Democrats will often look at something that doesn’t poll well and think “oh no, better move away from that!” but they’re getting their role backwards. parties influence public opinion. if you’re purely reactive, you’re just letting the GOP frame every debate.
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the lesson of the election isn’t “we should give up on trans rights,” it’s that the GOP took an issue that negatively impacted almost no one and made it a headliner. why would it help to surrender on an issue if they can create a grievance from thin air?
As if you have a belief structure, your policy goals come from that, and then your challenge is “how do I get buy-in?”
Democrats have the goal of “winning” but without any actual views
Shouldn’t we just be pointing out that they’re trying to distract people from the real culprits? (them)
If he only he wasn’t a huge part of that fucking problem.
Dems are ALWAYS playing defense.
The one exception was the glorious two-week period when we went on offense and called them weirdos and had em on their heels
We all know how that ended
Dems should obviously not abandon their principles because one of their principles polls 49-51.
However fighting for a fringe activist policy that is 20 points underwater and is ultimately not that important is dumb and should be avoided at all costs.
Understanding nothing, they can be persuaded by the heads in the TV to believe anything.
R’s flooded the airways with images of…brown people(?) coming to the U.S.
basically a non issue, but they made it one.
So, you’re right.
Why are dems not embracing popular polling?
It’s like they’re allergic to winning.
I know that will be a hard thing for some of them, but maybe they could try it.
He sent the 101st Airborne to escort the Little Rock 9. The man was not fucking around.
To which Eisenhower basically responded "Did I fucking stutter?" and both took control of the guard and sent a thousand Screaming Eagles as insurance.
They just roll over and show Republicans their belly, just like the donors want them to.
Repubs - "Lol, thanks. We win."
Democrats can't maintain a political narrative for 5 minutes.
The issue literally popped up overnight because they know how to DO this
To wit, trans people in bathrooms has caused zero people harm. Zero.
abortion, gay marriage, etc. didn't always have large public support, and didn't get that way by magic
That should have been met head-on somehow and neutralized.
It’s not inspiring. It’s spineless.