I’ve really flipped on “tech won’t save us” because it seems to have gone from correctly noting that you can’t solve the collective action or principle-agent problems with apps to being resistant to ever admitting that technological change could change the underlying constraints of specific problems
A digital union so to speak…
actually useful tech doesn't purport to do more than solve the problem it's been designed to solve.
ok there can be more uses, not my point
A book is a technology.
Education(al process) is a technology (actually more like, a whole bunch of em)
So if one wants to say something like "we need to Edumagate the Massis" that means they want to solve the problem with technology
Ito calculus. Too many randos out there with opinions about diffusion models and whatnot.
Solar energy? Not tech. Candy Crush? tech.
What techno-pessimists are really complaining about is the management of technology.
“All the greatest minds of my generation have been hired to sell ads on social media.” - that kind of thing.
It has almost nothing to do with technology and a lot to do with making easy money fast.
Got a new scalable web service? Funded!
Got a new FEA/CFD/CAD/CAM approach? Tiny market, don’t care!
I will admit I liked him when he was just the Tesla & SpaceX guy. Not so much now.
(I have friends who worked closely for him about a decade ago)
Etc etc etc
Double Entry Accounting is SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS old. Adam Smith wrote "read, write and ACCOUNT" multiple times in Wealth of Nations.
Where have economists been advocating mandatory accounting in the schools?
Tech getting us most(?) of the way there blows up their ridiculous idea. Turns out they'll deny reality rather than abandon their plan
(And I strongly believe technozealot is a more accurate descriptor than techno-optimist)
Is it solving a problem? If so, is it solving my problem? Is adopting it creating a problem where there was none?