported. They were lied to.

Should they have known a liar would lie? Yup. But that doesn't mean they deserve family not only being deported, but sent to a jail in another country instead.

Lack of empathy is MAGA.
If I didn’t have empathy I wouldn’t be telling maga voters to change their ways. Hopefully they will vote for democrats AND stop trusting convicted felons in the future.

But let’s be serious: maga voters HATE democrats more then anything on earth.
yes, they should have known that the most famous liar in history, 83yo Convicted Pedophile Donald Trump, was lying. Yes they should have known that.
I hate it here
Even if they were gang members, they should be arrested, charged, tried and sentenced.
oh cmon they didn’t bother to analyze any tattoos
That is why we have a judicial system, to prevent this from happening. What else would you expect when a felon makes himself police, judge, jury, and penal system?
So bc the Right has used Venezuela as a code word for "socialism is evil" for yrs, the Trump admin wanted to deport Venezulans as a show stunt & had ICE, which is trying to impress Trump's minions & meet quotas, round up random Venezuelan men & pay for El Salvador to take them as slave labor.
This was just wrong. And this prison is a horrible place.
god awful
That’s why Democrats need to stop being afraid to argue on this issue. Because, when it comes to due process, every American would want that. No more congressional speeches in the well, it’s time to join the people in the streets.
Roses are a common tattoo.
Roses are some of the most common tattoos out there. I assume that any tattoo can be used as evidence of gang membership with the Republicans, like in Japan.
Hey - send Elon a bunch of roses, white preferable these days, as thanks for raising awareness of your patriotism. 🇺🇸
Arrest me. 🤷‍♀️
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Next they’ll be going after anyone with a white rose in their profile pics. Because of course. 🤷‍♀️
With all due respect, family is the least persuasive. My dad & thebmale cousins he was close to would talk openly about another cousin who did work for some part of the NY Jewish Mafia. My GM & older aunt insisted "he just played poker with those men- nothing bad."
Oh well, gang members also deserve due process, and to NOT be disappeared to f'ing camps!!
Of course.
It would have been really shitty if they had deported Jewish suspected gang members to Europe back in WW2, but this would very much be legal and justifiable according to present day right-wing thinking.
Don't disagree with any of that. All I was saying is that mom saying "my boy is not a gang member" or "that's justva pretty flower" isn't very persuasive.
The flower thing is ridiculous, it's the standard tattoo idea for people who want a tattoo but aren't very original. As for deluded moms, sure.
tRump is the most heartless person on the USA.
Trump doesn't give a damn. I mean, they were brown. Plus, more importantly, they didn't have money to give him.
The one choice we have as a country is to put Trump to death in front of the whole world to see
He is the single Enemy of the United States of America
The people of the whole world have spoken
It’s the only way to end this and restore our country
So on brand for Trump: he sends non gang members to jail, but he released and pardoned gang members, the Proud Boys, who helped try to steal an election for him.
Trump is the gang leader, so it follows that he'd pardon his boys.
Yeah, wonder how many Proud Boys are Green card holders... probably not zero.
wonder how may nazi tattoos they have.
Rubio said if U.S. made a mistake, El Salvador can just deport the "illegal" to Venezuela? Not if they came here seeking asylum before case is decided.
Hire more (don't fire more) asylum judges and streamline the decisions. Don't arbitrarily send tatted men to El Salvadoran jails to be tortured.
Also, Stephen Miller has been going around lying about the asylum status of some of those sent to the slave labor camps in El Salvador.
What do you expect from a full-blown Nazist.
They need to disbar Bondi. She is complicit war criminal
They manhandled these people, shaved their heads and who know what else they did to them. May God watch over them. It is soooooo sad that America has become this atrocious! If anything our immigration process let in the Nazis and Apartheid sympathizers and they’ve been laying low bidding their time!
Of course they weren’t. Did anyone expect them to actually be gang members?
Things that don’t make someone a terrorist:

• Clothes
• Tattoos
• Hairstyles
• Vocabulary
• Household items
• Contacts/friends
• Bank account
• Subscriptions to literature
• Spouse
• Car

