What if people stopped working for him? This goes beyond merely hating your boss, he's a fucking Nazi!
If the majority of his employees quit, and people refused to work for him, he'll crumble faster than if people just boycot
all of his products.
Consider that if the Tesla board somehow could get their heads screwed on straight and fire Musk, many of the employees would still make it a decent company helping to reduce carbon emissions. As it stands, we have no choice to but to do our best to tank the stock to fight tyranny.
It’s frustrating when a company with so much potential to drive positive change is held back by leadership decisions. If Tesla’s board were to step up and replace Musk, it could refocus the company on its core mission of sustainability.
The issue with this is he still holds an ungodly amount of stock. Doesn’t really matter what they do, buying Tesla or anything else relating to Musk is directly supporting Nazism. Millions died horribly because of these fucks, it’s not a huge sacrifice to just boycott them completely
Exactly. As long as he holds that much stock and control, any investment in Tesla is still lining his pockets. People act like avoiding Tesla is some massive hardship, but given what’s at stake, it’s really not!
I agree the board needs to kick him off. There are rights of the minority stockholders. I belief they need to own 20% not sure if that one shareholder or a group made up of 20% ownership or more? Kick him off the board. Get the two guys who developed Tesla back on the board.
“Minority shareholders can vote on significant matters like electing the board of directors, approving mergers, and amending the certificate of incorporation.”
❤️ it would be too bad if tesla showroom employees all quiet quit on the same day. Started bringing their kids to work. Had day-long pot lucks. Got caught up on their reading. Made the most of their health insurance. Went to every sketchy games site, clicked on every ad, sat back to wait.
why isn’t no mention nor any press on any networks showing any of these protests that occurred today nationally? ‘Not my President’ protests on President day
It is imperative that if you work someone or a company that is evil to stop doing that as I had hoped that more people would have learned when studying WWII.
Yeah, I think that's accurate, but I have succeeded in convincing a few people to leave the fossil fuel industry over the past few decades, but I failed on far more attempts than I succeeded.
IF you have a boss. I once worked for a “team” of 4 sometimes 5 people. Never again. Communication nightmare AND they could all gang up on you if they wanted.
I taught a class about Soviet propaganda once and the first class I said: "it's spelled BOUR GEO ISIE but if you just write BGZ on your quizzes I'll get it."
Noooooo they are cruel employers they work you to the bone here and they won’t let you take bathroom breaks for more than three minutes and if you break that three minutes, you can get fired. They don’t allow women extra time just in case they have to change a tampon or maxi pad.
If they hate him too they need to start doing some action to show it. I wanna see straight up corporate sabatoge with servers wiped and parts mysteriously getting damaged by the box-ton. They're in prime position to upend this Clown.
Apparently they took the printed sign, used hidden printer dots to identify the user that did it.
It was printed by a worker named "Null, Null" who is 150 years old. Man, you can't get away with stuff anymore thanks to Tesla's digital super sleuths.
American businesses in particular manage for the short term, not to do what is best for business but for what makes shareholders happy-money. Our culture puts way too much value on monetary gain alone as an indicator of "success".
An old friend of a friend was telling us at a dinner party back about a decade ago about how much she hated Elon. She worked for Space X at the time and mentioned how much she and her other coworkers thought he was a complete doucheburger. Feels bad for whoever put that sign there
musk could care less about tesla. He has enough money to support himself & kids for dozens of lifetimes! Who is hurt- companies that supply the parts to build Teslas! Workers who build them. Sales people who sell them. Mechanics, body & fender workers who keep them running! Always us who get screwed
Speaking out from within any organization, especially in tech or government, takes immense courage. Collective action is so important,it not only amplifies individual voices but creates a safer environment for those who might otherwise feel isolated or vulnerable.
You just know that petty SOB is going to try to find out whose computer sent that print job and fire them. Hope it was a communal desktop with no login needed.
You are a hero, I thought it looked too square with the picture and not with the window frame. Was convinced it was photoshopped.
Fuck Elon, don't buy from Nazis!
The angle was all that mattered. I was convinced it was fake because someone would have had to put it on the window at an angle for it to be square in the first photo.
Was sure no one in their right mind would have done that =) says more about me than anything else. I need help =)
Reminds me of being at the protest at the 2001 Bush inauguration. Someone in the presidential motorcade gave us a big thumbs up out of the window of one of the buses (along with many others displaying a different digit) and we wondered whether we should be organizing some kind of hostage rescue.
