I salute the many Deans who signed this statement.
At the same time, as a law professor I am embarrassed by the unwillingness of so many others, especially most of those at the top of the usual ranking lists, to join what strikes me as roughly the bare minimum of what should be collectively said.
At the same time, as a law professor I am embarrassed by the unwillingness of so many others, especially most of those at the top of the usual ranking lists, to join what strikes me as roughly the bare minimum of what should be collectively said.
Reposted from
UC Berkeley Law
Dean Chemerinsky and other #lawschool deans "speak as legal educators, responsible for training the next generation of lawyers, in condemning any government efforts to punish lawyers or their firms based on the identity of their clients or for their zealous lawful and ethical advocacy."
Yes, I am embarrassed.
What exactly is the hold up here? I get Columbia, as they already went full Marshall Petain on this, but NYU? https://www.brennancenter.org/
there are balls on a belle
and then there is the legal profession
Thinking of his reply to Interim Ed.
I will go look for it and share it, in case you haven't seen it.
I hope that prospective students who care about the rule of law will consider the choices of the Deans of these institutions as they decide where to enroll.
That said, I recognize, and so noted, Michigan's interim situation.
I'd argue Michigan has a greater responsibility to sign because it would be more exceptional
Enjoy your fellowship, ISP has lots to recommend it.