• Job, unless it’s terrorist related
I believe the relatives of the criminals here illegally because they wouldn’t lie.
It is quite astonishing for us in Europe, that there are officials, police officers, immigration authorities, etc., who so quickly and without resistance implement all the orders of the Trump administration.
It's almost as if giving ICE agents a quota to fill was a rotten idea. Every time law enforcement is given a quota they'll invent crime to fill it, every single time.
In my personal opionion Judge Bosberg is being far too deferential to the gov. Lawyers. I know this is standard practice, i get it but these aren't standard times and i wish some of these cjudges would start treating these casesvwith the horrified skepticism they deserve.
Things are getting out of hand due to the orange one and his two foreign puppet masters!
Just take a look at this. It's the largest protest in Serbia's history.
The world is still waiting for you, Americans. Learn to be free. You forgot???
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That looks like a disaster waiting to happen, just saying. Please try to have some space for movement in these kinds of situations.
There are protests which MSM isn’t covering…but def not this big yet
This is exactly why due process is important. Just accusing somebody of being a gang member and/or terrorist shouldn't be enough - prove it in court if you're going to deport somebody (and deportations should be back to their home country, but that's a whole other issue)
They need to check the tattoos on Oath Keepers and Proud Boys.
If you are a Venezuelan who happens to wear a tattoo (as many Americans do too) you can now get sent to a KZ in El Salvador as a supposed Tren de Aragua gang member, with no due process.

It doesn't even matter that members of that gang do not actually wear any identifying gang specific tattoos.
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Appalling. Complete disregard for the law and due process.

If the US manages to survive this period, I hope there is some accountability to the people involved. At a minimum, the victims should be able to civilly destroy the perpetrators in court. IMNAL, but don't believe pardons apply civilly.
“My cousin was just harvesting a crop in west Africa when he was put in chains marched onto a slave ship and sent to America.” America, making slavery great again.
Are any of them gang members? ICE seems obsessed with tattoos for a while. Even during Trump's first term.

Seems 1st amendment related
How convenient for these Nazis that their victims come pre-tattooed.
These tactics are reminiscent of the “special action” ethnic cleansing operations of the SS and German police in the 1930’s and 40’s. The degeneracy of the Republicans in charge of these operations is only exceeded by those who voted for and empowered them.
So this was Homan’s sophisticated ‘intelligence’.
That dude wouldn’t know intelligence if it punched him in the nose.
By the way Global Crossing Airlines, operating as GlobalX, is a US-based Part 121 domestic, flag, and supplemental charter airline. That is the airline that carried the one deported.
At first, they always come for people they can paint as the least desireable. But when the freedom of one person is taken away without due process, anyone's freedom can be taken.

Standing up for what's right is hard. Ds will fear opposing because Trump will paint them as pro-violent gang.
But they get paid to make the tough decisions and oppose the lawless actions of the Trump autocratic government. They can't hide behind judges. They must lead and make clear that the party opposes autocratic governance.
Honestly, they get paid to deliver for their biggest donors. Those are their actual constituents.
Yup, the whole idea of “gang members” thing has been used to punish the black and Latino community here in the US disproportionately. They’ve considered loose affiliations between friends to be “gangs” before. This ain’t new but it’s still tragic.
This American nightmare would all be over if we had the guts to put every representative of the Republican Party and every person in the Trump/Musk White House and put them all on chartered planes bound for Salvadoran prisons.
There is no reason whatever that couldn’t have been me. I was born in the US. But under the regime’s rules, I could be there in that El Salvadoran prison with no evidence or hearing having been held.

We’re here. No more “risk of,” “heading toward,” “sliding into.” We’re here. Autocracy.
Judging someone to be a terrorist because of what tat they decided to get - uh, first amendment? I can tattoo "I love osama bin laden" on my ass and it's still not illegal.
Cops have been doing this for years to minorities
And it's obviously not equal, right? Like how many dudes with nazi tats has ICE deported? Guessing the number is zero?
Can't deport themselves
unfortunately deporting the secdef is hard
Would be nice if (a) mainstream media picked up these examples and (b) hounded the shit of the administration every day for the next month about the gross human rights violation a d why we should take their word for anything on this subject
The mainstream media has been muzzled by MAGA
They’ve self-muzzled
nepobaby A.G. Sulzberger & his Switcheroo Crew love 83yo Convicted Pedophile Donald Trump and want him to win.
Then I'm in trouble, too, if it takes only a tattooed rose.
Those people are likely no longer living.
Are we sure Trump doesn't get any kickbacks for this horrendous scheme?