You don't know anything about the circumstances of the person (presuming this is real).
They could be white-anting the place.
They could have dependents and unable to quit just now.
They may have quit and left the sign on the way out.
They may have the visa situation and be unable to quit.
Well, easier said than done. Some people have kids and mortgages.
Why do you think they don’t want women to have reproductive rights? So they can restrict their freedom. You can’t just quit in a whim and couch surf when you have 2 kids and a dog.
This is why Tesla needs to oust him ASAP. He doesn't give a sht about the company or its workers, it's just another stepping stone to make his ego bigger.
I know his brother is on it, but it's mostly friends. And the kind of friends he has are fairweather, I'd wager - keen to throw him to the wolves when he starts fckin up their bottom line, which I'd say he is by ignoring the company, doing nazi salutes on live TV, and playing Mr. President.
i want one of the old small ford rangers in electrical car mode. or Tacomas before they grew so huge. i don’t know how anyone considered the cyber turd a truck.
I had an awesome red Ford Ranger with an extended cab and a shell. Manual transmission. That truck was a beast. I miss the hell out of that thing. Now I drive an Explorer. It's not the same. (And it's not manual, so... yeah.)
Tens of thousands took to the streets!
"Not My King"
Rallies and 50501 protests.
Standing against tyranny!
Holding their signs high!
Refusing to hide!
That is true courage!
Thi is TRUE patriotism!
This fight isn’t over.
Stay loud.
Stay strong.
More to come!
Those employees maybe, just maybe, have kids to feed
...gee, I wonder why the "conservatives" push for high birth rates, it's almost as if having kids to provide for neutered one's ability to effectively protest
Screw Tesla but other than owning it, musk doesn’t give a damn about that company anymore. His interest shifted to Twitter and then doge and if it burned down tomorow he’d shrug.
If the majority of his employees quit, and people refused to work for him, he'll crumble faster than if people just boycot
all of his products.
All of us.
i don't think i could stomach it but i do get that if yr trying to keep food in the fridge...
but the vast majority of americans aren't working for a neonazi (thankfully, also self-included)
9 out of 20 workers don’t like their bosses.
55% rank their boss as "excellent/very good", an additional 26% rank them as good. That leaves 20% for fair/poor
id be fine putting elon in it either way just saying
It was printed by a worker named "Null, Null" who is 150 years old. Man, you can't get away with stuff anymore thanks to Tesla's digital super sleuths.
Pull the fire alarm
Stuff the toilets
Spill your coffee
Forget your password
Slow down meetings
Get the form in triplicate
Printer jam
Slow them down.
There are a million little things you can do to slow them down.
Punk Rock
The work continues
Nell Minow about Musk abandoning Tesla.
Tanking Tesla's stock would not destroy Musk's
massive wealth, but could set him on the path
to ruin.
Hint. Hint.
Oh damn! 😮
#Protest50501 #TeslaTakedown #SanFrancisco
Fuck Elon, don't buy from Nazis!
I feel for the staff, it must be brutal to wake up one day and be associated with Nazis through no fault of their own.
Much love
Was sure no one in their right mind would have done that =) says more about me than anything else. I need help =)
All locations are owned and operated by Tesla itself, not by independent dealers.
They could be white-anting the place.
They could have dependents and unable to quit just now.
They may have quit and left the sign on the way out.
They may have the visa situation and be unable to quit.
Why do you think they don’t want women to have reproductive rights? So they can restrict their freedom. You can’t just quit in a whim and couch surf when you have 2 kids and a dog.
Wonder about the same here.
“the factory production floor was a “hotbed of racist behavior.”
Has it been turned into a technical?
Hilux - This truck is the Shit.
Cybertruck - Shit truck.
Boomers like me want more music and longer videos!!
Vive le resistance!
"Not My King"
Rallies and 50501 protests.
Standing against tyranny!
Holding their signs high!
Refusing to hide!
That is true courage!
Thi is TRUE patriotism!
This fight isn’t over.
Stay loud.
Stay strong.
More to come!
💙 SHARE this post 💙
But what 1930's Germany showed is that everyone that is a piece of the machinery also shares a responsibility.
...gee, I wonder why the "conservatives" push for high birth rates, it's almost as if having kids to provide for neutered one's ability to effectively protest