The thing about "we should have caved on trans rights" and "we lost because of Latinx" isn't just that they're wrong—although yes, both are horrifically wrong. It's that even if they were right, they'd be irrelevant to defeating the Trumpist attack on democracy and the federal administrative state.
Its not about "caving", its about not catering your messaging and policy points to tiny fraction of the voting base. Addressing these issue with tiny support bases makes the larger majority of folks feel like you don't care about them.
Trump pushed immigration, inflation and ending "woke" policies, what exactly were Harris's Top 3 issues? I got reproductive rights, but after that....? Its like 12 different things...
No, a Trump campaign ad is not an example no matter how 'true it feels'.
We have an under-educated electorate and limited chances to tell them what you can't be everything
Nobody let go of anyone's hand. I still fight for your rights.
Had the party focused on fiscal, not social, issues, he'd likely be much safer...
I get that’s not a fair choice, but it’s time to wake up to that reality
Also Pritzker can afford a few stadiums' worth of astroturf.
Feels like war, but we never heard any shots.
Is that our flag?
Friendly fire? False flag? Collateral dumbshits?
No man's land or wilderness of one-way mirrors?
HOW do we fight against the right-wing disinformation machine? We are in the streets protesting. We're at Tesla dealerships. We're screaming till we're hoarse. But the Dem politicians are SILENT COMPLICIT IDIOTS, and the media is ignoring us.
My idiot Republican neighbors refuse to vaccinate their kids (ever since Covid) -- and the wife of the couple is a nurse!
Another neighbor has medical bills he can't pay -- but he blames Biden and Obama for this.
You keep pretending there is a meaningful difference between "the Trump base" and other Republican voters.
So tell me how we un-brainwash them and get them to see what we're fighting for. Seriously.
Keep going.
Also start flooding Dems with open letters (see mine attached) and beg them to do something.
Go to THEIR townhalls and make them listen.
All mail to DNC politicians goes to a Patriot-Act era clearing house, to be scanned for "Bad Things™" and they won't get it for 30 days or more.
I ask
what, specifically, do you want them to do ?
remember, many Dems are elected from reddish districts; ie why some voted to censure Green
also, the GOP hasn't voted down the filibuster
think about that before you answer
I 100% disagree with you.
While you can always talk with people and genuinely try to figure out why they believe, don't think you can convert them. Most of them are lost.
And please, show the Dem consultants the door. They have demonstrably ruined the party.
The first fight is to do an Augean Stables on the Democratic party and establish a policy floor for Democratic candidates in the next congress.
The culture war uber alles.
They don't care about voting for their best interests because the culture war matters more. They are all Trumpists and bigots.
You can try but it's a Sisyphean task.
MAGA are a lost cause
Because, again, my position is that ideological conservatives of the kind you're describing represent a minority of the American electorate. They're not swing voters.
As a former conservative I have lived this life. It ain't happening.
I loved calling Trumpers weird. We need fighters who can also govern.
It would make them hugely popular and attract tons of donations.
Someone has to go for it soon.
It would also probably encourage others to follow suit.
1. light a fire under the asses of leadership
2. show the hunger the base has for “fight”
3. move public opinion faster
4. make even the most cynical scared about losing fundraising dollars to “fight”ers
- connections to the activist base, organized labor & (although faded), the national party
- committed to DEI + willing & able to defend
He's no Eugene Debs, but someone like Tim Walz is positioned to build a fighters' coalition.
DNC and DCCC and DSCC shouldn't be off the hook.
Are they recruiting primary challengers for Green, Crockett, AOC et al.? Or are they backing them up as their re-election campaigns get off the ground?
Stomp your feet. Hold your breath. Organize a mob. Be a dick.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the ONE.