Surely, there must be an underage hacker that uses their power for good and could find out?
For the crime of fleeing violence, persecution and extreme poverty, these people are being disappeared, enslaved, and tortured.
Nativism is, at best, a deeply unempathetic ideology, at worst, it is actively cruel and sadistic.

#WTAF ‼️💥
Disgusting and unAmerican by trump’s criminal gang. Arrest and criminally prosecute @tomhoman leader of the criminal rendition gang.
It wasn’t because of the tattoo! That’s just repeating the ICE cover story. It’s all lies.
So I suspect and would love to actually know, if these Salvadoran Hard Labour Prisons are actually For Profit Prisons and if Trump or Vance how shares in these companies that own &/or operate the prisons?
Well, if their asylum claim is strong because they are fleeing Venezuela, alledge they are part of a gang in Venezuela and then ship them off to a prison in El Salvador before any hearing that could expose the lies. With this administration, nothing they say should be accepted as the truth. Monsters
Tattoos seem to be their only standard.
there is one solution.

Jail Pam Bondi, and every other cabinet official involved in this illegal deportation, for contempt---with their release conditioned on the return of all the people who were illegally deported.
This is so wrong. Maybe some were gang members, but others were not. They were prevented from getting a hearing to plead their case. Now they're in a prison from which no one leaves alive. And for what? A lie. Young lives cut short for a lie.
Anyone with brown skin is a target. I’m terrified that my 8 year old adopted granddaughter, who was born in the USA and whose birth father was Colombian, could get swept up in a raid should ICE decide to do snatch and grabs in elementary schools. Seems crazy, but I put nothing past these Nazi goons.
But...but...they were just following orders.
Almost like due process would be important or something
sickening. no one deserves this treatment regardless of their past yet this is even more tragic and horrendous than we could imagine
All of this whilst a real criminal sits in the white house pontificating. Shocking from the us.
If the judge finds they violated his order, can he order them to be returned to US to at least ascertain their status vis a vis gang association.
Even if he did, they've already shown that they're willing to ignore orders they don't like.
When in America -
Do as the Serbians are doing! 🇷🇸
No one should be delusional enough to think that they have any damn idea what they’re doing. And no one should be foolish enough to believe that they care.
And no one should assume they’re safe. We’re on the other side of the question of due process and rights, or judicial orders.
This is why the US federal government believed in due process to protect the innocent. But no more - now Trump and his toadies are destroying the tenets of our constitution.
Some of these people will not be coming back alive. Some will be lost just like trump 1.0 because of the in-house trump Nazi Miller. Homan will ensure more wasteful spending will occur by using military aircraft who should be flying different missions. These are dangerous sociopaths.
El Salvador is going to find troops on their borders if they are too eager to jail their neighbors.
They are savages.
Fuck you Mary Anne for allowing this vile, piece of white dog shit to make his way out of your vagina 78 years ago. Fuck you Ivana for procreating with the obese, limp dick of a c@cksucker and making more monsters. 🖕🏽Donald, worthless pos. #GoJoinMaryAnneandIvana
Fascist Homan used his immoral ICE brownshirts to round up non-crimals! 🤬
El Salvador was paid $6 million dollars to imprison them.
Gang member? We can never know.
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PLEASE! Language is important!
Tom Homan (aka, Rock Head) cannot be trusted.
The men sent to do hard labor in a Salvadoran prison:

- A tattoo artist seeking asylum who entered legally.
- A teen who got a tattoo in Dallas because he thought it looked cool.
- A 26-year-old whose tattoos his wife says are unrelated to a gang.
- A barber whose family says he has no gang ties.
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These are Stalin aera crimes now purpetrated by the #lunaticInChief - not the vision of a great America I can remember or want to see.
#stopTheMadness #saveTheUS
Modern day slavery brought to you by the USA. 🤬
Canadian member of a venezuelan Gang according to ICE
US Citizen member of a venezuelan gang according to ICE
British member of a venezuelan Gang according to ICE
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Doesn't Hegseth have a questionable tattoo? Maybe he should go to the Salvadoran prison.
It was never about being in a gang. Ever.
We are told that you can't read into anything from Hegseth's tattoos, but the government can deem you a criminal if you have a certain tattoo.
From z fox on tik tok
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It's not even "certain" tattoos. Any tattoo is enough. You could have a Winnie the Pooh and I'll bet they can make it work. No one gets to review their decisions
Yeah these are the guys they show you to make you think anyone who looks at all like them is them. I swear to god you guys think the left thinks everything is all rainbows and puppies. I know what humans do to each other, better than you do. If this is who it is,they shouldn't be afraid to show them
I was posting the proof of your point. Look again at the neck tattoo.
A rose tattoo is enough
These people are not just getting deported. You are devoid of humanity. I hope you get help with that
I think that Karen was agreeing with you.
Yeah, think u kinda misread that one and went off on someone in agreement.

They're saying that even an innocuous rose is considered evil somehow by this regime.

Be sure to save your rage for those who actually deserve it and not alienate allies.
They’re being kidnapped.
Apparently so is a clock designating when a man's child was born.

This regime is absolute scum. #resist
Jezus, it's really called the "Alien Enemies Act"? That's pretty blatant dehumanization.
They weren’t really concerned with such things in 1798.
It could have been repealed at any point since, but it wasn’t. This is America, it fucking sucks
It's also from the 1700s and the only surviving part of the Alien and Sedition acts. And no matter what Republicans think, we aren't in a declared war with Venezuela or being invaded by them, so it doesn't apply here.
I totally get the impulse to disprove the Trump thesis that these are dangerous "terrorists," but even if they were, they should be afforded due process AND SHOULD NOT BE INCARCERATED IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY, ala the Nazis.

Too, Trump has never done anything to lead anyone to believe a word he says.
Well put
This is slavery.
It's genocide
it’s not useful to call everything genocide, except if you want to make this term completely meaningless
The facts of these specific deportations should be introduced to the court. The ACLU appears more competent than the DOJ; they know who they represent. The DOJ won't or can't identify who they deported; bravo to the Judge for calling them out.
The only possible effective response to a government that takes actions like this is to defend yourself using whatever force is necessary
It's simple they are brown and have tattoos. This racist administration decided that, it makes you a gang member. Project 2025 in action ugh.
That's just the flimsy justification this round...soon they won't even both with that.
That’s how our gang databases have always worked. I’m glad you’re outraged about this, but it would be great if you could expand that outrage stateside.

(This probably sounds snarky. It’s not meant to be. I’m exhausted.)
I try my best to do as much as possible,but I have a 4yr old with autism that requires my attention 24/7.
It’s not your fault, most white people don’t know. Though, for the sake of your kiddo, you should take the time to look into police and disability, especially autism.

Not trying to scare you, I just want you to be prepared. Take care of your little one.
I am Hispanic so I know how it is. Also I have educationed myself about the police and such. I have read a lot of about things.
Irreparable harms are piling up with horrifying speed
"Justices" Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh definitely don't give a shit. CJ Roberts? Maybe not...
i don't think roberts cares either. these men deserve to sit on tacks for the rest of their lives
This is a human slave trade and our tax dollars paid for it.
The hypocrisy of them calling foul on people judging the Nazi tattoos the Fox host and now using tattoos to justify sending people to concentration camps. Absolutely disgusting fascists.
All of this while the Secretary of Defense looks like he just got out of an Aryan prison gang. 🤬
Period 🤯
Humans have human rights. And anyone subject to the jurisdiction of the United States has legal rights. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a gang. This ‘crisis’ is invented.
2 Canadian women
1 German woman
1 Professor and kidney implant surgeon
1 US veteran
1000s of innocent people
1 ex-convict who is a US citizen and had served his sentence in his previous country.
1 Canadian musician and composer who was to appear at Carnegie.
I can guarantee that at least some of the ICE officers involved in their deportation and removal were much more heavily tattooed, and with tattoos that were traditionally associated with criminals and gangs.

Source: an ex became an ICE officer.
So I guess the national security secret is that many of these folks were not members of TdA. Would explain why the govt doesn’t want to talk about it
That and the fact that the plane left “international waters,” landed at US base and then proceeded to El Salvador.
Send Steven Miller and JD Vance there.
Didn’t the self proclaimed cool dictator claim he’d only accept convicted criminals?
This is downright sickening. What a fucking country.
They want their mistakes broadcast large. Terrorize all immigrants. It's not like they'll have to fix it. There's still kids orphaned by Shitler and Kirstjen Nielsen ( where is she anyway? POS monster), that apparently nobody gives a shit about. Shithole people. Maghat Hell hungrily awaits them.
This is an utter nightmare. Enforced disappearance is a crime under the Rome statute, which El Salvador is bound to. Any signatory nation needs to make the criminal referral to the ICC, and DO IT NOW. Bukele, Rubio, Bondi, Homan et al. need to be in the Hague for this shit.
Even if there is little chance of the Hague successfully prosecuting these people, there's got to be way for other countries to punish El Salvador economically for taking part in this.
To start, we can all stop buying things with tags "Made in El Salvador." One of their biggest exports is knits like T-shirts and underwear, including brands: Gap, Jerzees, Hanes, J.C. Penny, Walmart, Levis, Eddie Bauer, and Champion. Read the tag!
Looks like Mexico and Canada together make up about 5% of its export market. That's a place to start.
Under the American Servicemembers Protection Act of 2002, colloquially known as the "Hague Invasion Act", the US will respond to any attempt by the ICC to apprehend and prosecute its officials as an act of war and respond accordingly.

It retained bipartisan support as recently as last year.
The US already declared war on Canada essentially, and certainly on all peaceable and democratic principles.
They sure as hell did, and it's fucking embarrassing for me to be an American right now. I did not vote for this shitshow.
I'd take it as a challenge. The only people who don't want to be under the jurisdiction of the same laws of war that were used to try the Nazis are likely Nazis or collaborators.
The total disregard to our laws and due process has lead us to this nightmare. The innocent will suffer as we loose our way.
Refer them to @aclu. They’re working yo get them back.
They forgot someone
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Does this guy shave himself like that, or does he naturally have a chest moustache?
Definitely a gender affirming waxing fail.
Who would Jesus torture Christians?! Random flock.
Everyone involved in this, from the actual thugs who kidnapped and de-citizened these people, to elon and trump who ordered this, must face the most extreme punishments our society can inflict if the world is going to heal
Reminder that it was Trump in his first term that invited Venezuelans to America under TPP in his first term. He has recently blamed Biden for this and called it illegal.
Meanwhile the sec of defence has white power tattoos
Period 🤯
And firearm tattoos. He literally has "gang tattoos"
Yep but never pointed out on main news as too cowered
Ship him off. Bet his toughness would disappear down there.
Dems can't even pass an impeachment bill in the House right now, but if Florida's 1st or 6th CD flip APRIL 1 it would be a lot closer.
Both are heavily R, but spamming voters w
"Republicans want to take your Social Security!"
"And Your Medicare/Medicaid!!"
MIGHT flip it?
Trump's America. Nice job #MAGA
Tattoo of a swastika, fine. Tattoo of a rose.. You are dragged away and disappeared..
Well, anyone that know the history of Nazism knows a white rose is very dangerous to the movement those connected to it must die.
I'm a 61 yo white woman who was born in Indiana. I have 1 small tattoo I got when I was 27. It's a small rose. Should I assume I could be deported as a gang member or does my whiteness protect me? We shouldn't even have to wonder!
How do we get them back? Or at least out?
We don't. They're gone. 🥺 No different than Pinochet disappearances or any other dictatorship. No one with any power in this regime will admit to wrong-doing. If we're ever lucky enough to get someone in power who WILL fight for them, it will be far too late.
Rest of the world could & should sanction the hell out of El-Salvador.

Also an odd litmus-test for anyone, any organisation, wanting to sanction Israel....
(with the subtlety/nuance of such rganisations protesting spontaneously, starting all by themselves, or only after public pressure)
Terrible. Just heartbreaking
Might be a good time to revisit Sect. Hegseth’s tattoos.
The mother bigots perpetrate evil.
This is just so wrong.
That’s why Democrats need to stop being afraid to argue on this issue. Because, when it comes to due process, every American would want that. No more congressional speeches in the well, it’s time to join the people in the streets.
But, but, but, Trump said ...

Kind of like "The emails ".
Can we get them back?
We are fighting for democracy.

We are fighting for the rule of law.

We are fighting for due process.

We are fighting for the restoration of facts over baseless speculation.
If you don't act and appear "normal", it seems that there is a good chance you could get deported ....

So how come Elon Musk is not on one of those planes?
Enslaved, by a government run by an apartheid nepo baby.
None of this matters to the MAGAs. They are cheering because Trump is getting rid of the brown and black people they hate.
I don’t know about you, but I feel so much safer today than I did a few days ago.
Now we can lock up anyone with a Hell’s Angels tattoo 👍🏼
This is so horrible, their lives are going to be ruined they’re gonna be harmed for what! This is beyond upsetting. I am so disgusted, where are people’s compassion I sure as hell hope everybody involved in this situation gets what’s coming to them?
The Christian Nationalists are now spouting propaganda that “empathy is a sin” for fear that their sheep will see other people as human beings and extend them compassion. The sickness runs deep.
A lot of cops have tattoos
So, just round up the usual suspects ?
We fucking knew it. They didn’t know or care who they shipped off. It was just a photo op for them to look tough.
Apparently nothing but Ink Profiling
This is horrifying!!! How can we even get them back?! How?!
How much is DOGE and the government going to lose on these cases alone?
This selection approach sure seems like a frightening precursor to the US adopting Israel’s “Lavender” type model 😏
Bring them home we have due process laws that protect ALL people
Almost like the tattoos aren't the real reason they were rounded up
Innocence was irrelevant, Trump wanted cruelty on TV for great viewing numbers.
Yup, the MAGAts are cheering him on.
The Secretary of Defense has Nazi tattoos
thats the point, he is on their team
Exactly. Conservatism is about protecting an in-group at the expensive of an out-group. Which is why "hypocrisy" is ineffective as an accusation. In fact, doing things that they forbid other people to do is a power flex.
This is awful
They shaved their heads like the Nazis did. Anyone notice that?
To all those guys in college who gave me crap for not wanting to get any tattoos, suck it! ¡Disfruta El Salvador!
If the government has any actual evidence against these people they would have shown it by now but they don’t so they can’t.

I’m starting to see a pattern.
it seems they have soecifically honed in on a rose tattoo being a gang symbol. Roses. one of the most common motifs in tattoos.
Rubio already said they would send Americans to this hellhole.
This is all so beyond my understanding of morality. Being sent to another country to do hard labor? How do you even gain restitution in this scenario? Who do you even get help from, and who do you hold accountable? It's horrifying
The people who sent them there are psychopath criminals
But Pete Hegseth’s tattoos are totally okay
the tatoos don't really matter because they can come up with any bs claim they want. they will make up some arbitrary legal violation and before that can be adressed in front of a court you are gone, disappeared in the system or even already out of the country.
At least one of the men was fleeing persecution in Venezuela for being gay, and his tattoos were religious symbols.
So are these people being deported? Why are they being made to do hard labour? What does deportation have to do with hard labour?
It has to do with evil corruption...
The United States Government is paying El Salvador 6 million dollars to hold them at CECOT a detention center built in 2023 that can house 40,000 detainees. Horrific conditions.
The El Salvadoran President said those sent from America would help make the prison system self sufficient through "zero idleness program". Unclear if he means through us paying 6 million. It seems in CECOT they don't work. 23.5 hours in cells with around 80 people and just 4 tier metal bunks
It seems other El Salvadoran prisons have zero idleness work programs. Everything I have read says CECOT, where the American detainees were sent, only leave the cells holding about 80 for 30 minutes a day. Unless sent to solitary which is a concrete cell pitch black w/ small hole in ceiling
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6.5 square feet per person. 2 toilets per cell. 2 water basins. Eat with hands. No outdoors ever. Lights on 24/7. No outside visitation or communication ever
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We must resist and end this. If we don’t, any of us could be next.
Regarding the man detained on the basis of his gang tattoos despite insisting he was not a gang member but a gay artist with tattoos symbolic of that, it struck me that his claim to be gay likely *increased* the odds he'd be detained. Not to mention the chances he'll be badly mistreated in custody.
These guys learned about tattoo stigma the hard way:
So let me get this right they are sending people who have tattoos because they think they might be in gangs to prison camps in Salvador. Who knew having a tattoo was so dangerous
F#ck!! There will be a reckoning for all involved in implementing these illegal unconstitutional draconian executive orders . ‘Just following orders’ is not justification for engaging in unconstitutional, illegal, cruelty, lies, and plain ignorance
This administration doesn't care about accuracy and it sure as hell doesn't care about people. All it cares about are optics and power. Let's keep revealing the human price of those optics and drive it out of power.
even if these were people who did every horrible crime the Trump administration was accusing them of, sending them to the inhumane El Salvador prison system would still be wrong.
The 8th Amendment applies to everyone under US Jurisdiction, regardless of their crimes or immigration status.
This is why all are afforded due process within the borders of the US. Citizen or not, we all have the same rights under the constitution.
Well... We're supposed to.
Doesn’t look like it in reality
The constitution was written and signed by guys who committed genocide and enslaved people. Hope that helps.
The Constitution was written by colonizers and today's administration can't even measure up to those colonizers. It's worth noting. We're not asking for Jesus here. It's a really low bar and they crashed right through it like a train through a tesla. Repeatedly.
Slavery and genocide are a low bar and they went lower? Explain
Constitution was written with a broad constituency in mind—now nobody is safe. They're going to genocide everyone that is not themselves. They'll enslave anyone who will serve better as labor than as a free citizen. They deport/abuse those similar to "them" just to prove they are not "them" anymore.
It does not help anyone.
What’s it like being friendless
RME at the replies you're getting.
Me too lmao. Followed you. 🥲
No doubt. The constitution is a flawed document from flawed people (who isn’t?).

Feel free to suggest a better form of governance than a constitutional republic democracy.

Until then, realize that the US constitution is the best you’re ever going to get in your lifetime and act accordingly.
And yes “ a more perfect union” exists, but only through the confines of democracy and through its citizens decisions.

Throwing away democracy because the framers were imperfect men is an idiots goal.
Due process for all has never been a reality in this country. The constitution has never been inclusive.

Asking “who isn’t flawed?” About the guys who did SLAVERY AND GENOCIDE is…a telling choice.

A better form of governance would actually benefit everyone, not just the ultra rich.
Thanks for defending the disappearing of Latino men to torture dungeons
Pete Hegseth has white supremest tattoo. Um, hello ICE. I’d like you to treat Petie (🥃🥂🍷🍺) the same as above citizen. 🔥
Those don't matter. But he does have a "firearm" tattoo, which legitimately would make him a target. If he wasn't white.
I beg to differ. Those do matter. White Supremest tattoos are white boys “gang” tattoos. IMO 🔥😘
*Don't matter in terms of being eligible for deportations by Trump
If tattoos on Venezuelans are proof of gang membership, Major League Baseball is about to be decimated.
Let’s send Trump Aand Elon to this prison
And Vance and Johnson!! Hurry!!! I’ve dug up a ton of examples of just how wild the and honestly, probably illegal this tattoo profiling is. The samples that apparently the DHS handed out were all legit Tattoos from people in the UK and other areas. Not a single one was VZ. There pulled off of IG pages
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So it sounds like they’re just rounding up any brown skin dude with any tattoo unrelated to any gangs at all. Super racist!
That was always the plan...
I attended your webinar this morning on the new requirement for undocumented immigrants to “register” with DHS. Lots of information clearly presented and well-organized. Thank you!
It's a lot easier to make someone a "terrorist" when you don't have to prove it.

Ask George Takei, they might even decide children are a threat.
Another sad day for America and a terrible day for these individuals and their families
i mean. Peter Hegseth has a white supremacist tattoo, and he got promoted to run the military.
Yeah, but it’s a white tattoo
That’s exactly why he was promoted.
don't trust tom homan

if you see him anywhere or any of his ice people
please post it
Just dropping some free advertising here in case it saves someone’s life: I used Dermablend Professional waterproof makeup to cover our tattoos for shows. Works well.
If they can do this to non citizens who have the same rights under our constitution, they can do this to you. We now have a government that disappears people in mass and sends them to labor camps.
They've already done to it to citizens.
This is what dictators do.
Death to fascists.
Meanwhile, festooned with White Christian Nationalist tattoos, Pete Hegseth is confirmed as Secretary of Defense.
And there's a rapist in the Oval Office
And the Tates were flown to Florida and Mar a lago ....
Trump only yesterday hosted Conor Mcgregor, another guy found liable for rape and described him as his favourite Irishman. 🤮
Unfortunately, l caught his waffle. Something about US is Ireland's big bro and needs to look after Ireland 🤦🏻‍♀️
in our eyes that might be a contradiction, in theirs it is not. they dont see that kind of affiliation as problematic, on the contrary. it shows dedication to the cause.
Nazi's gonna do nazi thing!
Seems like Trump’s storm troopers are rounding up anyone who looks like they might be of Hispanic origins and deporting them without any research or proof … and falsely declaring them to be terrorists or gang members.
I was afraid of this. Even gang members are entitled to due process. But DHS agencies wouldn’t have enough information even to ascertain gang affiliation. It looks like they collected bodies to make a number, then had them shipped off to a Salvadoran concentration camp.
Not to sound glib, but I really think there's a large cohort of this administration that believes if you've come to the US from a Latin American country you're in a gang. All evidence to the contrary being a lie. If you're not, then why haven't you stayed in your home country?

This Admin is nuts.
Wow, was there ANY criminals involved at all?

26 is coming
If tats are the litmus test, at least half the under-40 adult population is going to get deported.
If only we had a constitution to ensure due process or something.
Oh. So tattoos are now “proof” of gang membership in MAGAworld?
Pam Bondi and DOJ show your work or shut the fuck up forever.
Pam Bondi enabled not only fraud, but child trafficking schemes—so don't count on her defending adult trafficking~ She's there because she can be bought out for cheap.
it's Stephen Fucking Miller that's the fucker behind this
Also miller is a FREAK!!!!!
Also project 2025. The original drafter of project 2025 was interviewed and he was happy as a clam at how Trump was literally checking each box off. He also said that they intend to replace as many judges as they can to eventually have any lawsuit against Trump world die….
Without due process, this could happen to anyone. There was no proof of who these people are. People are being accused of being terrorists, and sent to a prison that is known for torture in a country that they are not from in defiance of a court order. Without fascism, accused does not equal guilty
At the very least, state AGs should arrest and prosecute that Homan guy for kidnapping.
He doesn’t have immunity.
All these tattoos, can we deport hegseth?
So morons
Those men must be so scared. And their families.
I guess it’s close to impossible to get somebody out of bukele's gulag?
This is going to turn into a terrorist factory….
Certain tattoos land you in a foreign gulag, others land you the Sec Def job.
So, they are saying they didn't do it? Surprise
Pointing fingers
Adding a source for the barber story mentioned above.
is the press able to demand the government release their names?
I believe the Judge will demand it.
They are able but not willing.
you mean tattoos like these? How come he isnt deported too?
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Tren de Aragua and the Klan are different organisations, therefore their members prefer different tattoos.
That’s why Democrats need to stop being afraid to argue on this issue. Because, when it comes to due process, every American would want that. No more congressional speeches in the well, it’s time to join the people in the streets.
Have you seen anything about the folks who were on the plane that landed in Honduras? Are they also imprisoned?
The three planes landed briefly in Honduras then continued on to El Salvador
This article details when and where they went
I am losing my mind. I read this and say, "Of course they are not criminals." No surprise any more.